Four Billionaires for St. Patrick's Day

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Four Billionaires for St. Patrick's Day Page 16

by Sierra Sparks

  I drove down the street to my new job and my new destiny. Rebel would’ve been proud.

  Chapter 3 – Carl

  It was a great day to golf. I had my Honma Beres E-05 4S in one hand and my long island iced tea in the other. Franklin was taking forever to tee off and Belinda, as always, was on my jock.

  Belinda was pretty. Pretty enough that most men would fuck her and, from what I heard, most men in the club had. But she wasn’t for me. No, not enough meat on them bones. She was blonde, of course, and had starved herself so you could see that flat stomach in her golf outfit— along with the edges of her pelvic bone. Great rack, great face, great everything really— just not great for me. She was a friend and that was enough. For me, anyway. But Belinda always seemed to have different plans, and to think she could get me to change my mind.

  Franklin was a good golfer. Heavy set, balding but still with a love patch he grew back in the nineties. Initially it was all the hair that had not turned gray, but now it was just as white as the rest of what was on his head. I’m sure he would’ve fucked Belinda with gusto if given half the chance, but she wouldn’t even give him a quarter of a chance. He positioned his ball for the eighth time and it fell of the tee again.

  “God dammit!” he muttered. “It’s too fuckin’ windy out here, Carl!”

  “Franklin, are you shittin’ me, bro? The way you slice it, you might as well tee off the grass anyway!”

  “Oh, fuck you,” Franklin whined.

  Belinda laughed. It was that “I think you’re so funny and hot that I want you to take me home” laugh, but I wasn’t having it.

  “Carl,” she cooed. “Are you going to take Franklin up on his merger offer?”

  “No, B. Why would I?”

  “It’s a good offer. Franklin’s a decent guy. He’d treat you right although I’d treat you better.”

  “Dunthrup doesn’t need to do a merger,” I explained. “Our numbers are strong. I didn’t build a business with my brother just so I could give half of it away.”

  Franklin finally got his ball on the tee. He sliced the shit out of it.

  “God damn!” he said, almost throwing away his driver. “This fuckin’ wind!”

  Belinda teed up and prepared to smack one down the fairway.

  “God, Belinda is hot,” muttered Franklin. “Why don’t you hit that, man?”

  “Too easy,” I said. “Besides, I like Belinda. I don’t want to just bang her and then avoid her. Like I do with all the women I sleep with.”

  “Damn, man. Wish I had your problem,” said Franklin. “Since my wife left, dating is a nightmare. You know everyone assumes when you got some money, the women just throw themselves at you. Not in this country club,” lamented Franklin. “Just means I’m rackin’ up the tab with the escorts.”

  “Jesus, watch yourself there, Franklin,” I warned. “Wrap yourself twice.”

  “Dude, I’m in my fifties. What’s left for me? I don’t want another relationship. I’d rather have a boat,” joked Franklin. “You though. You don’t want kids?”

  “Nah,” I said. “The family life’s not for me. Me and Clayton—we had it rough.”

  Belinda smacked the ball. It landed about halfway down the fairway. She was usually a pretty good golfer but sometimes she got all flustered when she was around me.

  “Our folks were always fighting, always drinking. It was a mess,” I told Franklin, remembering the bad old days. “Thank God for Clayton though. He’s my rock.”

  “Yeah, but no kids? Whose gonna take care of you when you’re old?”

  “I guess I’ll hire a pretty little nurse,” I shrugged.

  Just to piss off Franklin, I dropped the ball on the tee from about three feet up. It landed, bounced once and stayed there. I laughed to myself. I could see Franklin stewing out of the corner of my eye.

  “Windy,” I muttered mischievously.

  “Fuck you,” said Franklin. “I hope you slice it in the lake and an alligator bites your dick off!”

  “Watch this, I saw it on YouTube,” I instructed.

