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Blinded by Grace

Page 6

by Becky Lower

  The pasted-on smile disappeared from Grace’s face, and was replaced by a genuine one. “What a great plan, Mother! Why didn’t I think of it? So, you’ll let me go?”

  “What you say about not wanting to get on the Fitzpatricks’ wrong side does make sense. And you have been friends with Jasmine and Heather for years, so it wouldn’t be right to refuse a direct invitation. Simon will only know about it when we are ready to leave for the ball, so I see no harm in the outing.”

  “No harm at all, Mother.” Grace helped herself to a second scone, hoping she could masquerade her grin by stuffing her mouth. So far, so good.

  • • •

  Grace stood with her back to the mirror as Jasmine and Colleen fussed with the shiny silver satin ribbons that adorned the silk satin gown they had created for Grace. The bodice fabric had a muted print on it, which reduced its silver sheen a trifle, but enhanced the texture. Four rows of gathered fabric set off the off-the-shoulder neckline and continued onto the short sleeves, creating even more texture. A delicate row of lace adorned the sleeves at the hemline, and peeked out from the neckline. Five gathered bands of shiny silver silk graced the hemline of the dress, each adorned with a blue ribbon that matched Grace’s eyes. Another wide band of blue ribbon encircled her waist.

  “What do you think, Colleen? Should we add one more row of ribbon, here on the front?” Jasmine asked as she held a length of ribbon to Grace’s bodice. Colleen stepped back and narrowed her eyes.

  “No, I think this dress doesn’t need any more adornments. It’s beautifully understated right now. I’ll weave a ribbon into your hair for you, Grace, but I think that should be enough. After all, Halwyn is not one for embellishments. Grace herself is all he needs.”

  Grace blushed at Colleen’s words, even though she and Jasmine had giggled all day about the best way to attract Halwyn’s amorous attention. It was one thing sharing her aspirations with Jasmine, but to hear Colleen say the same thing was a touch embarrassing.

  “Am I so transparent, Colleen?”

  Colleen brushed Grace’s hair back from her forehead. “No, lass. T’wasn’t you who tipped yer hand, but Halwyn. When he ordered the dress for you, he had not one moment’s hesitation on what color to put you in, and how he wanted the dress to be fashioned. He must have spent some time thinking about it, and my guess is he’s been thinking a lot about you, as well. He just hasn’t admitted it to the family, and possibly to you, yet.”

  Jasmine finished sewing the last of the silver trim on Grace’s hemline, and bit the thread to cut it. “All right, then, Grace, turn around and see yourself.”

  Grace closed her eyes and turned slowly to face the mirror. She took a deep breath, and opened them. And gasped at her reflection.

  “I don’t even resemble myself. I’m positively grown-up in this gown.” She ran her hands lightly over the shimmery skirt and laughed. “I’m almost afraid to blink, for fear this is a dream.”

  “And tonight, when Halwyn sees you for the first time, he’ll think he’s dreaming too. He’ll realize you’re no longer a playmate to me and Heather, but a lush, beautiful woman he has already set his sights on. The other men at the ball will all think Halwyn is the luckiest man on the planet.”

  Colleen pointed to the straight chair in front of the vanity mirror. “Sit now, lass, and let me work on your hair a bit. You have such fine black hair and your eyebrows are shaped so lovely. I’ll pull the hair back from your face to highlight your brows, and tie it up at the back with ribbon.”

  Grace began to relax as Colleen brushed and pinned her hair. All day, she’d half expected Simon to catch on to her scheme and race to Jasmine’s doorway, demanding that Grace be returned home. But now, in only one more hour, she would see Halwyn for the first time since they agreed to their scheme. Would he regret his impulsive decision? Halwyn was not the type to go back on his word, but would he ever see her as more than a friend of his younger sisters?

