Searching for the Kingdom Key

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Searching for the Kingdom Key Page 10

by TylerRose.

  She stared hard at him. “I thought my driver wasn’t supposed to be a spy.”

  “He’s not. I was on the phone with him giving instructions for the passport photo when you came out of the first church.”

  “I don’t worship anything. I felt like lighting some candles. So we’re flying up to Seattle, with all the thousands of dollars that costs…because you like the coffee?”

  “Coffee is something I take very seriously. If you line up cups from ten countries and taste each one, you can learn what is what and pick them out just by the flavor. It’s the same as a Michigan blueberry is not the same as a Maine blueberry. There are differences according to soil, elevation, fertilizers.”

  “I’ll take your word for it. I just need the caffeine.”

  “Maybe you should take some cooking classes. I’m reasonably sure you can take just a bread class for a few weeks or a pastry class now and then rather than having to sign up for an entire set of courses.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  He smiled. “You do not like for other people to suggest much of anything do you? Does it all have to be your idea?”

  “When it pertains to my life, I prefer to make my own choices, informed and educated on my own schedule, rather than accept the choices others make for me. Others always have an agenda.”

  He blinked at so deceptively simple a statement. “You’re too mature for your years.”

  “There’s a lot I don’t know and I know that. I would like to find out what I’m actually interested in learning before I dive into something I may end up hating. Especially since I just got out of high school. I need some time before I look into classes. I want to enjoy doing things.”

  “I can understand that. How about we learn fun things? I have a dinner dance charity event coming up. If we’re going to dance anything beyond a very simple Waltz, we have to practice.”

  “Now that sounds like fun.”

  She had her first lesson on the plane ride to Seattle, learning to tango up the center aisle of the five rows of regular seats. Then he tangoed her into the bedroom at the rear of the plane and she joined the mile high club on her first airplane ride.

  A car and driver were waiting at the foot of the stairs on the tarmac, and took them to a rented yacht. They sailed Puget Sound for hours, watching the whales.

  Odin watched her more than the whales, seeing and feeling the wonder and delight of the immature goddess bubbling below the surface. So childlike in these moments, excited nearly to tears to see a grey whale breach the water and blow out a breath just twenty feet from the boat. He could see why Hades was so fond of her. So long as she wasn’t in confrontation mode, she was quite endearing.

  “What?” she asked, eyes meeting his.

  He smiled but said nothing to her. Instead he gave an order to the butler, asking the captain to head in to a dock.

  “I want to stay and watch the whales,” Tyler protested.

  Odin knew he could be bossy, make it a battle of wills ending with his final authority, or he could diffuse her somehow. He decided to err on Hades’ side of caution and not be confrontational with her this early.

  “Do you actually forget to eat?” he asked. “Lose time and don’t eat at all? It’s supper time.”

  “I eat when I’m hungry. I’m not hungry. I want to stay and watch the whales.”

  The child-goddess in all her immaturity, wanting her way. Odin sent out a thought command, causing the whales to turn away and swim farther into the Sound.

  “Well, look,” he pointed. “They’re going the opposite direction anyway. We’ll have to find something new and interesting to give you an appetite. Let’s go change.”

  They disembarked to walk the street, stopping at a specialty coffee store for an impromptu cupping class. He began to open her senses to the nuances of coffee varieties. When she was beginning to find the flavors herself, he decided to test her perceptions.

  “Close your eyes and inhale. Then take a small sip and let it lay on your tongue. What do you see?” he said, giving her the Kenyan cup.

  She inhaled several times, tilted the cup to take a small bit into her mouth.. “I see Africa. Lions, tribes of people, giraffes.”

  “And this one?” he asked, giving her the Guatemalan.

  She took her time, not certain at first. “I see jaguars. Toucans. Macaws. Mayan ruins…but they didn’t drink coffee. They drank chocolate.”

  “Last one” he said, giving her a third.

