Baby Making: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance Novel

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Baby Making: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance Novel Page 8

by Mya Wood

  “Don’t tempt me,” Robyn replied.

  Noah chuckled. “So do you have a busy day at work today?” he asked a moment later, propping the toilet lid to relieve his bladder.

  “Well, I have that meeting with Sutter, then I have to finish up some paperwork at the office, but no, I don’t anticipate it being a late night,” Robyn replied.

  “Great. How about we do pizza and movies at my place tonight, then?” Noah suggested.

  “Sounds good to me,” Robyn said as she turned off the water. “Hey, could you pass me one of the towels on the counter?”

  “Nah, you have to come out and get it,” Noah said, flushing the toilet before going to wash his hands.

  “Fine,” Robyn said with an exaggerated sigh. “Just as long as you promise me you’ll behave.”

  “Sorry, no can do,” Noah said. He watched Robyn pull back the shower curtain and step out onto the tile, and he instantly felt his arousal grow at the sight of her wet body. Shaking himself from his stupor, he handed her a towel and said, “the things you do to me, woman!”

  Robyn laughed. “Yeah, well, you're not looking too bad yourself,” she said as she stepped forward and ran a wet hand through his messy hair.

  “That feels good,” Noah remarked with a smile. “I think you should use both hands.”

  Robyn rolled her eyes and swatted him. “Very funny,” she said, smirking. “You just want me to drop my towel.”

  “Hey, you can't blame a guy for trying,” Noah said, holding up his hands.

  “Well if it was any other time, I would let you have your way, but I really have to go get ready for work,” Robyn said as she dried herself off.

  “It's cool,” Noah said, his tone one of understanding. “Why don’t I go focus my attention on making you some breakfast?”

  “Thanks,” Robyn said, giving him a grateful smile. “I think I have some bagels and orange juice in the fridge.”

  Noah nodded and started for the door. “One bagel and some OJ coming up,” he said as he left Robyn alone in the bathroom.

  Fifteen minutes later, Robyn emerged from her bedroom fully dressed and ready for work. She walked into the kitchen and watched Noah as he sat at the table reading the newspaper. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have him in her life. She finally felt complete for the first time ever. She had a job she loved and now someone to spend her time with. She didn’t want to jinx anything, but she really hoped that he was the one.

  “You look gorgeous,” Noah said as he looked up from his paper. “I gotta admit – I’m kinda jealous that Sutter is the one who gets to spend the day with you.”

  “Well take heart – Sutter isn’t the one that I’m be spending the night with,” Robyn said as she walked into the kitchen and kissed Noah lightly on the lips.

  “Do you always look this good when you go to work?” Noah asked, almost jealous.

  “Usually, yeah, but you won’t have to worry starting tomorrow. I'm supervising another project and I'll be spending a lot of time on site dressed way down.”

  “Well that isn’t any consolation. You look just as gorgeous in jeans and a tank top,” Noah replied.

  “I guess it's a no win situation for you then,” Robyn said as she sat down and started eating the bagel that Noah had prepared for her.

  Fifteen minutes later, she was ready to go.

  “Shit, you know what I just realized?” she spoke up as she gathered her belongings. “I have all these meetings today and my car is still at your place.”

  Noah pursed his lips into a smirk. “Looks like my plan worked,” he said, a devious twinkle in his eye.

  “What do you mean?” Robyn asked, confused.

  Noah shrugged. “How about I chauffeur you around today?” he suggested. “It could be fun.”

  “Wait… you did this on purpose?” Robyn asked, trying to act mad.

  Noah snickered. “I might have put a little thought into it,” he admitted, grinning deviously.

  “Well then I don’t have much of a choice, now do I?”

  Robyn nudged Noah in the side and grabbed her briefcase on her way out of the house. She locked up, then she followed him out to his truck and got in.

  “Don’t seem too excited,” Noah remarked as he backed out of the driveway.

  Robyn rolled her eyes, but it was playful. “What are you going to do while I’m in my meetings?” she asked.

  “Well, I don’t think Sutter will mind if I tag along,” Noah said as he pulled out of Robyn’s subdivision and turned out onto the main road. “As for your other meeting, I could always go run a few errands and come back and pick you up.”

  “Ok, I guess that works,” Robyn said. “You can pick me up at 10:30 for my eleven o’clock meeting. Then maybe we can grab a quick lunch before we go to Sutter's place.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me. Do you mind if I hang out at your place till you need to be picked up?” Noah asked.

  “Of course not. Make yourself at home,” Robyn said as she handed Noah her key.

  Fifteen minutes later, Noah parked his truck outside a tall office building and quickly kissed Robyn goodbye. “I’ll meet you out here at ten-thirty,” he promised

  “Ten-thirty it is,” Robyn said, blowing him a kiss.

