She shook her head and parted her lips to breathe easier. “Not that.”
“How can you look at these every day and not be stimulated? Or are you?”
“I don’t see the sexual aspect of them anymore. I see the connection between the two.”
She turned and found him directly behind her. Great answer. She stood on her toes, held his jaw, and kissed him, feeling the bones shift under her palms when he opened. She wasn’t going to think about this. She was simply going to bask in it, indulge. Gather what she could to take away with her in the end.
She followed Maksim’s lead by opening, and her nipples peaked from the shiver that rocked her when his tongue invaded her mouth. How did she compare as a kisser with the many women he’d had? She wondered suddenly.
Their mouths parted as she bumped down, figuratively and literally when her heels hit the hardwood.
His gaze narrowed on her. “What.”
She studied his features, the intensity in the way he was watching her. “Yesterday it happened so fast and was so explosive. This time seems deliberate. I’m . . . nervous. There’s stuff in my head that shouldn’t be there.” She ran her fingertips over his chiseled pecs.
Their eyes locked.
“Do not think when you’re about to have sex with me. I don’t want your best or what you hope might please me. I want you to do what you feel you must. Take from me what you need.” He ran his palms from her hips up over her ribs. “But listen, that advice, as sound as it is, doesn’t really apply right now, so put it out of your head. Because this time will be about nothing but you handing over that control you hold on to so goddamn tightly.”
She shook her head, and he stilled the motion by grasping her chin between his thumb and finger.
“Take what I’m offering you. Do you know how badly you want it?” He released her and circled around, stopping behind her. “How badly you need it? Do you?” he pushed when she didn’t respond.
“No,” she whispered.
“Don’t tell me I’m wrong. I’ve been watching you. Every move that you make. I see the look in your eyes when I put my foot down, when I assert myself with you. I watch your body change. I see the color that comes into your cheeks, the way your breath comes faster . . . the way your nipples harden, proving it’s a sexual turn-on I’m witnessing. I see that need you feel to accept it, lover, even when you struggle with allowing me my way. You’re getting better, but there is still a ways to go. You want to give in and let me take over.” The forefinger and middle finger of one of his hands touched her temple. “The problem is in here. You’ve had to be this strong, independent woman who stands for herself, and more, for Andy. But in here”—his other hand came to rest on her quickly rising and falling chest—“deep down in that most private place, you know, or are coming to know, who you are. You know what you want. What will bring you pleasure. And you’re understandably afraid to admit it. Don’t tell me I’m wrong,” he said again.
And she didn’t. Because she knew he wasn’t.
“Show me,” she whispered instead.
With a tortured groan, Maks took a moment to savor those words, and then he pulled Sydney into his arms and walked backward to the bed. He fell to his back, and smiled at the little grunt she made when she landed on top of him. He immediately rolled her over but only allowed a portion of his full weight to come down on her.
When her breath released shakily and she squirmed beneath him, Maksim claimed her mouth in a scorching kiss that had her moaning her surrender down his throat within seconds. A raw cloud of desire instantly surrounded them, and he knew they weren’t going to have a problem.
He lifted his head and was pleased that she appeared all-in. She leaned up to continue, but he pulled back. “Ah-ah.” If she heard his altered tone, he didn’t know, but she slowly rested her head on the bed again. And waited. No problems here at all.
“From here on out, you’ll do as you’re told. You won’t touch me unless I give you permission. If I do and then say stop, you take your hands off and settle back until I tell you to go again. When I give you instruction, I don’t want hesitation—you follow immediately. Understand?”
She nodded, focus darting from his eyes to his mouth and then back up again. He wasn’t sure if she was listening. But he’d soon find out.
“Good girl,” he said, and then pushed himself off her to stand. Her murmur of disappointment was pleasing, to say the least. As was the hot, famished look that flew over her face when she noticed his erection straining over the band of his sweats. “Lick your lips,” he ordered, his voice already hoarse.
She did. So quickly he was sure she’d been about to before he’d told her to. He removed her sneakers with no fuss and reached up to slide her yoga pants down her legs and off her feet along with a pair of wooly socks. His teeth ground together, his limbs beginning to shake at the sight of all that skin. The sugar-skull tattoo on the front of her right thigh smirked at him. He smirked back. He needed more. So he got more. After placing kisses to the soles of her feet, lips twitching when she jerked from each, he drew her up and slowly pulled her sweater over her head.
Dropping the soft, still-warm piece of clothing to his feet, he took his damn time this round, studying the colorful flowers and vines inked across her indented navel and the gorgeous copper-and-gold dragon protecting her left side, its tail wrapping all the way down to her flared hip. Sexy. As. Shit.
He took a step back. “Sit up. Knees pointing at me. Ass on the soles of your feet. Hands on your thighs. Back straight. Head bowed. Eyes down.”
She slowly moved into position, the graceful flow of her limbs so fucking beautiful to watch. Shit. This wasn’t going to last. He leaned forward and used a knuckle to tap the inside of her knees. “Wider.” She separated them to the perfect measurement. He relished the burn of pleasure flowing through him as he straightened and took her in for a long moment.
