Lost on the Bayou

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Lost on the Bayou Page 11

by Rose Pressey

  I rushed over to the window and took a look outside. The parking lot was still almost empty, although there were a few cars that hadn’t been there a few hours ago. Her car was still where she’d left it. Maybe she’d just popped out for a moment. I worried about the men from the bar though. With if they happened to be looking for her? I wasn’t sure how she’d gotten out of the room without me waking up. I had to go out there and look for her. Now I really was in a panic.

  I eased around the side of the bed and grabbed my shoes. I pushed my feet into them and didn’t bother to tie the laces. When I glanced over, her purse wasn’t there. I remembered seeing it earlier on the nightstand. So she’d taken her purse, but not her car. She couldn’t have gone too far. There was a diner across the street, maybe she’d gone over for a bite to eat. Again, I couldn’t understand why she hadn’t woken me before she left. I’d never expected to fall asleep and wake up to her being gone.

  I went outside and stopped on the sidewalk. I left the door to the room open just a little so that I would be able to get back in if I needed to. Although if Chloe didn’t come back there would be no reason why I really needed to be in the room. I looked out over the parking lot and wondered where I should start to look first. I supposed I should take a peek in the car. Maybe she’d gotten in and fallen asleep. Probably unlikely, but I needed to cover all possibilities. Hell, maybe she was just trying to get away from me.

  The parking lot was mostly dark in spite of the couple lights around. It was quiet as I expected for three in the morning. There was a light on in the hotel’s office. I wondered if Tina was still working. I could ask her if she’d seen Chloe for the second time in just a few hours. She would for sure think I was crazy. I couldn’t let that stop me right now though. I didn’t care what anyone thought. This had been one hell of a strange evening.

  I sprinted across the parking lot and walked into the office. Again no one was in sight until Tina popped up from the back room. She looked at me with a frown again.

  “I didn’t expect to see you again so soon,” she said.

  “I didn’t expect to be back in here so soon,” I said. “I’m looking for Chloe again.”

  “She seems to keep giving you the slip, huh,” Tina said as she moved closer to the front counter.

  “We lost each other again,” I said, hoping she wouldn’t ask for more details.

  Tina sat on the stool and leaned her arms on the counter. She looked at me and then pointed across the parking lot. “I saw her walking in the same direction again.”

  That was the opposite direction from the diner where I had expected that she’d gone. She couldn’t have gone to the bar again because it had closed.

  “Thank you,” I said with a smile.

  “I hope you can keep up with her this time,” Tina said with a slight chuckle.

  I nodded and hurried out of the office. There was only one thing I could do. I had to look for her.

  Why would she take off down the sidewalk again? I hoped that car didn’t come looking for her again. When I reached the street, I looked in the direction of the diner. I really had thought that she’d probably gone there. I wanted to look in there, but Tina had said that Chloe had walked in the other direction. I had to shake off that feeling though and go with what she had told me. I set off down the sidewalk to find Chloe. I hoped that Tina was wrong and that Chloe was really back in her room and safe.

  I walked down the street, looking from side to side, hoping that I would spot her. There was no traffic out at this time of the morning. No people on the streets either. It shouldn’t be hard to spot her since no one else was around, although it was dark and even the street lights didn’t provide much light. I hadn’t decided just how far I would walk before I gave up and went back. There was no telling how long she’d been gone. We’d probably fallen asleep around twelve, so the most she could have been gone was three hours.

  I walked a short distance further. But a few steps in front of me I spotted something on the sidewalk. When I neared, I realized that it was a red wallet. I reached down and picked it up. I looked around to see if someone was nearby and had dropped it. No one was in sight, so I opened the wallet. I wasn’t expecting what I saw. Chloe’s picture was staring back at me. Had she dropped her wallet or had someone stolen it from her and then dropped it here? I decided to go back to her car. I would call my brother and report what I’d found.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chloe needs time to wrap her head around what happened

  I woke up and realized that I was still lying with my head on Grant’s chest. So it hadn’t been a dream. What had I been thinking by inviting him in? Silly me for even thinking I could resist him. One flash of his smile and I’d invited him to my room. Thank goodness I hadn’t let things go any further.

  The soft light from the TV splashed across his handsome face. His chest moved up and down in a steady rhythm. After turning off the television, I slipped out of bed, careful not to wake him. I needed time to think about what had happened.

  I eased into my shoes and grabbed my purse. When I reached the door, I looked back at him. He looked so peaceful sleeping there in my bed. For a moment, the thought of seeing him there every night ran through my mind. It was something I could get used to, but I shook off the thought. I needed to put distance between us so that I wasn’t influenced by his charm. I’d managed to avoid this for as long as I’d stayed away from Belle Grove, but the moment I was back, I’d fallen right back into his arms.

  I was a weak woman.

  Fresh air would do me some good and help clear my mind. I eased the door closed and stepped out onto the sidewalk in front of where my car was parked. I decided that I’d just walk over to the little diner, since it wasn’t far. Besides, the sound of my car starting might wake Grant. I wanted him to sleep and then I’d come back and talk to him once I’d wrapped my mind around what had happened. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to eat, but I could get some coffee.

