Riley's Rescue: Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls

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Riley's Rescue: Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls Page 22

by Erin Osborne

  “Yeah. Let’s just tell Shelby good night and head out,” she says, trying to hide the yawn that escapes.

  Heading over to her parents, we see a sleepy baby girl laying in her dad’s lap. He’s gently rocking her so that she’ll fall asleep. When they see us getting closer, her family stands up so that we can all leave at the same time. I take our daughter from their arms and carry her out to their car. Riley buckles her in the car seat and kisses her goodbye while I stand back and wait for my turn, talking to her dad and mom. Finally, I lean in and kiss my daughter as her eyes flutter shut and she makes her way to dream land.

  “Thank you for everythin’. We’ll see you in the mornin’. You know what to do,” I say, hugging her mom and giving her dad a handshake before leading Riley to my truck. “You ready for the last surprise of the night?”

  “I am. And then I might end up crashing on you. I’m sorry, I didn’t think I would be that tired,” she responds, another yawn making it’s presence known.

  “If you need to sleep, then you sleep. Our baby needs you rested, not exhausted and makin’ yourself sick,” I tell her, heading out of the clubhouse and toward our newest adventure.

  It takes all of twenty minutes to get to the surprise. While I’d love to take my girl away on a honeymoon, that’s just not in the cards right now. There’s club business I have to oversee and her pregnancy won’t allow it. It’s been an easy six months, but I don’t want to take her away from her doctor in case something happens. I’d rather stay here then let something bad happen that endangers her life and the life of our unborn child.

  Pulling into the driveway, I see Riley sit up straighter in her seat to get a better look at where we are. She has no clue that I’ve done this and I can’t wait to see her reaction. I see her rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, even though she only had a small nap, and confusion start to set in. “Where are we babe?” she asks, not wanting to wait until I can get her through the door.

  “You’ll have your answer in a few minutes,” is the only response she gets from me as I shut the truck off and make my way over to her side.

  Opening her door, I help her out and lead her up the short staircase. While I open the door, I block her view of anything. Turning around, I tell her to cover her eyes as I pick her up to carry her over the threshold of our new house. Once we’re in the living room, I set her down and keep a hand on her so that I know she’s stable and steady on her feet. Her mouth has dropped open and I see the tears welling up in her eyes again. I hope those are happy tears and not tears because she hates what she sees so far.

  “You bought this for us?” she asks, looking around the open floor plan of the first floor.

  “I had it built. No one knew about this other than Rage. He was here for the last month putting a rush on the job. Keegan knew he was workin’ but didn’t know he was buildin’ us a house. We agreed that she’s be too tempted to tell you about it and I didn’t want to ruin the surprise,” I tell her, leading her around the first floor before heading upstairs.

  Riley tries to take in every single detail the first time we go through the house. Hell, there’s no way that I can even begin to tell her everything we put in the house. Including the security system Tech, Fox, and Tank worked on installing. It has cameras, motion sensors, and every bell and whistle they make. My family will be very protected when I’m not able to be here with them. The house itself is two-story. There’s a wraparound porch big enough we can sit outside on nice nights and enjoy ourselves. In back there’s a huge yard with a swimming pool surrounded by a huge fence so no little ones can get in while we’re busy with other things. The upstairs has five bedrooms, I may have added an extra one or two in hopes of more kids. We have three bathrooms in the house with a huge master bathroom in our room with a walkin closet.

  “This is amazing! Thank you so much babe,” Riley tells me when we finally make our way to our bedroom.

  “You don’t have to thank me for makin’ sure that our family is comfortable and safe. Plus, there’s a reason we need to move out of the house we’re currently in,” I tell her, letting her know there’s one more part of the surprise. “Your parents are goin’ to be movin’ into it in a week or two.”

  “Are you serious right now?” she asks, her voice relaying her excitement at the prospect of her family being so close to her again.

  “I’m dead serious,” I tell her, grabbing her and pulling her close. “Now kiss your husband.”

