The Order of Events: The Red Wolf

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The Order of Events: The Red Wolf Page 21

by C. J. Haines

  The Red Wolf was horrified. He had attacked Huna himself, and burned it down, killing the boy’s family. The charcoal figure felt great guilt, and it was heavy upon him, as the boy saw his character and questioned him in a concerned manner. “What’s wrong, was it my family? Don’t worry, there’s nothing you could’ve done about it, so, keep your chin up. You have no family and I have no family. We can have each other, kind of like brothers, I guess.”

  The charcoal boy streamed tears of molten manner, and turned from the boy, speaking in a broken monotone manner. “That’s generous you’d take in someone who you don’t even know. I could be a killer for all you know.”

  The boy patted the charcoal shoulder of the boy, and smiled. “I don’t think so, my mother always told me that I was good at sensing character, and you seem good to me.”

  The charcoal figure swept his tears away with his elbow and turned to the boy, with his flaming eyes. “I’ll be here with you then. I’ll take care of you, brother.”

  The beastly boy smiled, and placed his hand on Haerta, as the boy gestured at the fruit beside the charcoal one. “I’ll take care of you too, brother, could you hand me another fruit, please?”

  The charcoal one smiled and passed another fruit to the boy, which was burned over the fire in the same manner as the last, as the beastly boy watched and thought to himself. The girl was definitely right, he could take care of the boy, and make up for what he had done. Pay for his sins, and find peace with his new friend…with his new family.

  -Chapter 10-


  There was nothing but infinite white, the sound of constant ringing, like the resounding clang of steel against steel.

  The sound rang out hard, and then…the sound of soft wind.

  The bright light faded into fuzzy shapes, and then soft colors.

  As feeling rejoined the body, so did familiar figures.

  Sofius looked out from where he lay on the ground. Above him, looking down on his face were two figures. One was Haten, and the other was the love that Sofius wished to never feel the loss of, his wife, Moira.

  Haten patted Sofius on the shoulder as Moira smiled with tears skimming down her face, Haten speaking in a matter of gladness. “You’re alive, Sofius. I knew you were made of stern stuff!” Sofius licked his tongue out onto his bottom jaw and felt he was able to move his jaw. It was healed.

  Moira grabbed Sofius, pulling him to her as she hugged him, nestling his head beside hers. “Oh, Sofius, you’re alive! I don’t know what I would have done…I can’t raise our child alone.”

  Sofius hugged his wife tightly as Haten left by a nod from Moira, leaving the two lovers alone as Sofius held Moira in front of himself and felt her stomach. It was not bulging anymore. Sofius asked her, locking wild eyes with her, feeling excitement and worry overwhelm him.

  “Our child…is she, is he, are they?”

  Moira nodded and smiled, stifling a laugh as she pointed to the tent entrance and spoke. Haten entered bearing a child with him. “He’s right there, Sofius! Not anything like our nightmares had tricked it to be. He is good, healthy, and not near a killer!”

  Sofius was given the child, and nodded thankfully to Haten as he held the child between himself and Moira. The child looked like the rest of the clan, with yellow eyes and already sharp fingertips. But he was different. His skin was pale and smooth, not yet marked by the desert outside. The babe sat peaceful and calm in Sofius’ grip, as Haten spoke. “Did I mention you’ve been out a good three months, Sofius? Haha…we had a hard enough time dragging you back here, but I’m sure you find it worth it?” Haten smiled with his sharp teeth, and looked upon the happy couple. Sofius looked to his wife as she spoke. “The child needs a name, since he is not as we had feared. I dared not to name him without your consent. What do you think he should be named, Sofius?”

  Sofius looked from her to the child, and smiled. He looked into their uncorrupted eyes, and spoke the name which the child would bear, Sahfs, the name that christened his brother.

  Moira and Sofius rose as Haten cleared his throat, interruptingly, and spoke.

  “Now that you’re up and all, Sofius, I think you should go outside. Everyone wants to see you.” Slipping out the tent without another word, Haten left the husband and wife behind, a child amongst them.

