The Siders Box Set

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The Siders Box Set Page 67

by Leah Clifford

  Inside Gabriel, everything went cold. The happy memories with Michael split open and spilled out what Gabriel hadn’t allowed himself to think of until now. Michael’s lips against his lips, those same lips against Gabe’s ear begging forgiveness after their last terrible fight. The shake started in Gabe’s hands, and then it was everywhere.

  “Their threat will cease. In such I trust. But what of your task, Gabriel?” Michael asked with false innocence. He leaned back casually, opened his mind enough for Gabe to catch one thought. By my side or beneath my sword, Gabriel.

  Without warning, Michael was gone from the table and standing in front of him. “Shall I anticipate problems, or have you overcome your tremor of loyalty?” Michael said as he laid a hand on Gabriel’s cheek. He dragged a fingernail down Gabe’s jaw, digging enough to take off a thin layer of skin.

  The air stung the trail where Michael had touched him. “My mind is settled,” Gabe said.

  “Well then . . .” The hand on Gabe’s shoulder clenched. “The death breather is being held on the seventh floor. Remedy your mistake now,” Michael said calmly.

  “I don’t know if I—” The fingers loosened and slipped from Gabe’s shoulder to his arm. Around him, the room was silent, the others watching. Not one interfered. More hovered near the doorway, drawn in by the raw emotion in the air.

  Still too few, Gabe thought, being sure to keep it scrambled. I need them all here. He raised his voice. “Spare them, Michael! Some part of you must know it’s the right thing to do.”

  Gabe gave no reasons, made no effort to back up his plea.

  The weakness of the argument clearly infuriated Michael. He leaned nearer to Gabe’s ear. “You are being an embarrassment. Executioner or executed,” he whispered before his voice grew loud enough for the others to hear. “We have not killed her because she awaits you. The other abomination we use to poison Downstairs. A third female is being evaluated.”

  The third must have been the Sider Az told him about at the restaurant, the one who turned Madeline mortal.

  “And the boy?” Gabriel asked, but there was no need. In his heart he knew Jackson was dead. He couldn’t even do Madeline the justice of saving him. “Will no one stop this madness?” He met each set of eyes in the room. “These are not demons! Let them go, and I promise you in time they’ll be no threat to the mortals.”

  The room swelled with Gabe’s frustration and Michael’s fury. More Bound gathered at the door.

  “What mars your judgment, Gabriel? How can you not see the evil in them? They pull mortals from their paths, rob them of their lives, their chance at everlasting love!”

  You hypocrite. He cloaked the thought without effort. Gabriel ripped his arm out of Michael’s grip, but when he did, he stumbled backward. His heel caught on an uneven board. Tailbone screaming as he hit the floor, the wood buckled under his weight. Pain flared up his thigh and hip as he sunk into the hole, broken splinters ripping into his skin.

  Michael fell to his knees, his hand in Gabe’s. “Are you injured?”

  Without pausing, Michael helped him stand again. He gave his head a sad shake as if at a loss. “Gabriel, we’ve been patient,” he said, a timid glance skirting around to the others. “Take him to the Sider. He fulfills his promise or…”

  Rough hands drew him away as Michael trailed off. Gabriel swallowed his rage. You deserve everything coming to you, he thought.

  Earlier, Gabe had called the only person left who stood a chance at saving the Siders. He’d thought of Az, Jarrod, and Kristen waiting for him at the restaurant, of Eden and the rest in that one room prison, trapped. Gabe had known the Bound wouldn’t give him another chance to walk away from Eden. And so he’d made the call to Luke.

  It had surprised him how quickly Luke had come up with a partial plan, almost as if he’d been expecting the call. Your role is small, Luke had told him. Tell me where the Bound are hiding out and, at the appointed time, create a diversion.

  There was a price, of course. Not trust or future favors. Instead, Luke had asked for something so simple, Gabe had known it must be a trick. And yet what choice had he but to agree? Only Luke knew the full details of the plot; the Bound wouldn’t be warned by any stray thoughts from the others.

  “Let me go!” Gabe yelled now, jerking violently enough to keep the attention of the cluster of angels surrounding him.

