A Sibling's Dilemma

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A Sibling's Dilemma Page 17

by Molly V. Lovell

  “Babe!” Logan exclaimed. He wrapped his arms around Cassie’s waist and leaned in to kiss her. She dodged at the last minute.

  “Oh, don’t ‘babe’ me.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  She scoffed. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “Please, babe, tell me. If I don’t know what the problem is then I can’t fix it.”

  She scoffed again. “You completely ignored me. You treated me like a complete stranger.”

  “But, Cassie, don’t you see that I have to?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “What was I going to say?” Logan’s voice got louder. ‘“Oh, hi, Madeline. This is my mistress, Cassie.’ How do you think that would work out?”

  This time, it was Cassie’s turn to speak louder. “I thought I was more than just your mistress. You said you loved me!”

  “I do.”

  “Then why don’t you leave her, like you said you would?”

  Logan sighed and paced around. He took a deep breath and when he spoke again, his voice had returned to normal. “You know I want to. But I’m waiting to get some ammunition on her so I won’t get cleaned out in court. You don’t want me to lose everything, do you? You love me enough not to ask me to ruin my life, right?”

  Cassie also sighed. She walked over to a nearby bench and sat down.

  “Because, if you want me to leave her and lose everything, I will. I hope you don’t make that request of me but if you make it, I’ll leave her.”

  The private detective crossed her arms and pursed her lips together. “All right, we’ll wait.”

  Logan sat next to Cassie and draped her arm over her shoulder.

  “I mean, it’s just a matter of time.”

  Cassie leaned her head on her boyfriend’s shoulder. “I just wish I could speed things up. Ellie’s abandoned me on our little project so I have to do everything all by myself.”

  “I believe in you.”

  “I’m glad someone does.”


  Ellie checked the time on her phone. Ten minutes have passed and Cassie was still missing in action.

  And now I’m alone at this party. I knew I should have stayed at home...

  She scanned her surroundings. having managed to find the most isolated part of the room. Ellie was glad to have a small break from the incessant noises and she was glad that Edric and Aria were no longer in her peripheral vision so she didn’t have a constant reminder of Edric’s disinterest in her.

  She took a sip of her white wine and watched the crowd socialize from afar. Various couples danced with each other. People laughed, drank, chatted and ate. There were so many people. People that Ellie was too nervous to suddenly walk up to and start a conversation with. Instead, the young woman was content to watch the others from afar.

  Suddenly, Ellie felt a cold hand on the small of her bare back. She shuddered at the sudden intrusion in her personal space. “Hey.” A voice said from behind Ellie.

  Ellie spun around. A heavy, much-older man stood before her. He was a head taller than Ellie and about two-to-three times her weight. He moved his hand from the small of Ellie’s back to her waist. She could smell the alcohol on him and took a half a step backward, while he took a full step forward to close the gap between them.

  “Now who do we have here?”

  “Ellie Kent. Please let go of me.”

  “So, you’re Edric’s secretary. Well, aren’t you a sweet young thing? I can see that the man has taste.”

  “Please…” Ellie muttered. Her face was bright-red and her heart was pounding.

  “Do you know who I am?”

  “Albert Summers.”

  “And what do I do for this company?”

  “You’re one of our top investors.”

  “Right. I am one of this company’s top investors. So, you’re coming with me tonight. Unless you want out of a job. Or worse.”

  Ellie opened her mouth and then shut it.

  “So, we’re going back to my hotel room across the street. Okay?”

  Ellie took a few steps back but the man grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her closer. “S-stop it. You’re hurting me…” The man pulled at Ellie, she tried her best to pull back without causing a scene. “I-I-I don’t want to go with you. Please stop it…”

  He tugged harder at her wrist and she staggered forward. Ellie wanted to throw up or cry. Or both. She had no idea what to do. Should she scream and cause a scene? Fight back? Go with the man and then run away once she’s outside? Wait for Cassie? Ellie found herself too scared to think quickly. All she could do was hear the blood rushing to her ears and feel her heart pounding.

