Alpha's Heart (Indigo Mountain Pack Book 3)

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Alpha's Heart (Indigo Mountain Pack Book 3) Page 3

by Hawke Oakley

He must have thought I was too tired or weak to think properly, since he kept asking me so many questions. But I guessed that worked in my favor - I was pretty dazed since I woke up, and hell, I’d apparently been unconscious for nearly a week.

  If Ken was going to spoil me, I might as well take advantage of his kindness and ask for something luxurious.

  “Do you have any venison?” I asked.

  “Sure do.” He nodded. “I’ve been busy lately, but usually me and the guys go hunting for deer out in the woods, so I’ve got a big haunch in the fridge.”

  “Oh,” I said. “I’ve never been allowed to hunt.”

  That was the truth. In Scarlet Ridge, omegas were essentially only good for sitting in our government-assigned apartments and making babies. But I wasn’t really like some other omegas - I personally didn’t mind the life I was born into. I knew what the reality of my fate was, and didn’t try to push any boundaries. It was safer that way. I’d lived my whole life safe until… well, until Gunner chose me for this mission.

  But Ken seemed personally offended at that. “They don’t even let you hunt there?” he growled. “What about changing into your wolf? Is that banned, too?”

  I only nodded. Of course it was banned. That was the whole point of the collars, aside from keeping us in bounds.

  “That’s just shameful,” he growled, shaking his head. “It’s not healthy for a shifter to stay too long in one form or the other.”

  I shrugged, as much as was physically possible. I then realized I’d been laying down for an entire week and that was probably adding to my body’s overall soreness.

  “Is it okay if I get up?” I asked.

  “Of course. Here.” Ken immediately strode to my side and helped ease me into a position where I was sitting up. My chest ached and my muscles were all sore, but moving did feel good. With Ken’s closeness, I was able to get a good whiff of his scent - he was definitely an alpha, all right. In this nearly odorless sterile room, his strong, musky scent stood out like an olfactory flare. It was different than the scents of Scarlet Ridge alphas, I noticed. It had an almost crisp note, like a cool autumn morning, or frost on fallen leaves.

  “Is this better?” Ken asked with a smile.

  “Yes,” I said. “Thanks.”

  He nodded. “You can try to stand, but I wouldn’t quite recommend it yet. Your legs were badly beaten and bruised in the attack.” He spoke with both sympathy and anger. “But if you really want to, I can aid you for some exercises after you eat.”

  “Thank you. I’m okay for now.”

  Ken nodded, then left the room to grab the food. While he was gone, I looked around the room. Typical doctor’s office, except for a few things. There were a few childishly encouraging posters and toys in the corner. I assumed it was because he saw kids as well as adults. Still, the whole room had a warm atmosphere, despite it being a doctor’s office.

  When Ken walked in with a tray of food, I furrowed my brow.

  “Is it okay for me to eat in here?” I asked. “I mean… it’s supposed to be sterile, right?”

  Ken just smiled as he set the tray in front of me. “The office has been closed since you got here.”

  I nearly dropped my fork. “What?”

  “There’s only one room - the one we’re in right now. And obviously I can’t have patients coming in when I already have one.”

  I stared down at the food. He’d shut down his whole business for nearly a week because of me? Wasn’t that a bit over the top? He could have just moved me somewhere else. I guessed Indigo Mountain wolves really were soft-hearted.

  “It’s okay,” Ken said as he noticed my expression. “There are other doctors in the pack. Me being closed isn’t a huge deal. And when you’re able to walk again, I can transfer you upstairs.”


  “That’s your home, though, isn’t it?” I asked.

  He nodded.

  My heart rate sped up. This was my chance. I could ask the question in a way that wouldn’t seem awkward or out of place.

  “Won’t your mate mind?” I asked slowly, feigning a shy glance.

  Ken gave me another patient smile and shook his head. “I don’t have a mate, so don’t worry about that.”

  My heart nearly burst out of my chest. I had already infiltrated the pack, and found the unmated doctor. My luck was too good to be true. Maybe this mission would be easier than I thought. I just had to seduce him and earn my way to the top alpha - then I could complete my task and return home.