  As Grace sprinkled her signature scent of lilac water in her cleavage, she had a moment’s dismay. Why couldn’t she have been endowed with a larger bosom? He’d certainly be impressed with her if she didn’t still have the same size breasts she did when she was thirteen. Hot tears pricked at the back of her eyes, but she blinked them away. Well, there was nothing she could do about her bodily deficiencies now. She’d have to impress him with her mind instead. Except her mind had been a jumble since she convinced her mother this visit with Jasmine was necessary. She should have spent more time investigating which townhouses were on the market so they could talk about where they were going to live for their year of marriage. Why hadn’t she thought things through before right now? Blast and damn!

  • • •

  Halwyn paced impatiently in the parlor. His shoes beat out a steady staccato rhythm. After tonight, there would be no turning back. He and Grace would declare to all of New York society they were serious about each other. He should never have eaten a full dinner, since his stomach had been unsettled all day. What had he been thinking? Not for the first time since he and Grace had concocted their scheme, Halwyn was uneasy about the decision.

  “Halwyn, do sit down.” Charlotte patted the sofa seat next to where she sat. “You’re making me dizzy.”

  He sat next to her and took her hand. “After this evening, all of society will know I’m declaring myself as a suitor to Grace. Do you think I’m doing the right thing, Mother?”

  She removed her hand from his grasp and ran it down his cheek. “My dear boy, I think the pairing of the two of you is perfect. I couldn’t have done better if I’d chosen her myself. All that’s left to do is for the two of you to announce your intentions to marry. You’ve become a delightful man, and I’m so proud of you.”

  “Don’t you think you’re jumping ahead a bit too fast?” Halwyn ran his finger around his cravat, which had suddenly become very tight. “We are merely courting, at this point.”

  “Grace has loved you for years. She used to follow you around like a puppy dog, just waiting for you to acknowledge her. And now that she’s become a most lovely young lady, I can see why you’re interested in her. After all, you do have a considerable amount of mutual interests. She’s quiet, a book reader, she loves poetry—all things you consider important.”

  “I’m not as certain about her feelings as you seem to be, Mother. She’s merely a family friend.”

  Charlotte patted his hand and gently squeezed it. “It may be starting out slowly, but you latched onto her before other men could see her value, so there’s more than friendship to your relationship. You don’t give yourself enough credit, Halwyn. Grace could do no better than to have you for a husband. She’ll help you set up your household and then you’ll have a lifetime to get comfortable with each other. Please keep your mind open to the possibility that you’ll be truly happy with Grace.”

  Halwyn was desperate to change the course of their conversation, since in his mother’s mind, he and Grace were already wed, and was grateful when his father entered the room, resplendent in his evening attire. Halwyn left his mother’s side and stood next to his father.

  “How do you think Simon will react when he sees Grace and me together? Will he threaten to take his piles of money to another bank, do you think?”

  “Oh, I suspect you’re going to rile him up somewhat. Can’t wait to see it.” A wide grin split George Fitzpatrick’s face. “The man is most annoying. I almost wish he would take his banking business elsewhere, so we wouldn’t need to cross paths. If not for Grace, I wouldn’t give him the time of day now.”

  “I’m so grateful Father, that you are the one taking care of his banking needs and I don’t have to talk to him on a regular basis.”

  Charlotte rose when the butler opened the front door and she caught familiar voices. “Well, Jasmine and Parr are here now, with your partner for the evening, Halwyn, so this is it.” She moved alongside her son and smoothed his lapels. “I pity all those young women who I dragged out on the dance floor to meet
you the night of the Cotillion. They didn’t make enough of an impression on you to have you consider courting them. Only Grace did. Let’s go greet her.”

  Halwyn had a hard time breathing all of a sudden. His mother did know how to cut right to the heart of the matter. In actual fact, Grace had made an impression on him the night of the dance. But it wasn’t a sensual impression at all. Rather, it was one of concern. What color were her eyes, anyway? He couldn’t remember. Her hair was very dark, and contrasted with her very pale skin. He thought the silver material he selected for her gown would make her more sophisticated. Perhaps she could attract another man’s attention tonight, and he could still bow out of their contract gracefully as a spurned suitor.

