Tried & True

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Tried & True Page 17

by Charlie Cochet

  “You sit,” Sloane said softly. “I’ll get you something to eat.”

  “Thanks,” Dex replied, summoning a smile. He took a seat at the table, and he could tell everyone was trying not to look at him. They were his friends, his family. They knew him well by now. They all talked quietly among themselves. Cael was quiet across from him, and even Ash looked worried. Sloane put a tray in front of Dex. There was a Therian-sized burger, a chocolate milkshake, and a blue frosted cupcake. Dex frowned at the cupcake. “Maybe I should call Lou and call the whole thing off.”

  THE PIERCING blow to Sloane’s heart was unexpected, as the words that had come out of Dex’s mouth had been. Sloane swallowed hard. He turned to Dex and took hold of his hand.

  “You know that I’ll support you on whatever you decide, but if you make this decision, it can’t be because you’re giving up. That I won’t allow.”

  Dex’s jaw muscles worked, but he didn’t tear his gaze away from the damn cupcake. Sloane had hoped to cheer him up a little, but instead he’d made things worse.

  “Dex?” Sloane took hold of his chin and turned his head to meet his gaze. The grief and heartache in those big blue eyes was like a punch to the gut, but he wasn’t going to let Dex give up. Wasn’t even going to let Dex so much as think about giving up. “Now you listen here. We have been to hell and back together. We’ve faced all kinds of ugly out there, come back with scars, some of which can’t be seen, but we have always had one other’s back, and that sure as hell is not going to change now. Your dad is one of the strongest men I know, and so are you. We’re going to find him, and he’s going to make that damned speech in four days and be nervous and grumpy and curse and rant about fucking index cards.” Dex laughed, and Sloane kissed his cheek. “I know it seems like none of us can catch a break, but this will end soon, baby, I promise. We’ll get through this.”

  Dex nodded, a wobbly smile on his face. He turned and peeled the film off his cupcake before tearing it in two and giving Sloane half.

  “Thank you.” Sloane took it with a smile.

  They ate, and Sloane was grateful for the team distracting Dex and Cael by bringing up all the hilarious shit Tony loved to rant about. Nobody did ranting like Tony. It was epic. Especially since Tony didn’t consider himself funny. The man had no idea how hilarious he was. He genuinely hated colored index cards. Though not as much as zucchini noodles. Good grief, the man could go on for hours about vegetable noodles.

  Once they were done eating, they headed for the elevator. “The second we hear from Austen, we move out. In the meantime, Ash, I want you to get a list from Sparks of all the teams that are out scouting locations. Rosa, Letty, Cael, I want you to contact each of their Team Leaders and find out where they’ve been and who they’ve talked to. Have them send the info to your phones rather than Themis.”

  Calvin pulled his phone out of his pocket and sighed. “Just got a text from Dr. Winters. Looks like I’m up first.”

  Sloane nodded as he held the elevator doors open for his team. “Soon as you finish, you take over for whoever’s up next. Same goes for everyone else. By the time we get intel from Austen, I want to have a list of places that have been cleared, a list of where everyone’s heading next, and a list of places no one’s been to yet. We’re covering a lot of ground here.”

  On the ride up to Unit Alpha, Dex had become restless again. He was tapping his fingers against his legs, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth, and couldn’t seem to spend longer than a few seconds in one spot. This wasn’t good for any of them. As they headed into Unit Alpha, Sloane took hold of Dex’s arm.

  “We’ll catch up with you guys. Call me if you find something.”

  Everyone headed off, and Sloane walked Dex through the bull pen, past the conference rooms, and around the corner toward the corridor leading to the sleeper bays.

  “Sloane? What are you doing? I hope you’re not about to suggest I take a nap.”

  “And lose my spots?” Sloane shook his head. “No sleeping.” He opened the door to one of the empty bays and nudged Dex inside. He closed the door behind them and locked it.

  “Sloane, I know you’re worried, but this isn’t—”

  Sloane brought Dex up against the door, his knee shoved between Dex’s legs and his mouth all over Dex.

  “I want you to fuck me,” Sloane growled, sucking Dex’s earlobe into his mouth. “I think we could both use the release.”

