East of the Sun, West of the Moon

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East of the Sun, West of the Moon Page 6

by John Ringo

  "A group of assassins descended on the training facility," Edmund said. "We've only got the first words off of the semaphore. Apparently some were human but the rest were some sort of large bug, sort of like a giant scorpion..."

  "Possibly solfugid mods," Megan said, shaking her head. "Basically giant camel spiders with metallic mandibles. The same thing that Celine sent after Minjie Jiaqui's assassin."

  "The personnel were sleeping so they went through the barracks...well there weren't any survivors," Edmund said. "The message made it sound rather bad."

  "Didn't they have guards?" Herzer growled.

  "They were well guarded, Major," General Galbreath said, sharply. "A company of legionnaires with Blood Lord officers. We don't know what happened to them."

  "Probably poison spiders," Megan said, thoughtfully. "That was how they got through to whatsisname."

  "A response team from Seventh Legion got most of them," Edmund said. "Apparently the rest escaped into the night. They're either still out there in hiding or they'll go on a rampage in the area."

  "So what now?" Herzer asked.

  "Well, we're going to have to form a scratch team," General Galbreath said, looking at him pointedly.

  "Oh, Christ on a crutch," Herzer muttered. "Let me guess."

  "You got it," Edmund replied. "You're now the head of the Icarus assault team. Congratulations. It comes with a promotion."

  "Oh, crap," Herzer muttered. "I won't ask 'why me.'"

  "There's more," Edmund said, looking at Megan. "The team had been analyzing the systems on the ship and they had come to the conclusion that it was going to be necessary to have at least one Keyholder on the mission. I'd been discussing it with Sheida. Effectively, since Norau is carrying the ball on the mission, the choice comes down to you or me. I'd been arguing, quite hard, for me. Sheida disagrees."

  "So do I," Megan said, shaking her head. "You're too involved in the planning for the assault on Ropasa. You can't leave. I'm...less important."

  "Like hell you are," Herzer protested. "Without you we'd be planning on an invasion without the bare minimum forces we need."

  "But the most important parts of the politicking are done for the moment," Megan pointed out. "I'll be back to the capitol in three or four months. Nothing really critical should come up between now and then."

  "Megan," Herzer said, closing his eyes, "this is not your...this is not something that you're trained for or...this is not your... Damnit!"

  "Herzer," Megan said, laying a hand on his arm. "This is something that has to be done. And I'm the best person to do it, apparently. Who goes? Edmund? Sheida?"

  "Yes!" Herzer said. "Edmund is damned near as good at surviving as I am! Sheida is... She has a background in surviving."

  "So do I," Megan said, angrily.

  "Not this!" Herzer snapped. "I don't care how well planned this mission supposedly is! It's going to turn into a blind-sided cluster fisk! I can feel it! I don't want you in the middle of that!"

  "And you'll be there to protect me," Megan said, smiling faintly. "Besides, we're going to have to train for this, right? Which means we get more time together. You'd been complaining about not seeing enough of me."

  "When the air is whistling out of your suit, what am I supposed to do but watch you die?" Herzer asked, bleakly.

  "I'm going, Herzer," Megan said, flatly. "That's final."

  "I know," he replied, flexing one muscle in his jaw. "But I don't have to like it." He paused and shook his head. "I don't like any of it. I don't even know the plans. I mean, I know that the team planned on going up to the ship and seizing it. But I don't know how they were going to get there, what the ship is like, what the battle plans were... Jesus! And everyone that knew the plans is now toast!"

  "Not quite everyone," Edmund said. "Evan Mayerle was consulting on the mission. He wasn't part of the team so he was off-site when the attack occurred. He's still alive and he knows the plans and the details of the ship. The basic mission is simple; take control of the ship and ensure that New Destiny does not. If you can't ensure it, make sure that the ship is unusable, probably by crashing it into the moon."

  "That would be...bad," Megan said, frowning. "That would mean both sides would lose the power."

  "Better that we lose the power than New Destiny get it," General Galbreath said. "I'm afraid that, given the conditions, it's unlikely we can lock New Destiny out entirely. It's complicated, but you'll get fully briefed."

