Searching for the Kingdom Key

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Searching for the Kingdom Key Page 2

by TylerRose.

  He went to the bathroom to clean himself again and returned to put her on her back. She was as receptive as he could ever get her, ready for another level of internal bondage to him.

  “Can I have you again if I want?” he asked, bent over her to look into her passive face.

  “Yes,” she said, looking up at him.


  “Because you are Master and I’m yours.”

  His knees opened her slack legs and he thrust deep and hard into her liquid-filled puss. She gave a weak yelp, face flushing again.

  “You are mine. You can go anywhere you want. You can be with anyone else you want, fuck any cock you want; but you will never belong to them. You will still be mine to the core of your being. Always. And you know it.”

  She did know it, surrendering her lips to the command of his kiss in a manner so natural she couldn’t imagine being any other way.

  Sunday evening, he took her home. She sat in the car for a long time working up the nerve to walk into the house. He let her. He didn’t push her out, never one to refuse her a moment’s peace.

  “I don’t wanna go in,” she barely whispered.

  “I know, babygirl,” he sighed. “There’s nothing I can do about that yet. You don’t make enough money for emancipation and you’re so close to your birthday that I don’t want to put you into the foster system. Three more months until you graduate and those same months until you’re eighteen. Then I can legally have you move in with me without having to go to court to be appointed your guardian. I’ll take care of you while you go to college. It’s the best I can offer you right now without risking my own ass.”

  “I know,” she said, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes.

  His heart broke for her, knowing she was going to be walking into a warzone. With a burst of hopeless breath, her weekend respite over, she opened the door to the Falcon and was out. Door closed, she stomped up the snowy walk to the house.

  Go straight through, he thought to her when he heard the male voice yelling.

  “Fuck you!” Tyler shouted back at her step father, and slammed her bedroom door and locked it.

  Stay there, Hades thought to her.

  Angry at himself for not being able to do more for her within her own home, he put the car in gear and drove to Sifu Chen’s kwoon to get in a workout. He could probably get her mother to agree to let her move in with him. He’d have to do that without psychokinetic influence, without exerting any mind control. There were dangers in that, ones he wasn’t prepared to risk.

  Back at home, he could feel Tyler’s turmoil across the miles. She was still at home, staying in her room. Eventually her brain activity eased into sleep and he could return to her in his soul-gathering form to watch over her more closely and keep the other faction at bay for another night.

  Every night was precious.

  Monday morning, a light day with one case being heard in traffic court. One of the Droghers had been caught going through a red light and had assaulted the officer. A fine and time served and Kevin Neiland, his “decent society” name, returned to his office in time to have lunch. A meal cut short by a call from a priest.

  Father Jim of Rosary Cathedral calling to inform him that his client Tyler Brooks had gotten herself expelled from school.

  “I’ll be right there.”

  The school was only a couple miles away, taking Cherry Street up to Delaware and then turning onto Collingwood. Less than ten minutes by car. Inside the school and there she was slumped and angry on a bench outside the Principal’s office. Blue shirt, blue skirt, Darth Vader knee socks, right leg bouncing hard enough to fly her around the planet, and a fury that filled the entire building fifty feet in every direction.

  Making eye contact as he passed, her glare all the angrier that he’d been called instead of her mother. He said nothing, leaving her there to stew while he found out what happened. Going into the office and directed at once to walk through to see Father Jim, he went into the office with outstretched hand for shaking.

  “What happened this time?” he asked, the two of them more than familiar with each other thanks to one hot-tempered girl.

  Father Jim held up the report and Kevin sat to read.

  “She questioned the teaching that Christ was human, declaring that any man who had those abilities could not have Earth human parentage and Mary had to have had sex with someone because that is how humans get pregnant. Or she was artificially inseminated by a physical being. What’s wrong with that?”

  “Not that part. Keep reading.”

  Called the nun a “dried up ol’ twat” for telling Tyler she was ignorant and wrong.

  “Ol’? Just like that?” Kevin questioned.

  “She spelled it for me right down to the apostrophe,” Father Jim nodded, and put down the pen he had been fiddling with. “I don’t care if she questions the teachings, Kevin. I like that she questions the teachings. You know that. She’s a smart, sharp girl, a thinker, and easily the smartest student in the entire school. Hell, maybe the whole city. But I cannot overlook the derogatory name-calling. She’s already been suspended once this year for it. I have no choice but to expel her.”

  “Okay, wait a minute,” Kevin said, rubbing his fingers over his eyes. This girl! He was going to tan her hide. “Lemme think a minute. It’s March. We’re in the last half of her senior year. Does she have enough credits to graduate right now?”

  Father Jim perked up a bit. “You know, I think she might. A lot of them do at this point.”

  He picked up the list of graduating seniors. “She is number three in her class…with exactly the number of credits needed to graduate. This last semester is just gravy.”

  “Okay, give her a diploma and let her be done. She’s only going to get worse as the weeks wear on, not better. I think we both know that.”

  “It’s rather an unorthodox solution, but I agree. She’s not going to learn anything more from being here one day longer. She’s too agitated and angry all the time. I’ll do the paperwork now. She’s going to need a parent’s signature.”

