Safe Harbor?

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Safe Harbor? Page 13

by Wardell, Heather

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  A little over a week later, we sat in silence while our plane descended toward Las Vegas. We’d left on Sunday instead of Saturday and Owen had booked our trip for eight days so I would only miss one art class. I’d have been happy to stay for a few more days, since that wouldn’t mean losing out on a second class, but he’d just said, “Eight days in Vegas seems like enough.” Since he’d decided he didn’t need any money from me, I hadn’t really felt like I should push him for a longer trip. Maybe his gambling money, which I knew he’d been saving all year, wouldn’t stretch past eight days.

  Yesterday he’d seemed excited about the trip as we packed, getting my opinion about the clothes he planned to take and telling me about the poker tables he wanted to try out, but all day today he’d been quiet and withdrawn. His family had left Toronto on Saturday for the cruise, and I wondered if knowing they were there and we weren’t was bothering him but couldn’t bring myself to ask.

  If he were anyone else, I could let my growing empath skills help me understand him, but he was still not letting any emotions escape.

  As we landed I leaned in, wishing I knew how to help him, and rested my head on his shoulder. The plane jerked at a bump on the runway and I bounced away from him, but not before...

  Had he kissed my hair?

  I thought maybe, but why would he have done that?

  He certainly didn’t act like a man who would have while we got off the plane, got our luggage, and got a taxi to our hotel.

  “Looks nice,” I said as we stepped out onto the curb, the first thing we’d said to each other since I’d thanked him for opening the taxi door for me at the airport.

  “I hope so.” Owen handed the driver some money. “Let’s go find out.”

  We checked in and took the elevator way up to our room, which was bigger than I’d expected and had an amazing view across the city. I wanted to check out every detail of it but Owen said, “Let’s go downstairs and see what’s up. This casino’s supposed to be great.”

  Since he was sounding more cheerful, I agreed, but I was annoyed when he wouldn’t even let me use the washroom before we went down. “There are washrooms downstairs,” he said, holding the hotel room door open. “Come on.”

  The washrooms downstairs, it turned out, were gorgeous, all white marble and gold fixtures, so I didn’t stay annoyed for long.

  Roaming the casino was an exercise in keeping my energy field closed because so many people were losing money and a few were winning it and their mingled emotions fluttered all around me. I did keep it closed, though, and I sent a mental thank-you to Pam for teaching me enough that I didn’t have to run screaming out of the place.

  Near the end of our touring around, Owen found an instructional poker table and turned to me. “Want to see if you like it?”

  He was so hopeful I couldn’t say no, so we settled at the table and the dealer and Owen taught me how to play. To my surprise, I enjoyed myself, although I couldn’t imagine playing for serious money. Once I’d actually beaten Owen at a hand, he laughed and said, “So, I think I’m warmed up. Do you want to come watch me play for real, or even join me maybe, or would you rather do something else on your own?”

  For a split second I felt disappointed that he was so determined to play instead of hanging out with me, but I didn’t let that emotion linger. I’d known this was how it would be. I’d even told him it was okay. I looked around and saw a group of penny slot machines. “Those slots are more my speed.”

  “And I’ll go over there.” He pointed at a group of poker tables a little bit away. “Okay?”


  He tipped our dealer, who smiled and told us to have a good day, then we got up and left the table. “You sure this is all right?” Owen said when we were alone.

  I nodded. “I may not stay here as long as you do, but I can go back to the room or go check out the pools or something.”

  “I won’t want to eat until later, but get yourself room service if you’re hungry. Or hit a restaurant, of course. There’s a spa here too. Knock yourself out. Whatever you want.” He smiled at me. “We’re going to have a great time.”

  “For sure,” I said, loving his enthusiasm since I hadn’t seen much of it lately, but I couldn’t say anything more because he leaned in and kissed me then waved and took off toward his tables.

  As I settled at a slot machine my phone buzzed with a text.

  “When you leave, come by and stand in my line of sight. Would like to know where you’re at.”

