Baby Making: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance Novel

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Baby Making: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance Novel Page 2

by Mya Wood

  “Sutter,” he called out. “Long time no see!”

  The man, who Robyn now knew was named Sutter, turned towards them and grinned. “Hot damn,” he exclaimed, moving towards them. “If I wasn't seeing this with my own two eyes, I'm not sure I’d believe it. How you been, man?”

  “Not too bad,” Noah said. “Yourself?”

  “Oh, you know – same ol’, same ol’,” Sutter said, dusting his hands off on a rag. “Anyway, what can I do for ya?”

  “You can saddle up Shelby and Fire,” Noah said, glancing over at Robyn. “It’s been a while since I’ve taken them out.”

  “Sure, sure, but first… you gonna introduce me to your lovely lady friend here or what?”

  “My bad, I don't know where my manners are,” Noah apologized. Then he made the introductions. “Robyn, this is Sutter Reynolds. Sutter, this is Robyn Wallace. She’s my interior decorator.”

  “Nice to meet you, Robyn,” Sutter said, tipping his hat to her. “It’s nice to see Noah out here with a woman for once.”

  They all laughed, and Robyn noticed how flushed Noah suddenly was. “Is there a bathroom I can use before we set out?” she asked the men.

  “Can she use the one in the house?” Noah asked Sutter.

  “Sure, follow me,” Sutter said to Robyn, beginning to leave the barn.

  “I'm gonna hang back and get the horses ready,” Noah informed her. “Take your time.”

  Robyn nodded and went to follow Sutter. When they were far enough away that Noah couldn’t hear them, Sutter turned to her and said, “so give it to me straight – you’re more than just his decorator, right?”

  Robyn smirked and shook her head. “No, I'm afraid that about sums it up.”

  After using the bathroom, Robyn made her way back to the barn and stopped when she heard Sutter say, “What’s wrong with you, man? She’s gorgeous. Doesn't she at least make you hard?”

  Robyn was more than a little disgusted by the comment, and she decided to make her presence known. “Um, are we ready to go, Noah?” she asked as she turned the corner.

  “Yep,” Noah said, shooting Sutter a look capable of stopping traffic. He helped Robyn mount the smaller of the two horses, then he mounted his own and they started forward.

  Robyn had problems keeping up with Noah, and soon she found herself wondering if this was really such a good idea. Finally, she willed her horse to go faster and caught up with him.

  They rode the trail for about fifteen minutes in complete silence, then Noah stopped and asked, “do you mind if we chill here for a bit?

  Robyn nodded and stopped her horse, tying it up on the same tree he had just secured his to. She studied him as he leaned against the oak, and eventually they latched eyes.

  “Sorry you had to hear that back there,” Noah apologized.

  Robyn shrugged. “Don't worry about it,” she deadpanned, coming over to stand beside him. “It's just guy talk. I get it.”

  They sat down against the tree then, neither of them saying a word. Noah looked over at Robyn and admired the way her hair was blowing in the wind. They remained in that same spot for a while. Noah felt extremely comfortable talking to Robyn, and eventually he revealed quite a few intimate details about his life to her.

  He spoke about falling in love with an older woman when he was in high school. Then he went on to talk about having his heart broken by the very same woman.

  Robyn tried to encourage Noah that love would come for him when it was ready to, but Noah had a hard time believing that, and he quickly turned the subject onto Robyn. That was when he learned that while she was currently single, she had come pretty close to marriage at one point.

  Shortly thereafter, they mounted their horses again and headed back to the stables. Fortunately, Sutter was nowhere in sight when they got back, and they locked the horses back in their stalls and quickly left the ranch.

  During the drive back to his place, Noah found himself thinking that he and Robyn would make a fine couple, but he pushed the thought from his head just as quickly as it surfaced.

  Robyn was a little disappointed when they pulled into Noah’s driveway. She feared their day together was over, but her hopes lifted when he cut the engine and said, “I have all the fixings for a great steak dinner in the fridge. Would you like to stay a while?”

  “I’d love to,” Robyn said, smiling at him. She followed him into the house and watched as he took everything from the fridge.

  “You can stay on one condition,” Noah told her, standing on the other side of the counter from her. “You have to make the salad.”

  “I don't know,” Robyn teased. “I don't think I can do that.”

  Noah turned around and walked over to the fridge. “Well no dinner for you then,” he teased, pretending to look for something in the produce drawer. In all actuality, he was really trying to calm himself down. He had the overwhelming urge to take Robyn in his arms and kiss her, but instead he grabbed a few bottles of salad dressing from the fridge and placed them on the counter along with a bunch of veggies.

  As Robyn got to work on the salad, Noah marinated the steaks and took them out to the barbecue. And as he did, he caught himself admiring her through the sliding glass door more than once. He barely knew the woman, yet he couldn’t deny his attraction to her.

