Daddy's Girl : An Extreme Psychological Horror

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Daddy's Girl : An Extreme Psychological Horror Page 4

by Anton Palmer

  “You’re eighteen now, Victoria,” his eyes roved over her body as he spoke, “a grown woman. You are now responsible for your own actions and deeds - and you must now take responsibility for purging yourself of your sins. Come,” he reached out a hand towards her, “let us go down to the basement. I can show you how to use it.”

  She sniffed back a small sob and followed him to the basement door. She knew it was useless to refuse, that would only make him angry, forcing him to chain her up and beat her. She walked slowly behind her father, down the steps into the chill of the basement, her birthday present gripped in a clammy, shaking hand.

  “Take off your clothes, Victoria. And kneel.” He pointed to the dirt floor, in front of the wooden cross that hung on the wall. She pulled her nightdress over her head and let it fall, standing in front of her father in only her underwear, her body trembling.

  “And your undergarments please, Victoria.”

  Removing her bra and knickers, she knelt on the dusty floor, her hands covering her breasts, thighs pressed tight together. Her father knelt behind her, his rough hands on her shoulders. Victoria grimaced as she felt his fingers slowly and gently stroke her soft skin, spreading from her shoulders down to her clavicles, the tips of the digits stretching to the tops of her breasts. He pressed his body firmly against her back and she felt her father’s hot breath on her neck, his breathing low and guttural.

  Suddenly he pulled away and thrust the birthday gift into her right hand. Gripping her wrist tightly, he pulled her arm up towards her head, flicking the knotted ropes over her shoulder against the smooth pale skin of her back.

  “Like that, see? Now you do it.” He let go of her wrist and stepped back.

  Victoria wept quietly, her body gently quivering as she flicked the ropes over her shoulder, feeling the knots smack against her skin.

  “Harder. Do it harder. The Lord wants to feel your pain. To know that you are sincere.”

  She lashed herself again, harder, as ordered, the ropes stinging her skin.

  “Again. Harder.” He moved in front of her. Victoria, suddenly conscious of her breasts wobbling as she flogged herself, closed her eyes, trying to block out the image of her own father watching the movements of her body.

  She flicked the ropes over her shoulder again, the knots slapping and biting at her flesh.

  “Ten more, Victoria - and then you can take a shower and get dressed.” Her father stepped away from her and quickly headed up the steps, back into the house.


  “Come and meet, Anna.”

  Mandy waved at a tall blonde girl across the room. Victoria immediately recognised her as the woman who was laughing about her in the toilets the day before. With a feeling of dread deep in the pit of her stomach, she followed Mandy through the chattering mass of people. She watched as Mandy and Anna hugged each other, holding their respective drink glasses out to their sides to avoid spillage as they kissed each other on the cheek.

  “So, “said Mandy as she pulled away from her friend, “where’s the birthday girl? I can’t see her anywhere.”


  “You what?”

  “Got some kind of bug apparently. Went home early this afternoon after puking her guts up at work.”

  “Oh no. I bet she’s gutted at having to miss her party.”

  “Not really. It’s a surprise party and no one’s told her – she quite literally doesn’t know what she’s missing!” The two women laughed loudly as Victoria stood awkwardly by.

  Suddenly aware that she was neglecting her, Mandy turned to Victoria and, grabbing her arm, dragged her closer.

  “Anna – this is Victoria.”

  At nearly six feet tall, Anna was statuesque and curvaceous. Her satin-sheened red dress hugged every contour of her body. Cut low at the bust – her full breasts barely contained - and short at the leg - emphasising her shapely thighs – she looked every inch the Jezebel that Victoria had imagined her to be. And, despite the fact that everything about her screamed SLUT, SINNER, WHORE, Victoria felt an unconscious pang of jealousy. Anna was stunningly beautiful and sexy. Victoria couldn’t deny it, and, coupled with the obvious fact that Anna knew how ‘hot’ she was and clearly revelled in that knowledge, she felt herself withering under her scrutiny.

