Apprenticed to Pleasure

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Apprenticed to Pleasure Page 22

by Brandon Fox

  Ander nodded glumly and then stiffened. An oppressive presence gnawed at the fringes of his mind, like a repressed memory of bloody atrocities. Startled glances showed that all of them had felt it.

  “It’s the sorcerer,” Thane said. “Looking for us. We can’t rest. They’re sure to check the cabins.”

  “Can you tell how close he is?” Ander asked.

  “Too close. We wouldn’t feel him like this unless he’s nearby.”

  Sorel put a hand on Thane’s shoulder, bringing him to a halt. “They’re moving faster than we expected. They’ve got a magical as well as the physical advantage. We’ve got to deal with the facts. I don’t like it, but the truth is that we don’t have time to wait for Nicolai and me to recuperate.”

  “Do you know what you’re saying?” Thane asked, turning angrily. “Be reasonable for once!”

  “All I’m saying is that we won’t be able to evade the search party long enough for Nicolai and me to do you any good. You said it yourself: our only chance of prevailing is through the art. You and Ander have a chance at replenishing the medallion before we’re captured. Nobody else does.”

  “That’s insane! You know how powerful the elixirs are. His chances of surviving it—”

  “I’d rather take my chances with you than with the zamindar,” Ander said. “I think Sorel’s right. It’s risky but still our best hope. I want to try.”

  Thane grasped Ander’s arm, his grip bruising. Finally, he sighed and relaxed his hold. “You’re braver than I am,” he said softly. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  “I don’t want to lose you, either.” He took Thane’s hand in his own and squeezed it gently. “But things are different now. I can feel it. The barriers between us are gone. I think we’ll succeed this time.”

  Thane wrapped him in a fierce embrace. “All right. The world has changed. You’ve opened my eyes to it. I’ll chance the future with you.”

  Nicolai and Sorel gave them a few moments, but soon Ander felt the gentle pressure of the northerner’s hand against his back. “We’ve got to go now.”

  They released each other reluctantly, and Thane stepped back. “We’ll go to the fastness. It’s well concealed, and the wards will confuse their sorcerer. They’ll find it eventually. But maybe we’ll have enough time.”

  “Let’s go cross-country,” Nicolai said. “It’ll be shorter and safer than using the trails.” He turned and led the way into dense forest. They moved silently, alert for danger.

  The sound of the waterfall increased to a deep roar as they approached the cliff. Mist floated through the air and created rainbows between the trees. As they rounded a bend in the trail, Nicolai dropped to a crouch and gestured for the others to do the same. Ander looked beyond the edge of the forest and saw the reason.

  Two cuirassiers stood at the edge of the cliff. Both carried crossbows and were scanning the surrounding area. After a few moments, one of them took a strip of jerky out of a pocket and began to chew on it.

  “Damn it,” Nicolai whispered. “Out of the whole ravine, why did they have to stop here?”

  Sorel shrugged. “Bad luck, but it’s just two. We can get past them.”

  Observing the soldiers’ position carefully, Ander wasn’t so sure. “What about their crossbows? They’re bound to see us as soon as we leave the forest. They’ll both have time to get off a bolt.”

  Sorel drew a short throwing knife from his belt and weighed it in the palm of his hand. “I’ve got one knife. If we rush them, I think I can get close enough to make a good throw before they release their bolts. That leaves one.”

  Thane put a hand on Sorel’s forearm. “Wait. Even if your throw is true and they only get off a single bolt, we’ll still be too close to miss. Maybe they’ll split up when they start moving again. We can afford to wait a few minutes.”

  No sooner had they settled behind a copse of shrubs than the forest seemed to take on a chill. The unmistakable feel of the zamindar’s sorcerer impinged on their minds more strongly than before. Ander’s stomach lurched in revulsion from the malevolent presence. “That felt close. Does he know where we are?”

  Thane looked back the way they had come, sweat beading on his forehead. “No, he wouldn’t reveal himself like that if he already knew. But he’s near. He could find us anytime if we don’t conceal ourselves from the kei.”

  “That settles it,” Sorel said as he hefted his knife. “I’ll try for the closest. Nicolai can go for the other.” He touched Thane’s cheek gently. “Regardless of what happens, you and Ander will have a chance to stop the zamindar. That’s what matters.”

