Sweet, Sexy Heart – the Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)

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Sweet, Sexy Heart – the Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls) Page 13

by Melissa Foster

  “I am. I think about her all the time. I’ve only known her for a week. Is that nuts?”

  “That’s not nuts, honey. That’s how you know it’s real, when it bites you in the butt and you don’t want to run away.”

  He chuckled. “I’m not running. I’m in LA for a couple of days, and I want to jump on the next flight out of here and get back to her.”

  “What does she do for a living? Will she be going with you on your tour?”

  He hadn’t considered that option. “She owns the bookstore where I’m starting the tour. I doubt she can take that much time off.”

  “A bookstore. She followed her dreams. I’m happy for her, and I’m happy for you, my sweet boy. You’ve been wrapped up in football for so long, I thought maybe you’d forgotten that there was more to life than winning a game and more to women than…you know.”

  “Mom. You know I’m not like that.”

  “Every young man is like that, even if you don’t act on it all the time. It’s hormones.”

  “Okay, we’re not going there.” He walked over to the balcony doors, looking out at the city, missing Amber. “I’d like to bring her with me when I come home so you can meet her.”

  “I would love that. Look at us, two solo flyers picking up copilots.”

  “Speaking of which, tell Mitch I’m sorry for taking up your morning and to expect the third degree when I get there.”

  They talked for a while longer, and after they ended the call, he sent a text to Amber. I’m looking out over LA, but all I see is you. Too keyed up to go back to sleep, he threw on a pair of shorts and headed out for a run.

  AMBER GLANCED AT the notification on her phone as she rang up a customer, hoping it was another text from Dash. He’d texted a few times earlier in the day, and each text had been more romantic and playful than the last. He’d told her to check his Instagram feed, and she’d been on cloud nine all day after seeing a picture of the Hollywood sign against a dusky morning sky with the caption I love morning runs in LA, but nothing compares to small-town starry nights. Fictional heroes had nothing on him. But the notification was from her book club forum, about their upcoming meeting. Even though the club was online and discussions took place in the forum, they also held in-person meetings at different locations throughout the year. Amber had yet to attend one, but she tried to join via video chat. Their conversations always turned to their personal lives, and this month she’d actually have something fun to add to the conversation.

  She put Dash’s book and the other items Britney Gregson, a pretty brunette who was a little younger than Amber, had purchased in the bag and handed it to her. “I hope you’ll make it to the book signing next weekend.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’m sure you’ve heard the buzz about his morning workouts at the park. I’m going to join them when he’s back in town.”

  “Yes. I’ve heard he’s quite the inspiration. Enjoy the books.” Not only had Amber’s mother spent most of breakfast going on about how much she and her friends were missing their morning exercises with Dash, but she’d also helped two other customers who had talked about joining the group and must have seen his post this morning as well, because they’d gossiped about his glamorous lifestyle—Can you imagine jetting off to LA? I bet he flies on a private jet with champagne and pretty attendants. Amber knew better. Dash had mentioned last night how exhausting the travel was. He admitted to flying first class, but only because it was easier to get on and off the plane with less fanfare. Maybe she should be jealous that so many women were into him, but it was hard to muster that emotion when everything he did showed her that, at least for now, he only had eyes for her.

  Amber logged on to the book club forum to post about attending the virtual meeting as Phoenix came out of the stockroom with more copies of Dash’s book. “Thanks, Phee. I was just going to ask you to do that.” She pocketed her phone and went to help her. Reno pushed to his feet from his dog bed by the register and followed her.

  “They’re really flying off the shelves.” Phoenix eyed Amber as they set out the books. “Are we going to pretend there were no sparks flying between you two the other night at Lyrics and Lattes?”

  Phoenix hadn’t worked since they’d gone to hear her play, and Amber had wondered if she’d bring it up. It was getting harder for her to hold in her happiness, when she really wanted to shout it from the rooftops. But as much as she trusted Phoenix, she was afraid that once she started, she might not be able to stop and might say more than she should. “Yes, pretending sounds perfect to me.”

