If I Never Knew You Trilogy Bundle

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If I Never Knew You Trilogy Bundle Page 27

by Aubrey Bailey

  Oh, Riley? Monique yearned for her attention. Riley took her eyes off the guys and looked at the model next to her. I know this seems a bit, maybe last second, but my kid sister's birthday is next week and she just adores The Valentinas.

  Really? Riley asked.

  Really, Landon confirmed, overhearing the conversation. You should have seen her when I told her that I was going to be working with you!

  Yeah, it was scary. Monique said. She adopted a younger sounding voice. Landon, can I go with you? Landon, can you get me her autograph? Landon, can you ask her to come to my birthday?

  I think we can manage it, Alice said, butting in. What day?

  It's on Friday, Monique said. Any time after five is good.

  We can fit it in, Alice said after a minute. Always the most organized of the group, she also helped Lorne keep track of their schedule. She now decided to double check with Lorne before they gave a definite answer.

  Are you texting Lorne? Riley asked.

  Yeah, Alice said. He says we can do it, but we can't stay too long because you have the talk show on Saturday.

  Which show? Landon asked.

  The Kara Lee Morning Show, Alice replied.

  Oh, so you're the surprise guest, Monique said.

  Yes, that's me, Riley responded.

  Landon is also going on that show to talk about the movie, Monique said. He was told to announce that you and he would be in it.

  Oh well, in that case, Riley said. She looked over at Landon. Your place is on my way to the studio; want a lift?

  Sure, Landon answered.

  Everyone was relatively quiet afterwards and focused their attention on the delicious sushi rolls and sashimi that the waiters brought out to them in droves. When the check finally came, everyone wanted to pay for it but Riley eventually won out.

  You know you shouldn't keep doing that! Forest said, walking with his arm around Riley's shoulders as they left the restaurant.

  Well, I like to treat my friends, Riley explained, leaning her head on his shoulder. She glanced over at Landon and Monique, who were a bit ahead of them and off to one side. She didn't want to admit itand, quiet truthfully, shouldnt have been even thinking itbut she was afraid she was feeling a bit jealous. She mentally scolded herself for even thinking so much about them. They split ways and Riley, Forest and the girls retreated back to the penthouse.

  Later on in the night, she got out of bed, leaving Forest fast asleep, and wrapped a robe around her body before taking her photo album from one of her bags. It went everywhere with her. She went out to the living room and turned on the lamp to sit down and look through the photos. She looked at all of the pictures that featured her and Landon. Riley was so glad that Forest had never seen this album. She stopped at a picture taken at the graduation party. It was Landon and Riley sitting next to each other, forcing themselves to smile. Riley remembered the feelings of that day too well. Excitement, happiness, confusion, sadnessLandon had said that he loved her that day. It was the first time either of them had said it and all she could do was, well, nothing. What had been the matter with her?

  God, I'm such an idiot! she muttered. She put the album down and went into the kitchen. Madison had been up earlier and had left the girls a plate of cookies. Riley grabbed some before returning to the couch and looking through the album again.

  Riley? Forest asked, walking out of her room and rubbing his eyes. Riley looked up at him.

  Hey, what are you doing up? she asked.

  Uh, I could ask you the same thing. It's three in the morning and you have to be up at six.

  Yeah I know, but I can't sleep, Riley said, closing the album.


  Something like that, yeah.

  Forest ran his hand through his hair and sat down next to her. You aint ever nervous. What's up? Forest asked.

  Nothing, Riley lied. Forest raised an eyebrow and looked down at the photo album on her lap.

  I've never seen that one, he admitted.

  This is just old stuff, Riley said.

  Forest didnt believe her. Its Landon, aint it? he asked.

  What? No, why would you ask that?

  Forest gave her a look. Riley?

  There'snothing between usnow. Riley looked down at the album. We dated in high school and then lost contact after we went to college.