  Robyn finished up the salad and decided to join Noah on the patio as he prepared the steaks. He looked over at her as she came out and asked, “how do you like your meat?”

  “Medium-well, please,” Robyn answered as she looked out over the beautiful backyard. “I hope you don't mind, but I found a few potatoes in the fridge and took it upon myself to bake them,” she informed him.

  “Sounds great,” Noah said. “Why don't I put the steaks on low and we can have a glass of wine while we wait for them to cook?”

  “Sounds good to me,” Robyn said as she followed him back into the house.

  Noah poured them a glass of wine and they sat at the kitchen table talking about nothing in particular. After just one glass, Robyn was already starting to feel the effects of the alcohol.

  By the time the potatoes were almost ready, Noah went back out to finish the steaks. A few minutes later, he came in to find a set table. “I see you found everything,” he said to Robyn.

  “Yeah, I just kept opening cupboards and drawers until I had everything I needed,” Robyn said as she sat down at the table.

  Noah poured them another glass of wine and sat down across from her. They continued making light conversation over dinner, and when they were finished Robyn got up to clear the table only to find herself grabbing the counter for support.

  Noah rushed to her side. “Are you okay?” he asked with genuine concern.

  Robyn looked up at him, and with a smile said, “I'm fine. That wine just went straight to my head.”

  Noah couldn't help but laugh at the look on Robyn's face. “Well why don't you sit down while I clean up and put on a pot of coffee?”

  “Thanks,” Robyn said. “I'll bet you would have never guessed I was a cheap drunk.”

  “Nah, but I definitely know that now,” Noah said as he continued to laugh.

  A short while later, after Noah had rejoined Robyn on the patio, she said, “I’m sorry for that little incident after dinner. I’m so embarrassed!”

  Noah leaned up against a post and looked at Robyn for a few seconds. “Don't worry about it. I should have asked if you wanted that second glass Plus, I have to say you looked really cute.”

  Noah obviously didn't think about that last comment before he said it, and he regretted it the second the words left his mouth.

  Robyn simply smiled. She couldn't get over what Noah had said. She wanted to respond, but she figured she had embarrassed herself enough already.

  “Really, Robyn, don't even worry about it. You wouldn't believe what some women have done just to get close to me,” Noah said, feeling relieved that Robyn had not done this int

  “I bet,” Robyn said as she stood. “Anyway, it's getting late. I really should be going.”

  “No can do,” Noah said, sidestepping her. “I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if I let you drive home right now. Besides, it's only eight. I’d feel a lot more comfortable if you stayed for a while longer and sobered up.”

  Robyn hesitated. “I suppose you’re right,” she said after taking a moment to think it over. “I'm sorry to impose on you like this.”

  “Oh, you're not imposing. To be quite honest, I enjoy your company.”

  Robyn looked over at Noah and felt her heart twinge as her dark eyes latched with his. She was almost sure by the look on his face that he was being sincere, but what shocked her even more was that he did not look away. Instead he held her gaze for what seemed like hours, forcing her to be the one to finally break eye contact. She had to. She knew that if she didn't, she'd almost certainly do something she’d regret.

  Noah knew then that something was almost certainly brewing between him and Robyn. He couldn't be sure, but she seemed shaken when she looked away from him. He finally felt comfortable letting her leave around nine that night. He was sorry to see her go, but also thankful for such a relaxing day with her. She really had an unbelievable effect on him. He didn't know how much longer he could hide his growing feelings for her.

  Meanwhile, Robyn went straight to bed when she got home that night and threw herself into her work on Sunday to try and keep her mind off of Noah. She didn't know how she would survive this project, especially since she would be the site supervisor. All she hoped was that Noah would have a lot to do during the days to keep him occupied. If he didn't, she'd almost certainly be distracted.

  Chapter 4

  On Monday morning, Robyn stopped by the office to pick up everything she needed out at the site that morning. She was meeting the crew there at ten and had called Noah the night before to let him know this. She was relieved when she managed to keep the conversation focused on business.

  Robyn arrived at Noah's house at ten on the dot and knocked on the door. Noah answered wearing a pair of shorts and a tight t-shirt that complemented his upper-body. For one brief moment, Robyn had to remind herself why she was there. “Good Morning,” she said as Noah moved to the side to let her in.

  “Morning yourself,” Noah greeted. “I meant to give you this on Saturday night. I won't always be here in the mornings to let you in, so here’s a key to the front door. I trust that you will use it appropriately.”

  Robyn took hold of the key and stared down at it with a shocked expressed that even made Noah wonder if there was a second meaning to his gesture. He also couldn’t help but notice that she looked amazing in her black jean shorts and tank top.