  Victoria held out her hand, nervously, unsure how she should make her acquaintance with this woman who was so obviously the polar opposite of herself. Anna took the proffered limb and shook it gently, a smirk creeping across her face as she looked Victoria up and down.

  “Nice dress. Did you know you were coming to a party?”

  Victoria’s gaze immediately dropped to the floor, studying the worn narrow boards as she felt her face flush.

  “Anna…I like Victoria’s dress – it suits her – don’t you think?” Mandy gave her friend a stern look.

  “Oh…yeah. Sorry Victoria…it wouldn’t be my choice for a party dress, but…yeah…Mandy’s right – it does suit you. And, although it doesn’t reveal any skin, it clearly shows that you’ve got a great pair of tits under there – nice to see you haven’t flattened them down. I don’t think you’ll have any problem pulling tonight.”

  “Anna!” Mandy hissed, slapping Anna’s arm.

  “What? I was being complimentary – wasn’t I?”

  “Victoria hasn’t come here to pull.” Mandy giggled, “We’re not all like you.”

  Anna laughed. “Good job. Less competition for me, although…” she looked around the room for a second, “there’s not much here to compete over. What a bunch of mingers. Looks like my vibrator’s going to be busy tonight unless things pick up.”

  Victoria frowned, making her distaste of Anna’s conversation obvious.

  “Oh sorry, Victoria. Hope I didn’t offend your sensibilities just then.”

  Victoria felt herself shrivel even further at Anna’s mocking tone.

  “I forgot. You’re probably saving yourself for Mr. Right, or Jesus…whoever comes first. Although, a bit of advice here, woman to woman…” Anna leaned in to Victoria’s ear, “if either of them comes first, dump them and find a real man…know what I mean?”

  Victoria stepped back a couple of paces, Anna’s dirty talk still ringing in her ears, giving the other woman a filthy glare.

  “Oh fuck it!” Anna turned to Mandy. “I did my best, babe, but she’s as boring as fuck so I’m going to love you and leave you. Try and have a good time…” she shot Victoria a withering glance, “if the bible-basher will let you.”

  Anna flounced off, holding her empty glass out in front of her. She had barely taken more than a few steps before several men immediately gathered around her, offering to buy her a drink. Victoria watched as they jiggled for position like a bunch of pathetic puppies, all desperate to please their master in the hope of getting a treat as a reward.

  Mandy stepped in front of her, blocking her view. “I’m really sorry about that, Vic. I guess she’s a bigger bitch than I thought. Do you want me to take you home?”

  Victoria felt tears welling up in her eyes. She knew she shouldn’t have come to the party. Knew it was a mistake. She didn’t want to stay, but at the same time she didn’t want to go home either. As soon as she was alone in her house, she knew her father would have something to say. And she still owed God a flogging. Her father would make sure she didn’t get away with it.

  She wiped the tears from her eyes and sniffed. “I don’t want to spoil your evening by going home early, Mandy. I’ll stay.”

  “Alright then.” Mandy smiled at her, surprised, “I’ve just got to pay a visit, then I’ll get us some more drinks. Ok?”

  Victoria gave a nod and tried to force a smile. She stood against a wall, pressing her back as tight against it as she could in a subconscious effort to distance herself from the other party guests and watched her friend head off towards the toilets. She scanned around the room, looking to see what Anna was doing, praying she wouldn’t come back over. After a moment, she spotted her. The tall
blonde stood in the middle of a group of men, laughing, running her fingers through her hair, thrusting out her ample chest, clearly enjoying the attention she was getting even if she didn’t rate the men very highly. Victoria felt herself gasp as Anna looked in her direction and she quickly turned her attention to the other side of the room, desperate to avoid any eye contact. As she looked around she saw the door to the function room open and a policeman walk in.

  Was someone in trouble?

