Sweet, Sexy Heart – the Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)

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Sweet, Sexy Heart – the Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls) Page 4

by Melissa Foster

  “What are you doing?” She turned around and covered her face, her dog moving with her, looking anxiously up at her. “Cover those things up! You’re just too much, that’s all.”

  He lowered his sweater and set the book down, suddenly very aware of the dog’s reactions to the changes in her behavior. He was an idiot. Why didn’t he recognize that earlier?

  She peeked over her shoulder.

  He held his hands up in surrender. “The coast is clear. No abs in sight. I’m sorry. Do I…cause problems for you? Physically, I mean? Is that why your dog is acting like that?”

  She turned around, eyeing him apologetically.

  “Sin explained that you have epilepsy and that the dog was a seizure response dog. I would have asked you last night instead of Sin, but you rushed away. I’m sorry. Should I have not asked him? I’m not well schooled in political correctness when it comes to things like this.”

  “No, it’s fine. It’s not like I try to hide it, and his name is Reno.” She studied Dash’s face for a minute. “You’re just too much for me, Dash. I’m a homebody. I like book clubs and Meetings of the Female Minds, and having breakfast with my family.”

  “Wait. Meetings of the Female Minds? That sounds dangerous.” That earned him another sweet laugh.

  “The meetings are wonderful. We have about thirty members. It’s helpful to talk to women who have been married forever, or are divorced, or dating. We share advice and help each other learn how to navigate romantic relationships. Not that I have any to navigate, but one day I will.”

  That she would be part of that sort of group told him how important relationships were to her, and that made him even more attracted to her. “How do you know that relationship shouldn’t be with me?”

  She looked at him for a long moment before answering. “Because I like to be in control of my emotions, and I like my quiet life, and you’re exuberant, and you have a magnetic personality that draws people to you. Women, especially, and I don’t need that confusion in my life.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. I think I’m exactly what you need.”

  “I…” She swallowed hard. “I need to get back to work.”

  He wanted to talk more, to prove to her that there was more to him than she thought, but now it was his turn to do some research. He needed to learn how to navigate Amber’s world, to understand the connection between her reactions to him and Reno’s reactions to her.

  “I’ll get out of your hair, but we’re not done, sweetheart.” He leaned closer and lowered his voice. “Not by a long shot.”

  Chapter Three

  THE MORNING SUN beat down on Dash’s shoulders as he ran through the park Monday morning. He’d mapped a six-mile route from Sin’s place through the park and around town, and he’d run it again yesterday before the football clinic. Just as Sin had warned him, the field had been packed with female spectators, and the timing couldn’t have been worse. He’d spotted Amber helping Brindle at the snack table near the field where Brindle’s husband, Trace—a rancher and part-time football coach—was working with his team. Dash had waved, hoping to catch up with Amber when he got a break, but when he’d looked again, she was gone. After the clinic, he’d signed autographs, taken care of a few things with Sin, and then headed back to Sin’s to finish the research on epilepsy that he’d started Saturday night after he and Sin had gone out to dinner. He’d learned that symptoms and seizures can vary greatly, but he’d gotten a much better understanding of what Amber was living with. He’d wanted to talk with her when he’d finished on Sunday, but he’d had that damn podcast, and by the time it was over, her store was closed for the night.

  He wouldn’t make the mistake of missing her again tonight.

  He stopped to do pull-ups and noticed a group of older women standing outside the Stardust Café watching him, just as they’d done the last two mornings. He finished his pull-ups, cranked out sixty push-ups, and jogged across the street.

  The women scurried back into the café, and as he jogged by, he saw them gathered at the window. Chuckling to himself, he jogged backward and waved to them, startling them into giggles as they hurried to a table.

  He pulled the door open and peered into the busy retro-style café, taking in the red vinyl stools at the counter, nearly every seat occupied, and the graffiti wall in the back. The older ladies who had been gawking at him, and several other customers were watching him from their seats. He called out, “Good morning, ladies.”