  “I can do that. I have power of attorney from her father and can sign papers as needed since they have equal joint custody and he’s so frequently out of the country.”

  “Give me a sec, then. I’ll get the form and we’ll be done with it rather than making you come back tomorrow,” Father Jim said.

  “I would appreciate that, thank you.”

  Half an hour later, forms filled out and diploma in hand, Kevin left the office. Hard sigh while looking down at her in that short Catholic school dress with shirt pulled out and beyond non-regulation Darth Vader socks.

  “Come on. Let’s go.”

  “I’m expelled, right?” she said as they walked toward the building exit.

  “As a matter of fact, no. You’ve graduated high school.” He gave her the diploma. “Congratulations, little miss smart ass who doesn’t know when to shut up.”

  “Sweet! I knew you’d get me out of it.”

  “You’re not out of anything,” he said as they crossed the parking lot.

  At the car, he opened the door and let her in first, then bent over so he would speak directly into her ear.

  “I’m going to tan your hide good for this. And you won’t like it.”

  Walking around, getting in, her jubilance had evaporated and she was silent and sober. She was not looking forward to a hide tanning.

  “You cannot call a nun a dried up twat.”

  “Why not? She called me a worthless, mouthy little shit. They left that part out of the report, didn’t they? Seemed a fair exchange to me,” she replied with a cool head and a tart tone while lighting a cigarette.

  Huff of smoke exhaled, indignant, and he had to try hard not to chuckle. He had a dragon by the ear with this girl—quite literally, though she didn’t know it yet. The goddess within was already making judgments on people and exerting herself. Back to his office and he sent his secretary and assistant home early. Door l
ocked behind them, he took off his jacket and started rolling up the sleeves of his dress shirt.

  “Get over here.”

  Reluctant but standing in front of him.


  Flat tone expecting to be obeyed. She sank to her knees in front of his desk, looking up to him with those big blue eyes framed by that straight, naturally blonde hair. She was the sweetest picture of “did a bad thing, didn’t I?”

  “What do you have to say for yourself?” he asked.

  “Apparently, I said something I should not have.”

  “No apparently about it. Yes, you did say something you should not have. And you’ve left off from that sentence something you should have said. Try again.”

  Harsh sigh, because she could be so pig-headed sometimes. The fiery goddess in her soul indignant that she should have to explain herself to anyone.

  “I said something I should not have, Master Kevin,” she snarled, the tone for his name sounding more like she was calling him “fucking asshole” rather than Master.

  “Yes, you did,” he replied, ignoring her tone. Her tone spoke volumes to him and he would not point that out to her by making her govern it. “I don’t care how much you dislike someone, you will not call them derogatory names. Especially not an authority within your church.”

  “It’s not my church,” Tyler spat, flushing hot pink with renewed anger. “I’ll never set foot inside one again as long as I live!”

  He pulled her to her feet by the pony tail, bending her over the desk with one arm while the other hand stripped the thin leather belt off his slacks. Brand new belt, only an inch wide and never before used on an ass. His foot parted hers wider, more roughly than he had two days earlier, and he tucked the back of her skirt into her waistline. With one finger, he yanked her white cotton panties down to her knees.

  She shrieked from first strike to last with the deep biting sting of slick, smooth leather. His swing was almost completely vertical, hard smack straight down with full follow-through, leaving long stripes of pink welts. He let her feet come up and stomp, let her wriggle and jerk while he held her wrists at her back and held her in place on the desk.

  Fifty strikes, popping out bright red against her whiter than white ass, with real tears falling onto his leather desk mat because this wasn’t about pleasure for either of them. It hurt, and he had to make it hurt to get through that thick skull of hers. He let her go to lie there. Real crying, because she didn’t do the fake kind, and he fought himself to resist having her right there on the desk.

  This was punishment, dammit. He wasn’t going to reward her with sex and orgasms. His raging hard on slowly eased as he put the belt back on.

  “You’ve graduated high school. You don’t have to worry about the Truant Officers so long as you carry your diploma until the end of the school year. Walk yourself directly over to Jackson Avenue and get on your bus and go home. Right now. You go nowhere else today. I will call to check on you and you had better be there.”

  She pulled her panties up and straightened her skirt and snatched a tissue off the side table on her way out. Not a word but she was a ball of fury stalking up the sidewalks to the block where the buses started their routes.

  He gave her ten minutes to complete the cold walk and closed up the office. Driving by in his car, he saw her getting on the correct bus at the lineup. Head strong and hot tempered she was, but she was also a good girl who did what she was told when she recognized someone as an authority. That was helpful in keeping her in place. For now. He feared the day the Dautan would break through the subtle protective shield around her.

  Home, cock in Beti’s mouth within a minute of walking in the door, Hades thought of nothing but those blue eyes in that exquisite pale face with that beautiful blonde hair. A quick cum popped off, sitting to look over his case for the next day, he picked up the phone at 6pm to call her. The stepfather answered, drunk as usual.

  “This is Kevin Neiland, David Brooks’ attorney. I need to speak to Tyler.”

