Ready For Flynn,Part 3: A Rockstar Romance: Ready For Flynn Series

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Ready For Flynn,Part 3: A Rockstar Romance: Ready For Flynn Series Page 8

by K. L. Shandwick

Moving her hand away I scooped her up and climbed the stairs with her without responding.

  “I’m not adventurous enough for you, am I?” she asked in a serious tone.

  “No, babe it isn’t that, it’s just that we haven’t had much time to do some of the things I’d love to try with you. You have to admit we haven’t really spoken much about the things we’d like to do even after all this time.”

  “Isn’t what we do enough for you?” she said, her tone suddenly concerned.

  “Oh, it’s not about being enough it’s about switching things up now and then.”

  “Like when we were in London, you mean?”

  I placed Valerie down on the bed, and she sat with her feet together on the floor, all trace of the happy drunk she’d been gone, and I kicked myself for taking that away from her.

  “I knew this would happen,” she said, flatly.

  “Knew what?”

  “You’d get bored with me…that I’d never be enough for you,” she glanced up with watery eyes and a crushed look on her face, “Lexi told me that…”

  “She told you what? And what the fuck does Lexi know about keeping a man? She’s been with Dan what, four months? Slept with most of the crew and quite a few groupies before that,” I said almost belligerently. I sat on the bed beside her and took her into my arms, “This is nonsense, Valerie. I never want to be with anyone else. I love you, so much, babe. Your body is the only one I want to find pleasure in, the only one I want to pleasure.”

  “But you just—”

  “I’d like to stretch your limits, not trade you in for someone else,” I said, gently.

  “What do you mean? What kind of thing are you talking about? Assplay? Whips and chains?”

  “Anal play is nice, but it’s your choice. Whips and chains do nothing for me. More sensory play might be nice, hot wax, ice, blindfolds again, that kind of thing.”

  “What if I don’t like it?”

  “Supposing you do? How will we know unless we give it a shot?”

  “So you want to fuck my ass?”

  “We may never get to that, but I’d like to play around again, see how you feel. I would never force you to do something you weren’t happy with, and up until London you stiffened like a corpse if I went anywhere near your back door.”


  “Okay? You’re not just saying that because you feel forced, are you?” I asked concerned.

  “No. I always have fun when we’re having sex, and you are obviously feeling like something is missing. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have brought it up tonight.”

  “Nothing is missing. Making love to you always gives me pleasure. It’s more about having something you don’t expect very often. Like you feel when someone buys pictures you don’t expect to sell.”

  “Not much of a comparison there, Flynn. I don’t feel like someone’s fucked my ass when I sell something unexpectedly.”

  I smirked because she’d immediately focused on anal sex again, “I meant you feel thrilled at the unexpected, Val. I’m never going to make you do anything you don’t want to.”

  Valerie sat quietly and chewed the side of her mouth, her lips twisting as she pondered our discussion.

  “Hey, listen. You are all that matters to me, not some sexual position or an hour of kinky sex.”

  “Yeah, but there’s so many women out there that would die for you to do that to them,” she stated.

  My heart ached at her insecurity around how to please me in bed, and I felt angry that I’d chosen to bring the subject up when she’d been having fun.

  Placing my hand on her chin, I turned her to face me and kissed her nose before I rested my forehead on hers, “You are my world, babe. I’m sorry I mentioned it, let’s just forget it and have some fun.”

  She stood and wobbled on her feet, then crossed her arms reaching down to pull the hem of her dress up. I was stunned into silence when I saw the sexy lingerie she was wearing. Black silk stockings with seams, a suspender belt in black lace with a black bra and a thong in delicate see-through lace had been hidden all evening. If I had known, we’d have been home by ten and the only shots inside her would have been mine.

  She stood awkwardly, all her previous inhibitions gone and it made me heart feel like lead to see her reaction to something I’d started.

  “Come here, let me look at you,” I said standing to take her by the shoulders as I stared in wonder.

