Finding Home: A Club Dark Novel

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Finding Home: A Club Dark Novel Page 14

by Reagan Hollow

  “Well, it was brought to my attention that a certain partner of mine has been acting different since you came to town. I don’t want to oust him just yet, in case it’s purely coincidental. And we also don’t want to tip our hand if it’s not.” He’s all professional about it, but it doesn’t make me feel any better.

  “So what will you do if it’s not?” I ask, trying to process this new information. It has to be coincidental. What business would one of Cory’s partners have with a stranger? It’s not like I have money or I’m famous I’m just a small-town girl. None of this even makes sense to me.

  “We’ll deal with it when the time comes,” he says, placing his hand on my very exposed thigh. “Right now, we’re just investigating.” He slides his hand up my leg. Anticipation builds in my stomach, making me completely forget what we were just talking about.

  “Ummhmm, investigating is good,” I murmur as I feel his lip brush against my throat.

  “Is it now?” A wicked smile stretches across his lips.

  I have no warnings before his strong arms are around my waist, lifting me up and placing me properly on his lap. I give out a tiny yelp of surprise as I’m settled down, my practically bare pussy against the huge bulge in his pants.

  “You were saying?” he asks as he trails his lips from my earlobe down the side of my neck, licking his way down the open V of my dress. My body quivers with need, awakening from the sensations his lips are causing.

  “Hmm? Oh, I forgot.” He laughs against my bare skin, sending chills down my body. I love the way he makes me feel and how he can take my troubles away, if only for a few moments.

  His hands slide up my thighs, raising my dress along with them. I haven’t forgotten that I’m stark naked underneath, and I can feel his cock growing harder between my legs, nothing between us but his slacks as the dress comes up over my bare ass. I grind myself down on him in hopes of relieving some of the pressure he’s created, but it only intensifies. I feel my orgasm growing, and he hasn’t even touched me yet.

  “Cory, I need you,” I moan into his neck, nibbling on the soft flesh exposed to me. This causes a very distinct growl to come out of him and I think it’s one of the sexiest sounds I’ve ever heard. Lifting up on my knees I slide my hands down to his slacks undoing his belt first and then the button and zipper. To my utter delight, I find that I’m not the only one that is bare tonight.

  Once I have him released from his pants, I grab hold of his thick, velvety cock and stroke it up and down until his head falls back against the headrest, and a deep moan escapes his throat. I’m just about to climb off of him so I can get a taste of his massive bulge when suddenly he’s got me flat on my back hovering over me. He’s got my dress lifted higher around my waist and is making quick work at removing his pants. Then I feel him at my opening, his flesh so soft and hot. I moan, long and deep, because, what else can I do? This man does crazy things to me.

  “Lacey, I want you so bad right now. I’ve held back so much tonight when all I really wanted to do was just take you right then, for everyone to see that you belong to me and only me.”

  My heart squeezes at his confession. I’ve never felt like I’ve belonged to anyone before. Sure, I thought I loved Aaron, but he never felt like home to me and that’s exactly how Cory feels.

  “I’m afraid being gentle is just not in the cards tonight, love. I apologize beforehand.” And then he slams into me so hard, tears spring forth and my back bows. There’s pain, but it’s the type that promises intense pleasure. Before I even have a moment to recover, he’s pulled out and slams back in just as hard. I’m riding that thin line between pleasure and pain. Knowing that at any moment, one will take over more than the other. My legs come up and wrap around his waist, limiting his movements just a bit, but not much. He tangles his fist in my hair, pulling it back so my neck is stretched, my throat completely exposed to him. He leans down and bites into the hollow of my neck while swirling his tongue around. The pleasure/pain sensations have my walls tightening around him, warning him that I’m not going to hold out much longer.

  “Hang on for me, baby, I’m not done with you yet.” He tugs on my hair a little harder, causing my breast to thrust forward, and he instantly grabs one of my nipples between his teeth. “I want you on your knees for me, baby.”

  He’s already pulling out of me and gripping my hips, helping me to my knees and then bending me over the bench seat. He lifts up my gown, exposing my bare ass to him before positioning himself directly center with my backside. “I want you to hold on tight, this is going to be fast and hard.” He pounds into me at a relentless pace. In and out, each thrust harder than the other, but he’s found his rhythm as well as my spot hidden deep inside. Each time he hits that spot, my walls constrict even tighter around him causing a very low, intimidating growl to come out of him, which only intensifies the warmth deep in my belly.

  He quickens his pace even more, pounding into me harder than I’d ever thought I’d be able to handle, promising that I’ll be sore come morning. I feel his hand slide down to my clit, firmly massaging circles around it and using my juices to moisten my sensitive nerves. My orgasm builds, the pressure even more than the last time. And then, it takes over me. My walls constricting around him, pushing me into such an intense bliss that I feel my eyes roll in the back of my head. I feel his mouth come down on mine, slipping his tongue inside to massage against me. He tastes of heaven and peppermint, making me feel like I want to stay in this position for the rest of my life.

  “You’re mine, Lacey, and I’ll do anything in this world to protect you,” he says.

  Chapter 14

  After getting home last night, we both crashed—too exhausted to do anything else. I’m not sure if Cory ever heard anything back from Alex, but he says he’s needed at the club for a meeting this afternoon. So right now, we are curled up on his couch talking.

  “I’ve been real curious about something, why did your parents leave your brother behind if he was still in school?” Surely one more year wouldn’t have killed them.

  “Honestly? I never really asked them. I guess they just figured he was old enough to fend for himself. They’ll be back for his graduation, though.” He says it like it’s no big deal, and maybe for his family it isn’t. I guess since I lost my family at such a young age, maybe I appreciate the idea of family more than he does.