  “Good morning,” the five women said in unison, giggling like schoolgirls.

  He could see his own grandmother and her friends doing that. He loved his grandmother to the ends of the earth, but when she got together with her lady friends, they turned into whispering, giggling girls. “If you want a better view, meet me at the park tomorrow morning at eight, and wear your walking shoes.”

  Two of the women exchanged glances in a way that reminded him of his sisters when they were brewing up trouble. One looked like Helen Mirren, with short, layered, mostly white hair with a little blond mixed in, dressed in a smart pantsuit. Her partner in crime was an exotic-looking older woman with light brown skin, long silver locks, and almond-shaped eyes, dressed in dark pants with a bright yellow blouse and a colorful scarf knotted around her neck.

  “We’d love to!” The Helen Mirren lookalike grabbed the exotic woman’s sleeve, tugging her toward him. She must be the leader of the pack.

  “Come in here, handsome,” the exotic woman said.

  He let the door close behind him, and the ladies took his arms, leading him toward the table where their friends were waiting.

  “I’m Nina Bollard, but you’ll call me Nana like everyone else does,” the Helen lookalike said. “And this is Hellie Camden.”

  “That’s me,” the exotic woman chimed in.

  Nana pointed around the table as she introduced her other friends. “We’re the eyes and ears of Oak Falls, and we have gotten an earful about you, young man.”

  “And an eyeful,” Hellie added, and all the ladies laughed.

  “Sit down, darlin’.” Nana pushed him into a chair. “We’ve got a few questions for you.”

  Oh yeah, they reminded him of his grandmother, all right. “Eyes and ears of Oak Falls, huh?”

  “We’ve got the lowdown on everyone,” Hellie said. “Are you looking for a date? We know all the single ladies.”

  “I can get my own dates, but thank you.”

  The women exchanged another glance, and Nana whispered, “If you swing the other way, Axsel is leaving town soon, but we could hook you up with him now. He’s sweet, sexy, and you know he’s alpha in the bedroom.”

  One of the ladies let out a little roar.

  Dash laughed. “I didn’t realize I’d come to such a matchmaking town. But it’s not Axsel I’m interested in. What can you tell me about Amber Montgomery?”

  “So, the rumors are true. You are shooting for the stars,” Hellie said.

  Nana patted his arm. “We don’t give up secrets easily, especially about our Amber. She’s everyone’s sweetheart, and it’s going to take a very special man to earn her heart. What makes you think you’ve got what it takes?”

  He cocked a grin. “How much time do you have?”

  AMBER BOBBED HER hips to the beat of “Dancing on My Own” by Robyn in her office Monday evening as she grabbed the basket with her stash of greeting cards off a shelf. It was almost closing time, and she had a busy night of writing cards and packing books planned. Her phone vibrated in her pocket.

  She set the basket on the desk and pulled opened a group text from Brindle to Amber, Lindsay, and Trixie. A picture of Dash holding baby Emma popped up, and Amber’s pulse quickened. Brindle must have taken the picture yesterday at the football field because he was wearing the same gray sweatpants and black T-shirt he’d had on, and Emma was wearing the same leggings and DADDY’S GIRL sweatshirt. Dash looked even better than she’d remembered. Even better than he had in her naughty dreams last night. H
is deep voice whispered through her mind. We’re not done, sweetheart. Not by a long shot. In her dream, that same deep tenor had whispered about the dirty things they were doing.

  Her cheeks heated with the memory, and she clutched the phone to her chest, looking out the glass partition into the store, as if Phoenix Majors, one of her part-time employees, could hear her thoughts.

  She peeked at the picture again, and another message from Brindle popped up. Amber, that could be your baby in your man’s arms! He came looking for you after you left yesterday.

  A little thrill darted through her. She loved helping Brindle with snacks during Trace’s practices, and she’d thought she could get a peek at Dash without him noticing she was there, but he’d caught her gawking at him, like all the other women had been, and she’d hightailed it out of there.

  Amber thumbed out a response. I’m not into harems.

