Nailing the Foreman: A Kent Street Tale (JLC Construction Book 6)

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Nailing the Foreman: A Kent Street Tale (JLC Construction Book 6) Page 10

by Kelex

  The kid was no doubt related to Jax and Jason. No doubt.


  “You must be Golden,” the kid said. “What kind of name is Golden?”

  “Ask my mother,” Golden said. “And you are?”

  “Andrew, but most peeps call me Drew,” the kid said, spinning on the stool.

  “Most peeps, huh?”


  Golden sensed someone at his back and looked over one shoulder. Jason leaned against the opening to the kitchen. Jax stood behind him, staring at the kid. He lowered his gaze and met Golden’s stare.

  He spun and looked at Jax and Jason. “As if you needed more drama in your lives.”

  Jax scrubbed a hand over his chin, silent.

  “Fucking your brother’s fiancée has consequences,” Golden said, slapping Jax on the shoulder and turning back to the kid.

  Drew sat there staring at the three of them.

  “So which one of you is my dad?”

  Jason and Jax turned to look at one another just as Zach appeared, a bag of food in hand. He passed them all and handed the bag to the kid.

  “Mickey D’s. My favorite,” Drew cried before digging into the bag.

  “Kid’s got a tapeworm, I think,” Jason said as he watched Zach heading his way. He grabbed Zach’s arm as the man passed. Golden watched the interaction… noting the way the two men stared at one another.

  Seemed as though Zach might’ve been there when the kid arrived.

  Had he spent the night? The look they shared said possibly.

  “I’m going to head out,” Zach said under his breath and Golden saw the disappointment crossing Jason’s face. “I don’t want to be in the way here.”

  “If you want to go,” Jason said, his jaw tightening.

  “If Jason wants you here, it’s fine,” Golden said, hitting Jax in the gut. “It’s okay, right?”

  Jax shrugged, still eyeing the kid. “Yeah, sure.”

  Zach met his stare and nodded before turning to Jason.

  “So how is it that two gay guys might be my dad?” Drew asked between chews.

  “Good question, kid,” Golden said, turning to Jason. “Do we call Collette?”

  “She apparently gave him up without involving either one of us,” Jason said. “He ran away this morning.”

  “We need to call social services. See if we can possibly get a temporary custody order,” Golden said. “He can’t stay here in an unfinished house. We can take him.”

  “We can take him?” Jax asked.

  “That is either your son or your nephew. We give him a bed for a few nights at the very least,” Golden said.

  Jax sighed. “Yeah. You’re right.”

  Golden fished out his phone and started searching the internet for the right numbers to call. By the fourth one, he had the ball rolling. A representative showed up on their door about two hours later and by four, Golden had talked them into letting he and Jax take the boy home.

  They packed the kid up in the cab of Jax’s truck and head home.

  For some reason, Golden liked the idea more than he expected he would. A little part of him almost wished Jax was the kid’s father.

  “So, how in the hell will they be able to figure out which one of you is the dad?” Golden asked twenty minutes later. “You’re identical twins. Won’t you both come back as the dad?”

  Jax shrugged, eyeing the rearview mirror. “No idea.”

  Golden grabbed Jax’s hand and squeezed it. He knew Jax was spooked by what was happening, but it was going to be okay.

  “Whatever happens, we’ll figure our way through it. Together,” Golden said.

  Jax glanced his way and smiled before squeezing Golden’s hand. “Together.”

  * * * *

  “I suppose our weekend’s nearly over,” Jason said as he shut the door after saying goodbye to Drew, Golden, and his brother. “Sorry it ended up this way.”

  “Not like you knew that was going to happen,” Zach said.

  “If you want to get out of here, you can. I know you didn’t want to stay.”

  Zach shook his head. “I didn’t want to leave… I just thought you might want privacy. I mean… you barely know me.”

  Jason dragged the man close. “But I want to know more.”

  “I do, too,” Zach whispered.