  "But we've got serious personnel shortage," Edmund added. "Besides the fighters, the team has to have people that know how the ship systems work and they're incredibly ancient. That ship has been out there plying its path for well over a thousand years. It's been maintained but never really updated; there was no need. We'd found or trained people on the old style computers it uses, engineers for the ion drive engines and pilots for the shuttle craft..."

  "Shuttle craft?" Herzer asked. "What shuttle craft?"

  "I'll get to that," Edmund said. "But they're all dead. We need to find replacements and we'll need to find them fast. We'll get to work on that. You concentrate on the strike personnel. The Icarus team, I always thought, was too small. It was concentrated on getting in and doing the mission but I'd been arguing that they weren't prepared for things to go to hell in a handbasket. I don't have to worry about that with you in charge."

  "No, sir," Herzer said, dryly. "I mean, they've already gone to hell in a handbasket. All we can do at this point is steer."

  "You can draw on anyone you need, Major," General Galbreath said. "And I do mean anyone."

  "Where are we going to get the techs?" Herzer asked.

  "We'll be going over records," Edmund said, frowning. "Unfortunately, most towns didn't record what people did pre-Fall and if they did they haven't told the Federal government. The census didn't record it, either. So the only place I know has lists of people's training, pre-Fall, is in Raven's Mill. We'll probably start there and work our way out."

  "We can't exactly take out ads on this," Megan pointed out, shaking her head. "There are probably a thousand people in Norau with each of the specialties we need. But finding them is going to be tough. Especially with the time constraint."

  "I'll put Lt. Van Krief to work on it," Edmund said. "She's a miracle worker when it comes to ferreting out information. And I'll get June Lasker from Raven's Mill with the records from there and put out a call for similar records."

  "Where were they training?" Herzer asked.

  "A facility near the Perzburg reactor," General Galbreath said. "I assume you'll want to use the same facilities."

  "Rather than reinvent the wheel, yes, sir," Herzer replied. "That's near Tarson and Harzburg. Joy. I hoped I'd never have to go up there again."

  "You won't be going to Harzburg," Edmund said. "And for the time being you'll need to stay here in Washan while we assemble lists of potential personnel. Again, you concentrate on the strike operators. We'll find the techs."

  "I'll make a list," Herzer said, thinking about good soldiers he had met and fought beside. Unfortunately, many of them were dead. "They'll all be missed by their commands."

  "You'll get them," General Galbreath promised.

  "Are we done for tonight?" Megan asked, looking at the clock mounted on the wall. "Not that it's worth going back to bed. I have a breakfast meeting in two hours. I'll start clearing my schedule immediately."

  "You're detached from ops as of now, Herzer," Edmund said, "and promoted commander. Congratulations."

  "You said that," Herzer replied. "I wish I could be happy. But we'll get it done. One way or another. Oath of the Bull God we will."

  * * *

  "What do you think?" Megan asked as they returned to the apartment in her carriage.

  "I don't know enough to think anything," Herzer replied. "Except that we need to upgrade your security. And Edmund's come to think of it."

  "I've got wards up to look for Celine's little toys," Megan said. "Don't worry about them. And enough p
ower to cover both of us in personal protection fields."

  "They can take those down," Herzer pointed out. "But I get you. I didn't know that, though."

  "I hadn't thought about it," Megan replied, honestly. "But they're there. Also to check the personnel. I knew that there was only one additional person present when you went to the door. If there had been more I would have told you. But I didn't see any reason to bring it up before. It's just...second nature at this point. I was thinking about the mission, though."

  "So was I," Herzer admitted. "But until we get some sort of full briefing, I don't think we can do more than fret about it. I wish I'd gotten some sleep, though."

  "Don't tell me you were still awake," Megan said. "You need to figure out some way to get to sleep better."

  "Well, there's nature's tranquilizer," Herzer said then grimaced. "Sorry."

  "Yes, there is," Megan said, seriously. "And, damnit, I'm going to get back on the horse. Soon. I promise. It's not fair to you and I'm tired of being afraid of it. I'll be honest, I miss sex. Even bad sex which was about all I got from Paul. It would be nice to find out if there's such a thing as good sex."