  Phoenix lowered her voice. “Come on. I’m happy for you, and you know I won’t gossip.”

  Amber’s cell phone rang. “Saved by the bell.”

  Phoenix rolled her eyes as Amber pulled out her phone.

  Pepper’s name flashed on the screen. “It’s my sister. I’m going to take it in my office.”

  As she hurried away, giggles rang out in the children’s area, where a group of young mothers who had formed a moms’ club that came in every Friday afternoon was picking out books with their toddlers. Her phone rang again as she slipped into her office and closed the door. “Hey, Pep. How are you?”

  “I think a better question is, how are you? In the last few days, Mom called to tell me I needed to redesign your alarm necklace, Sable texted to say if you confided in me about anything having to do with Dash Pennington, I’d better let her know, and last night Brindle texted with an Amber Alert saying you wanted to watch 365 Days, which I looked up. Supposedly the movie has all sorts of plot holes but amazing sex scenes.”

  As Amber processed what she’d said, one thing stood out. “You tell Sable my secrets? I know you’re twins, but I’ve always trusted you.”

  “Can you feel me rolling my eyes at you? I would never tell her or anyone else the things you tell me in confidence. I promise.”

  “Good, because here’s a secret. I’m going to kill Brindle and make it look like an accident. Why is she sending you an Amber Alert? She usually reserves those for Lindsay and Trixie.” Brindle had coined the expression shortly after she and their friends had started trying to teach Amber how to flirt. It was basically a call to arms for anything guy-and-Amber related.

  “Because she knows you’ll talk to me about things you won’t talk to them about.”

  Amber paced. “How does she know that?”

  “Because nobody holds everything in, and everyone tells me their secrets. I’m the only trustworthy one of us.”

  “That’s not true. I never divulge other people’s secrets.” Amber looked through the glass partition at the group of young mothers, dreaming of the day she could be part of a moms’ club, too. “What do you know about Gracie? Are she and Reed trying to have babies yet?”

  Pepper laughed. “You did not just ask me that.”

  Amber groaned. “Fine.”

  “Can we get back to your necklace? Is there a problem with it?”

  “Mom didn’t tell you why she asked you to redesign it?”

  “No. She said you might need one that’s less sensitive, but that could be a problem, because Reno has to be able to push it.”

  She remembered what her mother had said about Dash shutting down gossip and was surprised, and grateful, that her mother had kept the details to herself.

  “Are you sitting down?”

  “Should I?”

  “I think so.” Amber told her about when she’d first met Dash and how they’d come together, including the ambulance fiasco.

  “Oh, Amber. I’m so sorry you went through that, but it sounds like Dash handled it well. I’ve never heard of anyone successfully shutting down gossip in our town.”

  Amber sat behind her desk. “I know, but all the gossipers have a thing for Dash, so…”

  “It sounds like you do, too.”

  “I do, Pep.” She told her everything she’d learned about Dash and his family and all that had transpired over the past couple of days. “There was this moment when
I was sure he was going to try to convince me to get dirty with him over FaceTime. I was so nervous, even Reno sensed it.”

  “Oh my gosh, Amber. I would have been nervous, too. Did you go through with it?”

  “No, and don’t judge me, but part of me wanted to.”

  “What? This guy has really gotten to you. Why didn’t you go through with it?”

  “Because Dash noticed that I was nervous and asked if I was okay. I was embarrassed that he’d noticed, but then I remembered that he’d researched epilepsy, and I realized he was looking after me. You know what he said?” She didn’t give Pepper a chance to answer. “He said talking was enough. That I was enough.” She got choked up thinking about it.

  “Oh, Amb. I think I’m falling for this guy now.”

  “Please. You’d never date a sports guy.”

  “A guy like Dash might be able to change my mind about that.”

  “Hands off, Sis. He’s mine.”

  “You greedy little thing,” Pepper teased. “I have to be honest. When you first started telling me about him, I was a little worried that you were falling under his celebrity spell like everyone else. But jerks don’t put their siblings ahead of themselves or write handwritten letters, and they definitely don’t research medical conditions of a woman they’ve known for ten minutes.” She sighed. “But he said that to you? Amber, he sounds really special.”