  Jason leaned in and captured the man’s lips. The kisses were slow and languid this time. So was the walk to the bed in the middle of the living room. Once their clothes were in a pile beside the mattress, they fell into bed together.

  The punishment was over. It was time for equal reward… equal pleasure. They both took their time, learning each other’s bodies. Jason explored every inch, nipping, kissing, and licking a trail over Zach’s body. He turned the man over, kissing the light pink marks still covering his bottom.

  He trailed over between the cheeks and licked a path from Zach’s balls to his tight hole and back down. Jason licked around the rim, paying close attention to how Zach writhed against his tongue, the loud moans filling the room. He licked harder, pushing the tip of his tongue against the spot, just as he’d played with the slit.

  “Jason,” Zach moaned, just as he’d moaned all weekend.

  He loved the sound of his name rolling off Zach’s lips. He didn’t think he’d tire of hearing it.

  When Zach was wound tight, Jason rose on his knees and angled the head of his cock against the hole he’d been laving. “I’m clean,” he whispered against Zach’s ear. He rolled his hips, rubbing his hard shaft against the crack of Zach’s ass. “You?”

  “Yes,” Zach groaned. “Just fuck me already.”

  Jason grabbed the tube of lube they’d put a dent in over the weekend and coated his cock before slicking Zach’s puckered hole. He moved back into position, the head of his cock easily sliding into the man’s body, as if that ass was made for him.

  Having him bare, the skin-to-skin sensation, was almost more than he could handle. He drove deep, gripping Zach’s hips tight. Jason bit the inside of his cheek, struggling to hold back. It felt too good.

  But there was something missing.

  He withdrew and heard Zach moan with disappointment.

  “Roll over,” Jason said before helping Zach get into position.

  He lifted Zach’s legs and spread the man’s thighs apart before pressing the head of his cock back in place. Without any hands, he drove his cock down and refilled the spot he’d just left. They moaned in unison as they became one again.

  After a few strokes, Jason leaned down and captured Zach’s mouth. That was the missing ingredient. He loved kissing the man and wanted to have that embrace along with the one below.

  He had Zach bent in half as he rocked his hips up and down, thrusting hard. Jason was coated in a sheen of sweat, his breath labored as he filled his lover. Lowering a hand, he grasped the root of Zach’s cock in one hand and stroked the man at the same pace as their fucking.

  He never wanted it to be over.

  Yet before he could stop it, an orgasm slammed into him. He came with a roar, his back bowing before he filled Zach’s tight hole with his seed. Seconds later, Zach followed him, a thick eruption of cum coating his hand. They slammed together, cresting as one, before falling to the bed, spent.

  They lay there in comfortable silence, their bodies entangled.

  Eventually, the sun began to set. Their weekend had come to an end, and tomorrow he’d have to face a mountain of work, and now, a child that might be his.

  But in that moment, they were together.

  Apparently, Zach’s head was somewhere in the same thoughts. “What happens tomorrow?”

  “Good question,” Jason said. How could he think of the future when his life was poised to change in a fundamental way? He turned to look at Zach. “We go back to work and get shit done.”

  “And we forget about this weekend?”

  Jason lifted a hand to caress Zach’s cheek. “I didn’t say that.”

�What are you saying?”

  Jason sighed. “I don’t know what happens in my own life tomorrow, Zach. I need to straighten out a few things before I move forward.” He caressed Zach’s lower lip. “Can you accept that?”

  “As long as this isn’t goodbye, yes.”

  Jason smiled wanly. “Good.”

  Zach rose from the bed and began to grab his clothes. “I should head home.”

  Jason wanted to stop him… make him stay. But that was an impossibility, even if Drew wasn’t now in the picture. He watched as Zach covered his body. Rising from the bed as Zach finished up, he then walked the man to the door. One last kiss before leaving, and Zach was headed down the stairs.

  “Drive safe,” he said. “Text me when you get home.”

  Zach looked over one shoulder and nodded before disappearing down the darkened street.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jason looked across the table at Jax. They sat in the house Jax and Golden shared. Drew and Golden were out back, checking out the things growing out there, so Jax and his brother could talk this out.

