Conflict of Interest

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Conflict of Interest Page 3

by A. M. Kusi

  Jax took a deep breath before exiting the elevator on the tenth level for Parker Consulting Inc. He had joined PCI in high school, along with River, making copies, and grabbing coffee for David Parker and his secretary, Terry, when they’d first started. Once he and River had graduated, they were welcomed as consultants in training. Six years later, he was now head of the junior consultants, while River had moved up to be an executive consultant.

  Jax passed Simon Turner’s empty office, a young junior consultant. David had wanted to expand his reach nationally, and with that had come a job position for another consultant three years ago.

  Next he passed Natasha Nelson’s office, giving her a nod hello. She smiled and winked through the glass doors, on the phone. She had joined the company two years ago when the workload had become too much for the three of them.

  Natasha was a beautiful, confident, and smart businesswoman who was only one year younger than him. Jax admired her rise to her position, despite the challenges of being a single mother and a black woman in a workforce usually dominated by men. He had a lot in common with her, as they were both completely focused on their careers. Natasha kept him on his toes, that was certain.

  Though he didn’t have time for relationships, he had entertained the idea of a casual understanding with Natasha.

  Jax passed the desk where Dorothy, their second secretary, sat typing away. “Good morning, Mr. Harris.”

  “Good morning,” Jax echoed as he moved towards his office.

  “Mr. Harris, Mr. Parker wants to see you all in the boardroom at nine-fifteen.”

  “Thank you, Dorothy,” Jax said, pushing open the door to his office.

  He set down his briefcase, and loosened his tie just a little before sitting at his very neat desk. He opened his Mac computer, the only item on the dark wood surface aside from a notepad and a few pens, and loaded the calendar.

  After the meeting, the rest of his day was blocked out with trainee mentorship.

  “Damn it,” he said aloud. His nightmare of a Monday was just beginning.

  Jax looked at the clock: he had ten minutes before he needed to get to the boardroom, so he would spend five of that drinking his coffee and giving himself a pep talk. He just needed to stay laser focused. Business was business.

  Making his way down to the glassed-in boardroom. Simon Turner was smiling and leaning back against the conference table, legs spread wide with confidence.

  “You should see it sometime. Maybe we could go together?” Simon said.

  “I would like to,” Harper answered, smiling until she caught sight of Jax. Her smile only faltered for a second before she turned and grinned at Simon, saying, “Let me know when you’re free.”

  Jax felt a surge of that same burning sensation in his belly at the thought of Harper with Simon.

  “Good morning, Simon. Harper? What do we owe for the pleasure of your company today? Coming to see Daddy?” he chided.

  Harper crossed her arms, making her breasts press tighter against the white silk blouse she was wearing. Jax looked down to see a pinstriped pencil skirt that came to just above her knee, showing off her bare legs with a pair of black shoes with red heels. “Actually, Mr. Parker will be in shortly to explain all about it.”

  Natasha entered the room. She met eyes with Jax and smiled before setting her pen and paper on the table. She took a seat before acknowledging the rest of the group. “Happy Monday. How was your weekend, Jaxton?”

  Harper looked between him and Natasha, and Jax seized his opportunity. “Not too eventful. You?”

  Harper threw daggers with her eyes at him. “Oh? Not exciting enough of a weekend, Jax? It could have been if you—”

  “Harper, why don’t we see what is keeping your dad.” Jax interrupted her, standing up.

  “Dad? Are you David Parker’s daughter?” Natasha asked.

  “Yes.” Harper gave Jax a challenging look before extending her hand to Natasha. “Harper Parker.”

  “Oh, good. I see everyone has gotten to know my daughter, Harper, our newest associate consultant,” David said, walking into the conference room. He shut the door behind him and took a seat at the end of the rectangular table. Simon, Jax, and Harper also took their seats.

  “I hope you all had a good weekend,” David said, smiling as he searched everyone’s faces. His blue eyes lit up, as his employees nodded. Jax avoided his gaze.

