Nailing the Foreman: A Kent Street Tale (JLC Construction Book 6)

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Nailing the Foreman: A Kent Street Tale (JLC Construction Book 6) Page 5

by Kelex

  Henri grabbed the last two croissants and handed them over. “If you don’t need me, I’m going to try and get this place back in shape while Tate cooks.”

  “I’ll yell if I do,” Jason said, turning to Zach. “I think we’re both ready for a break.”

  “Do you want to get the plans?”

  Jason shook his head. “We can look over the plans Monday morning.”

  “Might as well look at them while we wait,” Zach said. “I’d like to get a plan in my head for Monday morning so I can get the guys working first thing. We don’t pay them to stand around.”

  Jason met Zach’s stare. He liked the guy’s work ethic. “I think you’ve worked enough today. Which I’ll ensure you’re paid for, by the way.”

  “I said I was working for my dinner. I’m good.”

  Jason smiled and caught the man’s gaze again. Zach had a gorgeous set of blue eyes… they reminded him of the ocean. He could get lost in them.

  Once again he felt the heat in Zach’s gaze… heat as fiery as what he was feeling. “Let me go grab the blueprints,” he murmured. “Watch the door for me.”

  After Zach let him out, he went out to his truck and grabbed the correct blueprints from his roll. He returned as quickly as he could. Once inside, they grabbed the fresh croissants and cups of coffee before taking over a corner table. Jason rolled out the blueprints and gave Zach a moment to look them over as he chewed bits of his croissant.

  “Looks pretty straightforward,” Zach said after a moment. He paused, pointing to an area near the kitchen. “Is that a load bearing wall?”

  “It is. We’ll have to reinforce it.”

  Jason watched Zach’s handsome face and answered a few more impressive questions. The guy was thorough. Jason liked thorough.

  “I’ve got an eight man team,” he said. “I think we go ahead and demo two on Monday and get them cleared out. Once we’ve got them cleaned out, I’ll call you and we can walk-through together—see if there were any unseen issues we need to make adjustments for and make sure we’re both on the same page.”

  “Two demos at once might be biting off a lot.”

  “When you’ve got too many people destroying things, it’s easier to screw up. They tend to be on top of one another.”

  “Okay,” Jason said. “I’ll see if I can free up two of my demo guys and have them helping out. One each.”

  “Sounds good.” Zach glanced Jason’s way. “Did you want to go back over and do a walk-through with the blueprints after we eat?”

  “Do you not have a life outside work?” Jason asked with a grin.

  Zach shook his head. “Not lately.”

  “We all have to find balance. This is your day off, and you’ve already put in a few hours.”

  “If these houses need to be done quickly, I won’t have much time for a life for a while,” Zach answered. “We’ll all be focusing on work.”

  “True, but what happens after you can’t use that excuse?”

  Zach smiled—with his whole face, his eyes lighting up—and it nearly made Jason growl with need then and there. Fuck, he’s good looking. But there was more to it than that. Zach impressed him… and made him want to learn more about the guy.

  “I’ll worry about that when I get there, I suppose,” Zach answered.

  Before Jason could say anything else, Tate approached the table with two plates in hand. “Give this a try, gentlemen,” he said as he lowered them. “Let me grab some silverware.” Tate headed to the counter as Jason eyed his meal. The smell made his mouth water.

  “What are we eating?” Zach asked, looking at his plate.

  Tate lowered the two rolled sets of silverware to the table. “Pork chop filled with smoked gouda and bacon with a side of roasted red potatoes and haricot vert.”

  “Hair-a-co-vair?” Zach asked, frowning. “You mean the green beans?”

  Tate chuckled. “They’re French green beans.”

  “This is why I don’t eat at fancy restaurants,” Zach whispered across the table before glancing up at Tate. “Looks good.”

  Tate laughed. “If you hang around Kent Street, I’ll have you talking like a foodie in no time. Enjoy.” He left them to their meal.

  Jason dug in with gusto and nearly moaned after the first bite of food. He then watched as Zach lifted the first forkful and saw the utter delight on the man’s face. Zach apparently couldn’t hold back the moan.