  No one was talking.

  “I did the math,” Jason said.

  “I did, too.”

  Jason tilted his head some. “And what did you come up with?”

  “That he’s likely mine.”

  Jason nodded. “Yeah.”

  Silence fell between them.

  “I deserve this,” Jax said flatly. “I screwed you over, and now I get this.”

  “He’s a kid, not a punishment.”

  “I didn’t mean that,” Jax said. He scrubbed his hands over his face before leaning forward. “I just meant… like Golden said… there are consequences to what I did. I thought I’d finally made things right. Now I find out I didn’t. Nowhere close.”

  “How’s Golden taking this?”

  Jax smiled. “We’d just talked about possibly adopting. A baby. Not pre-teen with a potty mouth.” Jax chuckled. “Golden’s already ready to play dad.”

  “And you’re not.”

  Jax sighed. “I’m struggling with the fact this could be a permanent reminder of what I did to you. As if I wasn’t guilty enough.”

  “I’ve already forgiven you. Maybe it’s time you forgave yourself… for the sake of the boy.” Jason took a deep breath. “And who knows. Maybe he’s not yours and you’re only an uncle.”

  “I think we both sense who the father is here.”

  Jason did. “But we don’t know for sure.”

  “Sounds like we won’t truly ever know,” Jax said. “Either way, one or the both of us takes care of this kid. Agreed?”

  Jason nodded, the sight of the kid coming in with a trash bag hitting him hard. “He deserves a real home… and a real family. You ready to give him that?”

  “Ready? No, but I’ll figure it out.” Jax sighed again and rubbed his bearded chin. “As if I didn’t need more stress. This whole loan bullshit is going to make me go gray.”

  “Is it that bad?”

  Jax nodded. “We’re barely staying above water. As fast as it’s coming in, it’s going right back out to cover paychecks and costs.”

  “I could help,” Jason said.

  “I can’t ask you for help.”

  “Why can’t you?”

  Jax lifted his gaze. “Your money’s tied up in those lost houses and a bakery.”

  “I’m not hurting, Jax.”

  Jax frowned. “You came to us to buy those properties.”

  “No, I don’t have millions of cash sitting in the bank, nor the kind of connections that could’ve gotten me the bankroll to buy all those houses. That doesn’t mean I’m broke, Jax. Quite the opposite.”

  Jax sat up straighter. “I still can’t ask you to bail our company out.”

  “If the Kent Street project is what put you guys under water, then you damned straight can.” Jason thought about it for a moment. “You said Damien was leaving… so he’s no longer a partner?”

  “He’s out. We still owe him a small sum, but he’s floating it to us until Kent Street’s done.”

  “How much would you guys need in order to feel comfortable again?”

  Jax looked thoughtful before shaking his head. “It’s too much, Jason.”

  “How much?”

  “At least three hundred thousand, if not four.”

  Jason paused a moment. “That enough to become a partner in the company?”

  Jax eyed him. “Merge your company with ours?”


  Jax nodded slightly, making it appear he was interested. “Let me talk to Linc and Colt and see what they think.”

  “Fair enough,” Jason said, offering his brother a hand.

  They shook on it before Drew and Golden came back inside.

  “Who’s ready for dinner?” Golden asked the trio.

  “I can’t stay,” Jason said, rising. He had a full agenda of things to do and was already behind.

  “You can stay and have dinner with Drew, can’t you, Uncle Jason?” Golden said, smiling. He handed a stack of plates and silverware to Drew. “You can set the table.”

  “Okay,” Drew said, happily heading for the dining room.

  “I might not be Uncle Jason,” he whispered back.

  Golden shrugged. “We might never know,” he said. “But one way or another, he’s your blood and you’re going to sit down and eat with us like a family.”

  “What’s for dinner?”

  “Pizza,” Golden said with a grin. “I just ordered it on my phone.”

  “Such a special family meal,” Jason chided with a grin.