  He turned as Jasmine and Parr entered the room first. He shook Parr’s hand and hugged his sister. Then Grace walked into the room and Jasmine and Parr were forgotten. If he thought he had trouble breathing before she came in, he was mistaken. His breath left him in a whoosh as he stared at the vision in front of him.

  “Grace?” His voice croaked.

  “Yes, Halwyn, it’s me. Who else did you expect?” She came to his side and reached up to straighten his glasses.

  Charlotte clapped her hands together. Halwyn hadn’t even been aware she had returned to the room. He only had eyes for Grace. And he feared his mouth was hanging open. He forcibly tightened his jaw and tore his gaze from the silver column of loveliness before him. He had been correct in his fabric choice. And the single band of blue satin ribbon around her waist was the exact shade as her eyes. How could he not have remembered what color her eyes were, mere minutes before? Grace was beautiful.

  Charlotte pulled Grace into an embrace. “My dear child, you are a vision in beauty this evening. Halwyn did an excellent job of picking a partner for this evening’s ball. I would have selected you for him myself if I’d known Halwyn was interested. He beat me to it.”

  Grace’s smile wavered, and her eyes searched for Halwyn in the room.

  Halwyn cleared his throat. “Yes, Grace, when I told Mother of our plans for the evening, she nearly leapt across the table at me, she was so enthusiastic. She seems to think we are a good match … ”

  His mother preened. “I simply adore the idea that you and Halwyn are beginning to spend time together, and I can’t wait to gauge the reactions of your mother and her husband. Let’s get our wraps and hats and make our way to the ball. We’re already fashionably late, and I’m sure Simon and Sophie are there already. We don’t want to keep them waiting for too long before Grace makes her grand entrance.”

  Halwyn found his voice again, and extended his arm to his date for the evening. And for the next year. “Are you ready for this, Grace?”

  “I’ve never been more ready, Halwyn. Simon will be irate. The question should be: Are you ready?”

  He placed his hand over hers as it warmed his arm. “Let’s head into battle, shall we?”

  Grace laughed at his remark. It reminded him of tinkling bells. He rather enjoyed hearing her laugh. And being close enough to take a whiff of her lilac water. He had a feeling Grace hadn’t had much she found humorous since the death of her father. He’d have to make it his mission to have her laugh every time they were together. There was no turning back now.


  Halwyn didn’t think of himself as a shallow man. Rather, he was a principled, astute, analytical person, which was why he was such a successful banker. He’d been aware, when he selected the fabric for Grace’s ball gown, the coloring would flatter her. After all, he had six sisters and one very fashion-forward mother, and he couldn’t help but have some of what they talked about on a daily basis work its way into his subconscious.

  However, he was unaware of how much her appearance would be altered with a simple changing of her attire. She was no longer a young girl, but rather a graceful, lovely woman with curves in all the right places. How could he not have seen her as a woman before? Was it the result of Jasmine’s design, with her off-the-shoulder treatment revealing more of Grace’s porcelain skin and showing a hint of décolletage? Or did the gown merely bring into high relief the fact he was dealing with a woman and not a young schoolgirl friend of his sisters? She may have been introduced into society three seasons ago, but tonight she was entering it. Perhaps other men were as blind as he had been, and would see her tonight, in her new gown, the gown he had selected for her, and think the same thoughts he was. He nearly growled.

  They had taken seats opposite each other in the carriage, so he could stare at her all he wanted without craning his neck. Of course, it wasn’t the reason he chose to sit across from her. At least that’s what he told himself. Her tongue darted out nervously over her bottom lip. A lip the color of the palest pink rose in the garden. Would it feel as soft as a rose petal? She ran her fingers lightly down her fine gown, and Halwyn had another poetic impression as a bit of John Keats came to mind. She resembled the sweetest flower wild nature yields, a fresh-blown musk-rose. All Halwyn had to do was mention her trust to a few of his friends, who were always in need of money. Then Grace would have more suitors than she’d know what to do with. An heiress who had brains and beauty thrown into the bargain. They’d be fools not to jump at the opportunity—Simon Huffman, with all his bluster, be damned.