  A text from Lindsay rolled in. He can be my baby daddy. She added a heart-eyed emoji. Another message popped up from Brindle with a peach emoji, immediately followed by a picture of Dash taken from the back, huddled with the boys he was coaching. Amber peeked through the glass into the store again, then quickly saved the picture to her Hidden Dreams folder on her phone. A girl had to have some inspiration.

  Another message from Brindle popped up. Amber, did he come see you again? Amber wasn’t about to admit that she’d spent far too much time looking out the front window, hoping he would come by and then immediately hoping he wouldn’t. Why did he, of all people, have to have that effect on her? She thumbed out, No. I told you I sent him away. What guy in his right mind would come back after that?

  Her phone vibrated with a text from Trixie. Nick said you should stay away from him because he’s a player. I told him to look in the mirror. Old dogs CAN change. I say go for it!

  Another picture of Dash popped up from Brindle, also taken yesterday. He stood with his hands on his hips, his movie-star smile radiating off the screen. She really liked his smile. It wasn’t toddlerish at all. It was gorgeous, the kind of smile that said he had nothing to hide. Her gaze drifted lower, to the bulge in his sweatpants. You couldn’t hide that even if you wanted to. She bit her lower lip. It’d been a long time since she’d been with a man. She didn’t usually think about sex, but from the moment she’d first seen pictures of Dash online, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him. He practically oozed testosterone, and after the things he’d said yesterday, she was sure he knew exactly what he was doing between the sheets. Not that she had the experience to match. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. She had loads of sexy fictional experience, thanks to her book club, and one day, with the right man, maybe she’d get to try out those skills.

  She glanced over her shoulder again and shamelessly saved the picture.

  An eggplant emoji and heart-eyed emoji popped up from Lindsay, followed by Dash has quite a fan club. I heard several ladies went walking with him this morning. Several SINGLE ladies.

  Better move fast, Amber, Trixie texted. Lots of competition!

  Another message from Brindle rolled in. Mom and Mrs. Jericho were there, too! Amber is probably the ONLY female around who doesn’t want him.

  Amber groaned, thumbing out, I didn’t say I don’t WANT him. I said he’s too much man for me. You know I like low-key guys.

  “That’s the last of the boxes.”

  Amber startled and spun around at the sound of Phoenix’s voice.

  Phoenix’s eyes widened. “Whoa. If I didn’t know better, I’d think I caught you sexting. Are you okay? Your face is really red.”

  “What? Yes. Fine. I’m just hot.” She shoved her phone into her pocket, feeling it vibrate with more messages as she grabbed the basket and headed out of her office with Reno on her heels.

  “If you say so.” Phoenix was a freshman at the local community college, studying music and English. She looked rebellious with her dark eyeliner, short black hair highlighted with streaks of vibrant blue, and penchant for black jeans, rock-and-roll T-shirts, and black leather lace-up boots. But she was sweet, smart, and responsible, and Amber felt lucky to have her helping at the store.

  Amber set the basket on the coffee table by the couches, hoping Phoenix would let it go. Thankfully, her phone had finally stopped vibrating. She needed to focus on the work she had to do tonight, not get anxious over Dash Pennington’s hotness.

  Reno lay down by the couch as Amber surveyed the boxes of books she needed to package for mailing. “Thanks for bringing these out from the stockroom.”

  “No problem. I put the labels and bookmarks on the supply cart. Thanks for letting me leave a little early. Are you sure you don’t want me to come back after practice and help you get them ready to ship?”

  “No, thanks. You know I love doing this.”

  “Yeah, you’re weird like that,” Phoenix teased. “See you tomorrow at Lyrics and Lattes?”

  “I’ll be there.” Lyrics and Lattes was a coffeehouse in Wishing Creek, a neighboring town. Phoenix was a talented musician. She played several instruments and had recently begun playing at local cafés and pubs to make extra money. It had been a big step for her to play in public, and Amber tried to go to support her every chance she got.

