What About Charlie?

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What About Charlie? Page 23

by Haley Michelle Howard

  Oh, she could be cynical and twist it that he merely didn’t want to be saddled with a wife with anymore injuries. But that wasn’t being fair to Evan. He’d been good to her and he didn’t deserve that type of snide thinking.

  And besides, Charlie thought, suddenly feeling buoyant, like a great weight had been lifted off her shoulders, she was tired of being negative, tired of feeling sorry for herself. Staying in that frame of mind would not help her attain the happiness she so desired. It was time that she accepted her disability, time that she was once again herself.

  For Charlie, it was as if the clock had been turned back to when they had been friends before their physical relationship interfered. They held hands, laughed, joked. Using Evan for support to walk, Charlie left her cane at his parent’s house. She almost felt normal again, except for having to walk at a snails pace when she normally had been a brisk walker. But at that moment she didn’t care. She was enjoying herself. She was having a good time.

  Evan took her to the Massachusetts State House where the first dome was installed by Paul Revere; he showed her where the Boston Massacre took place, and bought her a cup of hot cocoa from a local coffee shop. Then they strolled down Mt. Vernon Street, admiring the beauty of the historic homes.

  Though the Boston Public Garden was barren of flowers and foliage, Charlie fell in love with its stark beauty. They strolled across the bridge. Evan pointed out where the famous swan boats floated about in the pond during spring and summer.

  Charlie leaned against the bridge railing and sighed.

  “Anything wrong?” Evan asked, looking down at her.

  “Just a little tired. I’m not used to walking so much.”

  Taking her hand, he guided her off the bridge to a nearby bench. “I’m sorry, Charlie. I didn’t think.”

  She looked up at Evan, who was standing in front of her. “You don’t regret marrying me, do you?”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “I’m being realistic, Evan. I will never walk normally again. I’ll always have this limp and if I’m not using you for support when I walk, I’ll have to use my cane. I can’t do things like I used to. I can’t even run to play Frisbee like I used to do.”


  He knelt before her and clasped her hands in his. “What does that have anything to do with the way I feel for you? You’re still Charlie. It doesn’t make a difference to me if you limp or have to walk using a cane. I just thank God that you didn’t die in that accident. I thank God everyday that you are here and you can walk. I’ve seen much worse, Charlie. You are so very fortunate. What matters most is that you’re here with me, that I can see you smile. I want you to be happy. I want us to be happy together.”

  Charlie’s eyes misted. There was no doubt in her mind that Evan truly cared for her. Perhaps he didn’t love her as she loved him, but she knew he loved her in his own way just the same. It was a comfort to know that.

  She smiled shyly. “I want us to be happy, too. Evan, I…” then she stopped in mid-sentence, looking up at him.

  He looked at her in question

  Fear of his reaction caused her to stop. She wanted a family and, though she knew he wanted one too, she’d suddenly become very reluctant to bring up the subject.

  “I’m having a wonderful time,” she amended, thinking herself silly for being shy all of a sudden.

  Bringing her hands to his mouth, he touched her fingertips with his lips, his eyes earnest and serious. “I am too, Charlie. Lets make this marriage work. There is no reason why we can’t.”

  Feeling like she was floating on air, they returned to the townhouse. It was late in the afternoon and the house was quiet – his father at work, his mother having tea at a friend’s home.

  Charlie sat at the kitchen table while Evan fixed them each a mug of hot cocoa with marshmallows. Bringing the two mugs over to the table, he sat a mug down in front of her and took a seat across from her.

  After taking a sip, he looked up at her.

  “Charlie,” he began, “I know since we’ve been here I’ve been neglecting you. When I suggested we come here for the holidays, it wasn’t my intention to be so distant. But somehow it happened that way.” He was silent for a moment. “I want to make that up to you or at least try. Have you ever seen the Nutcracker?”

  She shook her head. “I’ve always wanted to.”

  Evan smiled. “Good. I have two tickets for tomorrow night to see the Boston Ballet perform the Nutcracker at the Wang Theatre. It’s a magnificent production. I know you’ll enjoy it. That is if you want to go.”

  He gave her a pensive smile and her heart went out to him. He was trying to please her, make her happy. “I’d love to go, Evan. But what will I wear? I have nothing appropriate.”

  Giving her an indulgent smile, he said, “Mother is going to take you on a shopping spree tomorrow morning. She will make sure you have suitable attire.”

  That night, when they lay down, Evan pulled her close to him. Charlie rested her arm on his arm that was wrapped around her waist, feeling overjoyed and, yes, relieved. Things were beginning to thaw between them. How she had worried this might never happen!

  After a while, she turned over on her other side, facing him. Charlie was surprised to see his green eyes staring back at her. They were soft and warm.

  “I’ve had a great day today.”

  “Me too.”

  By the firelight in the room, Charlie saw that Evan was smiling. At that moment, she felt so very close to him, with his arms around her, a look of warmth and tenderness directed at her.

  “Evan, I want this to be a real marriage,” she rushed. “I want to have a family,” she blurted. His eyes shadowed and his smile had slipped. “That is if you still want to,” she said uncertainly.

