If I Never Knew You Trilogy Bundle

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If I Never Knew You Trilogy Bundle Page 29

by Aubrey Bailey

  She looked at the magazine she held and sighed. The front cover story was about Landon in the hospital after the breakup with Monique. That story also included bits about her staying with him the whole time and because of that, rumors were flying around that Riley was having an affair with Landon. What really surprised her was that Forest wasn't upset with any of this. Wouldn't any normal guy be upset if he read about his girlfriend spending lots of time with her ex-boyfriend? Wouldnt he be upset if people were saying that they're having an affair?

  She supposed that Forest guessed it was all hearsay, or he had secretly resigned himself to the bond that Landon and she had always coveted.

  Hey, man, how are you feeling? Paul asked suddenly. Riley looked at the doors and watched Landon walk over to them.

  All good now, Landon said. He gave Paul a bit of a one armed hug then turned to Riley and put both arms around her.

  She grinned and hugged him tightly, even though she knew he was probably still hurting. Let's go make that grouchy director happy, she suggested.

  Hop on in then, buddy, Paul said, opening the door and pretending to bow. Landon and Riley just stood there. Oh fine, ruin my little moment. Paul simply grinned and, leaving the door open, went around and climbed into the driver's seat.

  You can sit up front, Riley offered. Before Landon could argue, she climbed into the back seat.

  Riley was pretty quiet on the ride to the park, giving her input a few times, but not really engaging in the conversation. When they got to the park, Maurice instantly shooed her off to get her makeup and wardrobe done. She came back out in one of the fifties-era sundress and her hair styled in curls, then she had to sit around for a while and wait for the predicted rain to start falling. Landon sat with her for a bit, but they didn't get to talk and she was glad for that. Half an hour later, it finally started raining and they could shoot their next scene.

  Alright and - action! Maurice shouted.

  Why can't you just tell me? Landon asked.

  What do you want to hear? Riley asked, nearly shouting.

  I want to hear why you love me! Landon yelled. He threw his hands into the air, completely frustrated.

  Riley stared at him then looked up at the sky before starting to sing. She smiled slightly then grabbed Landon's hand. She moved up close to him, nearly pressing herself completely against him. She started moving around through the park, dragging him along with her. She randomly began picking flowers and made up a bouquet while she was singing. She threw the bouquet up then lay down on the ground quickly, pulling Landon down with her as they finished the song.

  Alright then, Landon said, reaching up and brushing the hair back out of her face. I'm in love with you. His hand slid to the back of her head and pulled her into a kiss.

  She really didn't want to get caught up in the kiss, but it was so hard. Her mind fell back to a few years ago when they were together.

  Should I bother saying cut? Maurice asked jauntily. Riley pulled away from Landon quickly. You two get a little too caught up in your characters.

  Yeah, Riley said, nodding. She didnt think Maurice bought it, but thankfully he didn't bring it up again.

  Go dry off before you guys get sick and miss any more work, Maurice ordered.

  Riley and Landon got off the ground. They headed off to the trailer that they shared with Paul. Technically, they should have had three separate trailers, but the last time they did outdoor filming and had three trailers, they hung out in only one of them.

  When did you come up with that song? Landon asked, handing her a towel.

  Last year, I think, She said, pulling pins out of her hair and letting it tumble down before rubbing the towel over her head. It was just something she came up with one day when she was home in bed with a cold and had time on her hands to think about Landon and her.

  Oh? Landon asked, raising a brow. Riley smiled slightly and looked away from him. She threw the towel over a chair and wrapped her robe around herself. That kiss at the hospital

  Don't! She said quickly. Landon frowned, confused.

  What? Landon asked. He stepped over to her and lifted his hand to her cheek.

  She wanted to say that she just acted without thinking, but that would have been a huge lie. She looked into his eyes and saw the love he had for her. Then, without warning, they kissed passionately.

