The Order of Events: The Red Wolf

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The Order of Events: The Red Wolf Page 2

by C. J. Haines

  Looking upon the dead wreckage as he landed, the horned beast felt his hunger for power nag him uncontrollably. Reaching upon a dead corpse and spreading his fingers out across where the heart and soul resided, the beast harvested a soul as he always did in his fetchings, but this time they would not meet the Aura. As a beautiful light emanated from the body, a glowing, green light left the corpse and was held in the beast’s hand. He eyed the light lustily. He could possibly have the power that his sister had. All he had to do was just take more and more souls for his own, if his suspicions were true, and when he was ready, stand against her and fight. She was weak in his eyes. She wept in fear of death, and he would make her do so again, but this time, it would be in fear of her own brother. Not to waste another second, the beast closed his hand over the soul, and it dissipated like water on a dry cloth. He felt his strength grow greater as he absorbed the soul by his darkening mysticism. The feeling was like finding water after having been dried out like a desert, and he wanted more.

  Going from body to body, he took soul after soul, all across the land, his strength becoming greater upon each soul he took into his possession. As his strength grew, his size also grew. He was twice his former size and twice his former strength, now. Standing surrounded by dead bodies, each of which he took the soul of, he was ready to take on his sister, and there were still no warriors in sight. Taking a great leap into the air, the beast began his flight to the Order with great momentum. This was a moment he looked forward to with great joy.

  The Mother stood on her balcony, awaiting the return of her brother and Karamka’s warriors. The wind was sharp as it blew across her veil. She removed it as she saw her brother flying at great speed towards her. The thought that crossed her mind was but one, they had succeeded. Watching as her beastly brother landed on the balcony next to her, the Mother looked upon her brother, shocked at his appearance. Something had changed about him. His fur had turned a dark, ragged brown. His once beautiful long straight horns were now curled at their tips, and bent at their centers. His once gentle hands were now pointed with vicious claws. The feathers had fallen from his back, like leaves on an autumn tree. His back was now greatly arched, the stars upon it dim in disdain as his neck bent down cruelly. He was now a sight of fear and hate, no longer a sight of serenity and justice.

  Looking upon his sister with a hateful glare, he approached her, taking long, slow strides. He spoke in a grating voice, like stone scraping against steel. “My sister, look at you, so peaceful, here, and far from the battle. I don’t think you have a fight in you anymore, if you ever did.”

  She couldn’t help but look at her brother with regretful eyes, as she backed away from him, closing her eyes. “You’ve committed horrible sin, my brother…I can feel the souls inside you, you’ve taken what’s not yours. Release them. They do not belong to you.”

  Releasing a cackle of delight to his sister’s reply, the beast thrashed his head close to her and stopped his advance, his eyes level with hers. “Do you think I would give this up? I feel stronger than ever before, even stronger than you, stronger than any living thing. What’re you going to do, stop me?”

  The Mother heard a voice inside her head, the voice of the being of creation. “Your brother has committed a most serious of sin against my creation. You must stop him. He will try to take the souls from within the Aura, if he does that, there will be no life on this planet, and many a life will be wasted. You know you must do this, however painful it will be, you must.”

  Opening her eyes, the Mother could not form anything but a grim look on her features. “I’m sorry, my brother, but I must destroy you. The creator orders it. I’m sorry…”

  Flailing his head back in ridicule of her, the beast stretched his wings out, clenching his claws. “You, defeat me…? How dare you even suggest such an idea, you wept at the thought of defeat, at the thought of your own death, you cannot defeat me. I’m stronger than you, stronger than anyone!!!”

  The Mother raised her hand before her and spread her fingers wide. “It was not the loss of my life, but yours that I feared for.”

  Whether or not it was the truth or just an insult, the beast was angered greatly and leapt forward, thrusting his claws for his sister’s face. “Yaaarghhhhh!!!”