  He met Zach’s stare and saw the guy’s face redden.

  “Sorry,” he said between chews, growing even more red faced. As soon as he swallowed, he added, “I told you I haven’t eaten all day.” Zach took another bite, his eyes rolling back. “Oh my god.”

  Jason laughed before taking another bite of his own. Little was said during their meal, and the plates were soon empty.

  “Is it wrong that I want to lick the plate?” Zach asked.

  Jason ran a finger through the middle of his plate and brought it to his lips. “No.”

  He sucked the tip of his finger just as Zach captured his stare. For some reason, he couldn’t stop himself from sucking on the finger a bit more than he’d intended. When Zach’s eyes darkened with lust, he felt his own body tensing with need.

  “How was it?”

  Jason dragged his gaze from Zach and saw Tate hovering close, an odd look on his face. “What?”

  “Your meal? How was it?” Tate asked.

  “Incredible,” Zach answered.

  Tate grinned. “Even those French green beans?”

  “Magnifique,” Zach said, kissing his fingertips.

  Jason grinned as Tate cleared their plates.

  “Anything else I can get for you fellas?”

  “I think a meal is more than enough,” Jason said. “We’ll be out of your hair now.”

  “Thanks again for the help,” Tate said. “And I’m thanking the gods we’re closed the next two days. I feel bad you two’ll be back to it Monday.”

  “I’m sure we’ll be fine,” Jason said, rolling up the blueprints. He rose to his feet and nodded to urge Zach on. “Get some rest,” he called to Tate and Henri, offering a wave before leaving.

  As soon as Zach followed out behind him, Tate relocked the door behind them. Jason scanned Kent Street and saw the handful of contractors working were shutting down for the day. After fishing out his phone, he noted that it was past four. “We’d best get that walk-through done so I can at least get you an evening off.”

  “I don’t have any plans,” Zach said as he moved beside Jason, matching step for step.

  “If you don’t mind me asking… why not?”

  Zach slanted a gaze his way. “I just… don’t.”

  “You’re young. A good-looking guy. Why don’t you have plans on a Saturday night?”

  Zach shrugged, suddenly looking uncomfortable. Had Jason crossed a line? He thought he’d been reading the signals right… but maybe he hadn’t.

  “I just got back to San Alicia after being away a few years. Most of the guys I used to hang out with have left the area. The ones who are left are shitheads,” he said.

  “You grew up there?” Jason asked, realizing that might be why he looked familiar. “I did, too.”

  “Jax used to go to school with my brother, so you might’ve too. Ben Bellows.”

  “Ben?” The memory came to him. “Big Ben? Played basketball?”

  “Yep, that’s him,” Zach said with a grin.

  “He was a couple of years older than us, but I remember him.”

  “I’m the baby of the family. Ben’s nearly a decade older than me.”

  “Ah, so that’s why I haven’t met you yet,” Jason said, wishing he had met the guy sooner. “Small world, huh? We must’ve grown up near one another.”

  “Most likely.”

  Jason glanced over at the handsome man’s profile. “I’m glad we finally met.”

  Zach met his gaze for a moment before looking at the sidewalk. “Me, too.” Zach was silent a moment. “What about y
ou? I’m not ruining any Saturday night plans for you, am I? With your girlfriend… boyfriend?”

  Jason felt his whole body tense at the word boyfriend. He captured Zach’s stare again, his cock thickening. He had to pull his gaze away as they reached the steps to the brownstone they’d already walked, but he didn’t want to. As soon as they both stopped at the bottom of the stairs, he turned to Zach. “Neither.”


  Jason shook his head. “Nope.” Thought of his almost nuptials came to mind, but he pushed the bad memories away. “Doubt I ever will.”

  “Never say never,” Zach said with a smile. “You’re young. A good-looking guy. The right one might come along.”

  Jason laughed at some of his words being thrown back at him. The laughter faded and pure, unadulterated lust washed over him. He saw it reflected back at him in Zach’s eyes. Had they not been standing there on the street, he would’ve yanked the man into his arms then and there.