  “He is, but it’s new and definitely risky. He’s outgoing and charismatic, and women flock after him, and I’m me.”

  “You’re outgoing and charismatic, too. You’re just not loud about it. And guys are always checking you out, but you won’t give them the time of day.”

  Amber didn’t argue, because like her other siblings, Pepper would always be one of her biggest fans, just like she was for them. “Maybe so, but there’s no denying that we’re different. He’s an ex-football star, a bestselling author, and a motivational speaker who travels all the time, and I’m a bookish girl who leaves Virginia only under duress.”

  “It doesn’t have to be that way. With the right person, you might enjoy traveling.”

  “Maybe, but probably not often, like he travels. He’s in LA right now, and he said it’s exhausting. I can’t do exhausting—you know that. It messes with my epilepsy.”

  “You haven’t had a seizure in years.”

  “Yes, but we know the things that can trigger them, and exhaustion is high on the list. I’m not letting any of that stop me from being with him. I’m just acknowledging that those hurdles exist, because you understand my worries.”

  “I do, and I’m glad you’re not letting them hold you back because it sounds like even with your differences, your core values are well aligned. If you’re that into him, why didn’t you just tell Brindle? Sable, I understand. She’ll threaten him within an inch of his life, but the most Brindle will do is cheer you on.”

  “I’ll tell her. But Brindle just wants me to be happy. All she sees is a chance for me to have a good time, while you analyze everything. You see the good, the bad, and the red flags, and you give it to me straight. I need that.”

  “So I’m the buzzkill?” Pepper laughed.

  “No. You’re a realist who taught me to be careful with my heart, and I love who you are. Besides, you’ll always be the sister with the best hidden figure.”

  “And you’ll always be the sister with the best butt,” Pepper countered. One silly evening long ago, the girls had decided who had the best assets among their siblings. In addition to Pepper’s figure and Amber’s butt, Grace had the best legs, Morgyn had the best lips, eyes, and hips, Brindle had the best boobs, and Axsel had it all going on.

  There was a knock on her office door, and Phoenix peeked in. “Sorry to interrupt, but you just got a delivery.” She set a box on the desk and headed back into the store.

  “Thanks,” Amber said as Phoenix closed the door behind her. “Pep, I have to put you on speaker.” She put her on speakerphone and began opening the box. “What were we talking about?”

  “How great your butt is.”

  “Ha ha.” Amber snagged the card with the Just Desserts logo on it that was taped to a Styrofoam container inside the box and quickly read it. Looking forward to working through those rewrites together. Dash. “Dash sent me a package. His sister is the host of Just Desserts, and he must have had her send it.”

  “This guy is seriously into you.”

  “I know!” She was giddy with delight as she removed the Styrofoam top and the frozen cold packs inside, letting out a little squeal as she placed the expertly wrapped cake on her desk. “He sent me a tiramisu crepe cake!”

  “Okay, that’s it. I’m getting started on a clone machine today.”

  Amber sat back in her chair, grinning from ear to ear. Even her brilliant scientist sister couldn’t clone the very best parts of the man who was stealing her heart one sweet moment at a time.

  Chapter Ten

  THE SEVEN-HOUR flight did nothing to calm Dash’s excitement over seeing Amber. He’d never thought of himself as a cheesy guy, but as he walked into Story Time bookstore Saturday evening, just the sight of her made him want to queue up eighties music, see her spin around with a beaming smile—maybe even drop a book from her fingertips—and run into his arms.

  After only two nights away.

  He was definitely losing it.

  Amber was a sight for sore eyes in a red floral dress and cream-colored cowgirl boots, but she was busy talking with a customer. Dash tucked away his silly romantic notions and meandered farther into the store. Reno was lying on his dog bed by the register. Phoenix was in the children’s section with a young mother and toddler, and there was a handful of other customers milling about.