  A shiver went through Dex, and he nodded, his lips on Sloane’s. The heat coming off his sexy partner was driving Sloane crazy, along with his heady scent, the taste of his lips, and the feel of his breath against Sloane’s skin. Sloane allowed Dex to take the lead, and walked backward toward the bed until the back of his legs hit the mattress, and then he sat. He reached down and took hold of Dex’s boot, lifting it up so he could undo the laces, his eyes never leaving Dex’s.

  Molten amber spread into the blue, and Sloane hurried, pulling off Dex’s boots, then his own. Dex quickly undressed, while Sloane did the same. There was no time to waste. They were frantic to get their hands on each other, and when Dex was naked in front of him, Sloane pulled him close so he could keep his hands on all that delicious skin. He gazed up reverently at Dex, astounded by the wonder that was this amazing man.

  “I love you so much,” Dex said softly, caressing Sloane’s jaw.

  “I love you too.” Sloane waited for Dex to say whatever was clearly on his mind. Dex motioned between them.

  “This here, us, is home. Wherever we are, no matter what’s going on, we do our best to leave the world out there, and in here it’s just you, me, and our love for each other. I know it won’t always be possible, but you’re my sanctuary, Sloane, and I need that. I need to have my home to come back to after whatever it is we face out there, and I need to know I’ll be the same for you.”

  Sloane took hold of Dex’s hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss before placing it over his heart. “I promise.”

  Dex’s smile was glorious, and Sloane pulled Dex onto his lap, needing to kiss him, to feel their bodies pressed together. This time, their kiss was slow and sweet, filled with promises and trust. There was no one he had more faith in than the man right here in his arms. For the rest of his life, Dex would be who he turned to first, who he confided in, asked for help when he needed it. Dex would shelter him, protect his heart, and love him.

  Sloane pulled away, and Dex got up so Sloane could move back on the bed. Dex crawled over him, their lips once again locked in a passionate kiss, their tongues tangling, savoring. It was slow, like they had all the time in the world even though they only had a few minutes. Dex laced his fingers with Sloane’s and moved his arms above his head. He spread Sloane’s legs, and Sloane brought his knees up. Dex left him long enough to grab the packet of lube from his tac pants before returning to him, kissing him.

  Even with this being about them needing release, it didn’t diminish their love for each other. Sometimes they made love. It was sweet and sexy and amazing. Sometimes they were both horny and needed to get their hands on their mate, and sometimes they just needed a good hard fuck. Dex trailed scorching kisses down Sloane’s chin to his neck and down his chest. He scraped his nails across Sloane’s skin, running his fingers down every curve of muscle, every dip. Sloane wanted to close his eyes, to lose himself in the sensations Dex was bringing him, but instead he watched Dex, memorizing the way his blond hair fell over his brow, the flush on Dex’s skin, the plumpness of those sweet lips, and the heat Dex left behind with every kiss he placed against Sloane’s skin. Dex wasn’t just going to fuck him, he was worshipping him, pouring his heart and soul into every kiss.

  The tear of the lube packet was followed by cool liquid against Sloane’s hole as Dex pushed one finger in. Sloane hissed at the intrusion, wriggling underneath Dex as Dex continued to drive him wild with his mouth. Sloane’s cock was hard, jutted up against his stomach, and he groaned when Dex licked at the pearl of precome at Sloane’s rosy tip. He sucked
the head of Sloane’s cock into his mouth, and Sloane bucked underneath him. A second finger joined the first, and Sloane couldn’t help but release a low moan. He slipped his fingers back into Dex’s hair, stroking softly as Dex’s hot mouth moved on Sloane, swallowing Sloane down to the root before moving back up.

  “Dex,” Sloane pleaded, tugging at Dex’s hair. Dex took the hint, moving up to kiss Sloane, his fingers still working Sloane’s entrance, stretching him. Sloane grabbed a pillow from beside his head and lifted his hips to slip it underneath him. He wrapped his legs around Dex’s waist, and Dex replaced his fingers with his cock. Sloane groaned into Dex’s mouth as the initial burn gave way, and pleasure rippled through Sloane’s body as Dex began to move inside him. Sloane wrapped his arms around Dex to keep him from moving away. Sloane loved having Dex’s weight on him, loved feeling the strength of the man in his arms. He ran his hands down the delicious curve of Dex’s spine to cup Dex’s ass, digging his fingers into those plump cheeks.