  Riley moaned against Landons lips. He backed her into the wall then he slid a hand under her robe to get closer to her soft, bare skin.

  Landon, what are you doing? Riley muttered.

  Landon just made a noise and dropped his head to kiss her neck. Riley's eyes fluttered shut and she leaned her head back against the wall, arching her body against his to give him better access. A few minutes later, struggling against herself more than him, she put her hands against his shoulders and pushed him away.

  Riley! Landon started.

  I'm still with Forest, Riley reminded him. I can't hurt him. Landon, please don't do this to me. I'm sorry.

  Me, too, Landon exclaimed. He brushed some hair off Riley's face then he kissed her forehead and stepped back. Riley wasn't sure what he was sorry for, but she knew better than to ask because there wasn't much chance of him explaining.


  RILEY WAS GLAD to go home for Chloe's birthday. She really needed the thinking time. After kissing Landon in the trailer, even though no one knew about it, everyone could see the tension between the stars. Getting to spend time with just her family was exactly what Riley needed. The only person she figured she could really open up to was Alison. The only thing she had to figure out was how to get Alison alone to talk.

  That problem got solved for her when everyone else went out to buy party decorations, leaving the sisters-in-law to bake the cake.

  So what's up? You look like you want to tell me something, Alison said, cracking eggs. By the looks of things, it was going to be a huge cake, which meant, most likely, that Riley would be taking most of it back to California to give to the others. She sighed, spraying the cake pan.

  I kissed Landon the other day, Riley revealed.

  Yeah, Alison said. You're supposed to. Riley looked surprised. Alison looked over to her sister-in-law. You kissed him for the movie, right?

  Yes, but I wasn't talking about that, really.

  Alisons eyes widened as realization hit. Does that mean you two are getting back together?

  Im not sure, Riley confessed.

  Riles, come on, Alison said. You're in love with the guy. I know you've never really said it. Hell, your character in the movie doesn't even say it until she dies for the last time. Alison said (shed read the script before) as she stirred flour into the eggs. But here's the difference between you and your character: You're not going to get another chance. You're not going to keep coming back to redo things and hope they work. You just have this one life.

  Yeah but Riley started.

  No buts, Alison said. Look, how do you feel about Forest right now?

  I like him and he's a great guy. She tried to distract herself by beating the batter. But he doesn't deserve me messing around and breaking his heart.

  So you're choosing to be unhappy? Alison asked.

  Who said I'm unhappy? Riley asked.

  You won't be unhappy with Landon, but you might be if you stay with Forest, Alison said sternly. Riley looked downcast and Alison nodded. That look on your face just then says it all.

  Tell me what's going on. I need more information to help you, Alison said.

  Riley told her everything that had happened, from telling Landon about Moniques cheating, to the last time she saw him before getting on the plane. Wow sweetheart, you are in real deep!

  No kidding! Riley said, putting the cake pans into the oven. What the hell do I do?

  Remember when we first met in the hospital? Alison asked. I had the car accident and you were just freed from Damian, your mothers ex.

  Yes, I know, Riley said, quickly. What was with everyone bringing that u
p lately? What are you getting at?

  This just reminds me of that. You were asking for my help then as well. But no one can tell you what to do but you. This is all your choice.

  I don't want to hurt anyone, Riley confessed.

  Someone's bound to get a little hurt, any way you look at it. Or then again, maybe not. Riley wondered what she meant. It all depends on how you say, what you say and when you say it.

  That actually makes sense, Riley said.

  That's what I do, Alison said, smiling.


  IF THERE WAS one thing that goofball actors loved more than pulling pranks while working, it was cake. When Riley got back from her visit home and walked into the studio with what was a huge part of the cake, everyone jumped at her.

  While they all sat eating cake for breakfast, Riley was filled in on what was accomplished in her absence. The crew managed to film a few scenes that day before Riley, Landon and Paul hopped into a car to go to a TV studio, where they were going to be on a late night talk show.

