Revenge of the Bridesmaids

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Revenge of the Bridesmaids Page 12

by Chastity Foelds

  I squeezed Javier’s knees while he fucked my mouth hard. I wished he’d come already. His cock rammed so deeply down my throat, I wondered if he would damage my vocal chords. Would I ever speak the same way again? Would I be forever raspy? I wondered all these things, and his cock kept stretching my throat wide open. Dominating me. Consuming me. Would my throat ever bounce back?

  I hadn’t agreed to this. My mouth was no longer my own. Javier Roto-Rootered my esophagus with his cock, putting his whole, powerful, tuxedo-clad, olive skinned body behind his assaults. He rose up above me like a force of nature…a god. I squeezed his knees. Shame swelled up within me. What was wrong with me? Why did a part of me find it hot to be under his assault? Why did part of me get aroused at surrendering myself to such a powerful, confident, handsome man? Javier was all those things—powerful, confident, and handsome—but he was also a psychotic bad boy. This was bad. What Javier was doing to me was bad.

  Javier was trucking as close to rape as he could without it actually being rape. Javier was ravaging my mouth, and my throat opened up for him, almost welcoming him, to my great shame. Javier’s fat cock was all I could think about. My mouth accepted his cock. I accepted him. I’d done that, and I’d lost the right to cry rape. The key, and what kept this from qualifying as rape, was that I’d actually consented. When he said he wanted a whore, I opened the coatroom door and let him in. I let him in.

  I’d wanted this. Well, not this bruising brutalization of my throat, but I did want to have sex with Javier—any type of sex. I wanted to satisfy my obligation to the bridesmaids—and by wanting to do this, I gave my consent—therefore this wasn’t rape. My consent gave Javier a free pass. I offered up my body for his pleasure. He could do what he wanted. He did.

  Still, this was close to rape, and it made me feel horrible. I was reduced to an object, a meat puppet with no autonomy. My desires and my dislikes all meant nothing. Look at him sneering! How could he do this to me? What a heartless animal! I hated him. He had no respect for human dignity. It was like…like…

  Oh my God! Realization, so slow in coming, slammed down on me harder than Javier’s hips. What had I done? I was an idiot! Worse than an idiot! Suddenly, I empathized with Cassie, Donna, and Brenda. How could I have been so insensitive and obtuse? Using someone against her will? Taking advantage of them?

  I’d raped them. As Javier pulled my ears and held my face firmly against his pungent pubic hairs, my throat pulsing, Javier groaning, my hands squeezing, my eyes bulging, Javier sneering, my cheeks burning, realization flooded through me. He pulled out. I gasped and gagged, but not for long. Javier rammed his cock past my lips and teeth, inside me again. Oh, God.

  I’d raped all three of them. I really had. Sure, it wasn’t as violent as this. I didn’t bruise their throats. This brute kept ramming his pubic bone against my nose. I didn’t do that. My mouth was defiled, my jaw opened as wide as possible—that was my role. My throat was on fire. Javier wanted a whore, and I was his whore.

  I hadn’t hurt the bridesmaids like this, but I did have sex with them without their consent. Damn roofies! This was horrible. My jaw had been pinned open for so long, and so forcefully, that my hearing turned into the dull ringing of a broadcast audio stream gone dead. Nonetheless, as brutally as Javier was using me, that didn’t make me feet the worst. No. Now my worst pain came from the full weight of what I’d done to my friends. The weight of my guilt descended down on me.

  I was a horrible person.

  When Javier finally pulled out of me for good, the coatroom was a blurry mess. Without his cock holding me up, I slumped onto my side. I coughed and sputtered and tried to blink away the tears. Javier’s cock was coated in thick mucus, as were my chin and chest.

  It was over. I made it to the end. Hooray for me, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t a horrible person. Ugh. I gasped for air and sprayed mucus on the floor. My whole torso convulsed in trying to fill my lungs.

  Fine. I’d had sex with Javier, and now I could go back to the wedding hall, crawl under the table, and blow Art. Then I’d be done. Once I could breathe regularly, I’d do that, but I’d still be a horrible person.

  When the bridesmaids had given me the Femnizol, I thought their punishment was a bit extreme. Now it seemed insufficient. I knew that I could never make up for what I’d done. They would never forgive me. They should never forgive me.

