"Sorry," Cassie replied. "Cliff, Amber needs to suck your cock." Her hands left my shoulders, and before I knew it, the front of my dress was lifted up, exposing me. "And Amber isn't wearing any panties," Cassie added.
Cliff’s eyes lit up. I flattened the front of my dress with my hands and crouched down to hide my bare cunt. Cassie pressed on my shoulders so that I knelt down on the floor between Cliff's spread legs. As easy as that, I was kneeling between his legs. The hard plank floor was rough on my knees.
"Well, this is an unusual wedding," Cliff said.
I let out a nervous titter. If he only knew.
"Come on, Cliffy, whip it out," Cassie said, lightly clapping her hands. "We have a bridesmaid bet, and Amber has to have sex with all of you ushers to win."
“And I’m first. How nice.” Cliff smiled broadly. I was mortified. When I'd met Cassie yesterday, out by the gazebo, I thought she was going to be the Wedding Slut. It was now obvious that I would be the Wedding Slut. Godammit! If only I could steal that antidote out of Cassie's purse.
I shifted on my knees, holding onto Cliff as I tried to get up. Cassie pressed me down, causing my hands to grip Cliff’s legs. He had strong legs.
Cassie, ever impatient, reached down and opened Cliff's fly. She fished around and pulled his cock out. "What the hell?” Cassie cried. “You're soft? I thought this was exciting for you. Get hard already."
Wriggling my shoulders to push Cassie off—unsuccessfully— I actually felt a little sorry for Cliff. He obviously didn't know our Hurricane Cassie very well. I did. Cassie was expecting me to chicken out, and once I did, she would deny me the antidote that would change me back into Andy—at least until she filed the police complaint—that would be my real punishment. Hence, Cassie set me up to suck Cliff off while the whole wedding party was milling about only a few feet away so I’d chicken out. I knew her devious lawyerly mind too well. Cassie had engineered this for me to fail.
“Wake up, Little Cliffy,” Cassie said. She flapped his limp cock up and down like it was a noisemaker. “Wake the fuck up!”
“Holy cow, Cassie!” Cliff barked. “Easy!”
“Yeah, Cassie,” I said. “You’re beating him soft, if anything. That’s no way to wake Little Cliffy up.”
“Oh, yeah, smartass?” Cassie retorted. “You know so much about men. How should I wake Little Cliffy up?”
Cassie had engineered this for me to fail. The newly minted lawyer thought she had all the answers, but she didn’t. I had some tricks up my sleeve, too.
"Hey Little Cliffy," I said, pushing Cassie’s hand out of the way. “Want to come out and play with me?” Cliff had a pretty impressive cock. I petted it gently and lifted it up. Little Cliffy drooped at me like a penis-shaped Eeyore. The G&T had loosened my inhibitions and softened the shell around my empathy muscle a bit. I actually felt sorry for Cliff. He didn’t know what he’d said yes to.
I looked up at Cassie and said, “I do know more about men than you, you know.” She sneered down at me.
Cassie didn’t have all the answers—that was for sure. There was no way she could have known about my Gin Connection. That’s what I thought of the memory as—my Gin Connection. It was easier to think of it that way.
Back in my freshman year, before I met Cassie, there had been an end of the semester blowout—we were so happy, surviving our first year. It was a blast.
I couldn’t remember how many G&Ts my dorm mate fed me, but it was a lot. He just about carried me back to our room. I sat on my bed, insisting I wanted to go back to the party, but he wouldn’t let me. I was persistent. He was insistent. “Come on,” I pleaded. “Let me go back to the party.”
“You can go back to the party,” he said, “if you blow me.”
He was always joking like that, but I really wanted to go back to the party. Plus, the fact that he always walked around after his showers wearing only a towel, for hours sometimes, like we lived in a steamroom or something, gave his “jokes” an underpinning of sincerity. Me thinks he doth protest too much—or something like that. Don’t look at me—I got a C in Shakespeare.
“Whip it out,” I’d said to my dorm mate. I had the Gin Connection going on, and I really wanted to go back to that party. The G&Ts had really lowered my inhibitions. Besides, I was a freshman, eager to explore new frontiers.
He whipped it out and dick slapped my face.
“You won’t do it, Andy,” my dorm mate said. “You’re a pussy.” When his fat cock landed against my cheek again, I took it in my hand and slipped it between my lips. The rest, as they say, is history.