  I see, Forest said curtly. He sighed and sat back, resting his head on the back of the couch. Without another word he got up and returned to her bedroom. Riley just watched him, unsure of what to do.

  She didn't return to her room and she didn't get any more sleep that night.


  AND HERE SHE is now, the lead singer of The Valentinas and my co-star, Riley Pratt, Landon announced.

  Riley laughed and walked out from the back stage as everyone in the crowd cheered. You forgot to add stunningly beautiful, she added cheekily.

  Sorry, Landon said, smiling.

  Riley hugged Kara Lee, then sat down next to Landon and smoothed out her skirt.

  Well, I'm surprised, Kara Lee admitted, pushing her blonde hair from her face. I knew I was going to have both of you on this show one day, but just didn't think it would be at the same time.

  We're good at surprising people, Riley said. Maurice wanted to keep it hush-hush that I was in his movie, Never Love Again.

  It was almost a last minute thing, Landon said. Besides, he couldn't find anyone else as talented as her. She justfits the part. Riley pretended to be bashful and hit him lightly.

  Well you two certainly seem very comfortable with each other, Kara Lee observed. Tell mewas there any history between the two of you before this movie started?

  We werebest friends in high school, Riley lied, not wanting to reveal the more intimate measures of their relationship.

  Yeah, then we went off to different schools and lost contact, Landon admitted.

  So, it's not Never Love Again for you two in real life, though? Kara Lee asked, laughing at her little pun.

  Yeah, I guess you could say that, Riley said, laughing as well.

  Let's put a pause on movie talk for just a minute, Kara Lee suggested. Riley, everyone wants to know something. You've been dating country heartthrob Forest Cooper for over a year now, Kara Lee started. The smile on Riley's face faltered for a moment. The question on everyone's mind is: when are you two going to take that next step? The wedding march song played for a short period over the speakers and Riley bit her lip.

  Well, she said, glancing at Landon who was looking steadily at her. Its not really an option right now.

  Why not? Kara Lee asked.

  Its because of our busy lifestyles. Often, were not even in the same city, so seeing each other becomes difficult, Riley said. I don't think that's something to be rushed.

  Kara Lee then asked Landon a few questions about Monique, before the talk returned to the movie. The show played a clip of one of the songs Riley and Landon sing together, which almost end in a kiss before both of them back away.

  Now Riley, you get to kiss not one, but two super-hot men in this movie, Kara Lee said. How do you feel about that?

  Well, it's not the first time I've kissed either of them, really, Riley explained. We all went to school together. Paul was my ex-boyfriend's best friend and then he became mine after some complications.

  Sounds like you have quite the history with these men, Kara Lee said.

  Were all just friends, Landon piped in. Riley is with Forest, I'm with Monique, Paul is on his own, unless theres someone hes not talking about.

  The show went on focusing more on the movie. After about fifteen minutes, Kara Lee was wrapping it up.

  Hey guys, thanks for coming on the show, Kara Lee said. I'm so glad it was my show that got to bust the news about you two starring together. It was such a pleasure meeting both of you. I can't wait for your movie to come out, Kara Lee exclaimed.

  She's a nice person, Riley observed, sliding into the limousine. She was followed closely
by Landon.

  Yes, she is, Landon said, running his hand over his head. Got a bit personal though, huh?

  Yeah, Riley said. I'm dreading the news stories, though. Knowing the media, someone's bound to twist it all around by snapping a picture of one of our kissing scenes and saying that we're having an affair. Then we'll wind up hurting Forest and Monique.

  Well, I know that. Landon said. Why do you think I said we were just friends? Monique's emotional enough as it is. If she ever found out about that stuff, I'd never hear the end of it! He sighed and rested his head on the back of the seat. Hey Riley, he said after a few moments of silence.

  Yes? Riley asked, turning her head back to look at him.

  Do you ever wonder what would have happened if we hadnt lost contact after high school? Landon asked. There was a pause while Riley thought about it. Landon just watched her.