  Slow, deep inhale. “I see beaches and mountains and pineapples. Hawaii.”

  He smiled, taking the cup from her hands. “Hungry yet?”

  “Hungry enough, I guess.”

  They had supper in a nearby restaurant. He took her back to the yacht to burn off the artificial energy of the caffeine she was still hopped up on. Clearly seeing how close she was to bursting into her next sexual awakening, the one that would make her all but insatiable, h looked forward to the pleasure of bringing it out.

  In the morning, the same car and driver were waiting to take them to the zoo. Returning to the yacht to freshen up and change, he took her to supper and the theater. She attended her first opera, was mostly bored and impatient. He let her off the hook and they left at intermission.

  They spent Sunday morning in bed before going back to the same show at intermission to pick up the second half. Shopping afterward, he bought her several evening gowns for attending the functions he’d be taking her to.

  “We cannot always duck out at intermission,” he warned her. “So work on your patience.”

  They flew back to Los Angeles. He rode in the car with her, intending to leave her at the street-side door to the apartment building.

  “You won’t see me up?” she asked, not moving from her seat.

  “Not if you don’t want me to take you to my bed up there. But there’s something else I hadn’t done yet.”

  He pulled her over his lap for a good hard spanking while the doorman and his driver took the numerous bags up to her apartment. When the driver returned some ten minutes later, Thomas stopped. She sat up with a giggling smile.

  “Wouldn’t want you to stop thinking about me over the next two days,” he said, and gave her a kiss.

  “Next time do that at the beginning of our time rather than the end. I’ll like it more,” she flirted back.

  He reached into the cupboard for her envelope of money. “The rest will be transferred tomorrow as previously agreed.”

  Envelope in her purse, she went inside. Once in her apartment, she promptly disrobed to masturbate on the sofa. Thanks to Nails, a spanking made her horny as all hell. She couldn’t leave it to fade away. Never could because once she was fired up, it had to be taken care of.

  Monday morning,she woke up with a massive headache and called Glum to tell him she wouldn’t be going anywhere.

  Tuesday, spa day. She treated herself to an all-day round of soak in hot mud, then a deep tissue massage, manicure with hand massage, pedicure with foot massage, and ended with a gentle hot rock massage.

  She went to Thomas on Wednesday relaxed and ready to play. She soon found herself in the kitchen, however, watching the cook while Thomas finished a meeting. Kuai was making noodles by hand-pulling them.

  “Will you teach me how to do that?” she asked, fascinated to watch.

  He smiled, told her what to get and what to do, and within minutes her first dough was resting.

  “Okay, let’s go, Tyler,” Thomas said halfway through the resting period.

  “I can’t. We have to wait.”

  “Why?” he demanded, coming the rest of the way into the kitchen.

  “Because in half an hour, my dough will be ready. I’m learning to pull noodles.”

  “We have reservations.”

  “You wanted me to take an interest in something,” she shot back with an impish blink of her eyes that he found himself unable to resist.

  A hard sigh, eyes closed, and he gave in. “Fine. We’ll eat lu
nch here instead.”

  When the dough was ready, she cut it in half. Kuai took one half and she the other. She watched, copying what he did. Flouring, stretching, twisting, pulling, flouring, stretching, twisting, pulling, she ended up with over a thousand thin noodles she was proud to serve in Kuai’s lovely soup.

  “Okay, I might take cooking classes,” she said to Thomas. “But not some generic this is a cup and this is a pan class. I’ll take private lessons that I can actually learn from.”

  “Sounds like a wonderful use of your time. I look forward to the results.”

  Chapter Four

  Come Friday, they were on his plane flying to France. Her passport had arrived at his office already, which was totally weird since it took weeks to get them through the post office.

  “I have contacts,” was all he would say.

  Before the plane was off the ground, he had her in the bed.

  “We’re going to play a game this weekend. It’s called the ‘Yes’ game. Anytime we’re alone in my room or a car, you’re only allowed to speak one word. Yes. If I ask you something and the answer is no, you say nothing.”