  Harper had an unreadable expression on her face, as she glanced at Jax and then back to her father.

  David ran a hand over his sandy blond hair before continuing, “That’s great. Let’s get right to business. I know you all have a busy day ahead of you. First up, Harper is finally ready to put her communications degree to work.”

  Jax looked at Harper, seeing the light in her eyes fade a little as she bit her lip. What was bothering her? He immediately shoved the thought away, angry that he was so invested in her emotions when he should be focused on what her father was saying.

  “She will start by learning from all you fine gentlemen and lady,” David said, motioning to Natasha. “Please teach her what you know as it pertains to the business. Jaxton, I would like you to oversee her progress and take the lead on this.”

  Jax nodded. “Yes, sir.” He couldn’t very well tell his boss no.

  “Now, onto other news. I have a position for an additional executive consultant opening up. The choice will be made in three months, and will be based solely on your cumulative performance since you started until that date. I’ll make a decision in late September. Three months to show me what you’re made of.” He laughed.

  Eagerness glimmered in Simon and Natasha’s eyes. But the fire in his belly told him he wanted it more. This position was as good as his.

  “Any questions?” David asked. After no one answered, he smiled and said, “Great. Now get to work.”

  Everyone stood to leave, but David called for Jax to stay. Harper still sat at the table, Jax guessed waiting for instructions.

  “Jax, can you take Harper around and show her the ropes? Get her up to date on what we do and how we do it. Give her something to get started with.”

  “Uh, sure. Not a problem,” Jax answered.

  David smiled and patted Jax on the shoulder. “Thanks, son.”

  Harper stood and gave her dad a quick hug before he left for his office.

  Jax looked at her, her chin held high in defiance.

  “Follow me.” Jax led her out of the conference room, down the hall to his office, and opened the door.

  She took a seat across from him in one of the empty chairs as he shut it behind him and closed the blinds to the windows.

  “I thought we had an agreement,” Jax said.

  “We did. I mean, we do.”

  “It didn’t seem like you were about to keep your end of the deal in that room with Natasha.”

  Harper looked down momentarily before meeting his gaze. “You’re right. It won’t happen again. I just didn’t like the fact that you were downplaying what happened. That’s what it felt like.”

  He noted that she didn’t mention jealousy had been a factor. “It’s better to pretend it never happened. Don’t you think?” Jax asked earnestly.

  Harper’s shoulders drooped. “Whatever you want, Jaxton.”

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  Her dark eyes clouded over, the brown turning stormy before she spoke, almost in a whisper, “Ever want what you can’t have?”

  “You know I have.” He watched as her gaze flickered and then her expression hardened.

  “You undermined me in the meeting,” she said, straightening in her chair.

  “How so?”

  “Don’t refer to him as my ‘daddy’. It makes me seem like a spoiled little girl who is here solely due to the fact that he is my father.”

  Jax sat back in his ch
air. “Isn’t that why you’re here?”

  “Contrary to what you may think of me, I am good at what I do. Whatever I choose to do. I want to explore the world of consulting through a communications perspective. I can work hard. I’m smart. I can earn my place. You never questioned River’s right to be here, so why are you questioning mine?”

  Jax took a deep breath, contemplating what she said before answering. “I can admit when I’m wrong, which is mostly never, for the record. Won’t happen again.” He wouldn’t admit that his verbal lashing was also done in jealousy.

  Harper smiled, the light returning in her honey-brown eyes. He felt a surge of pride at being the one who put it there. He wanted to put all his energy into seeing her smile, but reality was a cold slap in the face. He had meetings to attend. Business to get done. And now, she was just another item on his to-do list.

  “Okay. Should we get started?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She agreed.

