Fox Lost (The Madison Wolves)

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Fox Lost (The Madison Wolves) Page 8

by Robin Roseau

  "What?" Zach said.

  "Yep. I guess you just want a light coating of Vermouth on the glass. I'm not sure why, and I'm sure there are other ways to make one. Then the bartender prepares the shaker. It's a metal container. He fills it with ice, and then he adds the vodka. He puts the lid on top and then shakes it."

  I turned to Zach. "There's ice in your martini, but it's so small, you can't see it. But by shaking the vodka in the ice that way, it gets really, really cold very quickly, almost too cold to hold the shaker any longer. The ice breaks a little bit, leaving tiny shards of ice in the vodka, and of course, some of it melts, watering the vodka every so slightly. Then it is poured through a strainer into your glass, and they add a garnish." I pointed to Zach's drink. "In this case, he used a twist, which is a bit of lemon peel. You could have asked for olives or onions instead. If you go somewhere else, they might not have a twist at all, but you would get one or two olives."

  "So there's ice."

  "Touch the glass," I said. "It is probably quite cool. When it arrived, it would have been at least as cold as Kurt's beer, and probably colder."

  Zach picked up his glass and declared it quite cold.

  "You want to hold it by the stem to avoid warming it with your hand, I believe," I said. "And you should understand that's four ounces of high quality vodka. That one drink is as much alcohol as four beers. I hope you aren't driving tonight."

  Zach took a sip. It was clear he wasn't impressed and wished he had ordered beer, but he didn't say anything.

  "What I find interesting is how quickly the vodka chills," I added. "It has to do with the surface area of the ice and how quickly you move the vodka over the ice. It's a lot like having a high wind chill index in the winter. And as I understand it, a common mistake is to over-shake the drink, which waters down the vodka if too much ice melts or breaks into pieces small enough to slip through the strainer. But part of the art is to let some of the ice break up into tiny shards. Or so I understand, anyway."

  I shrugged. "There are others who demand their martinis stirred, which doesn't chill them as much, but they don't want the vodka to get watered down. I couldn't tell you which is better. It's probably a matter of taste." I picked up my tea. "As you can guess, it's a science experiment to me."

  "So that's pure vodka?" Devon asked.

  "Nearly," I said. "A hint of Vermouth. There might be enough for a wolf nose to detect it, but I don't think I could. And, as I said, a little water. But yes, almost entirely pure vodka."

  "It sounds like a complicated way to get drunk really fast," Devon observed.

  "I believe that's the entire point," I said with a smile. "But I'm sure chilling the vodka like that is important to the enjoyment."

  Zach took another sip of his martini and set it aside, looking unhappy. I decided to let it go for now, but if Paige asked for a second round, I was going to ask Zach if he wanted a beer.

  Michele took the conversation back from me. I listened politely and played with my hair for a moment or two, just establishing my willingness to play with it.

  Michele kept the conversation light. Paige returned, bringing more bread and checking on our drinks.

  Zach eyed his martini then, surprisingly, finished it in one gulp.

  "Zach," I said quietly, "would you rather have a beer?"

  He turned to face me, hesitation on his face.

  "You should drink what you want," I said. "I'm just having tea."

  "Did I really just drink four beers?"

  "About, yes."

  "I never drink more than that," he said. "Tea?"

  "Coffee, water, maybe a coke?"

  He looked at the waitress. "Can I have a Coke?"

  "Of course, sir," she said to him. Kurt asked for another beer, and otherwise we were good.

  Our food arrived. I took as much of my fish as I was going to want and transferred the rest to my bread plate. Michele tried to give me an entire lamb chop, but I asked for just a little. The sommelier appeared with the dinner wine. I hadn't even touched the wine from earlier, and I waved him away entirely this time.

  Then we were left in peace to enjoy our meal. We ate quietly for a minute or two before Michele nudged me and picked up her glass.

  I nodded, waited just a moment, then lifted mine. "Would anyone mind if I made a small toast?"