  “No!” Ander grabbed Sorel’s wrist. “There’s another way. Maybe we can get one of them to put down his crossbow before you throw your knife at the other. We can be on him before he picks it up again.”

  Thane’s eyes narrowed. “How? We’re out of time.”

  “I know. Just follow my lead. And Sorel, throw true!” He released Sorel’s wrist. Staying in a crouch, he raced through the trees away from his friends before turning and heading for the clearing where the soldiers stood. In moments he reached the edge of the forest and emerged onto the sunny bluff.

  The soldiers wheeled to face him, raising their crossbows and taking aim. Ander stumbled forward with his hands held above his head. His confidence faltered. Crossbows looked entirely different when they were aimed at your heart.

  “Halt!” One of the soldiers stepped forward, keeping Ander covered with his weapon as the other turned to watch the forest. Both men were battle-scarred and wary. Ander realized, belatedly, that they wouldn’t be easy to trick.

  “Don’t shoot!” He limped forward, holding his hands wide. “They left me behind when I couldn’t keep up. I have information the zamindar needs. I’ll sell it.”

  The soldier spat, his contempt clear. “On the ground. Now! Pray I don’t put a bolt between your eyes for what you did to my mates.”

  “It wasn’t me,” Ander pleaded as he continued to stumble forward. “Look at me, I’m no sorcerer!” The gap between them had narrowed to ten feet. The soldier took a step back and tightened his grip on his weapon.

  “Drop now or you’re dead,” he said, his voice cold. “You don’t get another warning.”

  Ander realized his plan wasn’t going to work. He began to shake, at a loss for what to do.

  A sound like a branch breaking came from the forest. Both soldiers glanced to the side, and Ander saw his opportunity. He lunged forward and dove at the knees of the closest soldier. The crossbow released its bolt with a sharp snap, and he heard death part the air within an inch of his ear. Then he crashed into the soldier’s knees. The man flailed and stumbled into the other scout.

  He fought to get a grip on the soldier he had tackled before the man could draw his sword or dagger. As they wrestled, he caught a glimpse of Sorel running out of the forest with an arm raised. The other soldier regained his balance and swung his crossbow up.

  Filled with a desperate surge of energy, Ander yelled and rolled into the soldier taking aim at Sorel just as the man fired. The shot went wild. Then his body collapsed on top of Ander, the hilt of a knife protruding from one of his eyes.

  He scrambled back, anticipating the chop of a sword’s blade across his neck. But the other cuirassier had turned to confront the twin apparitions of Nicolai and Thane charging out of the forest. As he raised his sword to confront the new threat, Ander grabbed the fallen soldier’s crossbow and threw it. The heavy stock cracked across the soldier’s shins.

  The cuirassier faltered, and then Nicolai was upon him. The ferocity in the northerner’s eyes was frightening. The two men crashed to the ground, muscles straining. Then Thane grabbed the dead soldier’s dagger and plunged it into the struggling soldier’s side. The tang of blood filled the air, and the man went limp. Ander got to his feet and watched numbly while Thane wiped his bloody hand on the grass.

  Nicolai picked up one of the bodies and heaved it over the cliff into the river far bel
ow. In seconds the other followed. The bodies tumbled in the churning water before drifting downriver. Fresh blood on the grass was the only evidence of their encounter.

  They picked up the crossbows and walked a short distance to the cluster of boulders marking the trail to the fastness. Ander took the steep path with more confidence this time and managed to keep up with their rapid descent.

  His tension eased once the trail disappeared behind the waterfall and a curtain of water concealed them from anyone above. The black portal leading into the fastness, when it appeared in the gloom, seemed welcoming this time. He followed the others into the darkness.

  Ander groped for Thane’s hand, finding him more by his sweaty scent than by sight. Their fingers brushed, and a short burst of rosy light leaped between them. Then the solid thud of a heavy door swinging shut made him jump. The roar of the waterfall diminished to a muted rumble, an eerie sound after the noise on the trail outside. A faint caress of cool air blowing from hidden vent holes carried the smell of water. There was another bang as someone dropped a crossbar into place behind the door.