Yeah, I blew a guy in college. It was actually pretty cool, although it cost us our friendship. And I got so hammered afterwards—hence, the Gin Connection.
I stroked Cliff’s cock with my forefinger. “Did mean old Cassie hurt you?” I asked Little Cliffy.
“Yes, she did,” Cliff said.
“Here,” I replied, and kissed the tip of Cliff’s cock. I glared up at Cassie. She was smirking. Cliff had his hand on the inside of Cassie’s knee, and he stroked her leg. A few yards away, on the other side of the dividing screen, two hundred wedding guests chatted and scarfed appetizers while boozing it up. Any minute, the three of us could be discovered, and we’d be outted, with me kneeling between Cliff’s legs, my hand on his cock. Knowing that was possible sent a thrill up my spine.
“Poor little boo-boo,” I said, kissing Little Cliffy again. The head of his cock was warmer than the rest of him. Or maybe my lips were just more sensitive than my fingers. His cock smelled musty. I felt dirty, like a cheap whore, which turned me on. Little Cliffy straightened, just a bit, and the idea that I’d done that pleased me in a surprising way.
“The big meanie hurt it along the side, too,” Cliff said.
“Did she now?” I replied, the gin buzz running strong through my body. Easing Little Cliffy to the side, I kissed him at the base and asked, “There?” Cliff shook his head no. The way he looked down at me, was as if he saw me as a god, well, a goddess. That look brought warmth to my belly faster than the gin did. For now, I was a goddess. I ran my tongue along the underside of Little Cliffy, and Little Cliffy jumped and twittered. My fingers could feel him widening, growing in girth. Behold my goddess power!
“Here?” I asked, planting another kiss. “Or maybe the meanie hurt Little Cliffy here.” I kissed the side of his burgeoning cock again.
“No,” Cliff whispered.
“Mmm,” I said. “So many delicious places to kiss you.” Yeah, I knew what a man wanted to hear when getting a blowjob. Only a day before, I’d been a man wanting a blowjob. I knew it almost didn’t matter what I said, as long as I said it huskily, and with desire. I looked up at Cassie. The smirk seemed glued on her face, but her eyelids hung low. Cliff’s hand traveled up, inside her dress. I resolved to wipe that smirk off her face. I was going to suck the hell out of Cliff’s cock. Watch out, Cassie, you were about to witness the blowjob of the century. That’ll show you!
I took Little Cliffy into my mouth. I wanted to feel him grow hard. I wanted to know it was me who excited him, and not the soft curves of Cassie’s leg. My lips slid wetly along him, and my tongue played with his cleft. Little Cliffy swelled in appreciation. He didn’t fit correctly in my mouth, but what mouth custom-fit a cock? I pressed his hot length with my tongue and sucked in a bit, caving my cheeks. I wanted him to feel my mouth all around him, surrounding him, bringing him pleasure. I gazed up at Cliff, who now sported a dopey smile. I wanted to smile too, but my mouth was busy. Still, I felt pretty fine—capital F fine. Now there was a surprise.
Cliff liked it! He really, really liked it! I sucked gently and eased my head up and down. Little Cliffy felt good in my mouth. And I felt like such a dirty little slut—it was great!
I felt so powerful, sucking Cliff’s cock. I was in complete control of his pleasure, and he looked eternally grateful for my gift. It was turning me on. I was a goddess. When I’d roofied the girls, I’d taken a pass on the reci
procal pleasure that sex brought. The girls were listless underneath me. There was no communion between us. Cliff was the opposite of listless. He was totally alive in my mouth. And he looked at me adoringly. This was a result I hadn’t even contemplated. It never occurred to me that I could derive pleasure from bringing someone else pleasure. This wasn’t such a horrible punishment. Suddenly, I realized I could blow all the wedding guests…I mean the groomsmen…easily. The relief I felt in seeing an easy, somewhat enjoyable way out of my predicament translated into increased oral energy on my part, which led to increased pleasure on Cliff’s part.
“Ummmmm,” I moaned as I pulled my head back off Cliff’s cock, sliding him free with a loud, wet plop. “Well, look who stood up to dance,” I said, smiling up at Cliff. “Dance with me baby.” I plunged back on his cock, trying to force him as far back in my throat as I could. Deepthroating isn’t as easy as porn-world would lead one to believe. I started to gag, and prepared myself to beat a swift retreat. But then Cliff moaned, and it was a moan of utter pleasure. God that was hot. I had to hang in there and make Cliff moan like that again. Besides, the fullness of him ramming the back of my throat was too erotic to give up.
