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Musorgsky and His Circle: A Russian Musical Adventure

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by Stephen Walsh

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  In order as they appear in the insert:

  i1.1 Mikhail Glinka (© Lebrecht Music & Arts)

  i1.2 Vladimir Stasov (© Electa/Leemage/Lebrecht Music & Arts)

  i1.3 Vissarion Belinsky (© Lebrecht Music & Arts)

  i1.4 Alexander Dargomïzhsky (© Lebrecht Music & Arts)

  i1.5 Nikolay Chernïshevsky (© Lebrecht Music & Arts)

  i1.6 Mily Balakirev (© Lebrecht Music & Arts)

  i1.7 César Cui (© culture-images/Lebrecht Music & Arts)

  i1.8 Anton Rubinstein (© Lebrecht Music & Arts)

  i1.9 Balakirev Circle caricature (© RIA Novosti/Lebrecht Music & Art)

  i1.10 Alexander Borodin (© Lebrecht Music & Arts)

  i1.11 Modest Musorgsky (© Lebrecht Music & Arts)

  i1.12 Alexander Serov (© Lebrecht Music & Arts)

  i1.13 Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov (© Lebrecht Music & Arts)

  i1.14 Boris Godunov set design (© culture-images/Lebrecht Music & Arts)

  i1.15 The Paris Catacombs (© Lebrecht Music & Arts)

  i1.16 Musorgsky and Pavel Naumov (© RIA Novosti/Lebrecht Music & Art)

  A Note About the Author

  Stephen Walsh is a professor of music at Cardiff University and the author of a number of books on musical subjects. He was deputy music critic of The Observer for nearly twenty years. He now broadcasts frequently on BBC Radio 3 and writes reviews for a variety of publications. His two-volume Stravinsky is regarded as the standard biography of that composer. The first volume won the Royal Philharmonic Society prize in 2000, and the second was named one of the ten best books of 2006 by The Washington Post.

  Other titles by Stephen Walsh available in eBook format

  978-0-307-7-56213 • Stravinsky

  For more information, please visit

  Mikhail Glinka from an etching by V. Samoilov, Paris, 1853 (illustration credit i1.1)

  Vladimir Stasov in 1873. Portrait by Ilya Repin (illustration credit i1.2)

  Vissarion Belinsky. Portrait by K.A.Gorbunov (illustration credit i1.3)

  Alexander Dargomïzhsky (illustration credit i1.4)

  Nikolay Chernïshevsky (illustration credit i1.5)

  Mily Balakirev, c. 1860 (illustration credit i1.6)

  César Cui in 1890. Portrait by Ilya Repin (illustration credit i1.7)

  Anton Rubinstein: “Charge de Rubinstein virtuose” (illustration credit i1.8)

  The Balakirev Circle, caricature by Konstantin Makovsky, 1871. Left to right: Cui, Balakirev, Stasov (with the sculptor Mark Antokolsky on his right shoulder and Viktor Hartmann as a monkey perched on his trumpet), Borodin (to the rear), Rimsky-Korsakov with the Purgold sisters as lapdogs, Musorgsky, and Serov as Jupiter, hurling thunderbolts (illustration credit i1.9)

  Borodin in the early 1860s (illustration credit i1.10)

  Musorgsky at the time of Boris Godunov (illustration credit i1.11)

  Alexander Serov (illustration credit i1.12)

  Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov at the age of twenty-eight (illustration credit i1.13)

  Boris Godunov: set design for the fountain scene, 1874 (illustration credit i1.14)

  Paris Catacombs by Viktor Hartmann (illustration credit i1.15)

  Musorgsky and Pavel Naumov in the late 1870s (illustration credit i1.16)


  Stravinsky—A Creative Spring: Russia and France, 1882–1934

  Stravinsky—The Second Exile: France and America, 1934–1971

  Stravinsky: Oedipus Rex

  The Music of Stravinsky

  Bartók Chamber Music

  The Lieder of Schumann




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