  They spent the rest of the morning going over the account Jax was working on, and he showed her what their job as consultants were. Harper asked questions and he was happy to share his knowledge with her. She pulled her chair to his side of the desk so she could share his screen. His body immediately reacted to her closeness, making it difficult for him to concentrate. He adjusted himself in his seat, leaning away from her in his chair, trying to put as much distance between them as possible. She leaned forward to look closer at the screen, and he got a whiff of her rose perfume. Her scent invaded his senses, infecting him with the disease of desire. He tried to breathe out of his mouth, his plan backfiring when he tasted the sweetness. Violent vivid flashes attacked his mind, blinding him with forbidden moments shared, forever fused to his memory.

  Jax stood up abruptly, trying to flee from the urges that threatened to ruin him.

  “Let’s take an early lunch,” he said, turning back to answer the question in her eyes. “See you back here at one.”

  “Do you want to grab lunch together?” Harper asked.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he said, pulling on his black suit jacket.

  “Oh, right. Okay,” she said, blinking a few times rapidly as she gathered up her purse and walked out the door of his office.

  A few minutes later, Jax saw Harper waiting for the elevator and laughing next to Simon. Jax picked up his pace to catch a ride down with them. The familiar flames burned his insides. Acid reflux, he convinced himself.

  “You are going to love this place then,” Simon said, brushing Harper’s shoulder with his hand, allowing it to rest on her lower back.

  Jax wanted to rip Simon’s hand off her and feed it to him, but he refrained and clenched his fist.

  The elevator doors opened and Simon’s hand ushered her in just as Jax caught up to them. Harper met his eyes, seeming surprised at his sudden appearance. Simon hit the button for the main entrance.

  “Hey, Harris. Going to lunch?”

  Jax answered, “Yeah, where are you two headed?”

  Simon smiled. “Going to take her to that new sushi place.”

  Harper remained silent, avoiding his eyes, staring at the numbers on the elevator counting down from ten.

  Jax spoke before his brain could process the thought. “Me too. Why don’t we all go together?”

  Harper looked up sharply at him while Simon looked obviously disappointed.

  “I thought you didn’t want to,” said Harper.

  “I changed my mind. Sushi sounds perfect,” Jax said as the doors opened and they filed out.

  Chapter 4

  They walked three blocks with Simon trying his best to make conversation with Harper. She answered politely, but the awkwardness of the situation didn’t make her want to exchange small talk.

  They entered the restaurant and were seated in a small booth, by one of the revolving food belts. Harper sat in the middle. Simon and her each picked their plates quickly, while Jax ordered a meal off the menu instead.

  “Don’t like to be spontaneous?” Harper asked, motioning towards his plate when his food arrived.

  “Not usually,” Jax answered.

  She wasn’t used to this version of Jax. He was usually the playful, fun, sexy guy she’d had a crush on since she was ten. He looked angry.

  “Everyone has to have some spontaneity in their life. Don’t you agree, Harper?” Simon asked.

  “Absolutely,” Harper answered, before taking a bite of her California roll. “Mmmm,” she moaned, and was suddenly aware that both men shot to attention, staring at her.

  She licked her lips after she finished chewing, seeing them nearly salivating as they stared slack-jawed at her.

  “Do I have something on my face?” she asked, knowing full well the power she wielded. If Jax wanted to deny they had something, she wouldn’t make it easy on him. It might also have been a smidge of payback for the boardroom. When she had seen the way Natasha was ogling Jax, she’d wondered if they had hooked up before. Natasha was too friendly for her liking.

  Both men awkwardly adjusted their seating position at the same time. Simon reached out his hand to the corner of her mouth brushing his thumb over it. “Not anymore.”

  Jax sat straighter in his seat and glared at his colleague. “Simon, did I hear around the office that you’re seeing someone?”

  “Nope. Newly single. What about you, Harper? Any lucky man in your life?” Simon asked, not taking his eyes off her.

  Jax rolled his eyes out of the corner of her vision as he stuffed some rice into his mouth.