  “Can someone explain to me what is going on?” Edric asked. He spoke in a low, calm, and angry tone. He stood right next to Summers and Ellie, towering over them both. “You have three seconds to let go of her wrist or I’m going to break yours.”

  “But I’m one of your top investors.”

  “I don’t care. Three.”



  “All right. Christ.” The man let go of Ellie’s wrist and looked up at Edric. “Are you fucking serious? Are you going to throw away millions of dollars a year? If you keep this up I won’t invest anymore.”

  “I don’t give a flying fuck about your money. I’m calling the cops too.”


  “Seriously. Go. Now.”

  The man exhaled sharply, threw his hands up in the air, and stormed off. Edric stood completely erect until he left the room. Then, he looked at Ellie. She couldn’t control her shaking. Usually, just her hands shook when she was nervous but this time her whole body trembled. She grabbed her wrist with her free hand and held it to her chest.

  Ellie looked at Edric and then looked over at Aria, who glared back at her, arms folded, and then looked away.

  “Are you all right, Eleonore?”

  “Y-yes. I’m fine.”

  “Let me see your wrist.”



  Ellie slowly extended her arm out. Edric examined it. A bruise in the shape of a handprint was already starting to form.

  “That God-damn son of a bitch.” Edric’s face turned red and she could see a trace of a vein bulging near his right temple. He opened his mouth and then shut it. Ellie pulled her wrist back to her chest, bit her lip, and then looked away. She had never, ever seen him this mad before. “I’m not going to accept a dime from Summers from now on.”

  “You don’t…”

  “You’re never going to have to see him ever again.”

  “But…his investment…”

  “Ellie, I don’t give a flying fuck about that. I have other investors. Are you all right? I’m calling the cops.”

  Ellie shook her head vigorously. “I’m fine. Please don’t.”

  “Ellie, the man just assaulted you and tried to pressure you into having sex with him.”

  “I don’t want to. Please don’t make me.”

  He bit his lip. “Christ.”

  “I don’t want any trouble.”

  “You’re just going to let him fucking get away with that?” Ellie started to shake again. Edric’s reaction overwhelmed her. “What if he goes out and tries to do that to someone else?”

  She looked down at the ground, never having thought of it that way. “Can we please talk about this tomorrow?” Her voice cracked.

  Edric exhaled slowly. “Ok, Ellie. I respect your wishes.” The vein near his right temple was no longer visible and his coloring returned to normal. “Are you okay?”

  The petite woman nodded her head and fidgeted with her wrist; the pain distracted her from sobbing. She couldn’t stop shaking.

  “Do you need to go to the doctor’s?”

  Ellie vigorously shook her head. “No. It’s not broken, it’s just bruised.”

  “Are you okay?”


  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m fin

  “Is there anything I can do?”

  A man walked over to Edric and tapped him on the shoulder.

  “Mr. Kensington?”

  “Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something?” He snapped.

  “It’s your brother.”

  “Sorry…Sorry to snap.” He mumbled to the man. He inhaled slowly and then exhaled slowly. “Is Owen all right?”

  The man hesitated.

  “Is he all right?”

  “Sir, he seems to have gotten his way into the bar…”

  “Jesus Christ.” He ran his fingers through his slicked-back hair. “All right, all right.”

  The businessman looked at his assistant.

  “You should go.” Ellie said.

  “But Ellie.”

  “I’m fine, Edric.” She smiled up at him warmly. Her skin color returned to normal and only her hands were shaking.

  “Aria, can you keep an eye on Ellie for me for a few minutes, while I deal with Owen?”

  Aria smiled at Edric. “Sure.” She responded with a strained voice. The voice that people use when they pretend to be happy but they’re secretly frustrated. Ellie immediately recognized that tone—Cassie used it all the time when she was mad and trying to hide it.


  “Mr. Kensington?” The man gestured to the crowd.

  “I’ll be back shortly.”