  I hate jetlag! Riley muttered, trying to stay awake in the car.

  See, this is why you book off your arrival date as well, Paul said. Its best to come in the next day.

  This is the next day. Riley said.

  Your jet landed at one in the morning. This is still the same day. Landon explained.

  They arrived at the T.V. studio a little late and were hurried into makeup.

  Okay, everybody, you'll get your cue to go on after everythings set up, a crew member said.

  Riley, Landon and Paul, who all had some form of makeup going on, gave him thumbs up. Riley had already messed up the makeup once and didnt want to get the makeup artist upset. Paul turned his eyes to look at Landon and Riley's reflections in the mirrors. He had seen this sort of thing often enough to know what was going on. He had also spent most of his high school life seeing the way they acted around each otherthe smiles, the winks and other telling signs.

  Those two were so in love it was almost nauseating!

  They were also so distracted with their staring contest that Paul had to give both of them little flicks in the head when they were called to go on stage. The three of them stood at the entrance to the stage, Riley and Landon taking the private opportunity to pinch Paul as pay back for flicking them. Paul was rubbing his arm when they were cued to enter the stage, but he couldn't help the smile on his face.

  They sat down on the plush couch next to the host, Tom Birdsby, and he gave his intro to the camera. Once things were rolling, he started asking hardball questions.

  So tell me, do you two boys get jealous of each other sometimes? Tom asked.

  Why would we? Landon asked.

  Well, just look at the fine woman both of you get to kiss in the movie, Tom said. Riley laughed.

  Oh please, these two are probably thinking up ways to outdo each other, rather than fight over all of it, she retorted.

  We hear the three of you were very close in high school. So what happened there? What caused the two year separation from you guys? Tom asked.

  Well, mainly it was because we went to different schools, you know. Riley said.

  Riley and the girls stayed in New York, while Landon and I were accepted to a school in North Carolina, Paul said. We tried keeping in touch.

  But sometimes it just doesn't work out, Landon added.

  The main thing is we are back together now and everything has been really fun, Riley interjected.

  Look at that, practically finishing off each others sentences. Tom observed. Riley glanced at the boys on either side of her. Now, I'm sure all of America has been dying for a straight forward, solid answer on a certain subject.

  Well, we can try, Landon said. But if it's about the end of the movie, we're not telling anyone anything.

  No, no, its not that! Tom said. This is serious. He pointed from Landon to Riley while talking. The two of youis there anything going on there apart from being friends and co-stars? I mean, everyone knows Riley practically lived by your bed at the hospital after your accident, Landon. And there seems to be more closeness between the two of you since you broke up with Monique. Riley and Landon looked at each other. Paul watched them out of the corner of his eye.

  Landon needed a good friend to help with things and we were really close in high school, Riley explained. And before that, we were best friends as kids. Certain things got in the way for a while, but we went through most of our high school years together.

  As a couple? Tom asked. Riley blinked, caught off guard by that. You guys talk about how close you were in high school, but we never found out just how close.

  Landon looked at Riley, who looked right back at him. It took them a few seconds to decide.

  We dated, Landon acknowledged, Riley nodding along with him. And we got kind of serious. But then graduation came and the move to separate schools andI guess we just drifted apart.

  It was kind of a shock when I showed up here to find Landon was going to be my co-star, Riley revealed, starting to play with her hair. But it was mostly the surprise that I hadn't seen him in over a year and here he was, right in front of me. Riley laughed.

  Sounds like you two and your characters aren't that different, Tom said.

  Yeah, I guess when you put it that way, it sort of does seem so, Landon agreed as he and Riley laughed.

  These two have always been nuts, Paul said. He received a pinch from Riley. See what I mean?

  Well, you guys continue to have fun, Tom suggested. I'm going to go out on a limb and say there's going to be a long gag reel for this movie.