  And then where would she be? Back where she currently was, or possibly in an even worse situation. A woman’s property became the man’s as soon as they wed, and Grace could well end up married to a man who would take her money and leave her to her own devices out in the Hamptons. What kind of life would that be? No, the course of action they had settled on was the best of all options for her. Besides, the thought of another man putting his hands on Grace in a possessive manner made Halwyn’s stomach cramp.

  But the enormity of the ruse they were about to perpetuate on society was overwhelming both of them right now. She ran her tongue over her lips again, and Halwyn followed its movement. Theirs was purely a business agreement, he reminded himself. But if her reaction to nervousness at what they were about to show to society was to draw attention to her lips, it was going to be a very long year.

  Charlotte and George Fitzpatrick were in the carriage as well, but their lighthearted banter barely registered with Halwyn. He could not stop thinking about how soft Grace’s lips must be. And how smooth her shoulders were. Like an alabaster statue, except her skin was warm and lovely, not cold and unfeeling. Not a blemish or a freckle in sight. His fingers itched to touch her and feel her heat.

  Her eyes met his. Ice-blue eyes, he noted. Had they always been so crystal clear? Or was it again the silver fabric doing its job, painting extra coloring on her face? She smiled faintly as she held his gaze.

  She visibly took a breath and straightened herself. “I suppose we should speak to each other, Halwyn. After all, we are supposed to find each other’s company enchanting.”

  He pitched his voice low, so only Grace could hear him. “You are enchanting, Grace. As well as lovely. Are you certain you want to go through with this, though? You will certainly attract attention from many fine young gentlemen tonight.”

  Her eyes flitted over his face. “But if they are suddenly attracted to me simply because of the gown I am wearing, they are missing the best part of me, and I’ll want nothing to do with them, don’t you see?”

  Halwyn’s gut clenched at her heartfelt words. Was he no better than the men she was berating? Was he missing the best part of her? He probably was, but he had an advantage over the legions of other unworthy men. He was soon to announce his engagement to Grace, something the other poor blokes would not be able to do. Then he could have her to himself, to get to know and understand her mind, as well as being able to possibly touch her and taste her. To drink in her lilac scent anytime he wanted. And to perhaps sample those rosy lips.

  There were definite benefits to having sisters. He and Grace had known each other for years, so a protracted engagement would be unnecessary. They just might be able to pull off this quick engagem
ent, and she would be effectively off-limits to other men. Halwyn mentally patted himself on the back for agreeing to this endeavor. His sudden possessiveness toward her alarmed him somewhat, but he assumed he was behaving in an appropriate manner for someone who had just found the love of his life. He’d sort out later how much of it was real feelings and how much was part of the act they were perpetuating.

  “All right then, Grace, let’s talk.”

  “Jasmine told me about a townhouse that is on the market right now. It might be worth taking a drive by to see what sort of traffic it has in the evenings.”

  “What an excellent idea. I’m glad you’re holding up your end of the bargain.”

  “Well, of course I would. As I expect you to this evening.”

  “Believe me, Grace, it’s my pleasure. Now, tell me about this townhouse.”

  She talked, but he barely listened. For some reason, he could not make sense of what she was saying. All he could do was stare at her mouth, her lips, and her tongue. He was definitely going to enjoy the next year. Or possibly regret it mightily.

  • • •

  A swarm of butterflies were setting up residence in Grace’s stomach, and they only became more intense the closer they got to the Haversham household. She ran her hand over her stomach to quiet the fluttery beasts. Despite their attempts at casual conversation about which homes were currently on the market, Grace could tell Halwyn was every bit as nervous as she was. Even his jittery behavior didn’t prevent him from making her mouth water. The mere sight of him stole her breath. She searched her reticule in vain for her favorite handkerchief—the one Halwyn had bestowed on her many years ago. Whatever had become of it? It was so unlike her to forget her belongings, especially one that held so much significance. Sighing softly, she pulled a different hankie from her purse.


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