His little Aussie. In position. Waiting to please him. Allowing him to have her on his terms. They were here. They’d made it.
And still she waited. And he let her. For a full five minutes. And goddammit he needed to know what was going through her mind during those minutes. A highly unusual thing. Something he’d never needed before.
“Look at me.”
She slowly raised just her eyes, didn’t smile, didn’t change expression, but the fire in that stare shot a bolt of lightning straight to his cock.
“I never said you had to remain silent. Tell me what you want, Sydney.”
She pointed at his groin. “That.”
His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he let out a deep groan. “Where?” he rasped.
His fingers curled into fists, and he felt a bead of sweat roll down the middle of his back. Not yet. But soon. As he had last time, he’d mark her, leave behind his scent. Like an animal. All the fuck over her.
“Take your hair down.”
She did, and the heavy waves fell from the knot she’d had it in so that the ends curled down around her narrow rib cage. Magnificent.
He gestured to her black bra and panties, which had multiple straps that made it look as though she were bound in them. “Off.”
She didn’t hesitate before reaching behind and quickly undoing the clasp of her bra. She slid the lace and silk down her arms and dropped it next to her on the bed. He devoured her stunning breasts, two perfect globes no paler than the rest of her body. She went up on her knees and used her thumbs to slip the matching panties down, rolling onto her hip to slide them off her legs and drop them with the bra. She got back into position immediately, eyes down. No coy flash of pussy or leading looks. Holy Christ, it was as if she’d done this a hundred times before and already knew what he liked. What he expected of her. The fact that she hadn’t, an
d didn’t, but was giving him what he needed anyway, had him going wild inside.
“Spread your legs as wide as they’ll go.”
As her chest rose and fell swiftly, she did. Not too slowly. Not too quickly. But just right. And Maks wanted to die at the sight of that bare pussy, the inside of which glistened with moisture already. And he hadn’t even touched her yet.
He’d remedy that immediately. “I’m going to touch you, and I now want you to remain quiet.” He sat on the side of the bed and reached out to feather his knuckles over that perfect little slit. Her sharply indrawn breath whistled through her lips. He took his hand back.
“I’m sorry.” Whispered shakily. “I . . . couldn’t help—” She sealed her lips.
“Is that remaining quiet?”
Her brow furrowed for a split second before smoothing out again. She bowed her head once more, shaking it as if in apology.
“Do you think you’ll please me if you don’t do as I ask?”
Another shake of her head, hair shimmering in a pale curtain.
She was wrong, but he didn’t tell her that. “Will you remain quiet when I touch you this time, Sydney?”
He got nothing.
Because it would have been a lie. She wouldn’t be able to stay quiet if he touched her, and she was admitting it in the only way she could. He found that explosive and . . . endearing.
“Give me your mouth. Open and ready.”
She came forward and placed her parted lips on his, tongue smoothly joining his to roll around and play for a moment. He groaned and sucked on her bottom lip, biting down hard enough to have her gasping, but not hard enough that she would feel actual pain. Releasing it, he watched her tongue pass over it slowly, as though soothing herself.
She shook her head, and he found he needed her voice.
“Tell me. Did that hurt?”
“No,” she reassured him. “You didn’t hurt me.”
Better. “Turn around.” Anticipation at what he was about to see made him shudder right down to his toes. “On your hands and knees,” he stipulated as he got to his feet again and lost sight of her face.
She rose up and her gorgeous ass and shadowed sex were revealed as she obeyed. He leaned in, resting against his knees on the mattress behind her, knocking back the immediate instinct to drive his tongue into her. Fucking hell. She’d never looked more beautiful to him than she did right then, in her capitulation, especially as her head lifted slightly, causing her heavy hair to feather off her rigid back as she waited for his next instruction.
He yanked his sweatshirt off, totally overheated already. “Open yourself for me.”
She hesitated for a fraction of a second, and then her long ringless fingers came from underneath to spread her lips to show him the soft pink folds he was nearly insane to get into. Her labored breaths registered, and he tore his gaze away from her secret treasure to see . . . He couldn’t.
“Let me see your face, lover,” he said, the bite mysteriously now missing from his voice. This wasn’t the way of things. Why wasn’t he able to see her as just a body that was going to get him off in a few minutes?
She looked back, looking almost feverish in her excitement, her eyes glowing with an inferno from their very mild game. This was his fantasy. The one he’d had in his office that day. He practically felt her touch as she stared at his bared upper body. Stared and coveted, by the looks of it. He felt his brows pull down in the center, and he straightened, his intention only to take off his damned constricting sweatpants. The instant disappointment on her face because she thought he was quitting was staggering.
“Move your hand away.” She did. “Very good,” he praised. “You’re going to be very, very good. Aren’t you, Sydney?”
Realizing she’d been wrong and they were continuing, she perked up again and nodded, and when he looked down at her sex, he could see the outer muscles flexing as if she were on the verge of climaxing. He felt his erection throb and knew he wasn’t far from his own. He pushed his sweats and boxers down and kicked them away.
“I want to touch you, Maksim.”