  "Of course we wouldn't mind," Frank said, lifting his own glass.

  "To a good meal shared with new friends," I said.

  After that, I played my part, engaging everyone in careful conversation. Frank actually surprised me. I expected him to want to dominate the conversation, but he was gracious and helped me draw out both his son and Kurt.

  During a lull, Zach leaned over to me. "What's her name?" He gestured towards Eric and Angel.

  "That's Angel," I said. "She was the maid of honor at my wedding with Lara."

  "Could you, um. Introduce me?"

  "She's on duty, Zach," I said. "And she's in a committed relationship."

  "Oh." He paused. "Is it serious?"


  "Oh. Um. Maybe you could introduce me anyway."

  "Not while she's on duty," I said. "She's a new enforcer, and she would get in trouble if she let you distract her."

  "When does she get off duty?"

  "Not until I am home for the night, and I don't know the enforcer's duty roster after that. I'm sorry. She might have overnight duty."

  "Maybe you could give me her number."

  Well, he was persistent, and I was beginning to regret bailing him out of his social difficulties earlier.

  "Zach," I said gently, "she has a mate, and she is fiercely loyal. How was your steak?"

  "It was good," he said.

  After that, he didn't take his eyes off Angel.

  Michele and Frank didn't talk business until after dinner. Paige cleared our things, and we placed orders for after dinner drinks. I decided to splurge. "Paige, I would like a Bailey's over ice."

  Zach immediately wanted to know what that was. "You can smell mine when it comes, if you like. If you like how it smells, you'll probably like it."

  Frank ordered port, and Zach wanted to know what that was.

  "It's a dessert wine," I replied. "I personally don't care for it, but some people like it."

  We ordered our drinks, and Michele turned the conversation to business. I listened intently, but she had everything well in hand. Twice she asked me, "What do you think, Alpha?"

  Both times I just said, "You have our complete confidence, Michele."

  Zach wandered away, and I saw him trying to chat up Angel. I sighed and edged away until I was practically touching Serena.

  "It's fine," she said quietly to me. "If Angel can't handle it, Eric will chase him away."

  "He's persistent, and I don't want her getting into trouble."

  "This is good experience for her. It's going to happen more in the future, and I'm glad she gets a chance to handle it in front of us. She's fine, Alpha."

  "If I have to drag him away-"

  "I'll let you know."

  I edged back into the conversation. Frank hadn't noticed me edge away, but he noticed when I returned. He looked around and saw his son trying to distract Angel. He frowned.

  "I'm sorry, Alpha," he said quietly.

  "It's fine, Frank. Just so you know, she's mated and exceedingly loyal. He's not going to get anywhere with her, but if he's too pushy, she'll let him have it. My head of security is letting this continue as good training for her. I do hope your son takes 'no' graciously."

  "About as graciously as he orders a drink," Frank said. "I shouldn't have brought him tonight, but the drivers voted who they wanted us to bring, and he's popular with the other drivers."

  "It's quite all right, Frank," I replied. "But maybe you should invite him to rejoin this conversation."

  "Zach," Frank said immediately. When his son ignored him, Frank spoke more loudly. "Zach, the conversation is over here."

  From Zach's bod
y language, it was clear he wasn't interested in our conversation, and he was slow to leave Angel's side, but finally he turned towards us and stepped up next to his father.

  "I was talking to her, Dad," he said.

  "She's mated and not interested," Frank replied. "You weren't going to get anywhere with her, and you're wasting an opportunity to learn something."

  Zach huffed, but he didn't fight his father any further.

  We hung around for another half hour. Paige came by a few times, and then finally I paid the bill. A few minutes after that, by mutual consent, Frank and Michele agreed to talk next week. Frank gathered his team, they offered their goodbyes, and then they were gone.

  Serena stepped up behind me. "Ready to go, Alpha?"

  "Whenever you're ready," I replied. I turned to her. "I have a request you are free to deny."

  "Please don't, Alpha."

  "Ask Angel to see if the wolves she dislikes are still here."