  Yeah, Riley said, finally, almost all the time. That night we all went out to dinnerI couldn't sleep afterwards, so I took my old photo album out. It was full of pictures of all of usyou, me, Bridgette, Noah, Faith and Alice. Forest hasnt seen that one yet.

  Youre wondering, too, huh? Landon asked. Riley raised an eyebrow. I did the same thing. Riley sighed and looked down. No matter what we do, though, someone's going to get hurt.

  Yeah, youre not kidding! Riley said. I guess this would just be so much easier if we had actually said goodbye instead of just letting our relationship go.

  I doubt it, Landon said, although, because of you, it's as easy as it's going to get.

  Why because of me? Riley asked, looking at him again.

  If you had told me you loved me back when I said it to you, this would be so much harder. Landon got out of the car as it stopped at the studio before Riley could say anything.

  Riley just stared at the spot where he was sitting, wondering once again what could have been.


  ARE YOU SURE? Faith asked. Riley nodded and pointed. Faith followed the direction her friend's finger was aimed at and gasped. Oh my Godthat little slut!

  What am I gonna do, Faith? Riley asked, turning her head to look as well.

  As crowded as this club was, they could still see it perfectly well. MoniqueLandon's Moniquewas practically having sex with some guy on the dance floor who was definitely not Landon.

  Well you have to tell him, duh, Faith said.

  I can't do that! He'll probably think I exaggerated and that I'm jealous or something. Faith raised an eyebrow. God, this is like high school all over again.

  How? Faith asked.

  Landon had seen Preston cheating on me and told me, but I didn't want to believe him, Riley said. And now I'm seeing Monique cheating on Landon and I just can't help thinking our roles are being reversed.

  Riles, you have to tell him. Look, I'll back you up on it, okay?

  Not yet. Im just not ready, Riley said, shaking her head. She continued before Faith could argue. Maybe this is just a stupid little thing. Maybe she's drunk or something. Look, we'll keep an eye on her and I'll ask Paul or someone else whos close to Landon if she's been doing this lately.

  Alright fine, but if she's consistently doing this, you are so telling him, alright?

  Yes, fine, I'll tell him, Riley agreed. She looked back over at Monique for a while before looking at Faith. Can we go now?

  Yeah, let's get out of here, Faith agreed. She followed Riley out. This way, Riley couldn't see Faith take her phone out and snap a picture for evidence.

  Whoa, you look like hell! Landon exclaimed, sitting next to Riley the next day.

  Shut up! Riley retorted. Faith had me go out with her last night and I didn't get much sleep, even though we left early. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. Thank God for make up!

  Try not to rub your eyes once it's been applied, Landon said as if Riley did not know that.

  She just grinned a bit, scratched her nose then looked at her nails. I'm gonna have to fix these soon.

  What happened? Landon asked.

  The polish is chipping, Riley explained.

  Are you sure there is nothing bothering you? Landon prodded.

  Nothing has happened; everything is super, Riley reassured him, scratching her nose again.

  Uh huh, I know that when something's bothering you and you lie about it, you scratch your nose. What's going on, Riles?

  Look, it's probably nothing. If it gets worse then I'll tell you, alright? But it shouldn't really be anything to worry about.

  Are you sure?

  Yes, trust me, okay? Riley said, firmly.

  Landon wanted to get the truth out of her, but he knew she wasn't going to budge on this. He sighed and nodded. Riley gave him a smile before she was called in to get her makeup done.

  Landon knew she could hide it well, but there were times when Riley couldn't keep her distractions hidden. This was one of those times. She made several line mistakes and messed up one of the dances that, up until that point, she had done perfectly.

  Okay, cut, Maurice said. He walked over to the pair as Riley looked apologetic. Riley, my star, my angel, my perfect little singerwhat the fuck is going on?

  Sorry, my mind's not here today, Riley apologized.

  Yeah? Maurice thought for a second. I guess it happens to everyone, Maurice assured her. How about we film scenes you're not in for a while. Then well see if you can get yourself focused, alright? Riley nodded and walked off the set, disappearing into her dressing room.