  The least I could do was meet their demands of having sex with all the groomsmen. And, of course, after that, I had to offer a sincere apology—one where I really meant it—and I planned on doing that, after I blew Art.

  The bridesmaids hadn’t demanded an apology, but I knew now that I had to do it. My cheeks burned red as I sputtered and cast about for air. How did it take me this long to realize I simply had to apologize to the bridesmaids? How horrible was I?

  I coughed and spit and wheezed while I worked it all out in my head. As soon as my vision cleared, I would head back to the reception hall, to Art.

  Only I couldn’t.

  Javier had different plans.


  Javier hauled me off the floor by my hair. No chance of resisting. Couldn’t even catch my breath. By the wall sat a small desk—Javier bent me over it. My palm pressed against the pine wall—rough and dry—and my lungs ached as I struggled to get enough breath. I spewed phlegm on the Country Inn desk blotter. The hard edge of the desk bit into the front of my thighs. Javier yanked up the back of my dress. Cool air washed over my bare ass.

  Now what?

  “Reach back,” Javier said. “Spread your ass cheeks with your hands.” He kicked my ankles apart. I was still having trouble breathing, but not so much as before. My tummy rested heavily on the desk. My mind raced. What could I do? Yell for help? I barely had enough breath for that. Besides, what would happen if I did yell for help?

  People would come and save me, and then perhaps call the police. The police would come and take Javier away. But the ensuing ruckus would ruin my chances of going out there and crawling under the table and blowing Art. Who would have sex with the woman that cried rape?

  No, I couldn’t yell. If I yelled, I’d fail the bridesmaids, and that was the last thing I wanted now.

  “Please,” I said, my voice a shallow, hoarse echo of itself.

  Javier’s finger slipped inside my tiny rosebud, and my body responded with a whole-body growl. Oh! I thought Javier planned to fuck me from behind—to fuck my cunt. Apparently not. I should have known. Brenda had warned me, Cassie too. I’d felt exhausted and dog-tired only seconds ago. Now my body was a tensely coiled spring. Intruder alert! My panic reflexes were fully primed.

  No, not this. Not this!

  I hadn’t minded blowing Cliff. Oral sex was never a big deal to me. And sex with Devon, well, I thought we had a real connection there. Plus, with Devon, I was a woman, taking him inside my vagina. So I spread my legs for Devon. Big deal. That seemed okay for Amber, or me as Amber, to do. Not this. No. I didn’t want to take it in the ass.

  “Spread your ass cheeks,” Javier growled, and pressed his finger deep inside me. My stomach muscles clenched, and my palm pounded the desktop.

  Oh, God, I was so afraid of this. Take it up the ass? But I was a man, or at least I was a day before. It wasn’t homophobia that fueled my fear. After all, I’d blown a guy when I was a man, back in college. No, it definitely wasn’t homophobia. My fears were tied to something else, to moments ago when Javier buggered me in the wedding hall. He’d snaked his hand up under my skirt and buggered me. I hadn’t been afraid then.

  Part of me had liked it. But that was before I knew what a brutal monster Javier could be, before he raped my throat. I thought Javier was a suave Latino when he slipped his hand up under my dress in the reception hall.

  I’d liked how casually Javier stuck his hand up my skirt, and how casually he pressed his finger into my ass, all while coolly drinking his martini. So confident. Even then, he knew I was easy. Could he tell I was worthless, and a horr
ible person? No idea, but he knew my body was open to him—completely open.

  Biting my lip, I realized that I liked being molested, and that was my fear. I liked how dirty it felt. I was a horrible person—I should be treated like dirt. Deep down, I knew I deserved to be abused.

  I liked it too much.

  But I was a man. As odd as it seemed, I feared that I’d carry a taste for being fucked in the ass back with me, when I returned to my male body. What if that happened? Would I always want it? Would I always want to atone this way? Would I cruise rough-trade gay bars, looking for some gruesome stud to bend me over and show me my place? What would that say about me, if I became the person whose ass was up for grabs, always available? Open twenty-four-seven, my ass.

  Javier growled once more for me to spread my ass cheeks while his finger sawed in and out of me. My nails scratched at the desk blotter. No, God no. My heart pounded so hard, it echoed in my ears. I can’t spread my ass cheeks for you. Please…don’t…stop.