  Not long ago, he would have held himself back, not just physically but emotionally. Now he left himself completely exposed. His heart was right there between them, vulnerable, open for Dex to do with as he pleased. He’d bared his soul to Dex, put what little faith he’d had at the time in Dex. It was terrifying how easily Dex could shatter him.

  “I’m yours, always,” Sloane whispered, nuzzling Dex’s temple before placing a kiss behind Dex’s ear. He inhaled deep, allowing Dex’s scent to envelop him. There was nothing like the scent of his mate. Dex’s muscles pulled and strained as he moved.

  Dex moved back enough to look down at Sloane, an almost shy smile on his face. His cheeks were flushed, his kiss-swollen lips slightly parted. Sloane ran a thumb over one of Dex’s thick eyebrows.

  “You’re so beautiful.”

  Dex kissed him, his movement growing quicker, their panting breath the only sound in the room. Sloane held on tight to Dex, his head thrown back as Dex snapped his hips. Dex nipped at his exposed neck, then followed up with a kiss. He drove himself deep into Sloane, their bodies moving together, their skin flushed and beaded with sweat. At that moment, nothing existed outside the two of them.

  “Sloane,” Dex breathed, his face a study in pure ecstasy.

  “Do it,” Sloane growled, urging Dex to take what he needed. Dex pulled out and flipped Sloane over onto his stomach. He looked at Dex over his shoulder, moaning at the sight of Dex stroking himself, his bottom lip between his teeth, before he parted Sloane’s asscheeks.

  “Fuck, your ass is a thing of beauty.”

  “Fuck my ass is what I’m waiting on.”

  Dex leaned in to pull Sloane’s earlobe between his teeth before murmuring, “Who’s in charge here?”

  “You are,” Sloane said with a groan. “Please.”

  Dex hummed and ran a hand over Sloane’s flank before slapping his asscheek, leaving him tingling. Sloane sucked in a sharp breath and arched his back in response.

  “Fuck me, Dex. Please.”

  Dex pressed himself to Sloane’s back, rubbing his cock against Sloane’s crease. “Tell me what you want.”

  “I need you to fuck me.”

  “How bad?”

  “I need your cock inside me so fucking bad. I want to feel you for hours.”

  “Baby, you’re going to be feeling me for days.” Dex drove himself inside Sloane, and Sloane cried out. He grabbed fistfuls of the bedsheets, and Dex plastered himself to Sloane’s back, one arm around Sloane’s neck, his free hand grabbing a handful of Sloane’s hair as he pounded Sloane into the mattress, his thrusts deep and hard.

  “Oh, fuck. Fuck,” Sloane growled, his fingers digging into Dex’s forearm. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, and Sloane was grateful for the soundproofing. Not to mention the Therian-size bed that rocked beneath them. Dex’s hips lost their rhythm, his panting breath in Sloane’s ear as he lost himself in fucking Sloane. He snapped his hips once more, and Dex turned Sloane’s head, bringing their mouths together as Dex came inside him, his body trembling with his release. After one final hard thrust, he turned Sloane onto his back and swallowed Sloane’s cock. When Dex slipped his finger between Sloane’s cheeks and along the trail of come, Sloane’s release exploded through him. He cried out, his muscles tightening and his toes curling. He came inside Dex’s mouth, and Dex took all of him. When he was done, he licked his lips and moved up Sloane’s body, letting his head rest against Sloane’s.

  “When I’m with you, it’s like the world slows down and I can just… be. You ground me, Sloane. I’d be lost without you.”

  Dex’s body trembled, and Sloane smiled lazily as Dex moved down to lay his head on Sloane’s chest. Sloane wrapped an arm around Dex’s back and absently stroked Dex’s shoulder.

  “We should clean up and get dressed,” Sloane said, chuckling at Dex’s groan.

  “But I’m so comfy.”