  “So basically I’m not allowed to speak.”

  “Basically. We begin now. Shall I give you a spanking?”

  “Yes,” she smiled, and got a good one during takeoff.

  He tied her up and had his way with her. He untied her have her sit naked while they had lunch. She read a book while he dealt with business matters and then he tied her up to have her again while they refueled in New York. She slept through most of the hop to the UK, waking up with enough time to shower.

  They had left California at 9am. The flight had been ten hours, with an hour at New York and another in London. Twelve hours made 9pm Los Angeles time, but change the time to Paris local and it was 6am and the sun was coming up. Tomorrow.

  They drove to his apartment, a penthouse in a modern building, before heading out to breakfast. He took her to the Louvre. While she loved looking at all the things, so many people in such a confined space eventually overwhelmed her and she asked to leave. He felt her deep discomfort. She was feeling their energies with her budding telepathy. The constant audible chatter was becoming internal chatter as well, and there were moments she did hear a thought or two.

  He took her outside, returned to the hotel to get ready for lunch. Then a boat ride. Then to the hotel to change for a night out.

  “Thomas!” he was greeted by an equally well-dressed man, and a flow of French followed.

  Thomas answered in kind and introduced Mademoiselle Tyler from Los Angeles.

  “Une autre belle pute,” he smiled at her.

  Another lovely whore.

  “Une femme que vous pourriez jamais parce que vous êtes un imbécile,” she smiled brilliantly. A woman you could never have because you are such a fool.

  She walked away, leaving him staring and Thomas laughing.

  “You never told me you speak French,” he said when he rejoined her at their table.

  “You never asked,” she replied, and finished her glass of wine. “I took three and a half years and am fluent enough I could live here without any problem.”

  “I see that.”

  Not much later, another well-dressed rich man came over to say hello to Thomas. This one sat, staying through a couple drinks, and came out to the limousine with them. In the back of the car, she was seated between Thomas and Emile on the way to the apartment. Thomas turned her back to him, slipped his hands over her chest to open the front of her dress.

  “This is my privacy and you will submit,” he whispered over her ear.

  “Yes,” she said.

  Not that they were rough. They weren’t. Strong and exhaustive, but not hard or mean. By the end of the night, they’d gotten Thomas’ money’s worth out of her. They left her to sleep while they went out to breakfast.

  “Well, hell,” Odin complained over coffee.

  “The claiming is too recent,” Emile said. “It cannot be dislodged yet. Maybe never because neither was aware they were doing it. A subconscious bond can be the hardest to remove. The second bond I sense was deliberate. Between the two, you have an uphill battle.”

  “Does Earnol know you’re here?” Odin asked.

  “It’s not his business to know that I’m here. He’s told the Doyen Confederacy to stay away from all Earth telepaths and so he thinks we are. Thor is keeping him appeased by appearing to cooperate and appearing to know nothing.”

  “Does he know about me yet?” Odin asked. “Earnol?”

  “Of you, yes. That you’ve taken charge of her, not yet that I’m aware of.”

  “Good. We will keep it that way as long as possible. She has discovered her solace within the churches named Immaculate, by the way. She cannot put a finger on why, but she’s putting it together on a subconscious level.”

  “Is she having the headaches yet? Those are the best indicator.”

  “She had one last Monday. Bad enough that she stayed home all day. That’s the only one I know of. She didn’t even tell me. Glum did. She’s not mentioned it at all. She suffers her pains alone.”

  “Don’t worry about her, Odin. She’s right on schedule. The first widening rarely happens before the eighteenth birthday, for any Doyen. Eminents can take longer.”

  “Yes, but she’s not an Eminent, remember? She’s the Immaculate. You and I both know it and know what it means. Hades knows it too.”