  “It’s been a long day,” Golden said. “Tomorrow’s going to be even longer. I’m going to shop for some clothes for the kid… and get him registered for school. Maybe you can come help.”

  “Clothes shopping? No thanks.”

  The doorbell rang, and Jax got up to answer it, leaving Jason and Golden alone.

  Golden picked at Jason’s t-shirt. “You could use a few new things yourself, McScruff.”

  “I build houses. Most of my shit is just that… shit.”

  “You’re wooing a man. You need to look good.”


  “You know what I mean.”

  “I think that’s a bit of a stretch,” Jason said.

  “Why?” Golden frowned.

  “Drew has added a wrinkle. I can’t move forward unless I know what happens there.”

  Golden clicked his tongue. “Life happens, Jason. Seeing how well Zach rolls with the punches is a good way to see if he’s got staying power. Plus it’s only been a couple of weeks… it can’t be serious already. Just hang out on occasion and get to know each other. By the time we’ve made a decision, you and he can see if it’s time to shift gears, one way or another.”

  “He came into this thinking I was completely free. Did you see how he wanted to get out of there when Drew was there.”

  “Did you ask him about it?” Golden asked.

  “Yeah… he said he didn’t want to be in the way. That he wasn’t family and didn’t belong there.”

  Golden shrugged as Jax came into the kitchen with four boxes of pizza, followed by Drew.

  “You feeding an army?” Jason asked.

  “You saw this kid eat,” Golden said before turning to Jax. “You guys carry all that to the dining room. Jason and I will be right there.”

  Jax eyed them both before leading the kid to the dining room, pizza in hand.

  Golden turned to Jason once they were as alone as they could be. “Maybe that’s all it was. Maybe he thought he was overstepping by staying. If I’d been in his shoes, I think I might’ve felt that way.”

  “Hopefully you’re right.”

  “You both better get in here before Drew inhales it all,” Jax called from the dining room.

  Jason chuckled as he saw Jax and Drew play fighting over a slice. Jax might think he wasn’t ready, but he was perfect dad material. His brother just didn’t see it.

  That is, if he was Drew’s father.

  When he reached the table, he sat down across from Drew and took a couple of slices from the nearest box.

  “Where’s Uncle Zach?” Drew asked sarcastically, using air quotes around the word uncle.

  “You’re a little asshole, you know that, right?” Jason asked the kid.

  Drew smiled widely. “Yep.”

  Jason laughed but quickly realized the sound of Uncle Zach sounded pretty damned good.

  “Eat your pizza, brat.”

  Drew wiggled his eyebrows and kept on chewing.

  * * * *

  Monday passed without Zach hearing from Jason. No one came to check the jobsite. After checking with Jason’s foremans, all he heard was Jason was dealing with personal business. Zach glanced at his phone throughout the day, hoping for something, but was disappointed.

  By the end of Tuesday, Zach was going nuts. He had a list of things he needed answers on, but he didn’t want to bother the man. If Jason wanted to talk, he knew how to get ahold of Zach.

  Midway through Wednesday, he finally got a text. Come to my house tonight after work. The workday then began to crawl and every issue that could arise, did. He was finally done when the sun had gone down. When he finally arrived on Jason’s doorstep, he was dirty and exhausted.

  “I didn’t think you’d come,” Jason said after he’d opened the door.

  “Shitty day.”

  Jason ushered him inside. “Anything I should know?”

  “I’ve got a list of issues,” Zach said before stretching his arms over his head. “They can wait until the morning,” he added before catching Jason’s gaze. “You will be back tomorrow, won’t you?”

  “Yeah,” Jason said. “Why don’t you go take a shower? I’ll order us some takeout.”

  Zach sighed. “Yeah.”

  Thirty minutes later, they sat at the kitchen island, eating Thai food. “Mind me asking where you’ve been?”

  “Spent some time with Drew and social services… got him some clothes and basics with Golden. Golden and I registered him in school. Took a DNA test, along with Jax, which we already know will more than likely come back as both of us being the father since we’re identical twins.”

  “So what are you two going to do?”


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