  Thane squeezed his hand. “Remember how the lights work? Give it a try by yourself. It will start getting your mind prepared for what’s coming.”

  “Don’t I need to know a spell?”

  “Just think how light feels. There aren’t really words for it. Go ahead, try.”

  The vague guidance didn’t seem useful, but he tried to relax and visualize his goal. Light. Warmth. Nothing happened. He felt a flush of embarrassment heating his face. Then a shadowy presence brushed across his mind. At first he thought it was Thane. But the feeling was wrong, too faint and remote. In a moment he recognized it. Lucian.

  An image flashed through his mind: a young man’s face, similar to his own but shaded with hints of the distant east. Along with the image came a sensation. He tasted the sensation with his mind. The glass flasks spaced around the chamber began to glow, faint pink blobs seemingly suspended in a black void. He focused on the sensation more intensely. Swirling mists inside the flasks pulsed to full power, sparkling and bathing the room’s white stone with gold light. He smiled and turned to Thane.

  The mage was watching him with a strange expression. “You never cease to surprise me. Sorel’s right. I’ve never seen a beginner with such good intuition.”

  “He’s exceptional,” Sorel agreed. “But the real test lies ahead. Nicolai and I will make the preparations.” Nicolai had already pulled a black leather pad off a stack and was dragging it to the center of the chamber. Sorel pointed toward the cushion. “Go ahead and settle in. This won’t take long.”

  The reality of what they were about to attempt hit with a jolt. Ander looked at the pad and shivered, wondering if he had been overconfident. Thane put a hand on each of his shoulders and met his gaze calmly. “Together, it’s possible to do this.” He slid his hands down Ander’s sides, then pulled up the shirt and slipped his hands beneath it as they pressed close. Their lips met in a gentle kiss. The room’s cool air and the bustle of preparations faded from Ander’s mind. All his awareness was drawn to the mage’s warm touch.

  Thane broke the kiss and removed Ander’s shirt before taking off his own. They embraced, hard bodies pressed tightly together. Ander responded strongly, his erection straining and demanding release from its confinement. Desire and anxiety filled him in a confusing mixture.

  Thane stepped back. “We have a few minutes before it begins. Let’s spend them together.”

  They stripped quickly and settled onto the soft cushion. The leather was cool and raised goose bumps, but Thane drew a cloak over them before covering Ander with his own body. They cuddled each other, more tender than sensual, while their bodies warmed.

  Ander took a deep breath and relaxed as he was pressed into the cushion. “This will be another first for me. Making love in front of others. I hope it’s not a problem.”

  Thane straddled his hips, supporting himself on knees and elbows. He kissed Ander gently before answering. “Don’t worry about those two. You couldn’t embarrass them even if you tried. Remember to tell them, or me, if you need anything. Or want anything.”

  “I’ll remember. Right now, all I want is to be with you.”

  “I share your wish.” Thane kissed him on the neck before shifting lower to brush his lips over chest and nipples. Then he turned around, straddling Ander’s body head to toe but taking care to keep the cloak covering them. He lowered his head until his smooth cheek rested against Ander’s erection. Then he turned his head and licked the length of the shaft before taking the flared head between his lips.

  Ander’s heart hammered as Thane’s lips began a slow downward glide. He reached up and caressed Thane’s phallus. Slippery fluid wet his fingers, and he shivered with anticipation. He bent his head back and pulled the shaft to angle it down. As soon as his lips touched it, Thane slid forward. The thick erection slid down Ander’s throat in one smooth movement. He moved his hands to Thane’s hips, and they began to move together, penetrating each other’s bodies with effortless grace. Ander felt as if he floated in a dark void, joined with his lover in a circle of warm, mutual pleasure.

  They were filled with each other’s hard flesh when Ander felt the soft friction of the cloak moving across his hands. He opened his eyes. Nicolai and Sorel knelt beside the cushion.

  He tensed, but the interruption didn’t seem to faze Thane. As Sorel tossed the cloak aside, Nicolai leaned down and tousled Ander’s hair. “It’s time, little stag.” He moved his fingers to Thane’s balls and caressed them as the shaft made one last plunge into the depths of Ander’s throat. Then Thane pulled back, letting Ander’s erection escape from his mouth and rolling to his side. He reversed his position and kissed Ander deeply before stretching on his back.