  I had been practicing for weeks this behind the back and then forward hit with the ball. I really didn’t even expect to get halfway down the fairway, but it turned out to be one of the most solid drives I ever had. I almost made it to the green on a par 4.

  “You can’t hit like that!” insisted Franklin. “That’s cheating.”

  “Mmm, I like your form,” said Belinda seductively. “You can hit that way any time, handsome.”

  “That’s not fair, B!” insisted Franklin.

  “Oh, relax, Franklin,” Belinda told him. “He could’ve hit it with his cock better than you did.”

  “Well, fuck it, if I’m going to lose, I might as well be drunk,” said Franklin, pulling out a bottle of J.D. and a can of Coke from the ice.

  B and I started to walk down the fairway, while Franklin mixed a drink as he drove the golf cart.

  “So, I heard you and Franklin talking about your childhood, growing up with Clayton,” admitted Belinda. “No good for either of you, huh?”

  “Wasn’t great, no.”

  “My old man was a bastard. I know that song. I can see why you’re not that big on commitments.”

  “Aw, c’mon, B.”

  “No, I get it, Carl. There’s a reason they call it tied down. And for the record, I wouldn’t want to spoil our friendship either.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Although, for the record, I do like to be tied up.”

  I laughed despite myself.

  “Jesus, B. TMI.”

  From out of the rough, Franklin sliced it over the fairway and back into some more rough.

  “Fuck! I hate this game!” he ranted.

  “Well, at least you got it further up the fairway,” I said.

  Belinda and her caddy discussed her next club choice.

  “So, seriously, Carl,” Franklin suddenly said. “You can’t do this merger? We want to work with Dunthrup.”

  “I can’t, buddy. I can’t do that to Clayton or to myself,” I told him. “We’re old school business guys. We want to go down retiring with the ship.”

  “But you guys got no one to leave the business to, man,” Franklin pointed out.

  “Ah, Clayton will find someone,” I assured him. “My brother’s not like me. Speaking of which…”

  I checked my phone. I had asked Clayton to text me when the new hire had arrived. She had. The new hire was way more my type.

  “See you guys,” I said, tossing my caddy the club.

  “What? We’re in the middle of a game,” said Franklin.

  “Rain check,” I explained. “I left Clayton minding the store and he needs me. You guys fight it for second.”

  “I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave,” said Belinda playfully.

  As I sped off, I couldn’t help but think about the real reason I was hurrying to the office. Sure, my brother needed me. It was the holiday season and due to having employees travel, we were always short handed. But my cock needed some attention, and I had the feeling that the new hire would do the trick.

  We’d seen her pictures online before we’d hired her. She was a pretty redhead with gorgeous curves. All I’d been wanting to do since I first saw her photo was bend her over my desk or take her over my lap and spank my naughty little Christmas elf.

  I wasn’t supposed to do any of this with employees, of course. Especially not a brand new one. The lawyer we’d hired to advise us in human resources matters wouldn’t approve. But the benefit of having my own business with my brother was that I didn’t have to follow any rules. I could do what I wanted, when I wanted and that was how I liked it—and why I’d never merge with Franklin’s company, or anyone else’s.

  My cock was hard just waiting to meet the forbidden fruit. I was bound and determined to take a big bite of her big, juicy peach. But I had to get to her before my brother had time to sweet talk his way into her panties. She was going to be mine—I’d ma
ke sure of it.

  Chapter 4 – Mandy

  By the time I pulled into the Dunthrup parking lot, I knew I was already running late. A quick check of the rear view mirror and I was off and jogging across the lot with my coffee mug.

  I had started to leave much earlier, but I didn’t account for the drama with Jared. Halfway to the front door of the office, my coffee mug went flying and half of its glorious contents spilled onto the sidewalk, in front of a worker who had been standing outside.

  Great, I thought, as I looked down at the mess I’d made. Could today possibly get any worse?