  “You’ll have to excuse me, Robyn,” Noah said, clearing his throat. “I have an important call in a few minutes. I’ll be in my office if you need me.”

  “Of course. I’d better get started myself. I have to set a few things up before the crew arrives,” Robyn said, giving him a coy smile before walking off to get started.

  As the morning progressed, Noah actually found that he had a newfound inspiration. Just as he feared, he was not able to finish the song he had started earlier that morning, but he did have a great idea for another one. Within an hour and a half, he had the lyrics and music written, and he could not ignore the fact that the song was about Robyn. It wasn't very often that a woman inspired him to write.

  Around lunchtime, Noah looked out the window in his office and saw Robyn sitting in the garden. He couldn't resist the urge to go join her. A few minutes later, he stood behind her and said, “Do you mind if I join you?”

  “Of course not,” Robyn responded, having to remind herself to breathe as he sat down next to her. “I just came out here to get away from all the noise. I had to deal with an irate customer over the phone and it kind of wore me out.”

  “What were they so upset about?” Noah asked.

  “They wanted me to supervise their project,” Robyn explained. “But considering I can't be in two places at once, I had to break the news to them that Ken would have to cover for me.”

  “Well wait…is it really necessary for someone to be here supervising the project at all times?” Noah asked.

  Robyn nodded. “That’s one of our company policies, yes. We like to have someone on site to deal with any problems that arise and make sure that the work lives up to our standards.”

  “That’s good to know,” Noah said.

  Robyn smiled at him. “Anyway, I’d better get back and let the guys know they can go for lunch,” she said.

  “What about you?” Noah asked. “What are you doing for lunch?”

  “I don't know, actually,” Robyn admitted. “I was going to go out and see if there was any place close to here where I could grab something quick and easy.”

  “Well I know the perfect little place just up the road,” Noah suggested. “They make amazing subs if you’re interested.”

  “That sounds good. Let me just go wash up before we go,” Robyn said as she stood.

  Fifteen minutes later, Noah and Robyn were seated in a small booth in the restaurant Noah had spoken about. It wasn't uncommon for Robyn to take a client out to lunch, so she wasn't worried about the workers thinking anything, but she knew there was another reason why she had agreed to come out with Noah.

  A half hour later, Noah exited the restaurant after Robyn and followed her out to her car. He breathed in her scent as they got in and smiled to himself. Despite having worked all morning, she still smelled incredible to him.

  Chapter 5

  Robyn had to leave work a few minutes early that afternoon to deal with a few things back at the office. She was stopped at the stop light a few blocks from Noah's house when all of a sudden her car was pushed forward. She looked in her rearview mirror and realized right away that someone had hit her from behind.

  Sighing heavily, Robyn got out of her car to assess the damage. She could drive away for sure, but some repairs would be necessary. With only being a few blocks from Noah's place, she wondered if it would be appropriate to call him and ask for some help. After taking a moment this think it over, she pulled out her phone and dialed his number.

  “Noah, I hate to bother you, but I need to ask you a favor…” she greeted once he picked up.

  “I didn't even realize you had left,” Noah said before a pause. “But of course. What can I do for you?”

  “Could I wait at your place for a tow truck?” Robyn asked him, eyeing the man who hit her as he began to gather his insurance paperwork.

  “Why? Did your car break down or something?” Noah asked with concern.

  “Not exactly, no. I’m a few blocks from your place and someone rear-ended me,” Robyn explained. She then relayed the address to him.

  “Ah, I see,” Noah said. “Not a problem. I’ll come and get you.”

  After ending the call, Noah grabbed his keys and ran from the house. Robyn sounded fine, but he was still worried about her. A few minutes later, he pulled off to the side of the road and was at Robyn's side. There was not a lot of damage to her car, but she was visibly shaken.

  “Are you alright?” Noah asked her.

  Robyn forced a nod. “Yeah, I think so.”

  Noah wasn’t buying it though. “I can see you shaking,” he remarked, putting his arm around her to steady her and take her to his truck. “Come on and sit down for a few minutes.”

  He helped her into the passenger side of the truck and stayed at her side. She rested her head in her hands and took a few deep breaths. Noah was so busy studying her that he didn't realize that the police had just arrived until an officer came up to them and asked, “Is she alright?”

  Noah moved aside so the officer could speak to her.

  “I think I’m okay,” Robyn answered. “Nothing hurts. I’m just a little shaken.”

  “Ok, well, if you start to feel
any pain at all, make sure you go see your doctor,” the officer said to her. “Concussions are serious business.”

  Robyn simply nodded, and Noah moved back to her side as the officer went to go talk to the guy that hit her.

  “I think we had better call a tow truck and determine where to take your car to be repaired,” Noah suggested.

  “All my AAA information is in the glove department. I also have a card for my mechanic in there,” Robyn said.


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