  Oh yeah, Riley agreed. It might even be longer than the movie. These two are just prank monkeys. I came back from visiting home earlier and brought part of my niece's birthday cake with me. That was the only thing that saved me from today's prank.

  It must be a fun set to work on, Tom joked.

  Maurice Malcolm, our director, loves me because most of the time I'm the only one who can control these goofballs, Riley said.

  Sounds like a great place to be, Tom said. He looked over at the camera. And don't you viewers go anywhere. We'll be right back after these commercials, when we'll be talking about some of our guests' favorite scenes.

  We're clear. One of the cameramen said.

  I need a coffee. Do you guys want anything? Tom asked. The three stars shook their heads. Riley then let out a huge yawn. Bored?

  What? Oh no, sorry, just some jetlag, Riley explained. This is about three hours behind what I was used to last weekend. The guys laughed.

  The rest of the show went by smoothly and soon Riley was following Paul into the car with Landon behind her. Paul watched with a smile as Riley leaned against Landon once the car started. Landon's arm automatically looped around her shoulders again and squeezed slightly.

  How many more talk shows do we have to do before the movie comes out? Riley asked.

  Two, Paul said. All three of us anyway; you guys have three.

  Who do we have that you don't? Landon asked.

  Dr. Bernadette, Paul replied. Riley brightened up. She loved going on Bernadettes show. That's not until the day before opening night, Riles.

  Aw, why does he have to be the last person? Riley asked.

  You have too much fun there, Paul commented.

  Riley was the first one out. Landon followed her out and, for a few minutes, Paul had no visual access to anything above their waists. Landon came back into the car with a slight smile and a little bit of shiny pink lipstick on his cheek.

  I love this couch! Riley said, instantly dropping onto the plush furniture, after walking into the penthouse. She lay down and threw her arm over her head, her hand dangling slightly over the edge of the couch.

  Tired, are we? Forest asked, walking over and leaning over the back of the couch. Riley looked up at him and smiled. Good job on the show, Forest complimented her. He then reached down and brushed his fingers across her face. You looked great.

  Thanks. I'm g
lad we got everything out, Riley said. Now all there is to do is sit back and wait for people to print rumors that Landon and I are in love and I'm cheating on you with him.

  Are you? Forest asked, jokingly.

  Oh yes, Forest, I forgot to mention that I'm having an affair with my co-star, Riley said, sarcastically.

  Well that's good to hear, Forest said. You don't deny the love part. Riley stared at him, not exactly sure what to say. He walked around the couch, pushed her into a sitting position, then sat down with her, before letting her lean against him. Riles, its okay.

  Huh? Riley asked.

  You know, you're a great girl, I love who you are, Forest said. He put an arm around her, and rubbed her shoulder. You're smart, you're funny, and youre sweet

  What are you doing? Riley cut him off.

  I'm telling you that I understand that you love Landon and its okay. Forest said. Riley, you are amazing. The guy who gets your love is lucky. And I realized back when Landon was in the hospital that it was him, not me.

  So, what now? Riley asked.

  You be with him, Forest said.

  What about you, though? Riley asked, starting to feel guilty for having put Forest through this.

  I can find another girl, Forest assured her. After all, look at this jaw! Riley laughed and kissed him.

  You are the great one here! she said, after pulling away.

  Yeah, I know, Forest said. Riley laughed again. So what are you going to do tomorrow?

  Go to work? Riley suggested.

  Good, and? Forest asked.

  Help Maurice get Landon and Paul back for the prank they pulled today? Riley asked. There was a pause and Riley's smile slowly grew.

  Yeah, that'll work, Forest said, nodding and laughing. Make sure to announce we're not together, though.

  Yeah, yeah. You almost sound like you want to get rid of me.

  No way. You're fantastic, but just not for me.

  Thanks, Forest, Riley said, smiling.

  Anytime, babe. Now, I have a quick question for you. How would you feel if I asked Bridgette out on a date? Forest asked.


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