  As I looked up into his clear, bright blue eyes, I realized that yes, it definitely could. Because this stranger in front of whom I had just made a fool out of myself was really gorgeous. In addition to those sky blue eyes, he had a head full of dark brown hair, and he was tall— at least six feet. All my favorite physical traits, all mixed together in one perfect god of a man.

  Great, great, great.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, trying to slow me down.

  “I’m sorry,” I explained. “It’s my first day and I’m late for my meeting with Mr. Plemmons. Do you know where his office is?”

  “Actually, I do,” he said. “I’m Clayton Plemmons.”

  “Mr. Plemmons, I’m so sorry!” I apologized. “I just had the most terrible morning!”

  “It’s fine. Here,” he said picking up my mug. “You’re only like a minute off and I wasn’t in my office anyway.”

  “Oh,” I said dumbly.

  There was an awkward pause.

  “What are you doing out here?”

  We laughed. Clayton had an effortless laugh that was contagious and I realized it was the first time I had relaxed so far today. It was all I could do not to stare at him too much.

  Striking would be the obvious description of his looks. He had a face that was both rugged and friendly at the same time. Like a mountain man someone had mostly shaved. He definitely worked out and was well toned. Even in a tailored shirt and tie, you could see the outline of his pecs. I tried not to glance down at his package, but I could tell he was gifted in that department as well, even out of the corner of my eye.

  “I often like to come out in the parking lot, get some air and think,” he admitted, looking a bit embarrassed, which made me feel better since I had just been the one embarrassed. “Sometimes you can spot the baby rabbits born in the bushes over there.”

  He gestured to the landscaping near the side of the building.

  “Oh, I hope they’re okay,” I said, my priorities suddenly switching to the bunnies. I loved cute, fluffy little bunnies. I mean, who didn’t? “The maintenance guys won’t run over them, will they?”

  “Ah, no,” assured Clayton. “I actually mentioned it to them. They said the little guys just run away when they hear the leaf blowers.”

  “Good,” I said, relieved.

  I couldn’t believe this guy was so perfect he actually noticed and cared about the well being of small animals.

  “Why don’t I show you to your desk and along the way, I can give you a tour?”

  “Great, thanks Mr. Plemmons.”

  “Please, you’re going to be my assistant, you can call me Clayton. We’re pretty informal here at Dunthrup.”


  I said his name like it was sacred. I couldn’t help but be in awe of pretty much everything about him. I couldn’t believe this handsome guy was my new boss.

  When we got inside, Clayton gave me a tour of Dunthrup. They were a supplier of engine parts for jet airplanes that were both commercial and military. Most of what Clayton did was deal with suppliers, vendors and clients, but a big part was the endless paperwork that the government seemed to have.

  I had done some work as a secretary in a similar job, so I was no stranger to it and I guessed that was why they hired me. In fact, organizing was my strong suit, and I began to be glad it was, since I was dealing with my meth addicted, now ex boyfriend and I had to find a place to live. I tried to tell myself not to think about my predicament too much and to instead try to concentrate on work. Clayton was a welcome distraction from my predicament, but he sure made the concentrating on work part hard.

  The office was pretty spacious. As Clayton’s assistant, my desk wasn’t too shabby either. There was a state of the art PC, phone system, coffee maker—pretty much everything you’d expect.

  But even though Clayton was my boss, he didn’t make me feel like I worked for him. I felt like I was going to work with him. And he seemed to genuinely like me. There were sparks in the air. A tension. But at the same time, it was just easy-breezy being around him.

  The morning passed quickly. I reorganized files, got a password to get on the computer system from the IT department, took a few messages and checked on some bills of lading. Clayton even showed me the company cafeteria and we shared a lunch in the break room not far from the rest of our co-workers. Clayton introduced me around. We finished lunch and then headed back to his office to finish out the day.

  “What are you thinking of Dunthrup, so far?” he asked.

  “God, it’s just great,” I said, genuinely meaning it. “Will there be opportunities for overtime?”

  “Wow, you don’t mess around,” said Clayton, mildly impressed.