  “Hey! Stupid brat! Get your ass out here on the phone.”

  Kevin clenched his jaw. Three months. Unless he could get the man framed for something and send him away. Not a bad idea. Maybe he could work something out. A nice heart attack maybe.

  “Yeah?” she said.

  “Is he being violent?”

  “No,” she answered.

  “Okay. I’ll call again in a couple hours.”

  “Thank you.”

  She hung up on him.

  The second call was much the same but the stepfather left the house part way through the call and the relief in her voice was palpable.

  “Tomorrow you can go out. Will I see you Saturday?” Kevin asked.

  “No. There’s a concert up in Detroit at Joe Louis that we’re going to. We’re driving up Saturday afternoon.”

  “Who is we?”

  “Me, Rox, her boyfriend and Mark. Mark’s driving. We’ll be gone until sometime Sunday.”

  “Okay. Have fun. I’ll see you the next weekend?” he asked as much for a hint of her mind as anything else.


  She’d lied to him and he knew it. There were no concerts on Saturday, March 6th. It was the finals of the National Lacrosse League, New York Saints versus the Detroit Turbos. He knew because he had tickets.

  Phone hung up and already he was determined to intercept whatever she was planning. He’d find her Saturday and bring her to his house, out among the farms where she enjoyed the quiet and her stresses couldn’t reach her as easily.

  Maybe the Dautan had already gotten through and he’d not felt it. With that thought, he called up Hermes to have a discussion between the two of them.

  Chapter Two

  Thursday, March 4th, 1993

  Tyler stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror and put her makeup away. Just a few more minutes and she would be able to leave—escape, to be more accurate—for a few hours, at least. Mark would arrive anytime and it wouldn’t be soon enough. She ignored the yelling as best she could, twenty minutes of it, but she had to walk past them to get to her bedroom. She drew a steadying breath and reached for the doorknob.

  “Of course, the tears!” Mother’s husband sneered. “I don’t know how you stand to look at yourself, you’re so worthless!”

  Tyler held her eyes forward and slipped into her room without being noticed. Closing the door was sealing in her own sanity.

  Hearing but trying to not be affected, she pulled on her high-tops and leather jacket. She couldn’t get out fast enough, compelled by an unknown force to flee a dangerous situation before it became violent again. She chalked it up to self-preservation instincts she could not ignore.

  She steeled herself to go through the front room—to walk through the jaws of hell. He did not know his step-daughter was going out for the evening, not that it mattered to her. He was no authority, only an abusive asshole.

  “Don’t you raise your hand to me, bitch!”

  Tyler heard the slap and knew her mother was going to get a lot more. She shoved a twenty into her pocket and opened her sanctuary. Mother’s husband saw her, scanned once down.

  “Just where do you think you’re going?”

  “Out,” she replied, crossing the room.

  “Did you ask?”


  “Then you’re not going anywhere.”

  Tyler glanced over to her mother sitting on the couch. “I’ll be back late.”

  Mother nodded, eyes on the floor and not about to look up.

  Tyler glared at Mother’s husband. “I have permission.”

  “Not my permission.”

  Tyler felt her eyes narrow to hard blue slits as her mind processed his audacity. Words leapt from her lips.

  “Who the fuck are you? My mother’s second husband. You’re nobody to me. Just an abusive fuck I’d like to see die on the sidewalk.”

  She took one step and he grabbed her right arm. The split second she felt the
resistance, she swung back and rammed her left elbow sharply into his ribs. He yelped and let go and she flew out the door, slamming it closed behind her. She ran down the stairs as Mark’s car came to a stop in the middle of the street. She jumped in and they sped off before Mother’s husband could catch up.

  “Do I have to ask?”

  “No,” Tyler replied shortly, lighting up a smoke.

  “Why doesn’t she call the cops?”

  “Because he has her convinced that they won’t help her. Can we not talk about it, please.”

  Mark blinked and glanced at her sideways. He had to give her credit for holding herself together. Any other girl would have been in tears and expect him to coddle her all night.

  “Still want to go to the Bijou?” he asked.

  Tyler remembered she had promised him they would go; but she did not feel like going to a noisy club.

  “Can we just go to your house?”

  “Sure. Wanna get Rox and Dale? My folks are gonna be out late.”

  “Whatever,” she grumbled, internally remarking how life fucking sucks.

  Mark pursed his lips. It was going to be one of those nights. He turned onto Navarre Avenue and looped around to Nevada again and stopped at the little yellow house closest to the rail road tracks that led to Sun Oil. Tyler went up to the door.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Rox asked as she opened it.

  “Mark’s out front. Let’s all go to his place.”

  “Oh, okay. Gimme a minute.”

  The car at once filled with Rox’s incessant chatter about her day at high school, Tyler remained moodily silent. The scene at home, what was happening there this very moment, ruining any chance she’d had at a pleasant evening. She stared out the window at the cloudy sunset. How could it be so beautiful when everything else was so shitty?

  She lit another cigarette and watched the snowflakes beginning to cover the ground, ignoring everything else. Before she knew it, the car was pulling into Mark’s driveway on the other side of town.


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