  He softly touched her cheek with his fingertips. “From the inception of this marriage, that was my intention. Why have you suddenly changed your mind?”

  “I want us to have a happy life together, and being at odds with each other won’t accomplish that.”

  Charlie focused her eyes on his lips, wishing he would kiss her, that he would make love to her. She needed him so much right now.

  In a husky voice she moaned, “Make love to me, Evan.”

  It came out barely as a whisper. It was so light she wondered if she’d said it at all, but she knew Evan had heard when he lowered his mouth down to hers and hungrily tasted her lips.

  His lips were hot and Charlie responded to him just as a person dying of thirst gulps water, not able to get enough. Little did she realize before now how she had been figuratively dying. She had needed Evan’s touch more than she ever realized.

  Desire whipped them up in a frenzy. Evan’s strong hands managed to find their way beneath her gown, caressing and kneading her breasts. Charlie ran her hands up and down his back savoring the warmth of his skin, the strength of his muscles.

  Suddenly he moved away from her and removed his pajama bottoms. Then he pushed up her nightgown to her stomach, and with several tugs, slid her panties down her legs.

  Centering himself between her thighs, he thrust hard inside her. She arched up to him, meeting him thrust for frantic thrust.

  It happened fast and quick for both of them. But instead of feeling empty because it was over so soon, Charlie felt amazingly filled and, yes, very happy.

  Evan rolled over to his side and tenderly wrapped her in his arms. Within moments, they were both fast asleep.

  Chapter 20

  The temperature was mild and the sky the bluest she’d ever seen. It was a beautiful day. A magnificent day. And, of course, it was because of her day with Evan yesterday. After all these long and lonely months of depression, she actually felt happy, felt as it her life was not a long, narrow road to nowhere. Her life now had purpose, a future to look forward to with Evan by her side.

  Charlie smiled to herself. She was looking forward to tonight so much! It was another huge step for them, though it may appear insignificant at first glanc
e. But they were going out as a married couple, a happily married couple! That distinction was one of great significance. This was their beginning.

  She’d spent a good portion of the day shopping with Evan’s mother, trying to find the perfect outfit for the occasion. When they finally returned home, she was disappointed to find Evan out. So, she lay on the bed and closed her eyes to rest for a few minutes.

  When she opened her eyes again, Evan was standing beside the bed, looking down at her, smiling.

  “I was about to wake you. We need to start getting ready. It’s too late to eat before we leave, so I thought on the way home we’d stop for a late supper.”

  Charlie lazily stretched then sat up. “I hadn’t intended on falling asleep. I meant to rest for only a few minutes.”

  “There’s no need to apologize. Mother told me you two had a very busy morning shopping. She said you found a beautifully elegant dress to quote her. You didn’t let her talk you into a dress you didn’t like, did you? I wanted you to get what you wanted.”

  “No. The dress is lovely. The only thing I was concerned about is that it is sleeveless. It’s winter. I never heard of wearing a sleeveless dress in winter. Your mother assured me, however, that she had a coat that would match it perfectly. She said that I wouldn’t want my dress to be too heavy because it can get warm in the theatre.

  “She is correct. It can become very warm.”

  Charlie stood. “Well, let me start getting dressed.”

  Evan reached out and took her hands into his. “Charlie,” he said, looking deep into her eyes, “this night is for you. I want you to have a wonderful time. Your wish will be my command.”

  She squeezed his hands and smiled. “This will be our night, Evan, and no one else’s.”


  Evan’s breath caught in his chest when he saw Charlie slowly descending the staircase into the foyer, her hand on the rails as she slowly maneuvered down. Then she smiled, and at that moment her beauty seemed to increase tenfold. Of all the women he’d dated and seen over the years, none compared to her. No one. She was amazing; a breath of fresh air, his island in a stormy sea.

  When she got to the bottom, Evan was there and held his hand out to her. She softly laid hers into his.

  “You look beautiful, Charlie.”

  She smiled, her cheeks turning rosy. “You look handsome, too.”

  “I have a surprise for you, Charlie.” He let go of her hand. “Wait here.”

  She watched him go into the den, then gasped when he returned, carrying the most gorgeous coat she’d ever seen. A fur coat.

  “Oh, Evan. It’s beautiful.”

  “I bought if for you this afternoon. I hope it fits.”

  He slipped it over her arms and onto her shoulders. She ran her hands over the soft gray and black fur.

  “It’s chinchilla.”

  “Evan, you shouldn’t have bought this for me. It’s way too expensive a gift.”

  “Nonsense. You are my wife, Charlie, in every way and if I want to buy you something I will. You deserve it.”


  Charlie felt like she was floating on air as Evan escorted her through the main lobby of the Wang Theater. She had never seen anything so beautiful and elegant in her life. On the ride over, Evan had mentioned that the theater had been originally modeled after European theaters when it had been built in the 1920’s. Only a few years ago the building had gone through a costly but much needed renovation and was named after a generous donor. Evan’s own family had substantially contributed to the cause, with his mother playing a major role in the fund raising activities.