  Ellie watched Edric from afar. She could see him grab a beer bottle from his younger brother’s hands and then she saw Owen shrug. The whole scene made Ellie smile. She gently rubbed her wrist in the spot that Edric held when he examined it for injuries mere moments ago. She couldn’t stop a wistful sigh.

  “It looks like someone has a crush.”

  Ellie turned her head to the model and looked up at her. “Pardon?”

  “It looks like someone has a crush. On Edric.”

  “I…I mean. I…”

  “Too bad.” The model continued. She flipped her platinum blonde hair behind her. “Girl to girl, I want to give you a piece of advice: Edric only likes beautiful woman. You’ve seen the women he’s appeared with through the media. You don’t stand a chance.”


  “You might think you look pretty today.” Aria continued. “But it’s putting lipstick on a pig. Sure, you might be wearing a fancy dress and you might have your makeup done nicely right now, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re not beautiful. In fact, you’re actually fairly ugly.”

  Ellie felt tears forming in her eyes. It was one thing for her to think those things about herself but it was another thing all together for her to hear them confirmed. By Edric’s date, no less.

  “You’re scrawny, bony, small-breasted, way too pale, and you don’t look like you have any eyebrows. And to top it all off—”

  Between the pain in her wrist, being harassed by that strange man, and now being called ugly, Ellie couldn’t take it anymore. Tears slid down her face. The petite woman ran away from the busty model and over to the elevator. She had to be alone. She knew that Edric’s office would be empty and she had a key.

  Ellie quickly pressed the elevator door. Finally, the elevator opened and she slid inside. Right before the doors shut, Cassie entered.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Cassie walked over next to her sister and placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” She choked out as she quickly wiped away her tears.

  “Come on, El.”

  “I really don’t want to talk about it.”

  “What happened?”

  Ellie whimpered. “Some guy tried to take me back to his hotel room and hurt me and then Edric showed up and stopped him and then Aria called me ugly. And…and…I just want to be alone right now. It’s been a bad day.”

  “I know the feeling…” Cassie muttered under her breath.

  “What did you say?” Ellie choked out.

  “Nothing.” Cassie wrapped her arms around her sister’s shoulders and patted her on the back. “It’ll be okay, Ellie. You’re not ugly, and I can beat that guy up for you.”

  The red-haired woman spent the rest of the elevator ride gently comforting her sister. Finally, the elevator came to a stop at the top floor. Ellie quickly walked over to the door to the office, fumbled with the keys in her clutch, and then finally opened the door. She walked straight over to the couch in the far corner of the room—she didn’t even bother to turn on the lights. The moonlight streaming in from the glass siding provided Ellie with barely enough light to find her favorite spot on Edric’s couch. Once she sat down, she fully wept into her hands. Cassie sat in the CEO’s plush, leather chair and put her feet up on his desk.

  “After I compose myself, I think I want to go home. Do you think Edric will mind if I leave?”

  “Fuck Scrooge. Who gives a shit what he thinks?”

  “I...” Ellie cried. She clutched her hurting wrist against her arm. “I do.” Ellie sobbed.

  “I think we should go now. After I find out what’s in Scrooge’s desk.” She opened the desk drawer and began to rifle through the top door of the man’s desk.

  “I just need a minute…”

  “Let’s play a game.” Cassie said in a sing-song voice.

  “What game?”

  “The what’s-in-Scrooge’s-desk game.”

  Ellie sniffled and looked up. “Please don’t; it’s not your desk...”

  Cassie scanned the contents of the desk. “Let’s see. Pens. Paper. Aww, a picture of him with his siblings. Folders. Notes.” Her notes wrinkled. “Eww. Why the fuck does Scrooge have an old, moldy cookie in here? That’s disgusting.”

  Ellie was too upset to fully respond to that comment. She merely shrugged and looked down at the ground. Then she heard the sound of a camera clicking. A flash of light lit up the room.

  “What was that?”

  She heard the clicking noise again and saw yet another flash of light.