  With the precision of the water of a wild river, the Mother dodged the blow and spun around her brother, and stood at his back. Delivering a hard hitting blow to his back with her elbow, a loud cracking sound was let out, as she sent him rolling into the chamber of the Aura sideways. She walked in as the horned beast picked himself up from the floor, scraping his claws on the floor. “My sister…you’re going to pay for that. For that, I’ll make you suffer!!!”

  The Nightwatcher turned, flailing his claws savagely, and cut his sister’s arm with one of his swings, after which she was successful at dodging, leaving the rest of his swings to miss. Holding her arm, as blood squirt from a sharp scrape going the length of it, the Mother parried two more blows, and then delivered a good sound kick to her brother’s left ribs. To this blow the beast gave out a loud, grating grunt, followed by a few steps backwards in response.

  Watching his movement carefully, the Mother thought herself ready for anything that was to be dealt out, as the Nightwatcher paced sideways, back and forth, back and forth. After much repetition, he decided to deliver his next blow and aimed for her face with one claw. This caused her to dodge the blow, but she didn’t see his other arm coming from below, and she was slammed right in the face with the back of his claw, and then savagely raked by it on a down stroke.

  Stumbling backwards, she tripped and held her face as blood trickled from her face to the floor. Her brother, taking huge strides once again, was flapping his wings madly, staring intently at her, as she lay bloodied on the floor. “Come on, sister, is that the best you can do? Surely you can muster some fight up for your own brother.”

  Raising his claws up for one more, final downward stroke of sharp death, upon her downed form on the floor, the beast grinned victoriously. “Say goodbye.”

  Feeling her head throb heavily, the Mother felt that it was over, but in the moment that the deadly claws started their downward trail to her flesh, she found renewed strength and sprung up from the ground, grabbing the sharp claws that staked a claim on her life. “Goodbye!!!”

  It was unbelievable, but it happened. The Nightwatcher struggled against his sister’s strength as she tightened her grip on his claws and then kicked him in the stomach, not just once, but twelve times within a moment. Feeling the air knocked from his body, the beast flew from her grip and crashed into the chamber wall. Feeling broken and swollen, he tried to lift himself up from the floor, but could not. His strength which he was so proud of achieving was still not enough to defeat his sister.

  He looked up from his broken heap, and heard his sister call to him. “It’s over.”

  Fear had enveloped the beast’s heart. His sister stood but a few feet away from him, one hand pointing at him, and the other touching the Aura. A green current of energy danced on her fingertips as she stood, ready to deliver the final blow to her brother. “Brother, I’m sorry, but this is how it must end for you…”

  The beast was afraid, but he had one more trick up his sleeve, he could use her emotions to get her to spare him, for just a moment. If he succeeded, then he could jump her, and claim victory. “My sister, don’t you have any love for your brother left..?”

  Her hand began to shake, blood was coursing down her pointing hand, as her wounds were severe and many. Her body was bruised, scraped, cut, and tired of fighting. She spoke soft and sorrowfully. “There is brother, there always will be. But I must do as commanded. I must stop you. You’ve done too much bad to just let go.”

  The beast propped himself up on his arms and began to rise, slowly, and painfully. His left arm was broken on the fall, and supporting himself on it was more than just painful. “Then, my sister, don’t kill me. If you still hold love for your brother…don’t kill me�

  Tears pouring down her face, the Mother couldn’t help but feel sorry for her brother, his broken arm, bloodied fur, desperate attempts to stand again. “Brother…I…”

  Leaping through the air in a sudden burst of energy, the horned beast made a desperate effort to jump his sister and deliver a finishing blow with his horns, but as his sharp, curved tips were just a moment from her throat, she let loose the energy of the Aura and shot straight through his shoulder and sent him sprawling across the floor. His wings sat crumpled as he laid in a heap of pain and a pool of his own blood.

  Not believing what she had just done, the Mother stood with her mouth agape, staring at the fallen body of her brother, but he was not done. His body stirred as he propped his body up on his good arm and looked at her, with a look of betrayal. “Sister…you…tried to kill me…?”