  Their efforts had certainly paid off, Charlie saw. She felt like she had been transported back to Victorian times, she a Lady and Evan her Lord, the marble floors gleaming beneath them, the crystal chandeliers sparkling above them.

  Evan looped his arm through hers and escorted her through the crowd in the lobby and up the stairs that ascended through the middle of the lobby. Evan held her arm tight, walking slowly to accommodate Charlie’s slow and awkward gait.

  Normally, she would have felt exceedingly self-conscious, certain that people were staring at her as she walked. But at that moment, the thought never occurred to her. Evan made her feel so beautiful and complete – perfect like nothing at all was wrong with her.

  Looking down at her, Evan’s chest tightened. This was his Charlie. This was the woman he’d come to know and thought he had lost. She was so full of life – vibrant, glowing. She was breathtaking.

  He leaned his head towards her and spoke in a low voice so only she could hear. “You look lovely tonight. By far the loveliest lady here.”

  Charlie looked up at him, her eyes filled with surprise. Laughing, thinking this was just like old times when they used to tease each other, she said, “And you are by far the handsomest man here.”

  They stopped and stood in line waiting to be seated.

  Evan’s eyes locked with hers. “I mean it, Charlie.”

  She looked away from, suddenly at a loss for words. Through the years they had bantered back and forth saying these very words. But tonight was different. He was serious. As serious as she’d ever seen him.

  An usher appeared to escort them to their seats.

  Waiting, making sure the usher was several steps ahead of them, Charlie said, “I mean it too, Evan. I really do.”

  Evan suddenly stopped and took her hands into his, turning her towards him, looking into her eyes. “You make me happy, Charlie.” He lightly brushed her lips with his.

  “Mr. Collier?”

  Evan smiled at Charlie. “Come, Charlie. We mustn’t keep him waiting.”


  Charlie felt like she was in a fairy tale. They sat perched above the crowd in a loge as Evan had called it. She called in a box. It was just the two of them and they were very much alone among the several thousand gathered in the theater.

  “How are you liking it so far?”

  “It’s magnificent, Evan. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “I’m glad, Charlie. I want this night to be yours. Whatever you want is yours. Would you like a drink? Something to eat?”

  Charlie smiled and shook her head. “Everything is perfect, Evan. Thank you.”

  “No. Thank you, Charlie for not giving up on me, for giving me a chance.”

  Charlie would have liked to have played dumb and ignored his comment, put all the ugliness behind her, but they needed to address it.

  “I can understand your wanting to keep your private life private when you didn’t tell your family all there was to know about me. There were many things that I never told my father. I don’t think he would have understood,” she said, though it still hurt to think about it.

  “That’s exactly why I didn’t tell my family about you. We had a special relationship, one that was not easily understood by our own friends. I certainly didn’t expect my parents to understand. They’re from an age where a man and woman could never be simply good friends. If a man and woman were continually around each other, enjoying each other’s company, it’s automatically assumed there is an attraction, not friendship. I simply didn’t want them pressuring me about us. I didn’t want what we had to be spoiled or trivialized.”

  “I think maybe your parent’s views were correct,” Charlie said thoughtfully. “We didn’t remain friends after all.”

  “You’re right,” Evan agreed, pausing for a moment. “Perhaps there had been an attraction between us all along.”

  Charlie opened her mouth to ask what about now? Is there more than attraction now? But the lights dimmed and the orchestra below began to play, forcing her to bite back the question she longed to ask.

  When Evan clasped her hand in his, squeezing it tightly, looking over at her, giving her an incredibly sexy smile, Charlie was glad the orchestra started playing when it did. They had a special relationship on which they could build their marriage. Though he did not love her, he truly cared for her. That was eno
ugh. But hadn’t she said that before? Would it be so wrong to hope for far more?

  Slipping her chinchilla coat over her shoulders, Charlie savored the brush of Evan’s fingers over her bare arms. His hands were warm and soft and she couldn’t help but think about how they felt on her body last night when he made love to her. He knew where to touch her and how to touch her was well. Before he had entered her, she had been whipped into a wild frenzy, filled with immense want and need.

  “Would you like to take the stairs or elevator?”

  “The stairs Evan. My hip feels fine.”

  “Good. I want everyone to see I’m with the most beautiful woman here,” he surprised her by saying.

  Though she seriously doubted she was the most beautiful woman in attendance, perhaps, though, she was the most beautiful woman to him there. The thought made her giddy with happiness. They were becoming closer, more relaxed with each other just as a married couple should.

  After slowly ascending the stairs, Evan began guiding her through the crowded lobby toward the entrance. Roughly half-way across she felt his arm tense ever so slightly. She immediately looked up at him, following his gaze across the lobby to a woman walking towards them. She was tall and graceful, moving as if she were floating across the floor. Her dark hair was swept up, her eyes intense upon Evan. As she drew closer, Charlie could clearly see her features. Her eyes were black or a dark brown, her skin tone olive and flawless, her lips full. She was beautiful and elegant and she was headed straight towards them.



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