If I Never Knew You Trilogy Bundle

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If I Never Knew You Trilogy Bundle Page 25

by Aubrey Bailey

  The song came to an end and Riley bowed as everyone clapped. The girls had agreed to perform the first couple of songs for Noah and Alison, but didn't want to do any more after that. After all, they were invited as guests, not hired as entertainment; this was meant to be their day off.

  Weird, isn't it? Bridgette remarked.

  What? Riley asked, sipping her strawberry daiquiri.

  Well, look over there, Bridgette said, pointing. Faith's flirting with Paul.

  Faith flirts with everyone, Riley responded. What's the point?

  Well, Paul managed to get here, but look aroundno Landon, Bridgette observed.

  He's probably busy, Riley said.

  Too busy to come to the wedding of one of his oldest friends? Bridgette asked.

  The life of an actor! Riley announced dramatically.

  Bridgette just laughed. Both girls were dressed beautifully as bridesmaids. Riley was the Maid of Honor. They wore mauve dresses that flowed over their bodies down to their ankles and simply sparkled with bling. Riley's dress tied behind her neck, while Bridgette's had straps. Both of them had opted for silver flats that were just as elegant as high heels. Riley's hair, which was completely blonde now, was half up in a beautiful twist near the top of her head. The rest was left to hang down to the center of her back in waves.

  What are you girls doing hanging out over here by the bar? A tall, good-looking man approached them with a smile. Riley smiled brightly at him. His brown eyes sparkled happily at the welcome he received.

  Hey, you're late, Riley said.

  Yeah, sorry, I had some work to finish up, he said.

  This would be my cue to leave, Bridgette announced, smiling. She walked away just as Riley and the man leaned closer to each other and kissed.

  You missed my song, Forest, Riley whispered, barely pulling away.

  I'll make it up to you later, Forest promised, pressing his lips back to hers. It was the biggest news in Hollywood when Riley was seen kissing and holding hands with Forest Cooper, another famous musician. Paparazzi followed Riley and Forest everywhere for the first couple of months before they eventually got bored with the news.

  Im coming over now! Orion announced, loudly. Riley pulled away from Forest, as her father joined them.

  Hi, Daddy, she greeted her father with a kiss.

  Hey, sweetheart, Orion said, kissing her forehead.

  Oh, is it time yet? Riley asked.

  Just about, Orion said, smiling at her enthusiasm. Being famous changed almost nothing about his little girl and that was exactly the way he wanted it to stay. Mind if I steal my daughter? Orion asked Forest.

  Not at all, Forest said. He respected Orion, since it was the older man's music which had gotten him an introduction to Riley.

  Alright, all you girls get your fathers, because it's time for the Father-Daughter dance, The DJ announced.

  The song started up and Orion led his daughter onto the dance floor. Riley had to stop from bouncing up and downshe and her father had never danced before and Noahs wedding was the perfect place to do so.

  I'm glad you're not growing up too fast, Orion remarked. Riley smiled. I'm having a hard enough time getting used to it at this pace.

  Riley laughed this time and looked over at Noah as he set down the two-year-old girl he had been dancing with. Riley had been right all alongback when she had started college, she thought that something was different about Alison. It turned out the girl was pregnant, but it took Noah almost two years to get off his ass to propose.

  Hey, baby girl! Riley called happily, as the toddler ran their way.

  Aunt Wiley!! the little girl yelled, still unable to pronounce her Rs. Riley crouched down just in time as her niece threw her arms out. Riley put her arms around her and lifted her up.

  Did you have fun dancing with Daddy, Chloe? Riley asked.

  Yeah, Chloe said. Daddy says I should dance with Papa now.

  Well, in that case, come here, Orion ordered, taking his granddaughter from Riley. Riley smiled and retreated from the dance floor.

  Hey, babe, Forest gushed, wrapping his arms around Riley, who smiled and put her arms around Forests neck. So what did your brother say?

  I haven't talked to him yet. My plan is to keep you here until it's really late and then he'll have to agree to letting you stay as well.

  And that's why we love ya, Forest said, laughing softly. Because you're so full of ideas.