“Smile Amber,” Cassie said softly. With fwapping gargling sounds coming out of my mouth, I turned my gaze to her. Cassie was either video-taping me or taking some pictures with her phone. I wanted to give her the finger, but I needed to cling to Cliff’s strong thighs to maintain my up and down on his cock. My nose was getting closer and closer to his pubic bone. I didn’t want to lose my momentum. Umm, he made my mouth so stuffed—my pussy throbbed. I didn’t know a pussy could throb.
I was making gagging and sputtering noises when Cliff started stroking my head. The fear of him forcing my head down bloomed inside me, but, not to worry, he didn’t do it. Too bad—that would have been hot. Cliff’s caresses were sweet, though, and they made me like him, and what I was doing, all the more. Plus, it had to be killing Cassie, who clearly wanted this to be an embarrassing disaster. I forced myself down on Cliff even more, past the tightness at the back of my throat, and he moaned. It was deelish!
“Jesus, Cassie,” Cliff said. “You’re soaking wet.” I glanced in Cassie’s direction. Cliff’s hand was all the way up her bridesmaid dress. Cassie’s mouth hung down. Her smirk was gone. She turned her head and her eyes popped wide open as her gaze settled on the dividing screen.
“Hey, Devon,” Cassie said.
I pulled myself off Cliff’s cock and turned to see where Cassie was looking. Standing beside the dividing screen was my bridal party partner, Devon. He grinned as he looked at me kneeling between Cliff’s knees, my face flushed, and Cliff’s cock pointing straight at me, while Cliff’s hand rustled against up inside Cassie’s dress, against her privates.
We were discovered. I was such a dirty slut. My pussy throbbed again!
What to do? I supposed I could panic, but Brenda, Donna and Cassie had given me a mandate, well, several man-dates, and, despite myself, I was starting to enjoy it. Hey, could that be true?
“Cliff,” Devon said, “you’re hogging all the hot ladies.”
“Yeah, sorry bro.”
I screwed up my courage and said to Devon, “You’ll get your turn, big fella, but first Cliff owes me a present.” I gave Devon the best smile I could muster, but it probably looked tortured. I wasn’t sure that was the right thing to say. Relief filled me when Devon smiled.
I stroked Little Cliffy and slipped my lips back over his head. My whole body leaned into it as I pounded him in and out of my mouth, just the first few inches, rapid-fire and tempo-building, rising quickly, big crescendo. I pictured Cliff coming in my mouth, and then I moaned with a visceral desire. “Come in my mouth, Cliff,” I said. “Please come in my mouth. Fill my dirty little slut mouth.” My imagining became reality as Cliff spewed hot cum onto my tongue. I knew he must have more than one sally in him, so I kept pumping him. A second treat followed the first, and Devon started to applaud.
“Nice to meet you, Cliff,” I said, my mouth full of his hot cum. Gawd. I was a filthy slut.
“Cut it out!” Cassie hissed. She pushed Cliff’s hand down and out of her dress. “Devon, stop clapping. You’ll draw attention.” Cassie pulled Cliff up from his seat. “Come on, Cliff. Zip your shit up and get back to the party, both of you.” Cliff and Devon didn’t move quickly, but they did leave.
I was sorry to see the boys go.
“What’s the matter?” I asked as Cassie helped me to my feet. I’d swallowed Cliff’s cum, but his flavor still coated my mouth, and I was savoring it. He was salty and hot, and I was a slut who enjoyed cum.
“It bothers me,” Cassie said, smoothing down the front of her dress and wiping at the perspiration on her forehead.
“What bothers you?”
“You. This. It’s supposed to be a punishment. You’re ruining it. You are ruining it by enjoying it.” Cassie grabbed me by my bare shoulders and shook me. “Plus, I don’t understand.”
“You don’t understand what?”
Cassie shook her head like she shouldn’t say anymore, but then, for some reason, she capitulated. “I don’t understand why this turns me on so much,” she said. Cassie pulled me in, crushing me against her. The satin of the dress tickled my nipples as Cassie’s bosom smushed against mine. “You’re so fucking hot,” Cassie said. She locked her lips on mine and forced her tongue between them while her palms ran up and down my bare back. I could feel the moistness in my pussy swell.
“Umm,” Cassie said. “Cliff tastes good, doesn’t he?” She released me, but took my hand in hers.