  Why didn’t I speak up? Why didn’t I push his big, strong hand away? Why did I let him finger my ass? He’d already ruined my throat. What would he do to my ass?

  Panic sped up my thoughts.

  Well, what about the bridesmaids? I owed them. I needed to atone. Javier’s finger plumbed my depth—in and out, in and out—and he was making my front wet. I was a horrible person. I was lower than dog shit. I’d raped my friends and then shrugged it off. How horrible was I? The worst. Javier’s finger seemed to say: I know you’re horrible, and that’s why I can treat you this way. Such a bad, bad person. Bad people need to atone. I needed to atone.

  I was a horrible piece of shit and I deserved to suffer.

  My temple pressed against the desk blotter. My shoulders trembled as I took a deep breath, reached back, and spread my ass cheeks with my hands.



  Javier removed his finger from my ass and ran his steaming hot cockhead along my rosebud. The desk was our altar, and I, a sacrificial lamb. My fingers trembled as I stretched the cheeks of my ass apart. Face turned sideways, cheek against the blotter, my torso hung heavily on the desktop, all my weight squishing down my breasts. Take me. I was the offering on this altar—take this gift, my virgin ass, and take away my sins.

  Javier teased me, playing with my rosebud with his hot cockhead, letting me drink in the anticipation of my impending up-ending. My spine tingled with eagerness. I bit my lip. Couldn’t move. I could only wait. My breath bounced back on my face, off the blotter. Nervous and excited, I wondered: would it hurt? Would I like it?

  Javier wasn’t teasing me—he was lining himself up.

  “Ohhhhh!” I groaned when he pressed into me. I wasn’t easy to penetrate. I was tight, despite the fingering. Javier tried to thrust himself in fully, but all that got in me was his soft mushroom head. I could feel it inside me. I could squeeze it tight. I did. Javier’s hand slipped off his wet cock. He cursed.

  “Keep your cheeks apart,” Javier growled. My fingers pulled at the soft skin of my ass. I was pulling my butthole as far open as I could, but Javier didn’t care. It was not enough for him. I’d never do well enough to please him. I was worthless. Javier pressed his palm on my lower back, and I was trapped on the sacrificial altar, my legs wide, my dress flipped up, my cheeks spread open by my own hands.

  Take away my sins.

  Javier ground forward, drilling into me with the patient insistence of a glacier. I could feel every centimeter of him. A pinging pain sizzled in the tender tissue of my ass. I gasped, but I also found something pleasurable about the pain. I was a worthless piece of shit, a rapist. I was a rapist. Take away my sins.

  Javier asserted his claim on my asshole even further. It hurt. I reminded myself that I was worthless, and I deserved the pain. Part of me welcomed the pain. Take away my sins.

  Wriggling his hips, Javier worked himself deeper. My virgin asshole was so tight. Javier seemed to like that I was so hard to enter. This wasn’t anything like when Devon had parted my pussy lips. Then, I stretched, and there was enough room for Devon to move around. Here, with Javier’s cock in my ass, I clenched around him with a coil of tight muscle. Javier had to fight for every bit of my asshole, while Devon had been able to enter my pussy with ease.

  Javier slid in further, and a sudden panic overtook me. This was unnatural! My asshole was an exit, not an entrance. I was too small, and he was too large. Javier couldn’t possibly fit his fat cock in my ass. There was no way. This was not going to work. Oh, this was absolutely no good. My hands let go, and I reached out behind me, in the blind, trying to push his hips away. “Please,” I hissed. “It hurts.” I couldn’t reach Javier’s hips. I was unsuccessful.

  “I don’t care.”

  Ugh. He didn’t care. I pounded the desktop with my hands. My whole body was consumed with this alien invader. Such a strange feeling, that cock halfway in my ass. Huff, huff, huff came my breaths. I pressed my high heels firmly against the floor. My legs sang with strain. When I pressed my heels down, my ass rode the end of Javier’s cock a bit. He moaned. The idea crossed my mind that I could ride Javier this way and get him off before he took my ass completely. My entire body was wound tight. Could I do that? Could I ride his cock with my ass? Javier pressed forward. My sleeve of muscle wasn’t giving up the ghost too easily. I closed my eyes and grimaced at the I-beam that was being rammed up in me.

  Javier pressed down on my lower back with his palm. “You don’t like it?” Javier asked.

  “No. No. No, I don’t.”