  As I walked across the parking lot I kept my eyes open for anything strange. I still wanted to know about the man who had been at Grant’s office. What had he been doing there? I made it past the hotel’s office and I hoped the woman working didn’t notice me this time. There were no people out and about at this time of the morning. I was glad that the diner stayed open twenty-four hours though. Visions of Grant sleeping on my bed kept popping back into my mind. A part of me wanted to head right back in there and climb into bed with him.

  When I made it to the sidewalk by the main road, I looked to my left and right. That was when I noticed the men down the street. Their backs were facing me, but I recognized them right away. It was Porter Brennan and his sleazy buddy who had harassed me at the bar. There was another man with them too. I hoped that they didn’t see me.

  I should have run back to the room and grabbed Grant, but that really wasn’t an option I wanted to use at the moment. If only I could hear what they were saying.

  I decided to walk over that way. Of course I would try my best not to be seen. If they saw me I’d be in big trouble. There was a reason why Porter had told me I should leave town. I bet they knew something about my uncle that they weren’t sharing. There was no way I could hide as I walked down the sidewalk toward them. The only thing that saved me at the moment was that their backs were to me. My heart beat quickly as I inched closer and closer toward them. I’d made it pretty darn close to them when they stopped.

  They had stopped beside a white car. They still hadn’t noticed me, or if they had, they didn’t let it be known. I slipped behind a nearby building and peeked around the side. I was officially stalking them now. This was crazy, but after the way they’d acted I figured they deserved it. They shouldn’t have made me suspicious of them. I wanted to know what they were talking about in the worst way.

  When one of the men turned his face and I saw his profile I realized it was the man who had been at Grant’s office. Now I knew I had every right to be suspicious.

  Wait until
Grant found out about this. He wouldn’t be happy. I strained to listen in to their conversation and in spite of the fact that the streets were quiet, I couldn’t make out what they were saying. There was no way I could move closer without being seen either. How would I get back down the street without the men seeing me?

  I’d barely finished the thought when the men climbed into the car and drove away. Whew. That was lucky. At least now maybe I could make it back to the hotel. But I still hadn’t figured out what I would do with Grant.

  Maybe now the conversation about these men would be a distraction. I really should go back to the hotel now instead of the diner. I needed to tell Grant about what I’d seen. I inched out from behind the building, looking around to make sure no one was watching me. As I made it down the sidewalk, I dropped my purse and the contents fell out. It was dark and I couldn’t see where the things had fallen. My wallet was now missing. Footsteps caught my attention and I scrambled up from the pavement. I raced and hid behind another building.

  I had never been this paranoid before. Not only did I have to worry about getting caught by the strange men, but now my wallet was missing and I wouldn’t have any money. What would I do now? The footsteps continued near the building, but then they stopped. I wanted to peek out, but I was afraid to. Finally, the footfalls sounded again and faded from my ears. I eased my head around the building. That was when I saw him. At least I thought for sure it was Grant. What in the hell was he doing? He would probably ask me the same thing.

  I jumped out from around the building and took off after Grant. So much for having time to think about what I was going to say to him. If he asked about the kiss I’d tell him that it was a momentary lapse in judgment and that nothing like that could ever happen again. It would be the best for both of us. There had just been too much time between us to make up for the lost time. Sometimes you just had to let the past stay in the past. There was no sense in stirring up the old wounds.

  When I made it out onto the sidewalk, Grant had already made it a good distance away. It would take running for me to stand a chance of catching up to him. I threw my big purse over my shoulder and took off in a sprint. This bag wasn’t exactly made for running, especially since I had the kitchen sink in it. A girl never knew when she might need lip balm or bandages.

  Grant didn’t even know that I was behind him. I was glad that he hadn’t looked back and seen my awful display of running. An athlete I was not.

  I was shocked that he hadn’t heard my heavy breathing when I made it all the way behind him. I was so close now that I could reach out and touch him and that was exactly what I did. When I tapped him on the shoulder, he jumped and then spun around. His arms were up in defense. I held my hands up in surrender.

  “It’s just me,” I said.

  He lowered his hands. “What are you doing?”

  Telling him that I’d been out for a casual stroll wouldn’t be an option. Of course he probably knew that I’d freaked out about what had happened between us. Could he really blame me though?

  I guessed I would have to tell him the truth. “I decided to go to the diner for something to eat. I woke up and was hungry.” That wasn’t a lie, I had been going to the diner.

  He frowned. “The diner is in the opposite direction.”

  Yes, there was that. “I didn’t make it to the diner.”

  “I can see that.”

  “When I got out to the street I noticed Porter Brennan and the other man from the bar. I wanted to know what they were doing.”

  “That is dangerous. What if they’d harassed you again?”

  I shrugged. “I didn’t say it was a good plan.”

  “I’m guessing they didn’t see you,” he said.

  I shook my head. “No, I don’t think they did. But the man who we saw at your office was with them.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  I nodded. “I’m almost positive. They left in a white car.”