  Chapter 15

  Robyn packed up her briefcase and ran for the elevator. She got stuck on the phone with a client and was a few minutes late. She was relieved to see Noah waiting for her at the same spot he had dropped her off. She opened the door and said, “sorry I’m a little late. I got stuck on the phone with a client.”

  “No need to apologize. I just hope I can get you to your meeting in time,” Noah said as he greeted her with a kiss.

  “I have the directions on my phone,” Robyn informed him. “Joanne tells me it’s only about ten minutes from here.”

  After a short drive across town, Noah pulled into a driveway and quickly kissed Robyn again before she exited his truck. “What time do you want me back here?” he asked.

  “Give me until eleven-thirty,” Robyn said. “That should be enough time.”

  “Alright, see you then. Just call me if you need to be picked up any earlier.”

  Robyn’s meeting didn’t run as long as she had anticipated, so she called Noah and asked him to come and get her. He assured her that he was only a few miles away, and less than five minutes later Robyn saw his truck approaching. As soon as he stopped, she made his way over to him and lifted herself into the passenger seat.

  “You know, these things don’t make it easy for a woman in a dress to get in and out,” she commented.

  “Well I guess I’ll just have to get out and help you from now on,” Noah said as she fastened her seatbelt. “Anyway, what do you feel like for lunch?”

  “Just something light. Sandwiches or bagels are good for me,” Robyn replied.

  “Really? Because there's this amazing bagel place about twenty minutes from here.”

  “Great,” Robyn said.

  “I talked to Sutter this morning,” Noah said as he got back on the road. “He said his ma should be here this afternoon and is looking forward to meeting you.”

  “Interested in meeting me because I'm her, interior designer, or because I’m your girlfriend?” Robyn asked.

  “A bit of both, I suppose,” Noah replied.

  Robyn laughed. “That’s what I figured.”

  “You’re not upset about that are you?” Noah asked.

  “Of course not,” Robyn assured him. “I would be insane to be upset over being seen as your girlfriend.”

  Noah smiled. A half hour later, he pulled into the parking lot of an establishment called ‘the Bagel House’ and told Robyn to wait so that he could help her get out. He came around to open the door for her and put his hands around her waist. “Go ahead and jump,” he instructed. “I won’t let you fall.”

  Robyn decided to play a little dirty. Noah slowly brought her to the ground
and she made sure she brushed against him in the most important areas. As soon as her feet touched the cement, he closed the door and pushed her against the truck.

  “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” he growled, feeling his arousal pulse against her stomach.

  Robyn shrugged. “I might have put a little thought into it,” she teased, taking his hand. “Anyway, let’s go get something to eat before it’s too late.”

  After lunch, Robyn and Noah decided to head over to Sutter’s a little early. As Noah helped Robyn into the truck, he made sure his hand came in contact with one of her breasts and let it linger there for a few seconds.

  “You know, you're only hurting yourself,” Robyn said before Noah closed the door. “I can hide being turned on – you can’t.”

  “Oh, I know. I just wanted to make sure you’ll be suffering right along with me,” Noah said as he climbed into the driver’s seat.

  “How considerate of you,” Robyn retorted.

  A few minutes later, they pulled into a driveway. As Robyn got out of the truck, she looked around and already had so many ideas. Still, she knew she had to find out how much work they were interested in before she got too carried away.

  “Earth to Robyn,” Noah said as he put his arms around her waist.

  “Sorry, did you say something?” Robyn asked.

  “Nothing important. I’m just starting to realize that I can’t compete with your work,” Noah said.

  “Oh, don’t take it the wrong way. I just have so many ideas for this place,” Robyn said as they made their way up the walkway.

  “Nah, I’m not upset,” Noah assured her. “It’s obvious how much your work means to you. I’ll always respect that.”

  Robyn smiled at him. “What do you say we get this meeting started?” she said as she took a step towards the front door.

  Two hours later, Noah and Robyn left Sutter's. Apparently Sutter's mother wasn't interested in redecorating the whole place. She was only interested in redoing the three bathrooms in the house and redecorating the basement.

  It was a small-scale project for Robyn, but she was more than happy to do it for them. They also weren't in any rush to get the project completed, so she promised it would be her first priority when she returned from Europe.

  It was a great start to what she hoped would be an even

  better summer.

  Chapter 16

  Over the next few days, Robyn worked hard during the morning and afternoon and spent the bulk of her evenings with Noah. She had gotten her vacation approved at work and everything was arranged for her trip to Europe. She would miss Noah for the month before her trip, but at least they had something to look forward to.

