Sweet, Sexy Heart – the Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)

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Sweet, Sexy Heart – the Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls) Page 21

by Melissa Foster

  Shortly before the start of the signing, Hawk sidled up to him. He’d taken pictures of the whole process, including the line outside, which Brindle had just reported was wrapping nearly around the entire block.

  Hawk lifted his camera, taking a picture of Amber talking with Shea. “Amber’s really something. No wonder you’re bringing her home to meet everyone. But you’d better keep her close at that fundraiser. I know you don’t worry about competition, but she’s got something special, and you know how some of those guys can be.”

  Special didn’t begin to touch on how remarkable she was. “I’m not worried.” Amber glanced over, and their eyes caught with the same summer lightning they always did, luminous and scorching. “I’m going to miss the hell out of her when I’m gone.”

  “Good. Maybe you’ll actually give yourself a break and slow down after the tour. Shea’s right to wonder what your next big adventure will be. You suck at slowing down.”

  “I’ve never had a reason to before. Do me a favor? Take a few pictures of me and Amber?”

  “I’d love to. I took some great candid shots of you two. The way you look at her, man.” Hawk shook his head. “It’s really something.”

  “It’s not half as great as the way she looks at me.”

  After Hawk took their pictures, Shea called out, “Three minutes!” sparking a flurry of activity and conversation.

  Nervousness crackled in the air as Dash drew Amber into his arms.

  “It’s almost time,” she said anxiously.

  He took her face between his hands, gazing deeply into the eyes of the woman he’d come to love. The realization hit him like a gale-force wind, whipping through him, bringing fullness to his chest and a thickness to his throat.

  “Dash, we need to hurry,” Amber urged, jerking him from his thoughts.

  He stuffed those raging emotions down deep until he could process them and figure out how to tell her in a way that was as magical as she deserved.

  Filled with a joy like he’d never known, he said, “I am so glad you hesitated to host my signing so it had to start here. It means the world to me that we’re doing this together. I’m always in awe of you, but watching you orchestrate all of this was pretty damn amazing. Thank you for making it such a special day for us.”

  She fanned her face. “You’re going to make me cry.”

  He hugged her tight. “I don’t want to make you cry. I just really appreciate all of your efforts.”

  “Thank you. I’m so excited for you. I hope nothing goes wrong.”

  “Listen, sweetheart. If I learned one thing during my football career, it’s that games rarely go off without a hitch. If we run out of books or fans get out of hand, I want you to know that it doesn’t change the incredible day you’ve given me. Do you understand?”

  She nodded.

  “Are you ready for the Oak Falls episode of Fan Girls Gone Wild?”

  She laughed. “As ready as I’ll ever be. How about you?”

  “With you by my side, I’m ready for anything.”

  He kissed her again, and as Shea ushered him to the signing table, he watched Amber push past her worries and warmly, gracefully welcome into her quiet bookstore a horde of loud, excited women who were making a beeline straight to him.

  Two hours passed with an endless flow of men, women, and children getting signed books, taking photographs with Dash, and checking out the bookstore. Shea stayed by the table, managing the signing and ushering fans along who tried to take up residence beside Dash, while Amber and Lindsay helped customers and answered questions, and Hawk moved seamlessly through the crowd taking pictures. It was a good thing Amber’s family had shown up to help, because Amber and her staff hadn’t had a second to spare. Marilynn and Brindle were reading to children whose parents were waiting in line, while Morgyn helped Phoenix at the register, and Sable took on the role of bouncer, keeping people in line and heading off trouble.

  Dash was thrilled that the signing was going smoothly, and Amber was gaining so much business. He wasn’t surprised to see Nana and her friends, Poppi, Cade, Sin, Trace, Graham, and practically the whole rest of the town come through the line. The community support was endless, though Dash was under no misconception that it was all for him. He knew they were there to support Amber. He was just a sidebar.