  He didn’t want to move, but he couldn’t stand there frozen with need all day. After forcing his feet to climb the handful of steps, he quickly opened the door. They moved inside and Zach asked a few more questions, this round back on the house and not his personal life, or lack thereof.

  Jason struggled to focus on the blueprints and the questions, not after the need had hit. The man across from him was much more interesting. Before he knew what he was doing, he stepped closer, grabbed the guy’s head in both hands, and laid the kiss he’d been holding back most of the day.

  For a brief moment Jason worried he’d made a mistake as Zach froze against him.

  Only for a few seconds, though.

  Not long after, Zach started kissing him back with the same hunger. He lifted his hands and dug them into the front of Jason’s shirt. Dragged closer, he groaned, knowing he wouldn’t be happy until they were naked and writhing together.

  Jason shoved Zach against one of the walls and pressed his body close. He could feel the imprint of Zach’s hard cock against his thigh and knew he wanted to see if the guy could keep on impressing him with the body beneath those clothes. Somehow, he sensed Zach would.

  When Zach lifted his hands to pull the waistband of Jason’s t-shirt up, he nearly lost his mind. Jason felt the palm of Zach’s hand press against his abs and the heat nearly singed him. Hissing against Zach’s mouth, he could feel the need pulsing through his veins… and making his cock harder than he could ever remember. The guy slid his hand down through the trail of hair that ended much lower, to the spot where Jason ached. The hand continued down past the waistband, over the jeans, and cupped his hard cock.

  Jason nearly blew his load then and there, like some schoolboy lusting over the head cheerleader.

  A groan rose from his chest, but he kept on kissing, starving for more of the man. When Zach tried to pull Jason’s shirt completely off, he stopped him.

  The look of disappointment on Zach’s face almost made him chuckle.

  “Not here,” Jason whispered, out of breath. He gave the man another brief kiss but that caress proved too brief and he came in for another, greedy for more. When Zach again tried to take his clothes, off, he grasped the guy’s wrist. “Not here.” He paused, looking over his shoulder at the musty, dirty townhouse before looking back at Zach. “I’m not fucking you in this hovel.”

  “I don’t care,” Zach murmured, trying to get at Jason’s belt.

  Jason stilled him again. “I should’ve waited to kiss you ‘til I’d gotten you to my place… but I couldn’t wait another minute.”

  Zach’s frown slowly ebbed into a smile. “How far is your place?”

  “Next street over,” Jason said. “Though, I will warn you. It’s a work in progress.”

  “Can’t wait to see,” Zach said.

  “Follow me,” Jason said with a smile.

  Chapter Seven

  Less than ten minutes later, they were standing in front of a stately, though worn-looking, old Victorian mansion. Zach lifted his gaze to take in the colors of the old stained glass windows gleaming in the setting sun as he followed behind Jason. On a normal day, he would’ve studied the patterns and allowed his gaze to travel over the bones of the house.

  In his current state, he couldn’t focus on the house. He only wanted to get inside and rip the clothing from Jason’s body.

  Jason fumbled with the lock, his hands appearing to shake a little. Zach grinned inwardly, enjoying the effect he seemed to have on the man. Once they were locked behind closed doors, Zach met Jason’s ravenous gaze and felt his dick straining to be touched.

  The few minutes it had taken to get there had cooled their ardor a little. Zach felt a slight awkward vibe hanging between them…

  But it was gone the second Jason dragged him close and kissed him again.

  They took no time to peel their shirts off each other between kisses. He lowered his hands back to Jason’s belt and opened it as quickly as he could without looking. Minutes later, he finally had a hard dick in his hand. He stroked the long, thick length, never breaking their embrace.

  Soon after, his own cock was being stroked, the strong hand gripping him moving in just the right ways. He closed his eyes and groaned against Jason’s lips, hoping he wouldn’t come right away.

  Zach felt Jason urging him down the hallway. Without looking, he backed up, trusting Jason to lead the way. After a few moments, he felt something at the back of his knees. Falling, he landed on something soft. A mattress with crumped sheets… it lay in the middle of the floor without a frame in what was likely the living room.