  “Hmm? What?” Cassie looked over at her sister.

  “Was that a camera?”

  “I don’t know, don’t worry about it.” The private detective quickly responded. “Man. This guy has OCD or something. Besides the moldy cookie, everything’s organized.”

  The door to the office swung open and Edric Kensington arrived. Even though the room was dimly lit, he could still make out Ellie and Cassie’s respective silhouettes.

  “There you are.”

  “Y-yes. I’m here.” She choked out between tears. “I just need a moment and…and I’ll be ready to come back downstairs.”

  “Scrooge, you gotta go. You’re not welcome here.”

  “It’s my office. If anything, you’re the unwelcome one here. And why are you rummaging through my desk?”

  “I’m trying to cheer up my sister. Who your girlfriend—or whoever the fuck she is to you—just bitched out.”

  “What do you mean?” Edric asked pointedly.

  “I’m fine.” Ellie wiped the tears away from her face. “Really, I’m fine.”

  Edric bit his lip.

  “Cassie, could you give us a moment?”

  “Fuck no, Scrooge. In case you haven’t noticed. You’re an asshole and my sister’s upset. I don’t trust you.”

  “It’s okay…” Ellie mumbled.

  “I’m still not going.”

  He pursed his lips together. “Fine.”

  The young CEO slowly walked across the room and sat down on the couch next to his crying assistant.

  “After I left, you seemed all right. Understandably nervous, but fine. What happened?” Edric asked pointedly.


  “Your bitch girlfriend just called Ellie ugly right after your douchebag investor tried to sexually assault her.”

  Ellie blushed. Cassie’s interjection wasn’t exactly welcome—she didn’t want Edric to know that she was upset in the first place, never mind why she was upset. At least Ellie felt her tears subside. The young woman brought her knees to her chest and
wrapped her arms around them.

  “Cassie. Get out of my desk and go back to the party.”

  “I’m not leaving my sister.”

  “Cassie, can you give us a few minutes?” Ellie muttered.

  “Um. Okay.” She stood up from Edric’s chair, walked over and rubbed her sister’s shoulder, and then glared at Edric. “I’ll be downstairs if you need me.”

  “Thank you…” Ellie muttered.

  After the door closed behind Cassie, Edric slowly exhaled. The two sat in silence. Ellie wiped away her tears and rested her head on her knees.

  “I kicked Summers out, you won’t see him again. It’s all right. You’re safe.”

  “I know…”

  “And I won’t call the police. That’s your decision to make. I support you either way, although you know my thoughts on the matter. I won’t pressure you about it anymore or bring it up again.”


  “I’m sorry to have invited him. I had no idea that he would try to do that to you.-”

  “I’m not so much upset about that…that was more frightening than anything else. I mean, it was upsetting but…” She sighed. “I don’t know.”

  “So, it was Aria, huh?”


  “Who made you this upset?”

  Ellie shrugged.

  “I’ll kick her out too. I have a lot of contacts in the modeling business who can ruin her career I can…”

  “No,” she said firmly, “it’s not her fault. She merely told the truth. I appreciate her honesty. It’s just sometimes not easy to hear or accept the truth.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Ellie stared straight ahead at the wall. She rested her head on her knees.

  “Ellie, what do you mean?” He repeated in a harsh tone.

  “That I’m ugly.” Her voice cracked.

  Edric scoffed. “You don’t honestly believe that, do you?”

  She shrugged.

  “Ellie. No, look, you’re wrong.”

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to lie to me. At least I’m smart. I have that. But I know I’m not pretty.” Her voice cracked again. “I mean, I’m pale, bony, small-chested, short, and…and I don’t look like I have eyebrows…”

  “Do you know what I see when I see you?”

  Ellie was silent. She didn’t shrug or move or make any indication of a response. She didn’t want to know what the man sitting across thought of her. He probably thought that she was a coward, for one. And, on top of that, too frail, scrawny, and skittish. That’s how she saw herself.


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