  She stared down into my face. I smiled sweetly. "I would rather go out the back and avoid a scene, Alpha."

  "Where is the fun in that?"

  She stared at me for a good thirty seconds before asking, "What are you hoping to prove?"

  "Honestly? I just want a look at them."

  "How close a look, Alpha?"

  "Closely enough I would recognize them if I ever see them again."

  "If I ask you to remain in this room while I check the situation, would you?"

  "Of course. Serena, if you don't want to do this, I'm not going to push it. But if there is a problem in the next room, don't you think both you and I should know about it?"

  "You promise to wait here."


  "Thank you." She collected Portia from the corner then talked quietly to Angel. She left Portia and Eric guarding the doorway, and Angel led the way through the restaurant. I lost sight of them, and it was too noisy for me to hear them after they stepped away.

  I turned to Michele. "Did you get what you wanted?"

  "It was just dinner," she said. "Thank you." She shook her head. "I'm sorry you were stuck baby-sitting."

  "It's all right, but I hope Lara is home when we get there. I'm going to want a run."

  We talked for another minute, then Angel and Serena reappeared. Angel waited at the door and Serena stepped to me.

  "According to Angel, they are gone," Serena reported. "There were two groups of wolves, but both older than freshly out of college. I would prefer we exit via the back door."

  "You're the boss," I told her.

  She took my arm. This time Angel took the lead and both Eric and Portia were last. We exited the back of the restaurant and were heading to our SUV when Angel froze.

  "Fuck," she said firmly.

  "Eric, Portia!" Serena said immediately. The two of them immediately flowed forward, Eric taking point with Angel to his left, Portia to his right. Serena moved me into the slot behind Eric, and again I couldn't see a thing. I grabbed Michele's arm and pulled her next to me.

  "Stay with me," I whispered to Michele. "But don't hang onto me." I reached inside my sleeves and put my hands on my knives.

  "There," Angel said, gesturing with her nose.

  I couldn't see past the wall of enforcers. I tried jumping up to look over their shoulders, but Serena put a hand on my shoulder and whispered, "Knock it off." She raised her voice. "Edge around them. You three maintain the wall."

  Eric began moving forward and towards the left, Angel and Portia staying glued to him, and Serena pushing me along to remain behind him. Our formation slowly turned to face right as we continued to move forward and left, and I had a pretty good idea where "they" where. Whoever "they" were.

  But I had my ears going, and I heard, "Isn't that Angel? Hey, Angel."

  "Don't answer them," Serena said. "Keep moving."

  We were halfway to the car when the wolves stepped up to us.

  "Hey, Angel," one of them said. "Who are your friends?"

  "Distract them, Angel," Serena said quietly. "We keep moving though."

  "Hey, Reed," Angel said. I could see the tension in her back. "This is Eric and Portia. What are you guys doing?"

  Serena swiveled me so she was between me and whoever was talking to Angel and began pushing me towards the SUV. "Keep walking, straight to the car," she said. I nodded understanding and did what she ordered. Michele stayed plastered to my side.

  "Are these, like, some of your enforcer friends?" Another voice asked.

  "How many, Serena?" I asked quietly.

  "Never mind. Keep moving." She pushed me, trying to move me faster.

  "Yes," said Angel. "We're off duty tonight and decided to get some dinner, but we go on duty soon and can't stay. We'll see you around though."

  I tried to peek around behind Serena, but she growled at me and interposed her body. "Alpha, please," she said.

  "Who is that?" the first voice -- Reed, I gathered -- said. "Oh my god, it's the alpha!"

  "Keep moving," Serena ordered, and I didn't argue with her.

  "How many, Serena?"

  "Six. Keep moving." The SUV's security system beeped. "Michele, step ahead and open the nearest door and climb in. Alpha, you are immediately behind her."

  "Wait up, Alpha!" Reed said.

  "Leave her alone, Reed," Angel said firmly.

  "What?" he said. "I'm not good enough to meet the Alpha?"