  Amber looked over and did a double take, the smile on her beautiful face widening. His heart thudded faster as “Dash” fell from her lips, breathless and excited. He winked, unable to stop his own excitement from shining through, sure he looked like a ridiculous overgrown toddler staring at his favorite candy.

  “I…” She held up her index finger and returned her attention to the customer for only a few seconds before turning around, and as if she’d read his thoughts, she took a few fast steps, the beginning of a run, then slowed, glancing nervously around her.

  She was so damn cute he wanted to haul her into his arms and eat her up, but her pink cheeks held him back. “Good evening, Ms. Montgomery. It’s a pleasure to see you again.”

  “Hi. It’s nice to see you, too.” Her eyes danced with desire, the air between them crackling so hot, he was surprised the whole store didn’t go up in flames. Her chest rose with her heavy breaths as she struggled to restrain herself. “How was your flight?”

  “Too long.” He leaned closer, breathing in her familiar feminine scent, his hands itching to touch her as he lowered his voice for her ears only. “I need to kiss you.”

  “Oh!” Her delight was unmistakable. “Yes, we just got that order in,” she said loudly. “Why don’t you come into my office, and I’ll show it to you?”

  That’s it, sweetheart. Lead the way.

  Dash followed her as she hurried toward her office, catching the knowing glance Phoenix tossed their way as he closed the door behind them. Amber ran to the glass partition, lowering her blinds, and had barely let go of the chord when he swept her into his arms, taking her glorious mouth with fierce possession, igniting the fire that had been burning for days. They’d talked and flirted for hours the last two nights. The more they talked, the more of her sweet self she revealed, and the deeper he fell. He would have kept her on the line all night just to hear her voice and see her sweet face if he hadn’t been worried about her getting too exhausted. He’d spent every second since aching for these kisses.

  He pulled back only long enough to take off her seizure-alert necklace and put it on the desk. Their mouths crashed together, and they both intensified their efforts. Her sexy sounds wound through him, tugging at his heart and his cock. Their late-night calls hadn’t
been sexual but had felt even more intimate, made him crave more of her. All of her. The way she kissed him with her entire body, rubbing and grinding against him, made it impossible to hold back. His hands were everywhere at once, groping her ass, caressing her back, in her hair. God, he loved her hair. He tangled both hands in it and tore his mouth away, gazing into her lustful eyes. “How can I miss you this much?”

  She blinked rapidly, clinging to him and shaking her head, as if she couldn’t make sense of it, either. She tugged his mouth back to hers, and the whys and hows of his missing her ceased to matter. He missed everything about her. Her smell, her touch, the way she clawed at him now, like she couldn’t get enough. He backed her up against the wall, their mouths fused together, feasting hungrily, and ground against her, groping her breast through her thin dress. Her nipple pebbled against his palm, and a growl crawled up his throat. She must have loved that sound, because she arched into his hand. He was so damn hard, he felt like a volcano ready to blow and quickly realized he had no endgame. They were in her office. It wasn’t like he could take her on the desk. Not his sweet Amber. But holy hell, he wasn’t about to stop. Not yet. He needed this—her—and if her sinful noises and the rocking of her hips were any indications, she needed him just as desperately.

  He wasn’t usually this greedy, but he was driven by more than lust. He was driven by the power of them. He moved his hand down her leg, slipping under the hem of her dress, and caressed her thigh. “Tell me to stop” came out like a demand against her lips.

  Her doe eyes filled with confidence. “I don’t want you to stop.”

  Seeing his sweet girl open up to him here of all places sent his emotions surging. He kissed her rougher, greedier, and she was right there with him, opening her legs for him. He pushed his hand into her panties, his fingers sliding through her wetness, and God, he wanted to drop to his knees and devour her. He teased her, earning needy moans that made his entire body throb. His thumb circled her clit, and her head fell back. Her eyes were closed, her skin flushed. He slicked his tongue along her lower lip, applying pressure to the bundle of nerves that made her breathing hitch. “I hope you’ve cleared your schedule for me, because I cannot wait to get you naked and love every inch of you.”


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