  I could feel Javier lean more heavily on me. Why did I offer myself up to him? Why did I do this to myself? I grabbed hold of the edges of the desk, in some insane hope that I could pull myself out from under Javier. He reached between my legs and thrust a finger inside my cunt.

  “You are very wet,” Javier said. “You lied to me. You do like this.”

  “I don’t, I don’t, Idonnnnttt,” I said. Oh, God, if he kept fingering my cunt like that, this would be amazing. My thighs dug against the top of the desk. I was trapped, with two holes filled. I stretched up on my toes as much as I could, and then pressed my heels back down slowly. I could feel every inch of him inside me. I was pressed so tightly around him, I could have been making a mold of his cock. Please keep playing with my pussy! His cock felt coarse in my asshole. I had to be too tight for him.

  Javier pulled his finger out of my cunt and wiped it off on my butt cheek. Once his finger was dried off, he slapped my butt with his open hand. Instinctively, I moved away, and that made his cock slide in my ass. Javier liked that. He slapped my other cheek. I moved in the other direction. His cock, wet with my throat mucus, slid again.

  “You see,” Javier said. “You are fucking my cock. You lie. You are a bad girl.”

  The horror of it was, Javier was correct. His cock was starting to slide around in my ass. He was taking away my sins. I felt so dirty. I deserved this.

  “I am a bad girl,” I said. “I’m bad.”

  Javier patted my back. “Then push me out, bad girl. Treat me like a shit, and push me out.”

  My face burned. This all was so unnatural. I didn’t push things out of my butt while bent over a desk, with someone else watching. That kind of activity was reserved for the privacy of the bathroom. Tears filled my eyes. Why was he making me do this? Why was he making me poop in front of him? When would it be over? Was this my penance for being such a bad person? Did I deserve to have an aching ass, with half a cock pushed in it? Did I deserve to be forced to take a shit while someone watched, and be humiliated that way? Maybe. I’d raped my friends.

  Knowing it was humiliating to shit while Javier watched, nonetheless, I didn’t need to extend this session any longer than necessary. Taking a deep breath, I pushed down, forcing Javier out. My whole body tensed up, pressing down.

  Only it didn’t work. For some reason, when I pushed down, Javier slid completely inside me. And from Javier’s laughter, he knew that was goi
ng to happen. My breath was caught in my throat. He knew this would happen! I hated him.

  “You are a bad girl,” Javier said. “Taking all my cock like a pornstar.”

  “I am a bad girl,” I whispered. My neck was tensed, veins popping, and the tension ran down throughout my body. What had I done? What had I allowed to happen? I was an ass-slut now. I’d always be an ass-slut.

  Javier’s cock filled my asshole completely. He tried to slide in and out, but my anal sleeve had a tacky grip on his cock. It wasn’t easy to pump in and out of me. I was a bad girl. I didn’t make things easier for people. I made them hard. I stretched up on my toes, shifting my hips around Javier’s cock. I made him hard…well, harder. “You’re a bad girl,” Javier said. I agreed. Oh, yes, I was bad, and needed to be punished. Straightening one leg and then the other, I managed to grind back on his cock. I was bad. Oh, yes. When I rolled my hips up and down I could feel his cock stir deep inside my colon. Javier liked that. He moaned. Oh, yes. I liked that too. The pain faded, and the sensation remained. Oh, yes. Javier filled me completely. I was a bad girl. I was a horrible piece of shit. I deserved this. Slowly, I figured out how to use my ass muscle—the one inside me, not my glutes. For my entire life, I’d only used it for one thing, to expel waste. But it was a muscle, and like all muscles, it could be flexed and relaxed. I squeezed Javier’s cock with my ass muscle. He moaned and said, “You’re a bad girl.” I nodded, and squeezed his cock while rotating my hips. Oh, yes. Javier moaned. I was a bad girl.

  A mad giggle escaped my lips. I had a cock in my ass! A fat cock was buried deep in my ass, and it made me giggly. What a slut! I wriggled my hips and squeezed my muscle and Javier groaned in approval. I had felt like a sacrifice on an altar, a helpless lamb, but that wasn’t accurate. I was a playful puppy. The more I wiggled my hips and squeezed down on Javier, the more at peace I became. It was actually kind of pleasant. My ass muscle actually grew tired from squeezing Javier so much.


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