  “Well, I just need the money.”

  Realizing how that sounded, I stopped Clayton before he walked back into his office.

  “Not because I’m in debt or anything,” I quickly added. “My living arrangement is— well, I’m moving. Suddenly.”

  “Oh.” Clayton sounded mildly concerned. “You get flooded out or something?”

  “I shouldn’t—It’s my problem, not yours. It’s fine.”

  Clayton touched my arm out of concern, but there was electricity there. We both felt it. He pulled his hand away suddenly.

  “Sorry, I just—I just like to help,” he said. “I have a friend that owns an apartment complex. I could make some calls.”

  I couldn’t help it. He was being so nice and the whole situation with Jared was just tearing me up inside. The tears threatened to well, just beneath the surface, and it was all I could do to hold them back.

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  “What’s wrong? It’s fine; you can tell me. I promise it won’t impact your job here.”

  “I think my boyfriend—whom I live with—I think he’s an addict and now I know he’s dealing—I just have to get out of there. I can’t even believe I’m saying this, or that it happened. We had it out this morning—I never thought I would be in this situation.”

  Clayton became serious. “No one should have to live that way,” he vowed. “We’re going to get you a new place by day’s end.”

  “Oh, no, you don’t have to do that. I’m fine until I can find a place,” I assured him. I wasn’t sure who he was referring to as “we’re” but I was more focused on gaining control of the situation. Or at least, what little control I could.

  “No, you’re not,” he said. “Personal story? I grew up in a household with addiction. I know it’s no picnic. My brother and I—our parents—man, it’s hard to even talk about. But let’s just say it was hell sometimes.”

  Clayton looked into the distance as he told the story.

  “Sometimes, I’d make a fort out of blankets for us. Carl would cry, but then I would put the pillows over his head, so he couldn’t hear our folks arguing. They both drank until…”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, after he drifted off.

  “You have nothing to apologize for,” assured Clayton. “Trust me. I used to say that to Carl all the time.”

  It was so strange that I was having this conversation with my new boss on my very first day of work. But I felt a strange connection to him, and the feeling was obviously mutual.

  Worst of all, I found myself turned on by him, too. Sure, there was something heroic about the way he was offering to help me, and something sexy about how he was opening up to me in a
way that he clearly wasn’t used to. But, beyond that, I felt an undeniable physical attraction and chemistry.

  I could smell the manly scent of his deodorant. I could see him so up close that I wished I could just throw my arms around him. I wanted him to pull me into his big, strong chest and kiss me with his full lips. It had been a long time since Jared and I had been intimate, but I had never even felt this way about him. This undeniable energy and desire.

  It was the last thing I should have been thinking about, but as Clayton talked, I thought about him lifting me up so that my legs were wrapped around him. He’d carry me over to the desk and then rip off the clothes I’d so carefully chosen to wear this morning. He’d suck on my lips, my neck, my nipples, my pussy…

  Oh, my God. My panties were soaking wet. A chill was running down my spine and it wasn’t from the cold winter air outside; the building was well heated. Instead, it was because all I could think about was how much I wanted my new boss to take me hard, fast and right here at my new job, on my very first day.

  Today was not at all turning out to be how I thought it was going to be. Things were looking much, much better.

  Chapter 5 – Clayton

  Damn it, Clayton, what have you gotten yourself into? This woman walks into your life and the company you helped build, and you just fucking fall for her? Just like that? What is wrong with you?

  I couldn’t help having these thoughts as I talked to Mandy. I couldn’t understand what I was even doing. I would have just ignored any other new hire’s sad sob story, but this girl is so different. So real.

  Am I crossing a line here? Do bosses do what I’m doing? They do, right? Sure. I’m helping her get a new place. It’s a relocation package. Yeah, that’s it. That’s all I’m doing. And I can’t help it that she makes my dick hard and it’s obvious she likes me too. I can’t help it that I take what I want, and what I want right now is her.


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