  Would Gunner be proud of me? I wondered what kind of reward he had in mind for my safe return.

  “Are you alright?” Ken asked with a frown, putting the back of his hand against my forehead. “You’re a bit warm and your face is flushed.”

  “Sorry,” I murmured. The contact of his skin on mine made me blush.

  He removed his hand and stepped away. “Go ahead and eat. It’s nearly nighttime, so you should probably go to bed after that.”

  I blinked. I had no idea what time it was, since the blinds were closed and the only light I saw was fluorescent.

  “Thanks,” I said, gesturing to the food. It suddenly hit me just how hungry I was. There was sliced roasted venison with small red potatoes on the side. Ken just sat in the corner in his chair and flipped through some files. Once in a while he would scrunch up his face and write things down.

  When I was done, I felt both energized and mind-bogglingly tired. Fatigue hit me again and I laid down on my pillow with a sigh. I couldn’t remember the last time I ate a meal that good and filling.

  Ken walked over and took the tray away. With a smile he said, “I’ll see you in the morning. Just give me a call if you need anything - my bedroom is right above this room, so I’ll hear it.”


  “Goodnight, Wesley.”

  I was almost too exhausted to reply. I managed to mumble, “‘Night.”

  As he turned off the lights and left, I was filled with a deep satisfaction. Not just physically from the meal, but from knowing I was already so close to my target. I already had the doctor’s trust - now I just needed to use him to get to the top alpha.

  Victory was almost in my grasp.



  Wesley was improving, thank the Moon. In the beginning I was afraid he wouldn’t make it. But now he was speaking and eating, and soon he’d be able to start walking again. I thought this would be a good time to invite Charlie and Mason over to chat with him. If anyone could share his struggles, as ex-Scarlet Ridge omegas, it would be them.

  Their alpha mates, Flint and Jericho, stayed home to watch their pups, since it would be pretty overwhelming for Wesley if two huge families came to visit him.

  “Hey, you two,” I said as I welcomed them at the door. Charlie and Mason both gave me a quick hug. “How are the pups?”

  “Good, since their other dad is watching them,” Mason said with a smirk.

  “Tell me about it,” Charlie said, sighing. “Now that there’s two of them and they’re both old enough to run around, there’s never a dull moment at our place.”

  “I’m glad mine aren’t that old yet, but it’s coming up fast,” Mason muttered.

  I chuckled. “You two sound like you’re almost regretting having pups.”

  “No!” they both screamed at me at the same time.

  “Never,” Charlie said, offended and shaking his head.

  “Alpha,” Mason scoffed at me. “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” I said, holding up my hands before the two omegas almost killed me.

  “You’re forgiven,” Mason said. “Now where’s this omega you were telling us about?”

  “This way.”

  I lead them to the office where Wesley was waiting. I hadn’t seen him since the night before. I hoped he was more energetic today after a big meal.

  I knocked on the door. “Wesley?”

  A moment later he said, “Come in.”

  I entered the room first, with Charlie and Mason waiting outside. I smiled at Wesley, who looked well-rested. “You have a couple visitors today,” I told him.

  He looked confused. “Who?”

  “They’re a couple of my friends. Omegas from Scarlet Ridge. I thought it would be nice for you guys to talk.”

  His eyes widened for a moment before returning to normal. “Okay,” he said cautiously.

  I invited Charlie and Mason inside. I stood next to Wesley, while Charlie took the seat in the corner and Mason leaned against the counter.

  “Uh, hey,” Mason said with a friendly smile. “I’m Mason.”

  “And I’m Charlie.”

  Wesley looked back and forth between them. “I’m Wesley,” he said quietly. “Nice to meet you.”

  “So… Ken tells us you’re from Scarlet Ridge pack,” Mason began.

  Wesley nodded.

  “We are too,” Mason said, gesturing to Charlie. “Charlie’s been here a bit longer than I have. How are you, uh, liking it here so far?”

  Wesley just shrugged. I thought he might be overwhelmed by the attention, so I spoke for him.