  Looking upon the downed body of her brother, she cried softly, removing her hand from the Aura. “No, brother…I cannot kill you…you must leave now, leave this world. I don’t want to kill you…but if you stay, I’m afraid I may have to…”

  Feeling the sorrow in his sister’s eyes, the beast nodded and gave in to her mercy. He stood up with one arm hanging limp, and blood streaming from the hole in his shoulder. “Very well, my sister, I shall leave as you ask…but only for sparing me…this doesn’t change what I am…”

  The Nightwatcher went to the balcony as it rained. The cool water poured down on his fur, the feeling was refreshing after the heated battle and the wound inflicted. The Mother walked up behind him, and placed her hand on his bloodied shoulder. “And what you are doesn’t change what we are…brother.”

  The beast turned his head, and looked her in the eyes, shaking her hand off of his shoulder, grunting softly, but with a hiss if bitterness. He looked out into the sky and leapt from the balcony, and flew for the highest reaches of the sky, flinging his wings madly through the storming weather. He would return again, the souls would be his someday. This he swore to himself, for his lust for power was greater than that of any feeling he had ever felt, or could feel.

  Below him his sister pulled down her veil, her ceremonial gown blowing wildly in the wind of the coming storm, as she watched as her brother left the world that which they were to guard, leaving only her as its sole guardian.

  The aftermath of the conflict was brutal. The lands were scorched, and much vegetation of the land was turned to ash as many beasts and humans lay slain across the land. The rain came down softly across the land, causing ripples to parade across the balcony, where the Mother stood looking out. The great warriors of gold had returned, rain flecking on their armor, causing an echoing patter across the vast plain that surrounded the Order. Upon their return, the Mother regaled what had taken place at their absence. Knowing that her wounds were severe, she told the clan of warriors that she must find someone to take on her duty as the Mother, for there must be one to watch over the souls of the creations once she has past, and that this was the will of the creator. This new Mother must be strong, willing, and never hold back in the defense of others, or their souls, as she did.

  Kamakra bowed before her, his allegiance was made to her now, as was that of his clan, as they would help her in her search. Putting her upon one of their many steeds, they traveled the lands as one mass, moving speedily across open plain, wild forest, and mighty mountain, until one day after many of searching, they came to what they were looking for.

  They had come to a wide clearing of grass, with a few trees residing next to a dying pond, which had long ago been formed by the efforts of many. The wind was dry and unforgiving in this land. Kamakra led the riders past the pond. Beyond it was a small housing, built of battered and aged wood, seemingly ready to fall apart at the slightest stiff wind.

  Kamakra looked around, there was nothing in sight, but then, unmistakably, childrens’ laughter was heard from beyond the battered housing. Smiling beneath his war helmet, Kamakra signaled an okay to his warriors and left, dismounting his horse and taking a calm stride for the source of the laughter.

  Behind the house was a great tree, with small fruit, orange with pale spots, round and smooth, but this was not what held the attention of the hardened warrior.

  A beautiful woman stood, surrounded by playful children and their laughter. Some were tumbling over themselves, some whacking others with sticks playfully, and a few lying out to bake in the sun. The woman had long, brown hair, wore a blue dress that was frayed at its edges, accompanied with a matching blue vest, with long strings tied down the front.

  The woman picked up one of the many children and lifted them into the air. Her eyes soon saw the armored figure standing beside her house. With a look of curiosity, not fear, she held the child to her shoulder caringly, and walked over to the one that shimmered gold in the sunlight. “Who are you?”

  Kamakra took his helmet off, and held it at side, and bowed his head courtly. “I am Kamakra, of the Dawn Bringers. I have come here, with my clan, and the Mother. I think you would like to talk to her.”

  The woman looked slightly puzzled, wondering why it was that the Mother, guardian of souls, would come all this way to see her. Still curious, she spoke. “I am Shirindul…”

  The Mother came from behind Kamakra. Removing her veil, she smiled, and bowed her head. “I am the Mother. Shirindul, I would very much like to speak to you.”