  Riley gets serious and leans up a little on her toes so that she can reach me. I don’t want her to stretch so I lean down and make it easier on her. Before I know it, one kiss has turned into a passion that I haven’t felt out of my girl in quite some time. Don’t get me wrong, things are always hot between us, but tonight this is better than before. It’s like knowing that we’re married now has changed something in her. I’ll take every single second of it and not complain one time.

  “Brock, make love to your wife,” she tells me, walking back toward the bed as she begins stripping.

  You don’t have to ask me twice. For the rest of the night, I spend ample time savoring my wife’s body and showing her everything I feel for her without using words. We’re both sated and exhausted by the time sleep claims us.

  Chapter Sixteen


  THE LAST SIX MONTHS HAVE BEEN so busy. Between trying to settle into the new house, working while I still could, taking care of Shelby, and my parents moving here we haven’t had a second to breath. And Gage adopted Shelby so he’s her father in the eyes of the law now too. Tears were shed that day followed by a huge party to celebrate. I’ve had one or two ultrasounds to make sure everything with the baby was okay considering I was working still and Gage went all caveman on me. Our little peanut won’t cooperate at all when it comes to finding out what we’re having. So, we’re going in blind until he or she decides to make their appearance into the world. Which can happen any day now if I’m honest. I’m as big as a freaking house here. And uncomfortable isn’t even the word for what I am most of the time.

  Darcy also had the baby. They had a little girl named Kelleigh Marie and I know that she’s in heaven right now. Crash and Trojan are making really good dads. They’re both so attentive and I know that they are scared as fuck about raising a daughter, but she’s already spoiled like crazy. They had it easy when Axel was born ten months ago, but without really trying, Darcy went and got pregnant again. She’s had to hire someone else to help out in the shop. And a few of the girls from the club have helped out when they can. Everyone is really stepping up and helping out. I think it helps that we treat the club girls better than most clubs do.

  We also celebrated Shelby’s first birthday. She had so much fun and was spoiled by the men from Gage’s club and the Clifton Falls club. Slim’s club wasn’t able to come because they have something going on right now, but they sent a ton of gifts a week ago. We got a ton of pictures, especially when she dived into her cake for the first time. Shelby was covered in pink and purple frosting. It was so cute, but extremely hard to get out of her hair.

  Today, I’m doing absolutely nothing. I haven’t left my bed and Shelby is with my parents and Gage is at work or something. For the first time in I can’t even remember how long I’m totally and completely alone. My phone is on the stand next to me in case I go in to labor, which the doctor did say is possible now. My man is texting me at least every thirty minutes to check in and I don’t know how I’m supposed to get any sleep if I have to answer his messages. Speak of the devil.

  Gage: Just checkin’ to see how you’re doin’ mama

  Me: I’d be doing better if I could get some sleep. Don’t want to scare you so I’m staying up to answer your ‘check in’ messages

  Gage: Sorry beautiful. Get some sleep. Shadow should be at the house in a few minutes. He’s stayin’ downstairs instead of outside so he can hear you when you wake up

  Me: Love you babe. Going to sleep now

  I set my phone on the stand and
make my way to the bathroom so that I can try to get comfortable enough to rest for a little while. As soon as I get in the bathroom and handle my business, I feel a pain in my stomach. I’ve been having them on and off for a few days now, but they’re nothing like what I felt with Shelby so I’m sure it’s just the braxton hicks’ contractions you feel when it’s getting close to that time. This doesn’t make me very confident that I’m going to get any sleep now either. But I’m going to try my hardest to make it happen.

  Climbing back in bed, I use Gage’s pillows to shove under my stomach as I roll to my side. Every once in a while I can get comfortable enough to get a nap in while I’m lying in this position. Thankfully today is no exception to that rule. I feel myself drifting off to sleep after just a few minutes.