  “He’s only been here about a week, and he’s spent most of that time unconscious,” I said. “We haven’t had a chance to do much, yet.”

  Mason’s eyes widened and Charlie gasped.

  “Unconscious? Why?” Charlie asked.

  I glanced back to Wesley. Suddenly I wished I’d told my friends about his situation earlier so they wouldn’t make a big scene about it now, but I also didn’t want to tell Wesley’s story without his permission.

  But to my surprise, Wesley spoke up in a firm voice.

  “I was beat up and left on the border,” he said. “My injuries were so bad that I only just woke up recently.”

  Both my friends’ eyes widened in sympathy.

  “Holy shit,” Mason muttered. “That’s horrible.”

  “Why?” Charlie said, shaking his head. “I know… Scarlet Ridge became worse after I left, but this is just awful. Why would they do such a thing?”

  Wesley’s mouth went tight and he stared at his clenched fists on top of the blanket. “I… I don’t know,” he admitted. “The only thing I can think of is… that I’m nineteen and still haven’t had my first heat. Maybe Gunner thinks I’m infertile or something. That would explain why he thought I was trash.”

  Both Mason and Charlie flinched at the sound of Gunner’s name, but then were filled with rage. Even I was furious. I couldn’t believe anyone could do such a thing, but it wouldn’t surprise me after all the atrocities I’d learned about Scarlet Ridge pack.

  “I can’t believe him,” Mason snapped. “I knew he was evil, but this is just… unacceptable.”

  “How many more omegas have to suffer because of him…?” Charlie murmured, almost to himself.

  I noticed Wesley’s eyes were averted and he’d gone quiet. I felt insensitive for bringing my friends here and having them talk about this topic right away. I went to his side and put a hand on his shoulder.

  “I’m sorry,” I said quietly. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “No, it’s okay,” Wesley said. “It’s not upsetting. It’s in the past, so... “ He shrugged.

  “We’re sorry, too,” Charlie said. “We were being insensitive. We should talk about something else.”

  Wesley lifted his gaze and surveyed all of us. He nodded. “Okay.”

  “You’re gonna have a great life here,” Charlie said with a gentle smile. “Indigo Mountain pack is just amazing.”

  “Yeah!” Mason chimed in. “I know you haven’t been out in town yet, but it’s nothing like Scarlet Ridge. You’ll see.”

  “Really?” Wesley asked. “What’s different about it?”

  An idea hit me. I looked over at Wesley. “How do you feel about walking today? You can go check it out for yourself. With our help, of course.”

  “A-already?” Wesley said. “Am I really okay to walk?”

  “Let’s see. Try getting out of bed.”

  Standing by to help him, I watched as Wesley slowly lifted the blankets off his body and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He winced slightly but recovered and attempted to lower himself. For a moment the slipped, but I rushed in to catch him before he fell.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” he said. “Just a little woozy on my feet, but…”

  With my help, he slowly stood. His knees shook a little from disuse, and his legs were still bruised and purple from the recovering injuries, but he was able to stand by himself. He let out a sigh.

  “I did it,” he said.

  Mason and Charlie clapped before I silenced them with a sharp look.

  “You did,” I turned back to Mason and said with a smile. “If you feel okay, try to take a few steps. I’m here for you to grab onto.”

  Wesley nodded and cautiously tried to walk. He managed to get halfway across the room before he gasped and his knees buckled. Instantly I shot out and grabbed him, pulling him against my chest.

  Wesley was panting heavily in shock. Without thinking, I gently stroked his hair soothingly.

  “Are you alright?” I asked.

  Wesley nodded and said breathlessly, “Yes. I just don’t think I can walk yet.”

  Gently, I helped him back to the bed, where he sat with a flushed face. I felt bad for him; I wished Mason and Charlie weren’t here to see him fall.

  “Wait here,” I told Wesley.

  A moment later, I returned with a wheelchair and some of my clothes. “Here. You’re well enough to go outside. I don’t want to take that away from you any longer.”

  Wesley blinked down at the wheelchair. “I don’t know how to use one.”