He closed his eyes at the husky request. “Not yet.” If she touched him, they’d be done. “Now open yourself for me again, and this time I want you to touch yourself with only one of your fingers.”
Her hand came between her legs immediately, and a rumble erupted from his chest as he watched her separate herself with her forefinger and ring finger and then use her middle finger to slide through her wetness. “Give it to me,” he rasped as he leaned over her shoulder to suck the offered finger into his mouth. He rolled his tongue around it, the sweet, erotic flavor of her sending him into a tailspin. He let her digit slide out of his mouth with a soft pop and pushed away to get to his feet.
“Stand up and put your hands against the wall, Sydney.”
She moved off the bed and stepped beyond the nightstand to brace herself with her palms flat on the wall, her hips jutting out behind her to give him full access. Nothing could have proven her trust as clearly as the offering of her body. And what a fucking body it is, he thought as he swallowed the saliva that had pooled in his mouth. He caressed everywhere he looked, firmly and with ownership. She was his. Only his. For now, he forced himself to add.
With a light glancing smack to her right ass cheek that had her jumping and looking back at him with an expression he had to wonder about, he stepped over and opened the bottom drawer of his nightstand to take something out. He ripped the tags off, as he’d yet to use them. He felt tangled. Weirdly so, hence the love-tap.
Coming up behind her, he drew one of her arms back and gave her a low, “Shh, it’s okay,” when she started. He attached the wide leather cuffs just above her elbows. “These aren’t serious arm binders—I find those too bulky and time-consuming—but they will limit your movement while opening you up for me.” He proved the latter by tightening the connector, which brought her arms back, elbows close together, and he looked over her shoulder . . . Oh, fuck.
He slowly turned her to face him so he could get an unimpeded view of her flawless breasts raised as though in offering, nipples tight and that perfect shade of darker pink few women were blessed with. Her stomach was firm, showing just the right amount of definition. He cursed in Russian and told her she really was the most beautiful he’d ever had.
“Thank you, I think,” she said with a shaky smile that was sexy and hot and slightly uneasy at the same time.
“Sorry, you just wiped my knowledge of English. You’re fucking gorgeous. So fucking gorgeous,” he repeated against her flesh as he cupped and tasted what now belonged to him, savoring her soft gasp.
After too little attention paid to her upper half—but with a vow to return—Maks turned her away and dropped to his knees behind her, where he felt he belonged, and with a firm hand, he pushed between her shoulder blades until her breasts were against the wall, then he spread her open and dove into that secret place, devouring her with calculated thrusts and well-timed flicks.
“Maksim! Oh . . . God!”
Sydney’s cries of pleasure rocked into him like a tidal wave as she gave him her first orgasm, her muscles flexing around his buried tongue, her thighs trembling as he elicited every last spasm from her. So responsive.
Getting to his feet, staying behind her, he quickly donned a condom from the box he’d dropped into the drawer that morning and grabbed her hips to pull her into the cradle of his pelvis. She shifted like liquid, and he had to work like hell on his control as he slid himself through her wetness.
“Bring me home,” he commanded tightly.
“I’m . . . my arms—”
“Your hands are in perfect placement. Do it.”
And they were, because she was easily able to reach, and she gently gripped his cock and brought the tip of him to her entrance. He covered her hand and squeezed.
“Tighter. Hold me like I’m about to walk away from you.” He removed his hand and sucked in a breath when she slowly tightened her fist, stroking him once, and then twice. “Oh, fuck yes,” he rasped. “Don’t let me leave you. Show me where you need me.”
She attempted to push back, to impale herself on him, but he held her off with the grip he had on her hips, keeping just the tip of himself nestled. He was on fucking fire. Her whimper of frustration caused him to smile, and he couldn’t help but wonder at the amazing creature he held in his hands. He burrowed into her, pressing her against the wall with his chest on her back, and spoke quietly into her ear. “Do you think you were a good enough girl for me to give you what you want?” He moved her hair aside and kissed down the side of her neck to her shoulder, nipping her there lightly.
“I d-don’t know.”
His smile widened. “You were so worth the wait, princess. And I feel honored to be having you.”
“Stop that,” she chastised. “I want to know what you’re saying.”
Too bad. He spoke again, keeping to his native tongue. “You’re confusing and special and you’ve made me question things I shouldn’t. You’ve made me regret things I shouldn’t. And look forward to things I absolutely know I shouldn’t. I hate that as much as I like it. I’m second-guessing myself minute by minute with you.”
“Maksim, please.” She pressed into him so that he wasn’t sure if she was complaining about the Russian or the fact that he’d paused the action.
“Do you think you were a good enough girl for me to give you what you want?” he repeated, coming back to English.
“Yes. Yes, I was. I am.” She squirmed, hitting him just right.
“Yes, you most definitely are. Say my name.”
“Maksim,” she whispered.
“Again, lover.” He cupped her breasts and rolled her nipples.
“Maksim, please.”
He grabbed the base of his cock and entered her in slow increments, with a gentleness that wasn’t part of the game. She mewled like a kitten once he was seated to the hilt, but he could barely enjoy it.
An Obsession with Vengeance (Wanted Men Book 3) Page 33