  Landon looked at Paul, who held his gaze for a while before looking away. Something was definitely up and it seemed like Maurice was going to be the only one who didn't know about it. But whether Riley had told Paul or someone else had, Landon wasn't too sure. He was leaning more towards the latter, because he knew Riley too well and she wouldn't do something like that to him, or would she?

  Now Landon was the one getting too distracted to concentrate properly. Maurice just groaned and gave up. He called it a day and told everyone to go home and come back focused the next day, or hell would break loose. Usually Landon would wait outside the sound stage with Riley and Paul afterwards and reminisce about things they had done at school, or kids they had known. But today Riley had run off as soon as they stepped outside when she received a text. Landon watched her leave before turning on Paul.

  Okay, what the hell is going on? he asked, crossing his arms.

  Honestly, man, I don't know. Paul said, holding up his hands. Faith said they saw something last night while they were out, but Riley told her not to mention it to anyone just yet. I don't have full details, but it didn't seem like it was a nice something that they saw.

  What is it with the girls, lately? Landon muttered. First Monique's acting weird, now Riley's beingwelllike this!

  Monique's acting weird? Paul asked.

  Yeah, Landon admitted, and I mean really weird. She's been out a lot and she seems sort of distant lately. She's been acting like Rileyyou know, being distracted and all. Except Monique seems to be getting happier and Riley seems to be getting temperamental.

  Paul frowned. Who knows? But I need to split, bud, sorry. I'll see you later, alright? Paul said. Landon nodded, and the two went off to their cars. Paul took out his phone and dialed a number.

  Hello? Faith answered, sounding as if she just woke up.

  How do you ever manage to get anything accomplished if you sleep so much? Paul asked.

  What do you want? Faith asked, ignoring his question.

  I'm coming over. I'll tell you then, Paul said.

  Okay, Faith agreed. She wondered what in the world would be so important that Paul needed to make a special trip just to tell her.

  Nathan, sometimes your spying skills are too good, Riley commented, looking up at the red brick building in front of them the next day.

  Yeah, I know, Nathan said, sighing. It looks like they're on the fifth floor.

  Riley shook her head and sighed. God, I so don't want to tell Landon this.

  Well someone has to, Nathan declar
ed. He looked at his friend and forced a smile. Hey, on the plus sideat least it's the same guy. Riley shot him a look and Nathan shrugged, before looking up at the building. We should probably skedaddle before they come out.

  Yeah, Riley agreed. They walked a few feet to the rental car and got in.

  I'll keep watch for a few more days and see how things come along, alright? Nathan asked. Riley nodded, staring out the window. Right now we just have to assume that this is what she does every time he's filming.

  Riley didn't reply, but Nathan glanced down at her hand on her thigh to see it clenched up into a fist, her knuckles going white. He bit his lip, and drove on in silence back to their building.

  What you saw the other night was Monique cheating on Landon, wasn't it? Paul probed, standing in front of Faith.

  How did you guess? Faith asked.

  Landon told me Monique's been acting weird lately, Paul revealed. Shes been sort of distracted, but in a cheery way. And Riley has been acting shady, too. He sighed and sat down. Faith went and got drinks for them before sitting with him. You know, now that I think about it, it seems obvious that Monique is being unfaithful.

  I agree, Faith responded.

  When do you think Landon is going to find out? Paul asked.

  I don't know. Riley said she'll tell him if we figure out more, but she's afraid he won't believe her. She's comparing it to high school, when Landon told her that Preston was cheating on her and she didn't want to believe it.

  Yeah, I guess that sounds like Riley, Paul acknowledged. But if all of us can confirm it

  It might just make things worse, Faith replied. Either Landon might think we're all conspiring against him, or he'll be mad that all of us knew while he didn't.

  This is going to be really hard, Paul stated. Faith just nodded in agreement.



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