  As I sat on the bed with her in front of me, I turned her to face me, my eyes feasting on her body. I leaned forward and pulling her forward I sucked a pebbled nipple into my mouth through the thin lace of her bra. My hungry mouth trailed down and kissed from her abdomen to her mound. Appreciating the garters, I lifted them between my fingers at each thigh and stretched them before letting go.

  Valerie’s breath hitched in her throat with the sudden sharp slap as they snapped back against her skin and my dick was instantly solid, “Sexy girl,” I groaned, as she bit her bottom lip between her teeth. One by one, I unhooked each suspender and slowly slipped each stocking down her legs to cascade to her ankles. Holding her ass, I stood up so close she pressed firmly against me. “You’re so beautiful,” I whispered before turning with her in my arms I bent down to lay her out on the floor.

  I moved to the top of her head and looked down the smooth line of her torso, taking in the luscious valley between her firm lace encased breasts. Her pulse ticked excitedly in her belly, and the faded scar she wore like a badge of honor for motherhood made me want to kiss it reverently. My hands itched to touch her as I took in every inch of her beautiful curves and my mouth watered to taste the sweetness between her thighs.

  Reaching out I brushed some strands of hair from her forehead and smoothed it tenderly down at the sides. Valerie stared trustingly at me with her gorgeous green eyes, pupils widened with alcohol and want. “Sometimes I get scared with how much I love you, babe,” I whispered in a tone that almost sounded desperate.

  Immediately a crease formed on her brow, and she looked surprised, “Scared? Why?”

  “Because you mean the world to me. I never want you to stop loving me,” I admitted.

  “I’m just a girl, Flynn. You’re the rock star. You aren’t the one who needs to worry.”

  “Valerie, I promise on Liam’s life you never have to worry.”

  Bending over, I caught her bottom lip between my teeth then pressed my mouth to hers as I forced my tongue deep inside and kissed her from my upside down position. Instantly, her back arched and her ass rose off the floor. A deep moan tore from her throat and my dick twitched, at the sweet sound she made, “Mmm.”

  “So responsive, babe. Look how easy you make it for me,” I smiled and slid my hands down her ribs. She shivered and her body writhed erotically. It made me want to fuck her even more. Sliding across her skin, I scored my thumb back and forth over her beaded nipple, while my other hand slid slowly down her belly and into her panties. My fingertips were instantly coated in her silky wetness, “So wet…mine.” Valerie sucked in a breath and arched up to meet my fingers in a sexy undulating roll, and my dick stretched tightly in response.

  Goosebumps spread like wildfire when I dropped my head to her neck and sucked my favorite spot lightly. My fingers traced her outer lips and had begun to explore her wet seam. Again, her body betrayed her, and another long moan escaped her chest. My dick stirred again in protest at being kept waiting. I sat back on my heels, pulled my hand free from her thong and trailed my fingers along her lips, “Lick,” I demanded, before sticking the same fingers into my mouth and sucking them clean of her nectar.

  “You are so fucking incredible, babe. Saying I love you, doesn’t seem adequate for how I feel,” I declared before bending to kiss her on the mouth again. Valerie’s hands clamped the back of my head, and she pushed it further into her face, “Damn,” I said, tearing my lips away from her and reaching down to roll her hips up to her shoulders toward me. She smelled sexy-as
-fuck, and I kissed up and down her thighs as I held her ass under my hands.

  “Do it,” she said.

  Lifting my mouth I asked, “Do what?”

  “Whatever you want,” she said seductively.

  I sat back on my heels, “What exactly is it you want to me to do?”

  “Play with my ass like you want to.”

  “No, Valerie. Not today, not like this. I want you sober and consenting not drunk and daring.”

  She struggled free and rolled onto her stomach, pushing her front up of the floor by her hands to face me. The hurt expression in her eyes became a puzzled scowl, “I really don’t get you, Flynn. One minute you’re full of persuasive comments and the next you’re backing off? What’s wrong with me?”

  I gave her a half-laugh, “Nothing’s wrong with you, Valerie. I’m not doing something different like that when you’re in this condition. This is the first time you’ve let your hair down since we’ve met. Before you’ve always been hurting or we’ve had other pressures. I’m not the guy that uses you to his advantage while you’re drunk . If you’re serious about trying different stuff, we’ll talk about it again when you’re sober.”