  Yes, I'm Idea Woman, Riley said, smirking.

  Why? Faith asked, walking over with Paul behind her.

  Because I am, Riley said. She stepped out of Forest's arms and turned to give Paul a hug. Hey, how are you?

  I'm good, Paul said.

  How'd you get invited? Riley asked, jokingly.

  Landon, Paul said. Riley raised an eyebrow. He had some meeting about a new movie to attend, so he asked me to come in his place.

  Well, at least that means he got the invitation, Riley reasoned.

  Yeah, on the last day in our old house.

  Wow, good timing. Did both of you move out?

  Yeah, Landon's living with Monique now and I got myself a pretty kick-ass apartment.

  Monique? Riley asked. Faith watched her friend's face very closely now. As in tall, gorgeous, dark-haired, huge eyelashes, and his most constant co-star, Monique?

  That's the one, Paul confirmed. He turned his eyes to Forest. Hey, Man.

  Hey! Forest greeted, stepping forward and shaking hands. How are you?

  Good. Yourself? Paul asked.

  Couldn't be better, Forest said, putting his arm around Riley.

  Wait, you two know each other? Riley asked, leaning into her boyfriend.

  We met at a party, Forest explained. And just before I met you and your dad, I met Paul and Landon.

  Oh, Riley acknowledged. Hey, Paul, can I talk to you in private for a minute?

  Yeah, sure, Paul agreed. Riley kissed Forest quickly, before walking away from the main group of people, and sitting down with Paul at one of the tables. What's up?

  A few things, Riley said. You haven'tyou haven't heard anything about Preston, have you?

  Nope, and I'm hoping never to after what he did to you, Paul said. Mia's off in Australia right now.

  Took her long enough, Riley said, smiling slightly.

  I take it that's not the only thing you wanted to know about.

  Yeah, ummLandon, Riley added. She laughed slightly. How's he doing? I haven't seen him since that first Easter holiday after we started college. I mean, I've seen some of the movies he's done, but thats all.

  Gotten better since the show back in Eleventh Grade, huh? Paul said, smirking. Riley laughed again and nodded. He's doing pretty well. You know, it didn't take long for him to start getting jobs. After all, he was filming during our first summer holiday.

  Yeah, I know. He's happy though, right? I mean, I'd feel awful if I knew that I was this happy and he wasn't.

  Oh yeah, he's happy. Like you, he's got just about everything he's wanted.

  Well, that's good. You'll tell him we all said hi, right?

  Of course I will. He's expecting to see loads of pictures.

  Well, Ill e-mail you some copies as soon as I can.

  Okay, Paul said, sounds like a plan.

  Smile, you two! Bridgette ordered. Riley and Paul looked up and leaned closer over the table. Bridgette snapped the picture and looked at the little display window. Oh, that's a good one. She went off to take more pictures. She, Faith and Alice were all going around taking pictures of everyone. Most people there had gotten enough pictures of the girls, so now it was the girls turn to take photos of the wedding guests.

  I think we should head back over to the group, Riley suggested.

  Yeah, Paul agreed. They stood up and walked over as wedding cake was being served.


  HOW MUCH LONGER is this going to take? Landon asked. His mouth opened wide as he yawned. He rubbed at his eyes and dragged his hand through his h

  Just a bit longer, then we'll be done for the day, the director, Maurice Malcolm said. Are there any actresses out there who can truly sing? Weve auditioned so many and not one has been able to sing the way we want. Fuckin Hollywood: sexy, beautiful voice, excellent actingrarely all three at once. Billions of people in this world and theres no one who has all fuckin three of them!

  Who knows? Landon asked. I suppose the casting agents are looking for a girl who fits the writers image of the character and you guys are just gonna have to adapt her singing style to that of the songs.

  Well, were running out of time, Maurice warned. This is going to be a disaster if we don't find one soon.

  Relax, we can't start anything until Paul gets back, Landon said.

  We have a deadline, Landon, the director reminded him.

  Maurice then went on a rant about having to meet that deadline and whenever he wasn't looking, Landon made talking motions with his hand. After a good five minutes of this, he got fed up with it.