  “Now you learn something new,” he said as he slipped an arm beneath Ander’s head. “Remember how you felt when we were healing Nicolai? The bond between us? This will be much stronger. Don’t be surprised by it.”

  Ander nodded, looking at the preparations Nicolai and Sorel had made. The magical lamps spaced around the room were almost extinguished, mere flickers of color marking the perimeter of the chamber. Four braziers had been lit and spaced around the leather pad. Glowing coals provided dim illumination as well as heat. The medallion hung from an iron tripod an arm’s length away. Two vials of oil were close at hand.

  Sorel removed a small chunk of incense from a lacquered box. He crushed it and scattered the powder over one of the braziers. Purple smoke wafted up, and in seconds the air was thick with the fragrance of sandalwood. Ander took a deep breath and felt more relaxed, almost lightheaded. He turned his gaze back to Thane. “I’ll look for the bond. I’m ready.”

  “Then we begin.”

  They began to kiss, lying side by side, as Nicolai and Sorel removed stoppers from their vials and poured blue oil into their hands. The scent of juniper mingled with sandalwood. Nicolai attended to Thane while Sorel bent over Ander.

  “Keep your mind on Thane,” Sorel said as he put his hands against Ander’s ribs. “Your body will be more sensitive than you’ve ever experienced. Try not to let it distract you. Find the bond and let it fill your mind. It will give you strength.” He began to spread oil over Ander’s skin.

  Ander gasped and broke off the kiss. His skin tingled with vivid sensation wherever the oil touched him. The tiny ridges on Sorel’s fingertips, the soft heat from the coals, the gentle air currents that swirled through the chamber, all filled his body and mind with a clarity he never would have believed possible. It seemed his skin could taste the sandalwood incense. His body flexed, muscles corded, as the torrent of physical awareness swept over him.

  “The bond,” Sorel whispered as his hands slid further down Ander’s body. “Focus your mind.”

  Ander blinked slowly, trying to marshal the clamoring sensations into some kind of order. Then he turned his head and found Thane’s gaze. The mage’s eyes conveyed reassurance and understanding. The
intensity of the look pushed all other thoughts from his mind. He took a deep breath, letting his body relax back into the warm leather.

  Sorel continued his ministrations, covering all of Ander’s body except for his erection. Then he motioned for Ander to roll on top of Thane and started spreading oil on his back.

  Ander couldn’t help trembling. Thane’s smooth body, slippery with oil, was almost more real to him than his own. Sweat beaded his forehead as he struggled to control the overwhelming stimulation.

  “Soon,” Thane said, pressing his hands against Ander’s sides. “Our bodies and minds are all one thing. Everything is woven together. As I feel your body, I feel your mind as well. Do you understand?”

  “I’m… not sure.” Ander gasped as he struggled to pull his thoughts away from the incredible feel of Sorel’s hands gliding down his legs. Then, to his relief, Sorel rocked back. The sudden absence of distraction allowed awareness of Thane’s body to blossom. First the physical sensations: the heat of the braziers, the beating heart against his chest, the warm hands touching his sides, the hardness of Thane’s cock against his own. When he closed his eyes, those sensations remained. But he also felt a presence. Ephemeral, like his encounters with Lucian, but this presence was vibrant and strong. It shimmered in his mind like a guiding star.

  He opened his eyes and gave Thane a radiant smile. “Is that you?” he asked. “It’s beautiful!”

  “Try again,” Thane answered. “You’ll soon know.”

  He closed his eyes and calmed his thoughts. The presence was still there, now clearer than before. He extended his mind toward it and opened himself with complete trust to whatever it was he had discovered. The presence swept into his mind and swelled to a feeling like an all-encompassing embrace.

  Ander cried out joyously. The hints and glimpses of bonding he had felt with Nicolai hadn’t begun to prepare him for the impact of a full bond. As Thane’s strong arms wrapped around his body, the golden glow of his love filled Ander’s mind. Virile and passionate, the same as the strong body beneath him, it burned with the irrepressible intensity that Thane would never lose.


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