  Meanwhile, Noah got a call that Friday night stating that he had to leave for Belgium on Wednesday instead of his scheduled Saturday departure. This made him feel rushed into getting things done, and he was also bummed that he had less time to spend with Robyn. The only thing that made him feel better was that she had finalized her travel plans.

  Robyn said she needed to go into the office for a few hours on Saturday morning, so Noah took the time to get a few things accomplished before his trip. He wanted to spend the remainder of Saturday and Sunday with her, and that meant he had to get himself as prepared as possible while he still could.

  Robyn had all her work completed by 11:30 in the morning. She called Noah before she left the office, but he wasn't home, so she decided to head over to his place and wait for him.

  Noah had given Robyn a key to the house the night before and had asked her to check in on the place a couple times a week while he was gone. He normally would have asked his brother or Sutter to do it, but he knew they were both pretty busy during the summer months.

  As Robyn pulled into the driveway, she could see that Noah had just gotten home and was just getting out of his truck. As she stepped out of her car, he said, “you're early.”

  “I know. I was very productive this morning. Plus, I kinda missed you,” Robyn said as she closed the distance between them.

  “I missed you too,” Noah said as he embraced her, lightly kissing her.

  “What were you out doing?” Robyn asked as they walked into the house together.

  “I had to go to the drug store and pick up supplies for the tour. I wanted to get some of the preparation out of the way so that we could enjoy the remainder of the day together.”

  “Well I can give you a hand. I don't mind shopping.”

  “I just may take you up on that,” Noah responded. “Come Tuesday night I’ll really be scrambling.”

  “Sounds good. What plans do you have for today?” Robyn asked.

  “How about a dip in the pool?” Noah suggested.

  “Sure,” Robyn said. “I guess it's a good thing I left my swimsuit here a few nights ago.”

  “Let’s go up and get changed then,” Noah said as he patted her on the behind.

  Robyn followed Noah into his bedroom and watched as he got changed into his swim trunks. He was so handsome. She still couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have him in her life.

  Noah turned around and caught Robyn staring at him. He broke her trance by saying, “and just what do you think you’re looking at?”

  Robyn walked across the room and stopped in front of him. “I was just thinking about how lucky I am,” she said.

  “Well I’m equally lucky,” Noah said as he took her in his arms and held her there.

  After several minutes of standing in Noah’s arms, Robyn asked, “do you have any sunscreen?”

  “Yeah, there’s plenty of it down by the pool,” Noah replied. They walked back downstairs, and he opened the patio door for Robyn and followed her outside.

  Robyn grabbed the bottle of sunscreen from a patio table and passed it to Noah. “Behave yourself,” she warned.

  “Me? Misbehave? Never!” Noah said as he poured an ample amount of sunscreen into the palm of his hand.

  He started with her back and shoulders and massaged it in slowly. He moved onto her arms and abdomen before he started on her legs. She returned the favor, and amazingly enough, they both behaved.

  That was until Noah picked Robyn up, walked around to the deep end of the pool, and threatened to throw her in. She tightened her hold around his neck in response, and she promised that he would be coming in with her if he did.

  Noah knew he wasn’t going to win, so he put Robyn back down. She stepped up to the pool and sat down on the edge. The temperature of the water was perfect. Noah sat down behind her and put his legs around her.

  “Are you going to go in or not?” he asked.

  “Nah, I kinda like it here,” Robyn said as she snuggled up against his chest. Then she turned slightly to one side so that she could kiss him.

  “I’m gonna miss you like crazy,” Noah said after a few minutes of silence.

  “I’ll miss you too, but look on the bright side – we have my visit to look forward to,” Robyn said, trying to remain positive.

  “Thank god for that,” Noah said as he tightened his hold on her.

  Noah and Robyn finally entered the pool after sitting and talking for a short while more. Noah did his daily laps while Robyn floated around on an inflatable chaise. After spending an hour or so that way, Robyn decided it was time to get out and went inside to get changed.

  A few minutes later, Robyn was just removing her swimsuit as Noah walked into the room. “I thought you were going to be a little while longer,” she remarked.

  “I know, but then I started thinking about another kind of exercise,” Noah said as walked over to Robyn and pulled her against him. He was still a little wet from the pool, but she didn't seem to mind.

  “Oh?” Robyn purred. “And just what would that be?”

  This prompted Noah to lead her over to the bed. He lifted her onto it and positioned her in the middle. Then he stood back up to remove his swim trunks and covered her body with his own.

>   Noah urgently thrust deep into Robyn, and they both let out a moan that let the other know how good it felt. He started thrusting faster then, and within minutes he collapsed beside her, spent from his intense orgasm.

  After laying in Noah’s arms for a few minutes, Robyn looked up at him and blurted out, “Noah… I think I might be pregnant.”

  Chapter 17


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