  “I’m going to push it for you. Come on, I’ll help you in.”

  After giving Wesley something to wear that wasn’t a hospital gown, he sat down in the wheelchair. I took the handles and wheeled him out. He took one last glance at the office over his shoulder before we exited the main entrance hallway and entered the outside world. He blinked at the sudden sunlight shining down on him.

  Charlie and Mason followed us out.

  “Where should we go first?” Mason asked. “Ooh, what about that ice cream place?”

  “I like the cafe we went to for your baby shower,” Charlie said.

  Wesley didn’t seem like he was listening to them anymore. His eyes were wide in awe as he took in his brand new surroundings.

  “Guys?” I told my friends. “Maybe this is something Wesley and I should do ourselves.”

  They exchanged glances before nodding.

  “Sure,” Charlie said.

  “See you guys later,” Mason said, waving us off. “Shit, now I want some ice cream… Let’s go.”

  They left, leaving Wesley and I alone together. I looked down at him. He hadn’t said a word since we left the office.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked.

  “Weird,” he murmured.


  “No, not me, I meant… everything is so different here.”

  I followed his gaze and looked around. I was so used to my pack and town, but Wesley was seeing it for the first time. I tried to see things through his eyes. Of course, I didn’t have anything to compare it to.

  “Is it… nicer than Scarlet Ridge?” I asked.

  Wesley paused. “It’s different.”

  A moment later I asked, “Do you know why it’s called Indigo Mountain pack?”

  “No. Why?”

  “I’ll show you.”

  I wheeled him through town, passing every store. A few people quickly glanced curiously in Wesley’s direction, but said nothing. I didn’t know how many of them knew there was another Scarlet Ridge omega among us, but I was sure as Wesley recovered, he’d become more well-known. Charlie and Mason were already accepted as beloved members of our pack; I was sure it would be the same with Wesley.

  We remained in comfortable silence as I
wheeled Wesley out further out from town. Soon we neared a viewing spot. It was a wide deck crawling with ivy and other plants that sprung up in-between the wooden floorboards. It was old, but sturdy - built by shifters of our pack generations ago.

  “Here we are,” I said, helping Wesley to his feet. He leaned against me until we reached the rails and he could stand on his own, although I was never too far away. His eyes widened in awe as he stared out at the beautiful scene in front of us.

  Down below was a stretch of smaller mountain hills and lush forest. Everything was green with splashes of color here and there. I hadn’t been here in a long time and I’d forgotten how gorgeous our surroundings were.

  “Where’s the indigo?” Wesley asked.

  I leaned slightly over the rail and gestured for him to do the same. “Look down.”

  Wesley looked over the edge, then gasped.

  Down the side of the cliff, as far as the eye could see, were blue and purple flowers growing sideways out of the soil and rock. Carefully, I leaned down and plucked one close by before handing it to Wesley. He stared in awe at the tiny blue flower, twirling it around by the stem.

  “It’s a forget-me-not,” Wesley said quietly. “This flower.”

  “Do you know a lot about flowers?”

  He shrugged. “A little. We… don’t have as lush of a territory at Scarlet Ridge, so I mostly had to learn about flora through books.”

  “You don’t have flowers in your old pack?” I asked, confused.

  “Not like this,” Wesley said as he shook his head.

  “Strange,” I mumbled. “I can’t imagine why. Scarlet Ridge isn’t so far from us, so our local nature should be the same.”

  He shrugged. “It’s a lot of concrete, for safety and sturdiness.” He glanced at me. “Just in case anyone decides to attack it. Flowers don’t hold up as well as concrete.”

  I blinked at him. I thought it was a strange thing to say, but I didn’t press the issue. Wesley lived here now; he didn’t have to worry about Scarlet Ridge anymore. Still… why did he think Scarlet Ridge would be attacked? Maybe he was just paranoid and anxious after escaping.

  “Well, you don’t need to concern yourself with that,” I said. “No one has attacked us for as long as I can remember. We only had a couple of incidents with previous omegas - Charlie and Mason - that were swiftly taken care of.”


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