  Sofius looked at Moira curiously, as she took the child from his care and nodded over to the opening. “Go out there, Sofius, they’re waiting for you.”

  Sofius left the tent. It was a rare occasion.

  The wind was calm, the sharp sand at rest, and standing before the lead tent was the remainder of the Ernai. Sofius looked out among them as they cheered, shouting out his name as Haten stepped up to the side of Sofius, Moira leaving the tent and taking place at his side as well. Haten put his clenched hand to mouth, and made as to clear his throat and nudged Sofius.

  “Well, it looks like they’re glad to see you, leader!”

  Sofius looked at Haten curiously, and before he was able to question the words was assaulted by more from Haten’s mouth. “Don’t say a word, Sofius. After the whole campaign and everything up in the mountains, they’re pretty set on you being the permanent leader…as am I.” Sofius looked to his wife, who spoke next. “I think it a good idea, Sofius. It wouldn’t be right to disappoint them, would it?” Sofius shook his head and laughed, and then looked out to the crowd of Ernai. All stood waiting for him to speak, and demanded it vocally.

  Sofius spread his hands out and grinned, speaking. “I guess I’m the new leader here, now, but I have one thing I have to propose.” As the Ernai stood waiting, Sofius continued.

  “For years we’ve lived in these punishing lands, harsh winds, and sharp sands. We fed off the beast and took in their flesh. But when we went after Grede and his lot, I saw exactly what that can do, as did you when he made his proposition to end life. Well, now I make a proposition so that life may continue here…” The crowd listened intently as their leader spoke, Haten and Moira proudly at his side. “…I propose, to you, we give up flesh forever. Even if it leads to our death, we feed off vegetation. Even if it dies out and is sparce amongst the sands. I know that feeding off vegetation can lead to our death, but feeding off flesh can lead to the death of others. What do you say? Are you with me?”

  Sofius looked out among the many Ernai, and within but a moment, after his words had ended, the scene was filled with howls and cries of approval. All took a knee before their leader, women held babes, fathers stood next to sons. Moira and Haten had also taken to their knees.

  Sofius was proud to receive such a reaction, and took a knee himself. Before him, on the tip of the dune was a small weed, growing. Reaching out, Sofius plucked the vegetation and rose, holding it high and calling out above the roar. “Let this be our life, let this be our death!!!”

  The crowd rose and held hands high, bursting with enthusiasm before their leader.

  Moira stood beside her husband, holding their child in her grasp. “Our future is bright upon your leadership, my love!”

  Sofius turned to his wife and wrapped one arm around her, and placed the vegetation in the grip of their child as the child reached out. “And our future is in the hands of our children!”

  Sofius and his wife nestled their heads against one another, looking upon their son as the Ernai rang out their cries below.

  The future to them looked as the babe’s skin, clear and unmarked.

  But sadly this was not to be…

  -Chapter 19-


  Two days had passed quite well and enjoyably for the Red Wolf. He spent good times with his new friend, learning more of the boy’s character, cutting tree limbs from the forest that they had taken food from in order to fix the wagon, building it into a grander home for the boy. Now it was less of a wagon, and more of a small shed.

  The two brothers stood beside one another, and marveled at their effort, and then something to the west caught their eye. A storm was coming, and would b
e upon them in less than an hour.

  The charcoal figure ushered the boy into the housing, watching the approaching, blackened clouds coming their way. “Get inside now, brother. The storm is going to hit soon.”

  Haerta crawled into the housing and watched the storm from the inside, rummaging through a sack he had taken from the horse before burying it, which he used for carrying provisions. “Looks like a bad one…”

  The charcoal boy smiled and stood outside the housing, watching his adopted brother searching the sack. “Are we out of food, already?”

  The boy turned the bag inside out and tossed it outside the shelter, hugging himself as he felt a cold breeze coming from the west. “It looks like it…burr…getting colder.”