  The newcomer stared around the room, clearly searching for someone. His gaze met Victoria’s and she immediately broke away, feeling the heat in her face again as an overwhelming sense of guilt overtook her, despite the fact she had never done anything in her whole life that would warrant attention from the police.

  Had she?

  Again, that overriding feeling of guilt. She looked back towards the door. The policeman had moved away from the entrance. Victoria scanned around and found him talking to Anna. Her heart leapt.

  Was he going to arrest Anna?

  As she watched, she saw Anna whisper into the officer’s ear before throwing her head back and laughing. The policeman then put his hands on Anna’s breasts for a few seconds before pretending to write something in an imaginary notebook. The pair of then laughed loudly.

  What was going on? This wasn’t a real policeman – surely?

  As she continued to watch, Victoria definitely thought something was off. Something about his uniform was not quite right…and he certainly did not carry an air of authority about him. As she stared, Anna caught her eye and smiled. Victoria quickly turned away but not before she saw the blonde point at her, laughing, the policeman turning to look in her direction.


  Victoria stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel. Her back still stung from the lashes her father had forced her to inflict upon herself, but the pain was starting to ease. As she padded barefoot across the landing towards her bedroom, she paused outside the door to her father’s room. She could hear guttural grunting sounds coming from within.

  Was he in pain? Was he sick?

  The doctor had diagnosed high blood pressure – the throbbing vein on his temple a testament to the truth of it. Victoria listened a little longer – the grunting and groaning didn’t sound right. She debated whether she should knock on the door, check if he was ok, but he had always told her that she was not to disturb him if his bedroom door was shut.

  But if he was ill? Surely he would expect her to knock and see if he was alright?

  Summoning up her courage, she rapped tentatively against the wood.

  “Father? Are you alright?”

  “Yes, I’m fine, girl…” He sounded breathless, “Go away!”

  Just as she was about to step away, a howl came from her father’s room. Victoria burst through the door not knowing what to expect – possibly her father collapsed with a stroke or holding his head against the pain of a migraine – whatever thoughts she may have had, she certainly was not prepared for the vision that met her eyes.

  Her father was lying naked on his bed. He held a pair of her dirty undergarments pressed hard against his face, his shame-filled eyes peeking out from under the material as he met her gaze for a second before both their eyes trailed down his sweat-sheathed body to his groin.

  Victoria screamed at the sight of her father’s erect penis. The engorged member was covered in blood, the crimson sheen highlighting the white globs of semen still leaking from its swollen tip. In his other hand he held what looked at first glance like the body of a flashlight with the bulb end removed, but on closer inspection she could see that the space for holding the batteries had been lined with several sheets of coarse sand-paper. Blood streaked the paper and, as she stared harder, dribbles of pink-tinged semen, began to leak from the open end of the torch.

  Her gaze met her father’s once more, a shiny wet film glazed the obvious shame in his eyes. For a moment, Victoria thought he was about to burst into tears but as she stared at him she saw the shame disappear as if it had never existed, the blood flowing back from his deflated penis filling the capillaries in his face, reddening his cheeks, the vein at his temple throbbing harder than she had ever seen before. His face was a mask of boiling rage.

  “Get out!” he screamed at her, saliva flying from his mouth, the vein at his temple threatening to burst out from under his skin.

  “Get out, girl – before I flay you alive!”

  Victoria fled for the door. As she reached for the handle she heard her father cry out and turning her head towards him she saw him clutching at his left shoulder, pain and fear now etched on his face. He rolled across the bed, his left arm reaching out to her. As she stepped towards him, he gave a gargled cry then flopped back onto the bed. Lifeless.


  Victoria’s heart-rate quickened as she watched the policeman walk across the room towards her. His eyes were fixed on hers, a sly smile on his lips. Fear had rooted her to the spot and, as she watched him getting ever closer, barely able to take her eyes off him, she was dimly aware of the other people in the room turning to watch. The buzz of chatter had dropped to a hushed whisper as all the other party guests focused their attention on Victoria’s terrified face.