  After Phoenix left, Amber began looking through the basket of greeting cards, choosing a few to mail out to customers for birthdays and anniversaries, as she did every month. She heard the bell chime over the front door as she plucked out another card.

  “We’re closing in ten minut—” She turned, her words lost at the sight of Dash striding toward her in faded jeans and a gray sweater.

  “Then my timing is perfect.” He flashed that knee-weakening grin. “How’s it going, beautiful?”

  Chapter Four

  AMBER COULDN’T BELIEVE he’d come back, but she refused to let him fluster her again. “Hi, I…What are you doing here?” The question came out too breathy. So much for not being flustered.

  “You didn’t think you could get rid of me that easily, did you?”

  “I wasn’t trying to get rid of you. I was just trying to keep you from wasting your time.”

  He stepped closer, his masculine scent taunting her. “Spending time with you is anything but a waste.”

  Oh boy, there went those butterflies in her belly again. He was too charming, and his eyes were beginning to look too honest, which meant she was losing her ability to think rationally. She needed to nip this in the bud. “Dash, I…We…”

  “You’re cute when you’re flustered.”

  “I’m not flustered,” she said too fast.

  His eyes twinkled with a tease. “Sorry. Nervous.”

  “You must think an awful lot about yourself if you think you make me nervous.”

  He arched a brow.

  She laughed softly. “Okay, you make me nervous. Is that such a big deal?”

  “Yeah, it is to me. I like that you look at me like you want me, but you blush when I get too close.”

  “You’re not helping.”

  “You’re a big deal, Amber.” He held up a beautiful bouquet, which he must have had behind his back. It was bursting with all of her favorite fall flowers—orange spray roses and gerberas, white alstroemeria, golden craspedia, miniature maroon carnations, grevillea, and a touch of blue thistle.

  “Dash…?” Her eyes flicked up to his as he handed her the vase.

  “Have dinner with me tonight. Let me put your fictional heroes to shame.”

  Yes, please. Oh no. What am I thinking? No. There would be no hero shaming. “Thank you for the flowers. They’re lovely. Gorgeous. But I can’t have dinner with you. I really am busy tonight.”

  “I was hoping for the swoony reaction you had the other night when your friends got engaged.”

  She winced. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. I really do love the flowers. They’re all my favorites.”

  “I’m only teasing.” His expression turned serious. “Actually, I’m not teasing. One day I hope to earn that
dreamy-eyed reaction, because it was really something. So, tell me, my sweet romantic at heart, what’s your excuse tonight? Book club again?”

  “Yes, but for real this time.” She waved in the direction of the boxes. “I have to package three hundred books so I can mail them tomorrow. They really are for the online book club I’m a member of. I give discounts to other members, and every month I get between three and four hundred orders.”

  “And you don’t have staff that can do this for you?”

  “I have a few part-timers, but I like doing it. I write notes to the members and send them bookmarks or other swag.”

  “A personal touch. Now, that’s something I can get behind.”

  The heat in his eyes had her picturing all sorts of personal touches.

  “I’ll help you. Let’s see what we’re packaging.” He grabbed a book from the box, sat his big body down on the couch, and kicked his feet up on the coffee table. Reno’s head popped up as Dash opened the book and his eyes moved down the page. “Oh, baby. I see why you like to read these.” His voice turned seductive. “‘He guided her down to her knees…’”

  His every word made her heart pound harder, her body burn hotter.

  “’…holding her there with a smoldering gaze as she wrapped her fingers around his raging—’”

  “Stop!” She snagged the book from his hands. “We’re not reading! We’re packing.”

  “I’m just checking out the merchandise. That’s my copy, by the way.” He pushed to his feet and whipped out his wallet, dropping a twenty on the coffee table. “Hand it over, secret sexy reader.”

  She tried to glower at him, but she couldn’t stop grinning. Secret sexy reader? As embarrassing as it was, that sounded cute. She kind of liked it.

  “I can see why you like reading that stuff. That was pretty hot. Not nearly as hot as you deserve, but it’s not bad.” He took the book and set it on an end table.


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