  The Red Wolf picked the sack from the ground, and threw it over his shoulder, and ruffled the boy’s hair caringly. “I’ll go and get some more food for you.”

  The boy jumped from inside the shelter and hugged his adopted brother, speaking with a voice of concern. “Don’t go, the storm is coming, you could get hurt by it! It could be dangerous!”

  The beastly boy smiled, glad that the boy cared for his safety, but also feeling a sturdy responsibility for him. “I know it will be, but I can make it there and back sooner than you think. So, stay here, and get under something and stay warm. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  The boy let go, and the look of worry was still upon his features. “You promise?”

  The charcoal figure gave the boy a hug, and then gestured him back into the shelter with his head. “I promise. If something happens to me, how can I protect you? Don’t worry, I’ll be back before the storm hits hardy.”

  The boy crawled back into the shelter and sat in the remains of the wagon seating, inside, and watched as his brother of adoption morphed and charged on into the distance, the empty sack tied around his neck, and swaying roughly as the Red Wolf beat a good tread south. His brother watched, and waited for his return.

  Back at the Order, the Mother stood on her balcony, watching far into the southwestern distance. A storm was looming from the west and heading east, and was to sweep the lands with a cool, dowsing rain, one that was well-deserved upon the patchy lands of grass and deadness, for the coming months were to be dry and rude.

  Henk and Amen were getting ready to leave the infirmary for a walk, as Maela was lighting torches as the suns beautiful light was being blocked by jealous clouds.

  The healer called to the two patients and issued a sturdy warning. “Don’t be gone too long, you two. There seems to be a good storm coming along, and I have a pretty good feeling in my bones it isn’t going to be one that is any amount of peaceful.”

  Henk nodded agreeably to the old one, and spoke her reply. “Looks to be as you say, Maela, we promise we won’t be long, right, Amen?”

  Henk directed her expectation of reply to Amen, who nodded at her, but made his reply of little usefulness as he nodded to Henk and not Maela, who was too busy lighting torches around the room to see his physical reply.

  Henk smiled and called back to Maela, from across the room. “Did you get that, Maela?”

  Outside it was cool and soothing, as clouds of grey swash filled the sky. The inside seemed rather stuffy in comparison, as Maela had the windows shut all morning, in expectation of what she thought would be the assault of a storm.

  Henk and Amen walked across the innermost wall side, Amen running his hand across the wall, feeling the cool, smooth green stone on his hands. It was a very comforting touch, as he was getting tired of an old infirmary bed, with rough, old pillows, and itchy linen.

  Henk leaned on the cool stone wall, and was joined at the side by Amen, the silent one, who was only but a couple inches taller and was touching shoulders with Henk, who noticed the gesture the moment it happened. She looked at Amen, as he looked ahead at the great tree at the center of the walls. He seemed not to have noticed it, but Henk did, and liked it rather a good amount. She always felt a slight tingle when she was around the silent boy. His touch was always welcome, even if it did not come often.

  The spectacle-faring girl felt her head tiresome, and attempted a lean on Amen’s shoulder. The silent one moved from her pressure and looked in Henk’s direction.

  Henk tried to make it seem as if she did not try to do the action, and stood up straight, and stroked some loose hairs hanging down the front of her face back into her hood. “Oh…uhm…sorry, I feel rather tired. Still feeling the beating a little bit.”

  Henk looked back at Amen, as he was still looking in her direction, and she heard footsteps from behind her, and turned around to see Theira and Dred leaving a pathway between walls, and entering the central circle of the Order.

  The two mischief makers stuck their tongues out and scoffed at the more intelligent and attractive Henk, and leaned on each other. Speaking in irritating fashion as was their usual accord. “Oh, look at this. It’s Amen and Henk, making time against the wall, aye?”

  Henk shuffled back, awkwardly, and bumped against Amen, speaking in a nervous manner. “Uhm…no…actually…we were…”

  As Henk was coming up with an explanation for their being against the wall, Mensh produced herself from the previous tread of Theira and Dred and took place at their side, looking upon Henk and Amen awkwardly, as Theira and Dred continued their phrasing. “Yeah, I bet you weren’t. It’s not like Amen would be much good for that kind of thing. It’s not like he can make any emotion with his face, so how could he make any other motion?”