  I’m not sure how long it takes before a sharp pain hits and wakes me up out of a dead sleep. It’s the first time I’ve been able to get some for days now. Maybe even weeks. If it’s not the pain that woke me up, it would’ve been my bladder. I have to use the bathroom now and I hope I make it without a wardrobe malfunction. Shutting the door, I waddle to the toilet and go to take my panties off when I feel a gush of fluid escape. It’s running down my legs and I can’t do anything about it as more sharp pains take over my body. I guess the baby decided that now would be a good time to come.

  “Shadow! Please come help me!” I scream out, hoping that he can hear me through the closed doors.

  I go to waddle my ass back over to the bathroom door when more pain hits and I can’t make it more than staggering a few steps. Grabbing on to the bathroom sink so I don’t fall, I bend over and scream out through the pain. Not only am I having this baby, he or she will be coming sooner than I think. If no one hears me in the bathroom, I may have this baby right in our house. After who knows how long, I hear my phone ringing in the other room. If it’s Gage I know he’ll get a hold of Shadow when I don’t answer. This means that he’ll be up knocking on the bedroom door to check on me soon.

  Just as I thought, I hear him at the door, knocking and calling out for me. I let out another scream when more pain wracks my body. Then I vaguely hear the door opening and footsteps running toward the bathroom. Thankfully I didn’t lock the doors so he can come in.

  “Riley, what’s the matter? Are you okay?” he asks, panic lacing his voice with the thought that he’s messed up again.

  “I’m in labor. Please call Gage and get me to the hospital. This baby isn’t waiting,” I tell him, panting between the contractions.

  “Gage is already on the phone. Can you talk to him?” he asks, coming closer so he can help me downstairs and out to the SUV he’s been bringing over lately for this just scenario.

  I reach out my hand for his phone as he wraps an arm around me to keep me upright. “Hey babe,” I say, trying to pretend I’m not in the worst pain I’ve felt in forever. “What’s going on?”

  “Are you kiddin’ me right now? I could hear you screamin’ through the phone beautiful. I’m on my way to the hospital. Shadow will get you there and I’ll be right there,” he tells me, trying to stay calm while I’m on the phone with him.

  “Okay baby. I love you!” I say, handing the phone back while I try to bite back the scream that wants to erupt from me.

  Shadow quickly hangs up and picks me up so that we can get outside as quick as possible. I’m surprised he can lift me up when I feel like I weigh a ton and a half. Once he makes sure I’m secure in the backseat, he flies around the front of the SUV and races like a bat out of hell toward the hospital. If I weren’t in so much pain, I’d be laughing my ass off at the situation. The expression on his face shows me how nervous and panicked right now. I’ve never heard a horn blare as much as he’s using it right now to move cars out of his way without crashing into them and pushing them off the side of the road.

  “Riley, I’m here!” I hear Gage’s voice yell out as Shadow screeches tires into the parking lot.

  He comes to an abrupt stop right outside the hospital doors and my door is flung open by my husband. Gage picks me up out of the SUV, not caring that I’m a complete mess right now. I didn’t get a chance to change my clothes or clean up before Shadow ushered me out of the house. Running through the doors, he starts calling out for help and a whirlwind of activity begins to surround me. My last real coherent thought is being put on a stretcher and being wheeled up to the delivery floor.

  Gage has been by my side the entire time. He’s held my hand, wiped my face and neck, and even yelled at the nurses a time or two. If he thinks that they’re not doing their job, he’s sticking his head out and yelling for them to get their asses in the room with me. I’m trying not to laugh at him, and I really can’t with the pain the contractions are causing, but I can’t help it sometimes. My husband is taking overboard to a whole new level today.

  Before I know it, Doctor Sanchez is in my room and we’re getting ready for me to push our little one into the world. It seems like days have gone by when I’m sure it’s only been a few hours since I woke up and my water broke. I’m exhausted and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to push until the baby is delivered.

  “You got this beautiful. Our baby will be here soon and we’ll be able to see if it’s a boy or girl. I love you so much!” Gage tells me, leaning over to kiss me before the doctor tells me to pull back on my legs and push.