  Enough already! Landon cried. Look, I have an idea.

  What would that be? Maurice asked.

  Two words, Landon said, leaning forward. The Valentinas.

  The band? Maurice asked.

  Yeah, I went to high school with them. We're already asking to use some songs, so we might as well let the person who wrote them and brought them to life do the singing.

  Hmm, I wonder, the director said. Can she act?

  She did star in the school plays every year and she was pretty good.

  She played opposite you a few times, if I recall, Maurice said.

  Maurice smiled and stood out of his directors chair. He was roughly 64 and had a chiseled frame. His chocolate-brown skin was smooth, apart from a couple of raised scars from his pre-directing days as a welder. His dark brown eyes constantly looked weary with the stress of deadlines that came with directing.

  Well, we'll bring her in and see how she does. Youd better be right, or you'll be the one in trouble here.

  It was only after Landon had gotten home that he realized exactly what this would mean. He was going to see Riley again. He didn't know what to do or say. The last time they had seen each other was at Easter after their first year apartthey had been a bit tense. Now, over a year later, they'd have to see each other again, theyd have to meet each others lovers. Landon had met Forest before, but that was before he was dating Riley. He had liked the man then, but nowwait, why did he care who she was dating? He was with Monique and he was happy with her.

  Landon shook his head and tried to clear it. The more he thought about it, however, the more he was beginning to wish he hadn't suggested it.

  Hello? Noah asked, picking up the phone and holding it to his head.

  Hi. Who's this? the woman on the other side asked.

  Noah, Riley's brother, Noah said.

  Oh, hello. Is she around? the woman asked.

  Yeah, but she's a bit busy at the moment, Noah said, looking into the other room where Riley was pretending to struggle under Chloe. Hang on a second.

  I give up, I give up, Riley said. Chloe giggled as she climbed off her aunt.

  Hey, Rileyphone, Noah announced.

  Stop answering my cell phone, will you! Riley shouted, getting up quickly and taking her cell from him. Noah tried to look innocent as he went over to play with his daughter. Riley shook her head and held the phone to her ear. Hello? Riley speaking.

  Hello Miss Pratt. My name is Sophie and I'm calling on behalf of Mr. Maurice Malcolm, the woman said.

  Oh yes, the director! Riley said. Mr. Malcolm wrote to me a while ago about using my songs in his new movie.

  That's right. Im afraid that we have found ourselves in a bit of a jam.

  Oh? How so? Riley asked, walking into the guest room where her boyfriend was more than likely reading or writing something.

  Mr. Malcolm and his casting crew have yet to find someone for the leading female role. He would like to invite you out to California to audition for the role.

  Oh Riley thought about it for a moment. She hadnt been to California for months and she did miss it. Sure, when would he like me to come?

  At your nearest convenience, if you can.

  How does Thursday sound?

  One moment. There was a pause. Thursday is good. Well send Mr. Malcolms private plane. And a limo will take you to the casting office when you land.

  No, thanks. I want to bring the rest of the girls, too. So well take out jet. Riley said.

  Okay, then well just send the limo. See you at eleven-thirty, Sophie said. Mr. Malcolm would like to thank you very much, Miss Pratt.

  My pleasure, Riley said.

  After they hung up, she stood still for a minute before across the guest room and launching herself onto Forest, who looked more than surprised.

  Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down there, cowgirl! What have got youre panties on fire? Forest asked in his country drawl. He was most famous for being a country singer, although he started off as an actor. He was 510 and had a cropped head of light brown hair. His green eyes were what he was second-most famous for. Not that I'm complaining.

  Riley laughed. You know Maurice Malcolm, the director who's using a few of my songs in his new movie? she asked. Forest nodded. Well, his assistant just called to say they want me to try out for the lead role!

  That's great! Forest cried.

  Yeah I know! Riley said, hugging him. So I need to call Lorne and ask him if it fits in my schedule. And I need to call the pilots! I guess I should tell the girls, too.

  I reckon so, Forest replied.