  A teenager stepped up to the table as Amber arrived with another stack of books and Reno on her heels, nervous energy still zinging around her. Dash caught her attention as she set the books on the table and winked, wishing he could tug her onto his lap for a kiss. She flashed a sexy smile as she was pulled away by a customer, and the boy handed Dash a book and asked him to sign it to Mike.

  He autographed it and handed it back. “Here you go, Mike. I hope you enjoy the book and find some inspiration in it.”

  “I know I will. Can I get a picture with you to show my dad?” He pulled out his cell phone.

  “Sure.” Dash went to stand with him for a selfie.

  Mike held up his phone, and Dash leaned into the picture as Reno began whimpering and barked. Dash whipped his head around just in time to see Amber staring vacantly into space as she fell toward the woman beside her. He bolted across the store as a collective gasp rang out. Fear and heartache clashing, he took Amber from the woman’s arms. His chest seized as he lowered her rigid body toward the floor just as she began convulsing.

  “Please stand back!” His heart thundered as he rolled Amber onto her side and her sisters ushered people away, explaining that Amber was having an epileptic seizure.

  Reno circled her, whimpering, trying to get to the button on her necklace.

  “It’s okay, buddy. I’ve got her.” Dash kept his hand beneath Amber’s face so she didn’t hurt herself. She made stilted sounds as her body jerked uncontrollably. “You’re okay, baby. I’m right here.” He tried to remember what else to do. Keep her from choking. Time the seizure. “Time! Someone watch the time.”

  “I’m already on it.” Marilynn crouched beside him with her phone in her hand, perfectly calm. “Are you okay, honey?”

  “Yes. No. I mean, yes, but I feel helpless. My poor girl.” Spittle seeped out of the corner of Amber’s mouth, and Dash noticed a streak of urine sliding over her leg, puddling beneath her, his heart breaking. “Marilynn, protect her face.” She put her hand beneath Amber’s cheek, and Dash tore open his dress shirt, sending the buttons flying, and draped it over Amber’s lower half. Memories of what Amber had said about her teenage seizure slammed into him just as she went limp, eyes closed. “It’s okay, baby. Just breathe, sweetheart.” Amber jerked a couple of times, and then she stilled again, eyes closed, head back, mouth agape. Dash realized she was in the end stage, or postictal phase, during which her body returned to baseline.

  “Two and a half minutes,” Marilynn said. “She’s okay.”

  Thank God. A seizure that lasted more than five minutes usually meant trouble. He sank to his ass, stretching his legs around Amber, drawing her back up against his chest, cradling her sleeping body against him. He wiped the drool from her cheek with his hand and brushed a kiss to her forehead. “I’ve got you, baby. You’re okay.”

  “You’re doing great, Dash,” Marilynn said.

  “Me?” he panted out, confused.

  “I know how hard it is to see someone you love have a seizure.” Marilynn glanced around them and smiled. “I think some of these women would probably like to thank you for taking your shirt off.”

  He looked down and realized his chest was bare, his lungs constricting as his shirt came into view, covering where she’d wet herself, and he processed the last few minutes. He looked up. Sable stood with her back to them, her arms out to the sides, shielding Amber from the crowd with her body, a sea of empathetic and scared faces staring back at him, bringing reality into focus. Shea stood beneath Hawk’s protective arm, her hand on her chest, tears in her eyes. Fuck. He’d forgotten about the signing and all the people.

  None of that mattered.

sp; The only thing that mattered was the woman he loved, slowly regaining consciousness in his arms.

  AMBER WAS TRAPPED in a dense fog, disoriented, sounds hovering just out of reach, too unclear for her to make sense of them. She was tired. So tired. She struggled to get to the surface, but bone-deep fatigue kept sucking her back into its depths. Something rough and warm moved over her face. She wanted to chase that touch, but noises, voices clattered in the background, throwing her off.

  “You’re okay, baby. I’ve got you.”

  The familiar deep voice, full of anguish and warmer emotions, tugged at her, dragging her toward the surface. She fought the fatigue, forcing her eyes open, but her eyelids were too heavy, and they fluttered closed. She tried once more, squinting against the harsh light as Dash’s worried eyes came into focus. Where were they? Why was her butt wet?