  Gabriel didn’t fight as they hauled him out of the room. He dragged his feet just enough to slow their progression for a few more seconds, and then gave in. He’d played his part and drawn the Bound away. Az and Jarrod should be hidden somewhere in the building by now.

  But as the Bound marched Gabe to the stairwell, a new fear took hold inside him.

  You can resist killing her, Gabe told himself as they walked him up the stairs to where they kept Eden. This can’t all be for nothing.

  Chapter 31

  In the shadows of a dark doorway, Kristen waited for Luke’s signal. Jarrod and Az had gone to the left while she and Luke would take the stairs to the right. But Az and Jarrod had been gone two minutes and still Luke stood, silent and unmoving.

  Kristen licked her lips. “Are we going to—”

  “Quiet,” Luke snapped. But almost immediately, he reached behind him and grabbed her hand, his thumb stroking the base of her palm as if in apology. From somewhere far off in the building, she heard yelling.

  “They’ve been spotted,” she whispered.

  “They haven’t.”

  He’s on Touch. He’s not… The thought trailed off. Well, on Touch he was himself. Even more himself. Dangerous. Deadly. He turned. His mouth skimmed across her jaw.

  “What are you doing?” she managed.

  “The blood… You.” His hands clawed into her hair, shoved her head back roughly as he kissed a hard line down her neck. “I’m frenzied.”

  “Oh, for Christ’s sake, get a hold of yourself!” She fought herself free, untangling him. “This is what you get for stealing kisses like a lovesick schoolboy,” she said, and shoved him off.

  “I’m lovesick?” He sidled up to her again, nipped at her earlobe. “Love,” he scoffed. “A pathetic human emotion designed to torture the weak creatures who give in to its charms. And it’s all you crave.”

  “And what of it?” She refused to let him use her emotions against her. “Luke, this is neither the time, nor the place.” Her words were hardly more than a rush of air.

  “You want the one thing I’m incapable of giving you.” He tucked a finger under her chin and tilted her head up. “I will never love you.” Those same oily black eyes devoured her, called to her. “But, I possess you, inside and out. You feel it, don’t you?” he said, a hand running down her side to her waist. “How I’m written into the pause you take between breaths, pumping through your blood. Etched onto your bones.”

  He’s spiraling, she realized. The Touch she’d passed him was like chumming the waters before swimming with sharks. If she set him off, he might tear her apart before the Bound even got their chance. She knew better than to bait him. It didn’t stop her. “No one possesses me. Least of all you, Lucifer.”

  She was too startled to scream as he twisted her around and against him. He cocked an arm around her neck. “I’m sorry for this, Kristen, I truly am. I suppose it’s a mixed message to have saved you from the Bound,” he said, walking them slowly through the hall, no longer bothering to hide their presence. “Only to hand you over to them.”

  No. It had to be the Touch. Some sort of mistake. “You wouldn’t do this,” she croaked out. “Not to me. Stop and think.”

  “I’ve used you before.” He sounded coherent. He sounded like he knew exactly what he was doing. The arm around her neck squeezed. “Is this really so surprising?”

  Sorrow crashed through her before it was burned away by fury. She clawed at his arm, shredding skin with her nails. “Let me go, you bastard!”

  He pushed her toward the atrium. “I’ve brought a gift,” Luke snarled, his voice e
choing through the building.

  Someone leaned over the balcony.

  The air popped in front of her, and a Bound was inches from her face.

  “Lucifer?” he said. “The Morning Star brings presents in hopes of what exactly?”

  Luke thrust her out in front of him. Kristen stumbled, would have fallen if it wasn’t for his grip on her neck. “You have a traitor in your midst. This is Gabriel’s. Use her to punish him.”

  I’m so stupid, she thought. She’d trusted Luke again, and this time everyone would pay the price. Kristen unleashed an angry scream.

  “In return, give me the Sider who poisons my realm,” he said.

  With a sound like fireworks, a dozen Bound disappeared from balconies above and reappeared all around them, drawn by curiosity and the scents of fear and rage.

  One reached for her, but Luke snatched her against himself. “Stop fighting,” he barked in her ear and tightened his arm around her, though she hadn’t moved. “Do you have authority to accept my offer?” he asked the angel.