  “No. In fact, it’s been a long time since I’ve had anyone special in my life.” She looked down at her food, taking another bite of the deliciousness. Both men watched her intently, and she could feel their stares burning into her. If they wanted a show, she could do that. She knew a pissing contest when she saw one. “Mmm…oh my god. This is the second-best thing I have ever had in my mouth.”

  Jax pinched the bridge of his nose. She had hit her mark.

  “S-second best thing?” Simon asked, loosening his tie.

  “Mmm hmm,” Harper purred.

  “What’s the first?” he asked after clearing his throat.

  She licked her lips and leaned in close to his ear so Jax could barely make out what she said, “You’ll have to buy me dinner before I confess my secrets.”

  Simon sharply inhaled as he quickly said, “I can do that. Tonight?”

  “Harper, we need to get back to the office. Now.” Jax intervened forcefully.

  “Oh, you can go. I’ll catch up. You said to meet you back at one, right?” Harper resisted.

  “I forgot about a very important phone call with a client in ten minutes and I think you should be there for it. I’m responsible for your progress. You need to come with me,” Jax said, reaching for her hand.

  “You do, do you?” she said, deadpan.

  “Yes. I do.”

  “So bossy. Simon, it was nice to have lunch with you. See you at the office?”

  “Y-yeah. See you later,” Simon said, not bothering to stand.

  Jax threw a fifty-dollar bill on the table and led Harper away briskly by her hand. He didn’t let her go once they were outside.

  “You’re walking too fast for me. Jax!”

  He pulled her around the corner of a building and pressed her against the wall. “What the hell was that, Harper?” he snapped.

  She felt the rapid rise and fall of his heaving chest press against her silk blouse. “I—I don’t…”

  “Do not play games with me,” he nearly growled sending a shiver through her.

  His solid deep voice reached to the depths of her soul. Rumbling, throbbing, and alluring. Did he have any idea of just how much he affected her?

  “Jax, why did you bother coming to lunch with us? You told me it wasn’t a good idea and then you forced your w
ay into the middle of our lunch date.”

  “Date? With Simon? Are you kidding me?”

  “You obviously don’t want to date me, and Simon seems interested. He’s smart, good-looking, has a great personality.”

  “Enough,” Jax interrupted, wincing as if he was in physical pain.

  “I’m a woman with needs, Jax.” It was the truth.

  His eyes grew dark, his gaze heavy. “You are playing with fire, little girl.”

  “Ugh! You are infuriating.” Harper pushed him away from her and stormed towards their building. Jax followed, easily catching up to her.

  They were silently brooding until they got back to his office. Harper walked in first and he shut the door a little harder than necessary.

  She spun around to yell at him and met his hard torso with a thud. Their heaving chests pressed against each other. She looked into his dilated eyes as he grabbed her face in his hands. His warm skin against her cheeks sent a jolt through Harper’s body. She wanted him more than she needed air. She had never felt this strongly about anyone in her life. His gaze seared her flesh, hungry and seeking. He appeared to be on the prowl like he was a savage hunter and she the helpless prey. A victimless crime. He felt it too. The way he avoided touching her. Never mind his obvious jealousy over Simon.

  She glanced down at his lips, willing them to kiss her. Parting her mouth, she yearned for him to finish what they had started.


  Jax felt the magnetic pull between him and Harper. He couldn’t deny he desired her. So many emotions were wrapped into one. He knew that the thought of her with any other man made him sick to his stomach and angry as hell. He shouldn’t care, but he did, and there was no use denying it.

  He knew what her mouth tasted like, and he knew what she felt like naked against him. He knew what he was missing by saying no, and that just made it all the harder. Alone in his office, with her hard nipples pressed against his stomach, his arousal grew painful. There was nothing in the world he wanted more in that moment than to kiss her. To dig his hands into the luscious curve of her ass as he lifted her and pinned her against the wall. He’d hike that skirt up enough to slip his hands inside and feel how wet she was for him before making her come. He leaned his head down, watching her eyes flutter closed in anticipation, begging, pleading.


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