  I looked toward Owen’s tables to find him standing at the nearest one looking back at me. I shot him a thumbs-up and he gave me a salute and a smile then put on sunglasses and took his seat at the table.

  Wondering whether he’d been worried about where Melissa had been at during their cruise last year, I fed the machine one of the American twenties Owen had given me in Toronto and distracted myself from further thoughts of Melissa by trying to collect all the bonuses my video slot machine had to offer.

  I didn’t, although I had fun working at it, and then I moved on and gave a different machine another twenty. When I actually won fifty bucks there, I decided that was a good sign it was time to leave. I’d been holding my energy field together well but the casino was beginning to get busier and noisier and I was starting to get hungry.

  Once I’d collected my winnings voucher from the machine, I went over to where Owen still sat at his table. He had a pile of chips before him bigger than the piles before his fellow players, and he looked intense and focused.

  I shifted around until I thought I was right in front of him, then stood waiting as they played out the hand. Owen won, which sent a burst of fierce happy pride through me, then slipped off his sunglasses and looked at me with raised eyebrows.

  I pointed up, trying to tell him I was going up to the room. He nodded and pointed at the table, clearly indicating he was staying put. I mouthed, “No shit,” at him, smiling, and he burst out laughing.

  Laughing too, I held up both hands with my fingers crossed, and he nodded and winked at me then put his sunglasses back on.

  Dismissed, but not minding, I bought a huge chocolate-chip cookie for a snack then went up to our room and finally got to explore it as I’d wanted.

  King-sized bed, floor-to-ceiling windows showing off the amazing and crazy architecture of Vegas, and a comfortable-looking armchair that would be perfect for reading or just gazing out at the view.

  But once I went into the washroom I knew I’d probably never sit in that chair.

  I’d never seen such a massive bathtub. I’d seen hot tubs smaller, in fact, and since this thing had jets it might as well have been a hot tub. My own private one.

  I stood staring at it, feeling so touched I could cry. This must be why he hadn’t wanted me to go into the washroom while he was here. He’d wanted me to discover the tub on my own.

  “Your husband,” I said out loud, “just might be the sweetest guy on the planet.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Three hours later, as I lounged in the bathtub with a nearly empty glass of excellent room-service red wine on the tub-side table the hotel had thoughtfully provided, I heard the room door open.

  “I’m in here!” I called, then on a whim added, “Unless you’re a murderer. In which case I’m not.”

  Owen laughed as he opened the washroom door. “Smooth, Celia. Very smooth.”

  Feeling seductive hidden under the mounds of jasmine-scented bubbles in the tub, I grinned at him. “You bet. How’d it go down there? You a billionaire yet?”

  He sat on the closed toilet. “Not quite. But I did pretty well. Not using the jets?”

  “I was, but they made the bubble bath foam up too much. So I go back and forth.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Want a present while you wait?”

  I batted my eyelashes at him. “Is this a potential present or have you got something for me right now?”

  He ran his eyes over my
bubbles, slow and sexy, then returned them to my face. “Might be both.”

  As I giggled, he dug in one then the other of his front pant pockets. “Where’d it go? Oh, wait, maybe it’s somewhere else.” He pulled off his socks and peered into one of them. “Not in there.” He stood and unzipped his pants.

  “I’ve seen what you’ve got in there,” I said, pretending to be bored although I was anything but. “Haven’t you got something new for me?”

  The pants hit the floor, followed by his shirt. “Close your eyes and hold out your hand.”

  I did, but warned, “I’m going to take a bite out of whatever you give me. So don’t be rude.”

  He chuckled. “Then we’ll have to find you a good dentist,” he said, laying something in my palm.

  I closed my fingers around it, feeling the cubic shape. “Can I open my eyes?”

  “Sure,” he said, and I saw a blue-green box that could only be from Tiffany.

  “Oh, thank you,” I said, looking up at him, then laughing and adding, “I think you lost your boxers.”