  The Bound turned to another beside him. “Michael. Find him.” Then he stepped closer and touched Kristen’s face.

  Luke hissed at him, and he dropped his hand. “I want the death breather before I give her up,” Luke said. “Take me to her.”

  The angel clicked its teeth. Kristen’s blood ran cold.

  Floor after floor, Luke kept her just in front of him. Most of the angels followed behind, others flickering in the stairwell above. Finally, they left the stairs and were led to a room.

  “She’s there,” one of the Bound said, stopping them. Luke’s hold on Kristen tightened as the angel reached forward to brush the tears from her face. “Don’t worry. This will all be over soon,” he cooed.

  Five feet beyond the threshold, the floor of the room was gone. Luke walked her to the edge and leaned over the lip to find Sullivan. Kristen almost fell in but recoiled back and up onto her toes at the last second. Luke nudged her again. The knife in her boot dug into her calves. I still have the knife. He didn’t take the knife. Why didn’t—

  “What knife?” the Bound demanded.

  Luke jerked the straps of the backpack from her shoulders. “She wanted revenge. I armed her to fuel her trust in me.” He tossed the pack off to the side, his other hand on her waist. “Now,” Luke said as his finger tapped once against her hip. His foot moved behind hers, braced against her heel. “Where’s Michael?” Two taps. An angel stepped toward them. Three taps. “Back off!” Luke yelled. His tug sent her off balance. Kristen tripped over his foot and fell backward into the pit.

  She landed hard on her hip and shoulder, all her breath rushing out.

  Above her, Luke screamed obscenities. “I never even saw the death breather! Where the fuck is Michael!” She heard footsteps as Luke stormed off into the hall.

  Stunned, she lay there, pain radiating through her body.

  “Is she okay?” The voice came from behind her.

  Someone rolled her over gently. Kristen blinked hard to bring the face peering down at her into focus. “Eden,” she choked.

  Kristen tilted her head just enough to see the alcove the rest of them were hidden in, the decayed ceiling overhead stretching a few feet from the wall.

  Someone took her hands and dragged her into the false security of the cover.

  “Is she hurt?” a familiar voice asked. “Give her here.”

  “Gabe?” she whispered. He lifted her into his arms, hugging her with everything he had. She stiffened. “I’m okay.”

  Was Gabe in trouble? Why else would the Bound have him holed up with the Siders they were keeping prisoner? Wait. They can’t keep him down here, she realized. He can just disappear. They know that.

  “You’re right. But don’t think it so clearly.” He didn’t let go, pressed his lips against her ear as his hand found hers. “He had to do that. Luke.”

  She faltered, confused. Unsure of the trick though sure it was one.

  “Luke did not betray you, do you understand?” he whispered so there would be no doubt. Gabriel pulled back and kissed her on the forehead. “I can’t lie. You know that.”

  She could almost feel the soft taps of Luke’s finger against her hip when they’d stood at the threshold above. Three times before she’d tripped over the foot he’d planted behind hers. He was warning me, counting down.

  Gabe squeezed her shoulder. “Careful. I heard that. You’ve got to clear your mind, Kristen. He made me promise to tell you. It was the price for his help, but you cannot tip the Bound off.”

  She couldn’t quite figure out the feeling that rushed over her. Relief, happiness, some part of her still disbelieving while vindication fought its way in. Luke didn’t betray me. Kristen tried to get rid of the thought, surveying the alcove. Huddled in the shadows, furthest back, she saw Rachel. Sullivan, too, hid back there. Eden stood near the opening in the ceiling, looking up through the dimness. Kristen glanced around the rest of the room, suddenly aware of someone missing. “Where’s Jackson?” she asked.

  Only Sullivan met her eyes. “They killed him. And another boy when I wouldn’t send him Downstairs. It was quick,” she said with compassion. “Neither of them suffered.”

  You’re lying. It was a kindness, one she didn’t deserve from this girl Luke would surely have destroyed given the chance mere hours ago.

  “Why isn’t Az with you?” Eden asked. She was furthest away, and though she spoke to Kristen, she kept her weary gaze on Gabe. “Where’s Jarrod? Were they both caught, too?”

  Kristen didn’t answer.

  “Did you split up?”