  Valerie rose clumsily and staggered to her feet, “Some fucking rock star you are,” she scoffed and threw her hand out to swipe at my arm.

  “That’s what I do, not who I am. And you’re not a groupie, Valerie. You don’t have to perform for my pleasure to get my attention. You’re my woman, the mother of my son. Whatever we do together we do by mutual consent, not because you think it’s expected of you.”

  “That’s exactly what I mean. Is that what you think groupies are for? Your pleasure when I’m not there?”

  “Now you’re just being obtuse and twisting my words,” I reasoned.

  For several seconds Valerie stared, her eyes narrowing before she turned and headed for the bathroom, bouncing off the door jam on the way in. I started to go after her, but before I reached her, I heard her throw up and wondered if she’d remember much about this when she was hungover. Instead of the night of passion I’d kind of expected when we left the club, I nursed her through her first drunken vomit session and eventually soothed her to sleep.

  Chapter 8

  Complicated things


  Waking to the sound of silence was weird, I was used to hearing Liam talking animatedly to his toys through the intercom in his bedroom, but that split second of waking to nothing, then remembering where I was kind of unnerved me. Valerie was still fast asleep and I knew she’d be grouchy when she woke up, so I slid out of the bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen for a glass of water in an effort to hydrate myself and catch some quiet time before I had to deal with her blaming me for allowing her to get into the state she did.

  Niamh looked like death warmed over, sliding her feet wearily across the floor instead of walking properly, and Teague was sitting quietly at the table. Taking a glass out of the cupboard I went to the fridge and dispensed a tall glass of iced water. “I never heard anyone drop Teague off,” I said, gesturing toward the table and practically inhaling the clear liquid.

  “They didn’t; after yesterday’s performance I figured it might be better if I picked him up from school myself. I’m really sorry about that,” I smiled and pulled her into a hug.

  I glanced at my watch and realized it was after 3:00 p.m. and Teague was out of school already. Val and I had slept most of the day, “It’s fine, don’t worry about it. It was pretty funny actually,” I snickered and saw a smile curve her lips.

  “So, how is Valerie after last night…I mean…the alcohol—I didn’t mean the…I wasn’t—” flustered, Niamh shifted her position.

  “I knew what you meant,” I laughed, almost spitting water all over the kitchen. “She got outrageous, we came home, she vomited, and I put her to bed. She’s still sleeping,” I offered and changed the subject quickly. “So you and Lee, huh? I guess I’m not that surprised.”

  Niamh suddenly looked scared, “He’s a nice guy…I like him,” she said as she shrugged her shoulders. Her face roamed mine for my reaction, and when she saw none she continued, “Flynn, we tried not to—” Niamh’s eyes darted to, Teague.

  “I understand, but you’re a good looking girl and Lee’s…well, he’s not exactly ugly,” I smirked.

  Niamh blushed, and I felt bad that she felt so awkward about finding a guy. She’d been stuck, practically a prisoner, in my home, and at my beck and call since I’d hired her five years previously. She never took vacations and for a young girl she spent way too much time on her own.

  I was happy that she was taking steps to see someone. Lee, too, for that matter, and I hoped it worked out because if it didn’t, there was another cluster-fuck brewing in my future. Their relationship... complicated things. It was obvious to me that things only went smoothly because of the people around me. My life was less than conventional at the best of times, Niamh and Lee were my stability. Them and Valerie.

  Call me selfish, but apart from my tight little circle, I didn’t trust many others. Everyone I spoke to wanted something from me or thought I could do something for them. Some tried to gain my support to further their own careers while some just wanted my money. People wanted to know me for what I did, not to know the guy I was, Flynn Docherty, the kid with a shitty start in life who had made good.

  “Flynn, this is for you,” Teague said, as he dropped the red crayon he was holding onto the table and scampered toward me with a picture he’d been coloring from his book. It was of a red guitar like mine, and he’d even written fender across the top of the head. He’d taken his time and done a great job.

  “Wow, Teague that’s awesome.”