  “They’re not lost,” he said, waving a bare foot at his pile of clothing. “They’re right here on the floor. Room in there for two?”

  “There’s room for a hockey team,” I said. “But I’d better let some of the water out first or it’ll be everywhere.”

  I did, excitement swirling in my stomach as I watched him watching my breasts emerge, then he climbed in. After a few seconds of awkwardness we arranged ourselves so I sat between his bent knees with my legs crossed under his, and he said, “Open the box. I want to see your face.”

  “I’m naked in the bathtub and he wants to see my face,” I muttered, pretending to be annoyed. “Ah, romance.”

  I’d never used that word with him, and for a second I panicked, but he just laughed then slipped his hand behind my head and pulled me in for a kiss that turned hungry in an instant.

  I threw my arms around him, wanting more, then pulled away with a shriek. “I dropped it!”

  Grinning, he fished around with both hands for the poor Tiffany box. Once he’d located it he raised it from the water with one hand, but his other hand stayed under the water caressing my upper thigh.

  “I’m torn,” I said, laughing and panting at the same time. “I don’t want you to stop but I want to know what you got me.”

  “Well, here.” He handed me the box. “You find out and I won’t stop.”

  “Deal,” I said, then shuddered with pleasure as his hand moved higher.

  “Better hurry up.”

  The hoarse hunger in his voice made me want to toss the gift aside and find out what sex in a bathtub was like, but he’d bought it for me and I wanted to know what it was.

  The now-soggy ribbon holding the box closed fell away under my trembling fingers and I lifted off the box lid to see a horseshoe pendant, small but exquisite and entirely covered with diamonds, on a white gold chain.

  “Oh,” I murmured, loving it instantly, “it’s gorgeous. But it must have cost--”

  “Horseshoes bring luck,” he said softly, his hand stilling on me. “And I think you do too.”

  The pendant blurred as my eyes filled with tears. I’d never have expected him to say something like that. “Owen...”

  His free hand went to my cheek, then he put his other arm around my back and we kissed long and deep and sweet. He tasted of rum, no doubt from free drinks at the casino, and the heat between us made me feel as drunk as if I’d had all those drinks myself instead of only a glass of wine.

  “Put it on me,” I murmured against his lips. “Please.”

  He drew back enough to get the necklace from the box and drop the box on the floor, then his hands went behind my neck and he kissed me again. Clasping the necklace took him quite a while since he was preoccupied, but I didn’t mind a bit.

  When it was finally on, I looked down at it resting against my upper chest. “It’s so beautiful, Owen. Thank you so much. I adore it.”

  “Good,” he said, his eyes on the pendant then slipping lower. “Now come here.”

  He pulled me closer and kissed me so hard I whimpered and begged him for more.

  “Here or the bed?”

  “On a poker table for all I care.”

  He burst out laughing. “How much wine have you had?”

  I gave him my best innocent face. “Exactly the right amount. Why do you ask?”

  “No reason,” he said, still laughing. “I’m going to vote for the bed. Unless you’re really committed to the poker table.”

  “We can save that for tomorrow.”


  He clambered out of the tub and wrapped a towel around his waist. As I shivered at the way the fabric was tented in front, he slipped out the washroom door and returned in a moment with a small gift bag. “One more present. I’ll see you out there.” Ignoring my cry of “Another one?” he left me alone.

  I hurried to get out of the water and get dried off, then opened the bag.

  Inside I found the most exquisite slip I’d ever seen, deep blue silk with cream lace frosting the neckline and hem.

  I put it on, and couldn’t resist standing staring at myself for a moment to admire it, then desire drove me onward.

  “You,” Owen said from the bed as I approached, “should never wear anything but that slip and necklace ever again.”

  I climbed in beside him. “Might make things awkward at work.”

  He laughed and pulled me close. “They don’t feel awkward now.”