  "Oh, lady," Herzer said, pulling her into his arms. "I don't know if I'm good enough, and it's going to be hard to be...how I'll have to be. But I'll try, I promise."

  "You tempt me, you truly do," Megan said, with a grin that segued into a grimace. "But that damned meeting..."

  "Not tonight, love," Herzer said. "You've got a meeting. I'm off duty. I'm going to catch some sleep until there's more news. I suspect that sleep is going to be optional for a while."

  Chapter Five

  All of Megan's staff were up and in the apartment when they got back.

  "What happened?" Shanea asked. "We heard the knocking but when we got dressed you were already gone!"

  "The Icarus team got taken out," Herzer said, stripping off his jacket and yawning. "So for my sins they're putting me in charge."

  "Oh my God!" Shanea wailed. "You're going into space?"

  "Looks like it," Herzer muttered. "Is the coffee on?"

  "I thought you were going back to bed?" Megan said. "Meredith, Ashley, spend most of tomorrow clearing my schedule. I'm going to be unavailable in a few days."

  "Yes, ma'am," Meredith said, nodding. "May I ask why?"

  "It turns out that there's something unspecified that requires the presence of a Keyholder on the mission," Megan said with a moue. "So that means me or Duke Edmund. Of the two, I'm less necessary at the moment."

  "You're going?" Ashley said. "You've got to be joking!"

  "I'm not joking," Megan said. "What's on the schedule for the breakfast meeting?"

  "Vote count," Meredith said. "The port upgrades, fleet budget and the new legion budgeting."

  "Make sure the linking sheet is ready with a list of hard votes," Megan said, shaking her head. "Mirta...a gray suit I think. The news will have gotten around fast. A touch of mourning clothes would be in order. Among other things it will send a signal that I knew about it before anyone else."

  "What about us?" Ashley said. "We're not going with you, are we?"

  "No," Megan said with a smile. "Meredith will stay in Washan to keep an eye on things. Ditto Mirta to follow the rumor mill. I'd like you and Shanea to accompany me to the training facility. You to handle the reports from Meredith and Shanea..."

  "Because I'm nice to have around?" Shanea asked, bringing in a tray with coffee and some rolls.

  "Exactly," Megan said, smiling. "Thank you."

  "I'm going to have to start working out, soon," Herzer said. "Mirta? Meredith? I don't know which of you would handle it but I need a set of weights. Barbells from ten kilos to forty, bar weights from sixty to two hundred and a press bench. If you can find it a legion weight training system. I don't know when we'll be leaving town and I'm going to have to get started right away if the mission is in two months."

  "You look in pretty good shape to me," Shanea said, grinning.

  "That's because you've never seen me actually in shape," Herzer replied with a smile. "Even on the ship I was woefully out of condition. Sleep or workout?" he muttered, taking another sip of coffee and a bite of roll. "Ah, hell, I can sleep when I'm dead. I doubt anything serious will get done today; they're going to have to get Evan down here from the training facility, he'll have to get a brief together..."

  "You're not planning on starting today, are you?" Megan asked.

  "Yeah," Herzer said. "But I'll need more breakfast than a roll. I'll go get it from the deli around the corner."

  "The hell you will," Shanea protested. "What do you want? We've got everything you could possibly need here."

  "Hmmm," Herzer muttered. "Well, when I get back, I'd like six eggs, over easy, about six slices of bacon, four pieces of toast, coffee," he said, waving his cup, "and if you've got it, a large portion of hash browns."

  "Ulp," Shanea gasped. "All that?"

  "All that," Herzer said, standing up. "Megan, I'll see you later, I guess."

  "You're going now?"

  "Traffic's light," Herzer grinned. "Best time of the day."

  * * *

  Herzer stumbled back into the apartment, fully aware of how badly out of shape he was. He'd only gone about twenty kilometers with the ruck and half of that had been at a walk. And it wasn't a combat loaded ruck. He should have been able to trot the whole distance if not run it. Either he was getting old or soft living in the capitol was taking its toll.