I nodded my head and went, “Mmm, mmm,” just to bug Cassie some more. I was glad my gambit paid off—my gambit of pretending to enjoy giving the blowjob.
“You’re such a slut,” Cassie said as she led me back to the party.
I tried to wash the taste of Cliff away with another G&T. It didn’t work. Now my mouth tasted like C&G&T.
Smacking my lips, I smiled. I felt…satisfied.
"And now, if the bridal party will take their positions," the deejay announced, "we will welcome Chet and his bride Lisa, for the first time as husband and wife!"
I felt a little woozy from the gin, and I reminded myself that my body was much smaller than I was used to, and not to drink too much. Yeah, as if that might happen. It was a wedding with an open bar!
Donna rushed over to Cassie and me and said, "C'mon ladies. Showtime." Donna scooted between us, stretched her arms out along both my and Cassie's lower backs, and guided us into the center of the barn. Her hand drifted south. Donna squeezed my ass. She pressed her face near mine, and I turned to kiss her, but her lips moved to my ears.
"Hey, Blowjob Queen," Donna whispered to me, "brush the dust from your knees. Try not to advertise what an easy slut you are."
We went to the cleared out area on the dance floor where Brenda was already standing. Until Chet and Lisa entered, we were the center of attention. My face blushed furiously as I tried to brush away the black marks on my knees. When I bent forward to do so, even though my bridesmaid dress ended just above my knees, I felt like the people behind me could see my buck naked butt.
To make matters worse, some of the grime on my knees didn't go away. I'd need soap and water for that.
As if my embarrassment wasn't enough, when I stood up I looked across the aisle we formed, bridesmaids facing ushers. Cliff had his hand on Devon’s shoulder, and was confiding something. Was Cliff telling Devon there was a bet and I had to have sex with all the ushers? Great. This was rapidly spinning out of control. The deejay startled me with his semi-forced, somewhat insincere excitement: "Let's all clap our hands," the deejay roared, "and welcome the happy couple!"
Across the way, Devon smiled at me lasciviously, and gave me a thumbs-up. Great. Well, at least he didn’t think Cliff and I were a couple. That was something positive. Devon could easily have assumed Cliff and I were exclusive after having seen me o
n my knees and sucking Cliff’s fat cock. Especially after I made it look like I enjoyed having his fat cock down my throat.
Whoa—did my pussy just flutter? Did that turn me on, thinking of myself on my knees and sucking Cliff’s fat cock? Whoa. Another flutter. My pussy must just flutter randomly. That must be it.
Cliff turned and whispered to Art, and Art whispered to Javier. They all leered at me like a bunch of hungry wolves about to pounce on some helpless prey—another flutter. God help me.
Shame ran deeply throughout me, and I felt like my whole body must be beet red. I was the Wedding Slut, and they all knew it. And they knew they could use me and toss me away—no strings. I was no more than a simple object to them.
Men are horrible, craven, animals. Too bad the ushers were all so studly. Maybe I could do them all at once? God, that turned me on a lot. Was I losing my mind? Why was I thinking this way?
I was never so glad in all my life to see Lisa appear. We clapped the newlyweds in, and they kissed and then danced their first dance. Soon the bridal party was asked to join them. Devon floated toward me, extending his arms.
I went to him, Mr. Gorgeous, not because I wanted to, but because it was expected of me. That’s what I told myself. The dance was a slow waltz. “I can’t dance,” I whispered to Devon.
“Don’t worry,” he replied with a smile. “I can. Just follow my lead.” He extended one arm and cast out his other, elbow high, resting his fingertips on my bare shoulder blade. I wrapped one arm over his, resting my palm on his burly shoulder, and put my other palm in his. And then we glided.
I was a bit glitchy at first, but soon I found the rhythm of the soothing chords, and I figured out pretty quickly that not only was I to follow his lead with my feet, but also with my hips and torso. Before long, we glided in sync around the dance floor, and were attracting admiring gazes.
The admiring gazes were enjoyable. I didn’t suppose they were admiring my skill as a dancer—far from it. In my imagination, I pictured them admiring us as a couple—him gorgeous, me hot. I blushed at the notion of how smoothly our bodies moved together, and also at how, with a mere bit of pressure on my back, or a twist of his hips, Devon could command my body to move, and my body instinctively followed his command. In the laboratory of the dance floor, that tiny microcosm, I was his to command, and I followed his commands, gladly and without thought.
Revenge of the Bridesmaids Page 7