  “What if I make it worth your while?”

  “I’m listening.”

  “How about if you get up, I do all the work, and when this is all over, I’ll bring you breakfast in bed.”

  There was a pause.

  “Death Star pancakes?”

  Sloane held back a smile, relieved to have his Dex back. “You got it.”

  “You sure make it tough for a guy to be lazy,” Dex grumbled, pushing up onto his elbows. He gave Sloane’s lips a quick kiss. “But I like you anyway.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.”

  Dex climbed off the bed, and Sloane rolled onto his side, propping himself on his elbow as he admired Dex’s lean muscular frame while he stretched.

  “And you make me pancakes.”

  “There is that,” Sloane replied, amused. He got up and smacked Dex’s ass before darting over to the small sink and the towel rack.

  “You really think I’m going to let you get away with that?” Dex grabbed the washcloth away from Sloane, then wrapped his arms around Sloane’s waist before Sloane could turn the water on. Dex backed Sloane up against the door, pinning Sloane’s wrists against the door.

  “I sure hope not,” Sloane teased, nipping at Dex’s chin. As they kissed, Sloane made a promise to himself. He’d never allow Dex to lose what made him so special—his heart. Sloane would protect it with everything he had. Always.

  “HELLO, DEX. Please, make yourself comfortable,” Dr. Winters said as he closed his office door.

  “Thank you, Doctor.” Dex took a seat on the comfortable floral-print couch, pulling one of the soft blue pillows onto his lap. There was a plush blanket in the same color beside it, and he absently ran his hand over it. The office was designed to create a sense of calm with its soothing tones and soft lighting. A lovely smell floated up from the aromatherapy diffuser. The space was elegantly decorated but cozy, with potted plants around the room and a window that let in the sun during the day. From what Dex could gather, everyone except him, Cael, and Sloane had been in to see Dr. Winters. The rest of the team had been signed off and cleared.

  Winters took a seat in the wingback chair across from Dex and crossed one leg over the other. He tapped the screen of the tablet on the coffee table beside him. “I’m going to start our session.” He turned to Dex with a sympathetic smile, his amber eyes filled with concern. “I know this is the last place you want to be right now, but you understand how important your well-being is to the THIRDS, and to me.”

  “I know. You’re just doing your job.”

  Winters frowned at him. “I hope you don’t believe you or any of the agents I see are just a file to me, Dex.”

  “I’m sorry. No, I know that.” Dr. Winters had helped Dex work through a lot of emotional upheaval during his time at the THIRDS. From his acclimating to the team when he first joined, all the way through his supposed “ambush.” Everything Dex and Winters talked about was confidential, but Dex never disclosed any information regarding TIN. The last thing he wanted to do was place the good doctor in danger for just listening to him. “You’ve done a lot for me,
for Sloane, and the rest of the team, and I appreciate it, I really do. It’s just frustrating. This isn’t where I should be spending my time. We’re working against the clock. Every minute I’m not out there looking for my father, chasing down leads, is a minute closer I get to never seeing him again.”

  Winters nodded. He was roughly around Tony’s age. A tall Wolf Therian with a kind face and gentle eyes. He was soft-spoken, always calm and ready with a smile. A lot of agents hated seeing him, mostly because they didn’t like having their emotions prodded. Dex didn’t mind. He understood Winters’s role, and he genuinely believed the guy wanted to help. This was just bad timing.

  “Dex, you’re an incredibly resilient man,” Winters said, leaning forward. “I know I shouldn’t get personal, but I have never met anyone with a heart as strong as yours. Everything you’ve been through, everything you’ve suffered, and you always find a way to pick yourself back up and keep fighting. You might be a little worse for wear, but you dust yourself off and you jump back into the fray. I admire that about you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “How are you holding up under all the pressure? You’ve had a lot on your plate recently with months of wedding preparations. Thank you for the invite, by the way.”

  Dex smiled. “I meant what I said. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me and Sloane. You were there to help me work through some things when Sloane got hurt in the car explosion, when my brother was taken and Tony was shot.” He shook his head as he thought of all the other times he’d been in here. “Do I get like a special badge or something for most office visits?”


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