  From the sounds, I knew Angel, Eric and Portia were at our back, but perhaps ten steps away. I concentrated on the other sounds. There were enough of them it was difficult to pinpoint what everyone was doing by sound, but it hadn't turned ugly yet.

  "I can defuse this, Serena," I said.

  "Get in the car, Alpha."

  Michele climbed in.

  "Serena, they're pack. I have responsibilities."

  She still had her hand on my shoulder.

  "Alpha, please get in the car," she said.

  I stepped forward and began to climb in.

  "What's the matter, Alpha?" Reed said. "Afraid to meet a real wolf?"

  I froze, then turned around. Serena was right behind me.

  "Please, Alpha, get in the car."

  From the running board of the vehicle, I was able to look past her. As she had said, there were six wolves arrayed against my three enforcers. Serena was watching me and not the threat.

  "They're drunk," Serena said. "Get in the car or I will make you get into the car."

  "And then you're going to leave three of my enforcers to deal with those six wolves?"

  "Get in the car, Alpha."

  "Come on, Alpha," Reed said. "I'll show you how a real wolf treats a pretty little thing like you."

  I tightened my face.

  "Serena, we are not leaving anyone behind." I stepped out of the car.

  "God damn it, Michaela!" she spat.

  "My life is no more valuable than Angel's, Serena." I looked over at Michele. "Climb up front and lock the doors."

  I slammed the door and stepped past Serena. She didn't stop me.

  I walked up behind Eric and nudged Angel to the side. I flowed between them, Serena stepping between them as well, and suddenly there were five of us facing off against six. I stopped two steps from Reed.

  "You're Reed?" I asked.

  "Yes, ma'am," he said. "You're even smaller than I thought."

  I had my hands on my knives but hadn't drawn them yet. I could smell the alcohol.

  "How many of you agree with Reed and think you can show me a real wolf?" I asked. "How many of you want my enforcers to report your position to the pack alpha? I wonder whether Lara will send Elisabeth to break every bone in your body, or if she'll do it herself."

  They sobered quickly, but Reed was an idiot.

  "As for you," I said to him, "You have two choices. By Monday morning, you will either have vacated pack territory or you will present yourself with the most humbling apology I have ever heard. To suggest I would cheat on my mate with anyone is highly insulting, and i
t takes a particularly crass wolf to suggest it. Learn some manners by Monday or get out of my territory."

  Reed's friends had stepped back from him, but they hadn't taken off yet.

  "Here is what is going to happen tonight," I continued. "Serena is going to count down from five, and when she gets to zero, you will all either be gone or a pile of corpses. My wolf body count is one hundred and nineteen, most of them far bigger and far less drunk than all of you."

  "Five," said Serena.

  "If you wish an audience with the alpha," I said.


  "You will make an appointment."


  "I will be happy to meet with any members of the pack who treat me with respect."


  Five of them took off.


  I drew my knives, and Reed began to soil himself, frozen in fear.

  "Reed," I said, "You are drunk and being stupid. If you apologize profusely on Monday, I will forgive you. Otherwise get out of my territory. Get the fuck out of here before Serena reaches zero."

  He turned and ran.

  We watched them run.

  "Angel take these," I said, holding out the knives, my hands shaking.

  As soon as my hands were free, Serena grabbed me and had me in the car seconds later. Everyone else climbed in, and Eric got us out of there. I turned to Serena and began sobbing.

  She pulled me into her arms, and then I felt Angel at my back.

  "Would she really have killed them?" Portia asked from the back seat.

  "Damned right she would have," I said between sobs.

  Portia waited a full minute while I calmed down, then she said, "Good."

  I finally pushed away from Serena. Michele held out some tissues to me, and I cleaned up, not looking at anyone. We were halfway home before I quietly asked, "Are you angry with me, Serena?"


  "Are you going to yell at me?"

  "No, but I bet Elisabeth and Lara do."

  I looked over at her. "If you had a plan that didn't involve leaving anyone behind, I would have behaved. But I won't leave anyone behind."


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