  What have I done?

  Thoughts raced through her mind as she desperately tried to think of something she may have unwittingly done that could warrant police attention.

  There was nothing. She hadn’t done anything!

  The police officer stood directly in front of her. Her face burned with embarrassment, shame and panic. Her bladder fluttered with fear and she had to clench her muscles tight to avoid wetting herself in front of everybody. Her heart pounded behind her rib-cage, her breath catching in her throat.

  “Is your name Victoria?” The officer asked her, his voice low and deep, his blue eyes seeming to bore into her skull.

  “Yes…” Victoria could barely get the word out from her tight, dry throat and she had to clench once more to avoid peeing on her feet. Her eyes were wide with fear and confusion.

  What had she done?

  “Victoria. It is my understanding that you…are…a very naughty girl!”

  Music suddenly started playing and the crowd of onlookers gave a loud cheer. Victoria looked around the room, at all the eyes staring back at her. The laughing faces mocking her. A movement in the corner of her peripheral vision forced her attention back to the police officer…just as he whipped off his shirt to reveal a taut, muscular torso. Unable to comprehend what was happening, Victoria was frozen with shock. The officer dropped his trousers and Victoria’s eyes were instantly drawn to his thick, semi-erect penis. Before she had a chance to take in what was going on, the officer grabbed her hand and wrapped her slender fingers around his shaft, moving her hand up and down the length of his stiffening organ as he gyrated his hips in time to the beat of the music. She gasped as she felt his thick penis throbbing beneath her fingers and she felt her scarlet face burning a shade deeper as she realised she was now gripping him of her own accord.

  The onlookers cheered, laughed and whooped as the policeman forced her to masturbate him.

  “Suck him off, Victoria!” Someone shouted from the back of the room.

  She recognised the voice.


  The thought of her snapped Victoria out of her fear induced fugue and, breathing hard, fighting back a feeling of nausea, she pushed past the policeman, screaming at the top of her voice as she fled the room. In the bar, the other customer’s looked up as she burst through the door and ran past them, still screaming, tears streaming down her flushed face. As she reached the pub’s main exit, the door was suddenly pulled open ahead of her and she crashed into the person about to enter the bar.

  “Whoa! Steady on…are you alright?”

  Strong arms held her for a moment and Victoria stared into the face of a good-looking man who was, she guessed, in his early thirties. He wore a tailor-made grey suit that fitted perfectly and for a split-s
econd Victoria almost swooned. Regaining hers senses, she shook herself free of his grip and ran past him into the street, keen to put as much distance between herself and the pub as possible.


  “Thank you. Keep the change.”

  Victoria hurriedly thrust a ten pound note into the taxi driver’s hand and walked quickly up the gravel drive to her front door. She struggled to get the key into the lock, her hands still trembling, but managed to open the door just as she heard the taxi pulling away. Almost falling into the hallway, she slammed the door shut behind her, collapsing onto the floor. She sobbed hard, her cries wracking her chest as she beat her fists against her head in confused frustration.


  Why would someone do this to her? What had she done to deserve this mockery?

  She studied her reflection in the hallway mirror. Her red, swollen eyes. The wet trails of tears on her cheeks. “Why?” she screamed at her mirrored self. She looked her reflection in the eyes, as if staring into her very soul for an answer.

  “Because you’re a filthy slut!”

  Victoria’s breath caught in her lungs and for a second she saw her father’s red face appear in the mirror, his temple pulsing, rage burning in his eyes.

  “No!” she screamed at the reflected vision, “I never wanted it!” But even as the words left her lips, the sudden remembrance of how the stripper’s fat, throbbing shaft had felt in her small hands was causing a damp tingle between her legs.

  “You wanted him, girl…didn’t you?” Her father’s voice was sneering.

  “No. I just…want…a baby…”

  “There was no thought of babies in your head, girl! You wanted his big, thick, cock inside you. Didn’t you?”


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