  Henk felt embarrassed, and felt the warmth of Amen behind her, as he leaned over her shoulder and shook his head, a kerchief of a tongue on his face, waving back and forth on his features at the two annoyances.

  Mensh caught the sight and laughed, as Theira and Dred stood annoyed, one of them elbowing Mensh in the side, and pointing at the pair of Amen and Henk as they spoke.

  “You think that’s funny, huh? You’re such a loser! You’re hanging out with them all the time, and fixing them up in the infirmary. You might as well go with them. You’re so lame, Mensh, I mean, you really just…” Theira was cut off from her speech, as Mensh delivered a good smack to her face, and stepped between the double annoyances and the pair of patients, speaking her piece. “I do think it’s funny, and I’m not a loser, and neither are they! If I’m lame at all, it’s because I ever thought hanging around you two was cool at all!”

  Theira and Dred stood perplexed, as did Henk. Nobody would’ve thought that Mensh would have stood up for them, shaping herself into an impressive figure, as she dished out a good portion of speech to the annoying pair. “Why don’t you two go away, and don’t come back to me anymore for anything. I’m done being friends with you two!”

  Theira held her hand to her face, watching as Dred laughed, pointing at the red mark on Theira’s face. “Hahahaha…your face is red, Theira, you have a good mark right on your…”

  Theira elbowed Dred in the stomach, causing her to run off, as Theira chased her madly, yelling at her. “Oh yeah, I’ll put a good mark on you, too! Come back here, quit running, you jerk!”

  Mensh watched as the two ran off and disappeared into a path between the walls, after rushing through the trees.

  Henk and Amen came from behind Mensh and placed their hands on her shoulder in approval, Amen nodding in agreement as Henk spoke. “Thanks a lot, Mensh. That meant a lot. I guess we’re truly friends now, right?”

  Mensh cut an awkward face, and leaned on the wall, as she felt a growing feeling of strength within, and smiled upon her two friends. “I guess we can make it official then, trading two bitter ones for two betters, aye?”

  Henk laughed, and Amen stood still at the comment. Both wrapped Mensh in their shoulders, and headed for the infirmary, Henk speaking as she looked at the sky above. Only grey clouds of peace were upon it, the clouds of storm and terror not yet upon them.

  “Yeah, and we got rid of two pains, and got one gain!”

  The two laughed, as the silent one, Amen, walked
with them, and was the last one in, closing the door of the infirmary as the chatter of the two young girls led on.

  Above, the tree limb perch of Hoosun was in use. The owl stood on his spot of surveillance and was pleased. He had heard every word and saw everything that had just happened. The one known as Mensh was making good progress, indeed, tossing dead wood for life bearing roots that would grow and harbor friendship, a friendship that would ever last and maintain, through time and death.

  Out to the southwest, the metal one had put together a small fire of sticks and bundled bush, warming the still form of Samana that was still in deep slumber from wounds received from the falling tower, as the wind outside was harsh and wet, ripping at the foliage about the forest.

  Kurlank had fixed Samana up rather well, and was at her side, awaiting her wakefulness so that they could continue the journey which was set before the young one.

  The storm was growing wild and fearsome, and was now at hand. Showering the land with what appeared as an ocean of water, it continued and swayed about as the Red Wolf made his way speedily back with provisions to keep his brother from hunger and starvation.

  The visibility of the weather was not great, and the beast could not make out anything that was within a good twenty feet of his eyes. Ahead, he spied something, but it was not what he had expected. It glowed and billowed smoke and steam from the drowning rain, caution and fear arising from within the beast as he took great gallops through the wetness and then stopped within only five feet of his destination. Investigating the scene justly, he searched about the vapor, and made out the slight outline of the shelter, and something swaying back and forth at the mouth of the entrance, like a pendulum.


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