  The Mother related the story of her conflict against her brother, and her pressing need to find one worthy to replace her as the Mother. Shirindul was sitting on the ground, still holding the child. She looked at her other, playing children, and spoke her mind. “I’m not sure, Mother, I mean…I would be honored to carry out such a duty, but I have all of my children here. They are all orphans. I brought them here, after finding them in my travels. I even built that house over there. It isn’t much, but it’s enough for me, and them. I couldn’t leave my children here. You understand, don’t you?”

  The Mother smiled pleasantly and put her hand reassuringly on the compassionate woman. “I do understand. It is a hard thing to let go of those close to you. That is why I am altering the rules of my temple. The being of creation will allow me this.”

  Shirindul let go of the child in her grasp, allowing them to run about with the others. “You can…?”

  The Mother looked at the children playing, and closed her eyes, feeling the heat of the sun on her face. “Yes, I can. For so long the temple has allowed entrance to only my brother and I, but this can be changed. It is of great of importance that you take upon this duty. Your children will be allowed to live with you, there, and multiply among themselves. Build families, and live happily. As long as you never forsake your duty for family, as I did.”

  A tear escaped Shirindul’s left eye, and she stood up. Bending over, she hugged the Mother thankfully. “Thank you Mother, I will not fail you.”

  The Mother patted her back, and nodded to Kamakra. He threw a salute, and bearing his helmet of horns, receded the gathered children, and made preparations for the journey back.

  Each of the warriors took a child with them, and Shirindul and the Mother rode on the same horse. The Mother let her borrow the reins so that she could rest her head on Shirindul’s back.

  Upon returning to the Order, the Mother had let all the children and golden clad figures in. All were gathered at the center of many walls, as the transference of duty was to begin, the sky filled with clouds of grey descent.

  Shirindul had found herself dressed in the attire of the Mother for the occasion. Soon she knelt before the Mother as the great being stood with her hand on Shirindul’s forehead, her voice speaking upon her soothingly. “I am thankful for you, Shirindul. I know you will succeed where I have not. You will serve your cause to the death, and shall be true in your judgment. This I know, and have great faith in.”

  The Mother glowed with a white purity. The white energy flowed from her body, pouring from her hand, and made itself a home in Shirindul’s body. Feeling the energy course through
her body and soul, Shrindul breathed in deeply, as the last of the energy had left the Mother and was now in her. The former Mother fell beside Shrindul and smiled at her, as her vision began to cloud over, thick and dreamily. “Thank you, Shirindul. Live long, wisely, and justly, my duty is now yours to fulfill.”

  Shirindul couldn’t help but release tears from her eyes, tears of joy and grief. The Mother had passed away. A well-deserved rest had finally come to her. Shirindul held the former Mother’s hand, and wiped her tears away with her now clothed elbow. “Sleep well, my Mother. I will see you again, when our souls find companionship once more on the next plain of life.”

  Standing up from the smiling corpse, the Mother Shirindul looked about her gathered children and pulled her veil over her face. “Let us all live peacefully here, my children. The place of our Mother’s death will be the place of our life.”

  Kamakra and his warriors bowed before the new Mother and her beautiful serenity. “All rise to the Mother Shirindul!!!”

  All had risen in synchronization to the shout, the warriors releasing blades from scabbards, raising their spears in the air, as they pounded shields against breastplates, filling the sky with a loud, righteous clatter of metal and voices, all shouting out in one, loud voice. “Rise!!!”

  Shirindul stood looking among them, honor filling her heart. The sight was that of great splendor. It was like looking upon a mighty forest of quivering trees, spears crashing back and forth like branches stuck in a strong wind. As the voices rang loud, the clouds opened and the sun revealed its light to those below. The golden mass of armor glistened in the sunlight, as blade tip and shield screamed with radiance.

  A new era had come. The Mother Shirindul was wearing her head dress proudly, looking through her veil at the beaming light from above. A time of peace was at hand, but how long it was to last was unknown to all. But one thing was for sure, Shirindul would give her life to keep it this way, for as long as fate would permit peace.


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