  “If they’re dead, it’s worse not to know,” Sullivan said softly.

  Gabe shook his head subtly. Don’t tell them. “I was with Luke,” Kristen said, but gave them nothing more. “Gabe, don’t the Bound know you’re down here?”

  Shame dropped his shoulders. “I’ve been given a last chance to destroy Eden.”

  Kristen looked at Rachel. The girl stared back but said nothing. “Can’t Rachel just turn her mortal? The Bound won’t kill us if we’re mortal, right?”

  Gabriel hesitated. “I don’t know if I can keep you safe long enough for the change to happen. Rachel said it takes time, like when you became a Sider.”

  Above them, a scuffle sounded across the floor.

  “They’re back,” Sullivan whispered as something slammed against the wall.

  A scream cut short into silence.

  A dark shape hit the ground behind Kristen. She turned toward it, instinctively, but realizing what it was, she backpedaled in horror. The severed head wobbled to a stop near her feet.

  The body followed, hitting the floor with a heavy thud. Az landed in a crouch next to it, his wings spread wide for balance. He held the knife he’d gotten from Luke. Its blade dripped with blood.

  “So I guess you chose a side after all,” Kristen said as Eden dove forward with a shout.

  Az took Eden in his arms, one hand cupping the back of her head. They swayed, together, Eden’s fingers clutching and opening against his shoulder.

  “Jarrod.” Sullivan’s whisper was almost lost. “Where’s Jarrod?”

  Kristen helped her up. Before the girl could walk into the open, Az caught her T-shirt, one arm still gripping Eden fiercely. “He’s okay,” he said. “I’m staying with you guys. Luke and Jarrod are up top.” He looked down at Eden. “Ready to get out of here?” he said with a grin.

  She nodded.

  Kristen bent and slipped the sheathed blade from her boot. “Luke took my spare,” she told Az.

  “I’ve got one,” he said, handing over the extra knife Luke had given him. Kristen gave to it Rachel. From another part of the building, they heard fighting and the sound of breaking drywall. Az let Eden go.

  “Quickly,” Az said. “Jarrod and Luke are distracting anyone they can while I grab you guys.” He backed himself and Eden into the center of the room.

  “No. I’m first,” Sullivan said. The intensity
in her voice kept anyone from arguing. Eden stepped away, and Sullivan moved into Az’s arms. His wings swooped out, swirling dust through the air. He bent his knees, then leaped, pumping his wings once. He set Sullivan onto solid ground as Kristen heard something crash.

  “Hurry. Go help Jarrod,” Az said, handing her his knife. Sullivan took it and spun on her heel, tearing through the doorway and out onto the balcony.

  Kristen glanced over at Eden and laced her fingers together to make a stirrup. “Ready?”

  “Yeah,” Eden said, slipping her foot in. She bounced once before she pushed off. “Az!”

  He rotated midair and gripped her forearm.

  “Next,” Kristen said, waving Rachel over. “Hurry.” From where she was, she couldn’t see anything more than Az’s nervous glances at the room behind him.

  “Watch your back,” he told Eden. “I gave Sullivan my blade.”

  “My backpack!” Kristen yelled up. “It should be right near there. In the hall.”

  The racket was getting louder. A howl of enraged agony drowned out the screams. Luke. Wrath burst through Kristen, hardening her insides into pure fury.

  She forgot about Rachel and Gabriel, stretched her own hand out. “I’m next! Get me up there! Now!”

  In a moment she’d be up there, running to Luke’s side. Where I belong.

  But instead, Az pumped his wings and shot out of the room.

  “Wait!” she yelled.

  The room above her seemed empty. “Eden?”

  Kristen took a tentative step back, raising her blade. Rachel had her weapon ready to go. Gabriel stood by her side. He motioned for Kristen to come closer, protect Rachel.

  “Stay here,” Gabe told them before he disappeared.

  He’d barely gone before a loud pop came from behind her.

  “Kristen!” Rachel yelled. “Look out!”

  She spiraled around, but only managed to give the angel a glancing blow. The momentum kept her swinging, and she sliced again. This time his blood gushed out and across the floor. She crept backward, the flood of gore chasing her as he slumped to the ground.


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