  I get to be in a movie! Riley chanted sing-song. Forest laughed and shook his headat twenty, the girl could still act like a twelve year old.

  Riley got up and pushed a number on her phone, before holding it to her head. Hey Nate, put Lorne on, please.

  She walked out of the room, but Forest could still hear her talking and occasionally squealing. He shook his head again, chuckling, before returning to the book he had been reading.

  Good thing you're pretty much free for the next couple of months, princess, Lorne observed.

  Oh God, I know! Riley said. That would have been disastrous! I mean, all we have is a few talk shows and a radio interview, right?

  Yes, Lorne said. Make sure you run this by the girls, though, before you go and rush them into the jet.

  Well, duh! Riley said. And I also need to let Mom and Dad know, because I bet you anything that Daddy will want to come along and find out what's in the script and meet the guys who are going to be in the movie.

  Of course, why wouldn't he? Lorne asked.

  Uh huh, Riley responded. She had picked up on Lorne's sarcasm in the first second.

  Okay, babe, I'll let you go talk to everyone, then I'll call you later to trade details, Lorne said.

  You got it, Riley answered. They hung up and she went around the house, looking for the girls. She found Bridgette, Alice and Alison outside in the pool. Hey, where's Faith?

  She and Paul went out on a date or something, Alice replied.

  Of course she did, Riley said, rolling her eyes. Faith is the mistress of attracting paparazzi. It's going to be all over the place this time tomorrow.

  What's up? Bridgette asked, seeing around her cousin's rambling.

  The assistant to Maurice Malcolm, the director who is using our songs in his next movie, just called to say that he wants me to go for the lead role.

  Oh my God! Bridgette and Alice squealed. That's awesome!

  I know! Riley acknowledged.

  Congratulations, Riley, Alison said.

  Thanks. So do you girls think you're up to flying to California on Thursday?

  Will there be beach time? Alice asked.

  For sure, Riley assured her.

  Count me in! Alice said, lifting her hand in the air.

  Me, too! Bridgette added.

  Great! The majority rules, Riley said. If Faith doesn't want to, it's her own problem. She's going. The others laughe

  Isn't Paul going back to California? Alison asked.

  Yeah, we can give him a lift, Bridgette offered. You should go tell your folks. Knowing Uncle Orionhe's gonna have a protective attack. All of them laughed.

  Yeah, that's what I'm doing next, Riley announced.

  She went back through the house. A while ago she had bought a two-week, all-expenses-paid honeymoon package in the Dominican Republic for her brother, once she heard that he finally proposed to Alison. Since Rileys house was the closest one to where the two got married, everyone had crashed there for the night. The newlyweds would be taking off for their two-week honeymoon soon and Madison and Orion were going to watch Chloe, their daughter. Riley thought it was a good idea for them to bring Chloe to California because they could enjoy the sand and surf with their granddaughter, and not worry about Riley and her friends.

  She found her parents out front, just now pulling up in their Escalade.

  Hey, honey, Madison greeted her.

  Hey, Mom. Where'd you two go? Riley asked.

  Out for dinner, Madison replied.

  Without me? Riley asked, pretending to be upset.

  Hey, we agreed that three dinners in a month with the paparazzi lurking around was the limit, Orion remarked, jokingly.

  It's not my fault! Riley said. They're worse than fog in London. At least the fog occasionally dissipates. Anyway, Ive got something to speak to you guys about. She told them that she would pay for them to come to California with Chloe and the three of them could enjoy a vacation together.

  What do you think, Daddy? Riley asked.

  I dont know Orion started. Madison punched him in the arm and he began laughing hysterically. Holy shitIm you called my bluff. I think that Chloe's going on her first plane ride, is what I think! Orion said.

  That's what I was hoping for, Riley said. And dont even start lecturing to me about money. I can afford it.

  I'm your father; it's my right, Orion said. Riley rolled her eyes. Don't roll your eyes at me!

  Why not? Riley asked. I'm the famous one. I can do what I want. She stuck her tongue out at her father and he retaliated with the same thing. Mom!

  Honey, you know your father. There's no way around it, so just accept it, Madison said.


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