  “Dash?” she managed, a shaky whisper.

  “I’m here, sweetheart. You had a seizure, but you’re okay. Your mom is here, and your sisters.”

  Her mother’s face came into focus. “I’m right here, lovey.”

  “Where are we?”

  “At the bookstore,” Dash said. “Your sisters are taking everyone outside.”

  Panic bloomed in her chest as her memory kicked in, and she tried to sit up. “The signing.”

  Dash gently pulled her back against him. “It’s over.”

  “No!” She pushed from his chest, sitting up, swaying unsteadily.

  He put his arm around her, holding her in place. “It’s fine. We only had one hour left.”

  “No. It’s not fine,” she said groggily, trying to force the confusion from her brain. “Those people waited for you.” She felt like she was swimming against a tide. “Mom?”

  “I’m right here,” her mother said.

  “You can’t let this happen.” Amber tried to push to her feet but only made it to her knees as cold wetness hit her butt and a shirt tumbled from her lap. It took a moment for her to put the pieces together. Embarrassment swelled inside her, throbbing like a pain she couldn’t shake, but she couldn’t—wouldn’t—let that take over as she had as a teenager. Adrenaline surged inside her. “You’re finishing the signing.”

  “I’m not leaving your side, baby.”

  “I’m leaving yours.” Amber swallowed hard.

  Confusion riddled Dash’s face. “What are you talking about?”

  She looked around, fighting the need to close her eyes. “Where’s Sable? I need a ride home.”

  “I’ll take you,” Dash insisted, his arms tightening around her.

  “I’m right here.” Sable moved into view, her hands on her hips. “I told him you would want him to finish the signing, but I don’t think he heard me. Lindsay said she’ll help Shea and make sure everything runs smoothly.”

  Lindsay stepped beside her. “I won’t let you down, Amber.”

  “Jesus,” Dash gritted out. “She just had a seizure. Who gives a damn about the signing?”

  “I do!” Amber snapped. “You can’t let my medical condition get in your way.” Every word took too much energy, but she had to make him understand. “You worked hard to get here.” Tears brimmed in her eyes. “It’s bad enough that I peed myself. Please, for me, see this through.”

  His jaw clenched, his muscles flexing and bulging, as if he were about to explode. His fingers dug into her skin. “I love you” roared out, ferocious and angry. “How can you ask me to choose a signing over taking care of you?”

  Her breath rushed from her lungs, and she was sure she’d mistaken his words.

  He grabbed her face with both hands. “I love you. Do you hear me? I will not sit on my ass and sign books when I should be with you.”

  “Oh, fuck. The baller is about to get his ass handed to him,” Sable said snarkily. “All in the name of love.”

  “You love me?” Amber choked out, his words circling her foggy head.

  A tethered smile curved his lips. “With everything I have and everything I am.”

  Tears slipped down Amber’s cheeks. She wanted to profess her love, too, but she couldn’t. She knew what she had to do, and she didn’t have the energy for both. “If you love me, you’ll do this for me.”

  “Get with the program, Pennington.” Sable crossed her arms. “You have to sign the damn books or you’ll invalidate all of her hard work. I’ll take good care of her.”

  Dash looked unconvinced.

  Her mother put her hand on his arm. “I know how hard this is, but she’s right. She knows you’d rather be with her. Sable and I will take care of her. I promise.”

  Dash looked at Amber, the muscles in his jaw bunching, tension written in the harsh lines on his forehead and around his mouth, his heart hammering against her body. “You want me to sign books? Shirtless?”

  “I’ve got a dress shirt in my bag,” Hawk called over.

  Amber managed a smile. “Please say okay so I can go home, get cleaned up, and lie down.”

  He touched his forehead to hers, holding her so tight his love seeped beneath her skin. “I hate this with every fiber of my being, but I’ll do it for you.” He breathed heavily. “Damn it, Amber. I’m pampering you tonight, and you’re going to suffer through it.”