  “It’s just like yours, right?” he said, with his little eyes eagerly searching my face for approval.

  “Sure is, buddy. Thank you, it’s awesome.”

  A winning smile lit up his face, “I knew it would be like yours when I colored it. Are you going to keep it?”

  “Are you kidding me, buddy? Teague, not only am I going to keep it, I’m going to get it framed and put it on the wall in my office.”

  A smile so big spread over his face and he gave me a little on-the-spot dance before he quickly hugged my waist. “I love you, Flynn,” he volunteered with affection.

  “And I love you too, buddy.”

  “When is Liam coming?” he asked.

  “Soon, we’ll bring him soon. I promise.”

  “Get your things, Teague, we have to leave in a few minutes,” Niamh prompted, “Swimming lesson,” she offered when I looked puzzled.

  Teague hugged me tightly again and quickly went to the glass slider at the other side of the kitchen counter. He let himself out, and I stood watching him running toward their small house down the field at the back of mine, to put on his swimsuit I figured.

  “You’re so good with him,” Niamh said, folding a small hand towel.

  “Why wouldn’t I be? He’s a great kid. I only wish I had more time for him.”

  “You do more than enough, more than I could ever have expected—“

  “He gives me pleasure, honey. I love him, maybe almost as much as you do. Valerie does too. She thinks the world of him.”

  “I just feel so lucky—” Niamh said and turned away from me, but not quick enough that I didn’t see the unshed tears in her eyes.

  “Hey, come here,” I said and hugged her tightly to my chest.

  “You know what I think? I think we’re all lucky. You needed someone to trust, and I needed someone to care about me. Relationships are a two-way thing, hon. At the end of the day we all like to think we’re independent, but we need people to rely on just the same.”

  “Who are we relying on?” Valerie croaked from the kitchen doorway. She looked very hungover, and I could see how much partying the night before had drained her.

  “Not you today,” I chuckled when I saw the disheveled bed hair and the way she flinched at the
sound of my voice. “Morning, my beautiful lush? How’s the head?” I asked as I walked over and pulled her into a hug. Her body sagged against mine. She was weak from her attempt to match others drinking alcohol like she was used to it—and consequently puking all night. I released my hold and stepped back before wandering to the counter top. Valerie slid wearily into a stool at the breakfast bar and held her head in her hands.

  “Painful, nauseated, my mouth feels like cotton inside,” she groaned, rubbing her stomach then her throat.

  “I’m not surprised; you were as drunk as a skunk last night,” I said laughing wholeheartedly at the state she was in.

  She sat thinking about what I’d said then her jaw hung slack, “Tell me that stuff in the night club was a dream.”

  I chuckled, “Nope,”

  “What I said in the car?” she asked, as her voice rose in a pitch bordering hysteria.

  “Wish I could,” I chuckled again, enjoying this less than efficient version of her.

  “Oh, well, fuuuck,” she groaned again and buried her head in her arms on the cool countertop.

  “It was fun, Valerie. I enjoyed your company. You’re a funny drunk with a filthy mouth, babe,” I said, rubbing her back as I tried to cheer her up.

  Suddenly her mouth dropped, “Tell me I didn’t talk about your body parts in front of Billy ‘Boy’ Wilson,” she mumbled from under her arms.

  “Um, that may also have happened,” I said, and both Niamh and I burst out laughing again. She glanced up and looked mortified, cringing at my response. I pulled her upright from the countertop and hugged her, “What you need is a good hearty breakfast and a couple of Advil. Once you’ve done that, we’ll pack and head back to Iowa.”

  After struggling her way through a dry bagel, sips of orange juice and two cups of coffee, Valerie slipped off the stool and didn’t looked any better. She scrubbed her pale face with her hand and mumbled that she had to go back to bed for a while. I never followed her up, leaving her to sleep off the remainder of her introduction to alcohol.

  At 6:00 p.m., I snuck into our bedroom and crept on the bed beside her. Valerie was laid flat on her back with her arm over her head, one breast showing and one covered with the navy blue sheet. Her face was perfect with the dim light peering through the crack in the shades. It made her silky smooth skin shine.


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