  "Are you ready for breakfast?" Shanea asked then blanched. "Are you okay?"

  "I will be," Herzer gasped, lowering the ruck onto the floor of the entryway. "But right now I'd puke at the sight of food. I'll be fine after a shower."

  "I'll get started then," Shanea said.


  * * *

  As he was finishing breakfast the weights started to arrive accompanied by Mirta.

  "I got everything you asked for," she said as the sweating workmen carried the material into the apartment.

  "I have no idea where we're going to put it all," Herzer temporized.

  "Meredith has offered the spare space in her office," Mirta said with a grin.

  "I hate to throw her out," Herzer replied, frowning.

  "Oh, you're not," Mirta said with a smile. "I said the spare space. She said she can work around you."

  * * *

  There had been no further word from Edmund and Herzer was well into his upper body workout when Meredith wandered into the room.

  Her "office" was one of the spare bedrooms in the apartment. Each of the ladies had their own apartments in the building, which had been virtually co-opted by Megan, but she had an additional office in Megan's apartment where she kept most of the records. The room was large, however, and the desk and filing cabinet only took up part of the space. The extensive weight equipment Herzer had ordered, however, could have taken up a much larger room.

  "Are you sure this is going to work?" Herzer asked, slowly raising a barbell in one hand and prosthetic up to shoulder height, arms outstretched in front of him. He took a slow breath as he raised them then held them out at full extension. He was wearing cut off shorts and a sweat-soaked, sleeveless, gray cosilk shirt.

  "If I can get in here around your stuff, yes," Meredith said, coldly. She dropped the files in her arms on the desk and sat down, opening up the top one. "And if I don't have to engage in casual conversation."

  Herzer took the hint and lowered the barbells with an outrush of breath, waited a moment and then repeated the movement.

  He was half way through a forty rep of slow curls when Meredith closed the file she was reading and turned around in her chair.

  "Aren't you supposed to do a lower body workout one day and an upper body workout the next?" she asked, scornfully.

  "I did a heavy lower body today," Herzer said, slowly raising the twenty kilo barbell. "This is a light upper body workout."

  "That's light?" Meredith said, frowning.

," Herzer replied.

  Meredith watched him for a moment and then turned back around, opening another file.

  * * *

  "Thanks for coming over here, Evan," Herzer said, helping the engineer with the easel he had brought.

  Evan Mayerle was a medium height, brown-haired young man with blue eyes that at the moment were mostly focused on Shanea's rump. She had brought in a tray of coffee and sweet rolls and placed them on the low table by bending over from the waist. Since she was wearing a tight skirt, her endowments in the area were fully evident.

  "Uh..." the engineer said. "Yeah. Uhm..."

  "Briefing on the Excelsior," Herzer said, grinning.

  "Right," Evan said, shaking his head and trying not to watch the blonde as she sashayed out of the room. "Excelsior," he muttered, pulling a set of charts out of a tube and pinning them to the easel. "Excelposterior..." He paused and shook his head. "Miss Travante, have we met?"

  "Briefly on the Hazhir," Megan replied.

  "Nice to see you again," Evan muttered, his eyes wandering between her chest and her eyes. He shook his head again and pulled out two thick files from his briefcase.

  "I suppose I should get started," he said, setting the files on the coffee table. "Uhm..." He paused and took a breath again and then turned to the easel. "You're ready?"

  "Ready, Mr. Mayerle," Megan said, trying not to laugh.

  "The Excelsior was built in 2935. It was originally a tanker that carried hydrocarbons from Neptune to Terra."

  Herzer started to open his mouth and then close it. Evan, concentrating on his notes, didn't notice.

  "It was refitted for Helium Three transport in 3212 when the market for hydrocarbons dropped below the sustainment level for the system. As the last of its class it was retained while the others were scrapped. It uses an ion drive propulsion system which, of course, is very low impulse but has a high maximum speed..."

  "Excuse me," Herzer interjected. "I'm lost. What is an ion drive?"

  "You know what ions are, right?" Evan said, frowning.

  "Yes," Megan said.

  "No," Herzer replied at the same time.

  Evan sighed and thought for a moment.


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