  He rose to sit on the edge, and was the perfect height for Jason’s cock. As the man pushed his jeans down his hips, Zach grabbed the base and began to explore. Stroking the length again, he squeezed slightly and a bead of cum rose from the slit. He met Jason’s gaze before leaning in to lick the seed.

  Jason moaned, the sound echoing slightly in the large space.

  “Again,” Jason whispered.

  Zach stroked the shaft once… twice… and by the third time, he was rewarded with more pre-cum. He lowered his head—and instead of licking the head—he took the whole tip between his lips and sucked the jizz off. The salty-sweet flavor was just right, not too strong and a hair sweeter than most.

  “You must eat plenty of fruit,” Zach joked before sucking the head into his mouth again.

  Jason chuckled as he threaded his fingers into Zach’s hair. “I try.”

  Zach sucked a few more inches, and Jason urged him to take another with the tug of his hair. He drew in as much as he could take before letting the shaft slide from his lips. Lifting his gaze, he watched the need mounting in Jason’s face…

  The face he’d dreamed of…

  Zach pushed the thought away. This is Jason, not Jax.


  He drew in a little more on the next swallow, Jason’s stare still capturing him. Zach grasped the root of his own cock and began to stroke the throbbing length. As he slipped to the crest, he felt wetness there and spread it along his shaft on the next downward slide.

  With his free hand, he massaged Jason’s sac. After squeezing and swirling his fingers over the tight balls, he delighted in the moan he heard in reward. Jason soon began to thrust his hips, his body stiffening with the need to come. Zach wanted to feel the man explode on his tongue and sucked even harder.

  Jason’s hips sped with every suckle. His fingers tightened in Zach’s hair. It hurt, but not more than he liked. A little pain only added to the fun.

  “Fuck,” Jason groaned, pulling out seconds before his shaft erupted.

  Zach opened his mouth, hungry to feel the release on his tongue. Jason howled with his release and shot his load there, and on Zach’s lips and chin. He lapped it up, loving the salty-sweet essence. Glancing up, he saw the heat still lingering in Jason’s glittering gaze. He leaned forward and sucked the shaft back between his lips, sucking the rest of the spent seed and hoping to keep the guy hard for another round.

h to his delight, his plan was a success. His body ached to have the man inside him, and he didn’t want to be disappointed.

  Jason leaned down and pushed him back to the bed before grabbing the waistband of both his jeans and briefs and yanked them down his hips. Before he could attempt to kick his shoes off, Jason was on him, trailing kisses down his chest, and farther down his abs. All rational thought left his mind the second that hot mouth circled the tip of his shaft. His ankles were still tangled in his clothing, but he couldn’t move… couldn’t think. All he could do was feel. Jason sucked down at least half his length before lifting his head and running his tongue along the shaft.

  Zach cried out when Jason licked the slit and hissed in pleasure-pain when the tip of his tongue attempted to penetrate him there. Arching his back, his whole body shook as the urethra opened slightly for Jason’s tongue. No one had ever attempted it before and he’d never expected the sensation to feel so fucking good.

  A moan tore from his throat as Jason pulled back and then tried again.

  “You ever have anything inside here before?” Jason asked, his voice low and sultry.

  Zach shook his head, too amped up to voice the answer. He could feel his entire body trembling, the new sensation pushing him to extremes.

  “Maybe next time,” Jason murmured as a smile spread across his face.

  Zach barely registered the next time bit, but the small part of his brain that did liked the thought of more of what he was already getting. He nodded, his teeth clenched against the desire racing through his entire body.

  Jason went back to sucking his cock, licking and laving the length and adding his hand to stroke the base. Zach closed his eyes, his head falling back as Jason took him even deeper. When he felt the graze of a finger along his anus, he stiffened and moaned his delight. Jason gave him more, the finger penetrating him a little.

  Just like the tongue to his slit, it wasn’t enough. He bore down against the invasion, needing more. Jason lifted his gaze, watching Zach’s face with every stroke of his mouth, and slowly pushed the finger deeper.

  Zach could barely breathe as he met Jason’s stare. He gripped the tousled sheets and held on tight, sensing the coming wave. Holding the man’s stare, he tensed as the finger slid deeper. Zach tried to hold back… he wanted to extend their fun as long as he could…


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