  No. They definitely didn’t.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Every day of our Vegas vacation followed the same wonderful pattern. We had breakfast together then visited the casino where he played a little casual poker while I fed my favorite slot machines. After a late lunch, he got serious about poker and I read and swam in one of the hotel’s gorgeous pools, but I always made sure I was back in the room and back in the bathtub in time for his early-evening return. He didn’t bring me any more gifts, but we had sex every day and it was wild every time. We never did do it on a poker table, but after Tuesday night I wasn’t able to look at the bathtub without blushing for the rest of the week. Neither of us called it a honeymoon, but it might as well have been one.

  Monday morning, we took a taxi back to the airport. I’d thought Owen might be sad about leaving Vegas, but he seemed excited, almost hyper. I sure enjoyed my husband in bed, but I wasn’t sure I’d ever understand him.

  When the taxi neared the airport the driver said, “Domestic or international?”


  I looked at Owen in surprise. “Canada’s international, you know.”

  “I do know,” he said, giving me an innocent smile.


  He winked at me, and I fell silent as I tried to figure out what he was up to.

  I didn’t get it until the airline ticket agent said, “Enjoy Los Angeles,” as he handed back our passports. “Owen,” I said, “are we... really?”

  He chuckled. “Let’s get out of the way, okay?”

  We left the confused-looking ticket agent and found a quiet corner, and I said, “Did you... are we...”

  “Finish a sentence already,” Owen said, smiling at me. “Clearly we’re not going home yet.”

  “Clearly,” I echoed.

  “So why would we be going to Los Angeles? What’s there?”

  “Lots of things,” I hedged, not wanting to say Disneyland in case he’d planned something else.

  “Sure. Like what? Name the first one that comes to mind.”

  I bit my lip.

  He leaned in and whispered into my ear, “Pooh Bear wants to meet you.”

  Excitement flooded me. “Oh, I love you,” I said, throwing my arms around him.

  Then I froze.

  We both did.

  “I... um...”

  “It’s okay,” he said softly. “Don’t worry about it.” He cleared his throat and said, a little too brightly, “Po
oh has that effect on people.”

  “He does,” I said in the same tone. Then I kissed him with all the gratitude I felt.

  “Where’s a poker table when you need one?” Owen said as we parted.

  I laughed, he did too, and we went off for our date with Pooh.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “Well, it looks like you had fun,” Linda said, handing back my tablet with the picture of me hugging the Pooh character who’d been roaming Disneyland. “Although I still think you should have been on the cruise. I’m not impressed.”

  Whatever. I was. We’d stayed at Disneyland until Friday and I’d had the time of my life chasing Pooh around and finding all the other characters too and riding rides and eating and laughing. So much laughing. Owen and I had spent nearly every waking moment together, and fallen asleep together after sex every night, and the whole thing had been wonderful.

  “And I guess you got your business trip cancelled,” Linda said to Owen. She had claimed, when we arrived, that she had forgiven us for skipping the cruise and would let it go, but her idea of ‘let it go’ was apparently very different from mine. “Should have joined us on the cruise then.”

  “Our way Celia only missed one art class, and besides, how were we supposed to find you on the cruise, Mom? Fly to some tiny island and then try to be there when your ship was? Be reasonable.”

  She rolled her eyes, then turned her bangle watch around on her wrist to get it facing upwards so she could check the time. She’d done that at least five times in the half hour we’d been there. “Where is that boy? Honestly. Austin’s such a nightmare sometimes.”

  “He’ll be here,” Melissa said, sighing. She and Nicholas had both seemed down since Owen and I arrived, and I didn’t know why.

  “Is he moping?” She gave me an exasperated look. “I hate moping. I-- ooh, nice necklace. Gift from Owen, I guess?”

  I touched my horseshoe, which I hadn’t taken off since Owen had put it on me, with a fingertip. “Yup.” I smiled at my husband, and he smiled back with a trace of the heat we’d shared that night in his eyes. “And I love it.” I did, and I hadn’t minded either when Kelly spotted it and looked jealous upon our return to work. The more proof she saw that Owen was mine, the better.


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