  God, she loved him. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  DASH THREW THE car into park in Amber’s driveway and cut the engine after the worst fucking test of fortitude he’d ever endured. The signing had lasted for two and a half more hours instead of one because he’d had to go up against Amber’s Angels—Lindsay, Brindle, Morgyn, and Phoenix—who were tougher than any defensive line he’d ever faced. They’d insisted that Amber would never end a signing until all the customers had gotten autographs. When they ran out of his books, he’d signed other items they’d bought from the store, like tote bags and journals. It had been excruciating being away from Amber, made worse because Amber’s fall, and visions of her lying on the floor convulsing, replayed in a loop in his head like a bad movie. Not to mention the guilt hammering him because he was at fault for her exhaustion. How the hell was he supposed to leave her tomorrow knowing that could happen again and he wouldn’t be there for her?

  He grabbed the box of food Patty Ann, who ran the Catch Up Diner next door to Amber’s bookstore, had sent home for her and rushed up to the house. He threw open the front door and stalked inside. Marilynn jumped to her feet from the couch, and Sable, standing by the fireplace, casually pocketed her phone.

  “How is she?” he asked at the same time Marilynn said, “She’s sleeping.”

  “She’s fine, but you look like you need some Xanax.” Sable sauntered over, eyeing Hawk’s mustard-yellow shirt Dash was wearing with amusement as she took the box of food from him. “Gotta love the ladies at the diner.”

  “She said those are all of Amber’s favorite comfort foods.” And she’d taken way too fucking long explaining each dish to him before he left. As word of Amber’s seizure had traveled, it seemed like everyone in the whole damn town had come back to check on her. His girl was more than loved by the community. She was revered, and he was learning even more about what the word safe really meant for her. He was also learning just how strong Amber was and how weak love could make a person. Even in her groggy state, she’d been stronger than him, able to leave his side when he’d have clawed people’s eyes out to stay with her.

  “She’ll sleep for a while,” Marilynn said. “Come into the kitchen so we can talk.”

  “I need to see her” came out as desperate as he felt.

  Sable eyed him skeptically. “You can’t wake her up with that look on your face. You look twisted, riddled with pain or guilt.”

  “Sable,” Marilynn chided.

  “It’s okay. She’s right. I’m all those things. How else should I feel? Amber had a seizure, and it’s all my fault. I read up on epilepsy when I first found out she had it. I knew stress and exhaustion could increase the chance of a seizure, and I still kept her up too l
ate all week.” The words rushed out like rabid animals he’d been holding in since she’d left, their jagged teeth gnawing at him, leaving raw, gaping wounds he knew might never heal. “I was selfish, too wrapped up in how phenomenal it was being with her to think of the ramifications. I should have made sure she got enough rest.”

  “Nonsense, sweetheart.” Marilynn took him by the arm, and they followed Sable into the kitchen. “You have brought joy and love into Amber’s life, and those things are too exciting to put away at the end of the day, especially when they’re new.”

  “She means it’s okay to hump like bunnies.” Sable began unpacking the food.

  “Sable, please,” Marilynn implored her.

  “I’m just spelling it out for him.” Sable plucked a french fry out of a container and popped it into her mouth. “Amber won’t want to eat until tomorrow. Have you eaten? Do you want some?”

  Dash shook his head, pacing the kitchen.

  As Marilynn helped Sable put the food away, she said, “While I would not put it as crudely as my daughter did, Sable is right. Amber has lived with this for a very long time. She knows her limits, and she is perfectly capable of slowing herself down.”

  Sable scoffed. “If you say so. These two could put a forest fire to shame.”

  Dash felt a smile tugging at his lips. He couldn’t deny it. They couldn’t have pried themselves apart the past several nights if their lives had depended on it.

  “Well, good for them.” Marilynn winked at Dash. “It’s about time Amber let her hair down.”

  “That’s not all she’s lettin’—”

  Marilynn silenced Sable with a glare.

  Dash continued pacing. “I need to know a few things.”

  “Anything, honey.” Marilynn put the container she was holding on the counter, giving him her full attention.


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