  He ran his hand through his hair. “I was worried about you.” He held out my red wallet.

  “My wallet! Where did you find it?” I asked.

  “It was on the sidewalk. Of course you can understand why I assumed the worst. Please don’t ever do that to me again.” He stared me straight in the eyes.

  As far as I was concerned there wouldn’t be a chance for me to do it again. I was leaving as soon as I found my uncle. I didn’t bother telling Grant that right now though. I had to worry about finding my uncle. Grant would figure out when I was gone that I had no intention of having a relationship with him. I took the wallet from his outstretched hand.

  “As long as you’re okay now,” he said.

  I nodded. “I’m fine.”

  He stared at me and I knew he wanted to ask why I had left. Luckily, he didn’t. Grant motioned with a tilt of his head. “Let’s go for breakfast.”

  I stared at him.

  “You were going there anyway, right?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Yes, I remembered it has been a while since I ate.”

  “We can discuss what happened… with the men.”

  I was glad that he added that last part. If I steered the conversation toward my uncle then I hoped to avoid the other topic entirely. I stuffed my wallet back in my bag.

  “I thought you’d been mugged or kidnapped,” he said.

  I nodded. “I dropped my purse. I suppose I wouldn’t make a great spy.”

  “Probably not,” he said with a chuckle.

  We started off down the sidewalk in silence. If I wasn’t careful he would be talking about what had happened at the hotel. I needed to start some kind of conversation. Luckily, it wasn’t a long walk to the diner. I could see the place from where we were on the street.

  “So how did you know where to look for me?” I asked.

  He smiled. “Tina at the office saw you go this way.”

  “She watches what’s going on, huh?” I said.

  He laughed. “Nothing gets by her.”

  I’d have to thank her for that later.

  We made it to the diner and Grant held the door open for me. There was not another soul in the place.

  “Sit anywhere you’d like,” the waitress said without looking at us.

  “How about the booth right there?” Grant pointed.

  “Sure.” I slid onto the booth just as the waitress brought over a couple of menus.

  I ordered juice and Grant had a cup of coffee. The booth a couple back from us was where I’d seen the inspector. I wondered if the same waitress was here this morning. I glanced around but didn’t see her.

  After placing our orders, Grant looked at me. “So we know that the man from my office is connected to the inspector and the other man. I plan on paying Porter a visit in just a few hours. I want to know what the man was doing.”

  I took a drink of my juice. “I have a feeling he won’t tell you anything.”

  “Maybe not, but I think I’ll take my brother along to see what they have to say to that.”

  Grant looked so handsome sitting across from me and I wanted another kiss. What was I thinking? A kiss wasn’t a part of my plan.

  Chapter Twenty

  Grant wants to forget about the past

  After eating, I walked Chloe outside and back to her room.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about your writing? You never said you wanted to be a writer, and the next thing I know you’ve got bestselling books on the shelves,” I said.

  “I didn’t know at the time, but I’m glad I figured it out.”

  “I’m glad too.” I fought the urge to hold Chloe’s hand as we strolled along.

  “I knew what you would be doing. You’ve always been out there on that bayou.” A smile quirked the corners of her too sensual lips.

  I shoved my hands into my pockets. “It wasn’t much of a surprise, was it?”

  “How long ago did you buy your house?” she asked.

  “About six years ago. I thought if I bought the house next to your uncle th
at you might come for visit.”

  She looked at me out of the corner of her eye, but didn’t respond.

  “What kind of place do you have in Arizona?” I asked.

  “It’s a nice little apartment. The place is kind of like a retirement community. I’m the youngest one there. But there’s great places to eat and shop right around the corner.”

  “I know a great place to shop right here in Belle Grove. I happen to know the owners quite well.” I smiled.

  Chloe chuckled. “I still can’t believe your mother tried to play matchmaker.”

  “She would be happy if she saw us talking.”

  I wasn’t sure how it had happened, but she had successfully avoided talking about what had happened in the room and our past. In spite of all that, it was a great conversation as we talked about what we were doing in our current lives.

  When we reached the room’s door, she turned to me and said, “Well, thanks for everything.”

  I couldn’t take my eyes off her sweet face. Maybe she wouldn’t talk about what had happened, but that wouldn’t stop me from kissing her again. I reached out and pulled her close, planting a kiss right on her mouth.

  For a moment she acted as if she would pull away, but then she kissed me back. Her mouth moved across mine and I didn’t want the moment to end. Finally, she pulled away and stared me in the eyes.

  “I’d better go,” she said.

  As she turned and walked through the door, I said, “I’ll call you.”

  She nodded as she faced me again. Without saying another word, she closed the door. Well, that was progress. At last she hadn’t told me never to call her again. I walked away, but when I’d made it halfway across the lot, I looked over my shoulder.

  Chloe had the curtain pulled back and was watching me. She pulled the curtain shut quickly as I smiled. When I climbed behind the wheel of my truck, I pulled out my cell phone. It rang several times and then my brother finally picked up.


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