  “She has the potential to be the Immaculate,” Emile corrected. “She has a whole hell of a lot of living to do before we know if she will realize that potential. Don’t push her too far or too fast or you’ll push her right off the planet and into Earnol’s hands. Parin was too impatient. He tried too hard during her last life and ruined it. Let it happen when it happens. She’ll get there all on her own. I must be going. Kiss her goodbye for me. Do invite me again. She’s marvelous.”

  Odin had to smile, thinking ahead to when she would have her sexual evolution and be an insatiable goddess. Last night hadn’t quite done it. She still had a ways to go yet.

  “I very much look forward to her seclusion. You will have your place in the pentagon, Morpheus. I assure you.”

  Emile only smiled and teleported away. Odin returned to the apartment to find her still zonked out. She didn’t wake until nearly noon, was too muscle sore and too tired to go anywhere for hours. He decided they should fly home a day early. She could rest on the plane and he could play with her some more in his home.

  Thus was the pattern of her weeks. Monday and Tuesday to do what she wanted. Wednesday with Thomas. Thursday to do what she wanted. Friday through Sunday with Thomas, often flying to some exotic location. Many of those weekends included several hours with some important friend. Princes of Arabian lands, Lords this or that, other high-powered businessmen.

  Friday, June 26th, her 18th birthday. From the back seat of her car, she called the number on the business card she’d kept all this time. Jerome’s private line. She got the voice mail. It was nine am California time, so noon Toledo time.

  “It’s Tyler, the blonde girl who rocked your world a few months ago. Today is my birthday. Would you do me a favor and check on my mother? Tell her I’m fine. I’m doing very well, as a matter of fact, and I’m happy enough. Thanks.”

  She hung up and stared out as the trees rolled by. Toledo seemed like a hundred years ago.

  Thomas noticed her preoccupation during lunch and asked. She told him about her mother’s husband and what she’d run away from, in much more detail than she had previously.

  “I don’t mean to be so morose,” she said as they lay curled up in bed a couple hours later. “Really, I don’t. It’s just that she’s on my mind.”

  “I understand. If it hadn’t been for her husband, you may have stayed there for the rest of your life.”

  “I probably would have. I’d have had no reason to come out here.”

  “I have something for you,” he said, and got out of bed. “Come
on. It’s outside.”

  She reached for her robe and his hand stopped her.

  “No. As you are.”

  He’d had her go nude outside with him many times. She made no fuss, letting him hold her by the wrist and take her out to the stairs and down. Out the front door into the late morning sunlight, her skin welcoming its warmth. Sitting there in the drive was a candy apple red Porsche 911.

  “Happy Birthday.”

  “Oh my gosh!” she blurted. “No more driver?”

  “Only when you want him. Or I tell you I’m sending him.”

  She threw herself into his arms for a jumping hug and a kiss. “Thank you thank you thank you! It’s beautiful.”

  “You’re beautiful.”

  “So what’s this gift coming out of? My ass?”

  He laughed at her perception. “Your whole body. But not this weekend. Next weekend. We’re going to do something different this weekend. You are going to be my slave and obey me in everything.”

  “Everything? Not if you think you’re going to pull out knives and single tail whips or shit on me.”

  “Have I ever shown any interest in any of those things, love? No. That’s not going to change now. So let it go. I want obedience and submission in everything.”

  “I thought I already was those things.”

  “You will be more so this weekend. Bend over the front of your new car.”

  She did, with feet wide apart and ass swinging back and forth. “Gonna fuck me right here?” she taunted.

  “Nope. I’m going to beat your ass right there,” he said, pulling his belt out of the loops.

  She almost came just from the sound of the words and leather zipping around his waist. She’d not had a belt beating since Nails had done her up in his office that day she’d almost gotten expelled.

  Thomas hit just as hard, but rubbed her buttocks now and then and teased a finger between her labia to tap her clit and get her horny for him again. A long beating it was, divine made sublime as he moved up to strike her shoulder blades as well.


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