  Everyone in the delivery room is encouraging me and cheering me on when I just want to give up. I’m hardly able to keep my eyes open anymore, but I know I need to for the sake of our child. Gage is the one that makes it possible for me to stay with everyone long enough to hear the first cries of our baby. Looking at my man, I see tears streaming down his face unchecked as he looks between the baby and me. I know he’s going to follow our child wherever he has to go to get cleaned up and put through the testing all babies go through. I’ll be content to take a quick nap and let them bond for a little bit.

  “We have a son,” he suddenly tells me, pride and joy radiating from the man that owns my heart. “Thank you beautiful. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for givin’ me a daughter and now a son.”

  Tears start streaming down my face and I know that our little family is just beginning to grow. I’ll have as many babies with Gage as I can. As many as he wants. Within reason of course, my tired brain reminds me as I fall asleep while I can.


  Riley is still taking a nap while I sit next to her holding our son in my arms. I can’t seem to put him down and let him lay in his bassinet thing. The little guy I’m holding, without a name currently, is so small and precious. The whole time my wife was pregnant, I thought I’d be terrified to hold our baby when they were first born. That’s not the case though. I can’t imagine letting him out of my sight, let alone out of my arms. I know it’s not reasonable and I’ll have to make sure that we’re not holding him all the time. I’ve read that it’s not good for a baby, but today is his birthday and I’m going to hold him for a little longer.

  “You look sexy holding our son,” Riley says, making me look up at her to see her taking pictures with her phone.

  “You look sexy all the time,” I tell her, being completely honest with how I see her.

  “How long have I been asleep?” she asks, wiping the sleep from her eyes and trying to sit up further in the bed.

  “Not long. Maybe an hour or so. He hasn’t been back in the room very long. I’m sure he’ll be wakin’ up to eat soon though. Have you thought of any names for him?” I ask, wanting to know her opinion, because I can’t seem to think of any.

  “I have. What do you think about Maddox Carter Wilson?” she asks, letting me know that she has put some thought into this.

  “I like it, but I have a question. I know where the Carter comes from, but what about Maddox?” I ask, wondering if the name has a special meaning to her.

  “No reason. I don’t know your dad’s name and Maddox is a name that I’ve always liked. So, I put the two together. If you don’t like it, we can
change it,” she says, once again her uncertainty shines through. But, I’ll forgive it this time because she just went through hell bringing little Maddox into the world.

  “I love his name, beautiful. You know everyone is chompin’ at the bit to get in here, right?” I ask, knowing that I’ve had to tell them to come back three times already while she was sleeping.

  “Bring them in. I’m awake now and I know little man’s going to want to eat soon. Might as well get them in here before you kick them all out,” she responds, laughing a little bit at the thought of me kicking everyone out so that no one can see what belongs to me.

  I hand our son over to her just as he begins to wake up. Looking at Riley, we decide silently to feed him before everyone descends upon us. I sit on the edge of the bed as my wife breast feeds our son. The look on her face shows pure love and awe, and I’m sure this is the first time she’s been able to feed one of her children like this with what happened with Shelby. The whole time our little piggy is eating, I rub the top of his head softly or run a finger down his little cheek. While Riley burps and changes Maddox, I make my way out to the waiting room to lead everyone in the room Riley’s in.

  We all enter to see Riley holding our son, making sure the blanket is around him but showing off his face. Her eyes immediately look up in search of our daughter, who’s in my arms. I walk over and sit next to my wife and son while Shelby stands on my legs so she can get a better look at her brother.

  “Baby,” she says, slowly reaching out to touch the blanket wrapped around Maddox.

  “That’s your baby brother, Maddox Carter Wilson,” Gage announces as my dad steps front and center with a smile on his face and tears streaming down his face at the fact that we included his name in our sons.

  The next two hours are spent with our closest friends and family. Riley is getting tired and I can see that my son is starting to wake up while in his papa’s arms. I look at everyone and without me saying a single word, they all start kissing Riley on the cheek and making their way out of the room. Very few men will stay in the hospital until we go home. But, they’ll be out in the waiting room with Tech placed right outside the door. There’s not a threat against us, but I’m not taking any chances with my family in here.


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