  “So they just expect your sister to take care of him?” That hardly seems fair.

  “Not at all. She’s merely offering him a place to live. He’s smart and perfectly capable of taking care of himself.”

  I still think his parents should have a more active role, at least until he’s graduated, but who am I to judge? I don’t know his family or their situation.

  We spend the day relaxing, catching up and watching movies. It’s nice to feel normal for a change. My life has been so chaotic recently, that just being able to exist without worry, at least for a brief period of time, is refreshing. That is until Cory was called in earlier than expected. Apparently, Alex is pretty certain he’s found something and needs Cory to come in immediately.

  “Give me a few minutes, and I’ll get dressed and come with you,” I say, my nerves now shot to hell.

  “Lace, babe, I want you to stay here where I know you are safe. If it’s who we think, you’re better off not being at the club,” he says gently. As much as I really want to know what’s going on, he has a point. I get the creeps every time I step foot in that place.

  “Okay, but will you promise to call me as soon as you have something concrete?” I feel almost needy, and I don’t like it one bit. I know I’m safe here in this house, but I always feel much safer when Cory is around.

  “I promise,” he says as he kisses me with so much passion, I can feel my blood heat on contact. He pours everything into that kiss, saying everything he’s feeling without words. Again, this feeling of impending doom settles over me, causing me to get closer to him, never wanting to let him go. “Hey? Are you ok
ay?” NO!

  “Yes, I’ll see you when you get home.” I give him what I hope is a reassuring smile and step aside so he can leave.

  “Home? I like hearing you say that.” He grabs me by the hand pulling me back to him and looks me deep in the eyes, gives me a tender kiss on the cheek, and steps out the door. For some reason, my gut’s telling me that’s the last time I’ll be seeing him, which is just crazy. I know I’m just being paranoid. I shake my head and go upstairs to try and find a book to pass the time.


  I’m going stir crazy in this house. I can’t take much more of not knowing. Cory’s been gone for a couple of hours now, and I haven’t heard a word from him. I debated on calling him but didn’t want to be a bother if he has something important going on. I tried to read a book for a little while to distract myself, but I couldn’t get out of my thoughts and kept rereading the same paragraph over and over again.

  I decide maybe taking a walk will help to clear some of this fog in my brain. Help me gain some perspective. After walking around for a little while, I step off the trail and find a stump to rest on. The scenery here is almost perfect, with only one thing— or rather someone— missing.

  Deep in thought, I’m startled when I hear a loud crunch come from behind me. All hairs on my body stand at attention and dread settles at the pit of my stomach. Call it intuition, if you like, but I already know who’s behind me before he even speaks.

  “Not very smart of your boyfriend to leave you all alone. Well, all alone with a defenseless old man,” Aaron says with a sneer in his voice from directly behind me. How’d he get so close without me knowing?

  “Aaron?! Aaron what did you do to Al? He hasn’t done anything wrong, please tell me you didn’t hurt him,” I whisper, fear launching my heart into my throat. It’s bad enough that I’m in this situation, but Al and Cory have been nothing but amazing to me, and they don’t deserve to be dragged into all of this.

  I go to stand up, not just needing to get away from Aaron but also to go check on Al and make sure that he’s alright, when I feel a sharp, intense, throbbing at the side of my head, knocking me to the ground. Tears spring forward as my vision quickly starts to fade.

  Just as I feel myself about to blackout, Aaron steps in front of me, leaning in close to my face, and whispers, “You may have gotten away from me once, princess, but if I can’t have you, no one can.” Then, everything goes black.


  “Wake up, princess.” I’m startled awake as cold water is splashed onto my face. There’s an aching pain in the side of my head, and I feel bile rising up my throat as dizziness settles in.

  “I think I’m going to be sick,” I say just before I throw up all over myself and realize I can’t move.

  “Did you honestly think I wouldn’t find you?” he asks, a sinister smile across his lips. I don’t even know who he is anymore.

  “What’s going on, Aaron? I wasn’t trying to hide from you.”

  He laughs, but not in an amusing kind of way. No, his laugh sends chills through to my bones.

  “Oh, Lacey, I would’ve thought for sure that you had already figured all of this out by now. I know you saw me on the footage Cory showed you, so don’t play naïve.” His tone grows deep and chilling. I’ve got to find a way to get out of here. If only I could get the room to stop spinning. I start wiggling my hands around, but it’s no use. He’s got them secured so tight, all I can move is my fingers.

  “How do you know all of this?” Distract him, that’s all I can think to do right now. Keep him talking while I try to think of a plan.

  “So a history lesson, is that what you’re after? But don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. I’ll play along, for now.” Who am I kidding, of course I can’t fool him. “Where do we start? Oh, I know! Do you remember that summer I went away? Of course, you do. Anyway, I went and spent the summer with my dad. See, he has this penthouse in this very city, does Cortia sounds familiar?” Oh no, please don’t tell me that’s who stays in the penthouse above Amber. “I can see the wheels turning, shall I continue? Let’s see, my dad thought it was time to teach me the family secrets, or his secrets shall I say. Dad has a certain, taste, for lack of better words, for certain sexual endeavors. My mom didn’t satisfy those aspects of his life, and my dad didn’t want to be caught cheating. So when he got wind that a new billionaire was in town seeking partners for his new project, well dad made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.” That’s just sick. But I still don’t know what any of this has to do with Aaron or me for that matter.

  “I’m not following, Aaron. So your dad wasn’t happy in his marriage, so what? What does that have anything to do with you?” If I can just keep him talking, I might be able to get my hands free. What I’ll do after that, I’m not so sure.

  “That’s what you’re missing, sweetheart,” he gets closer, sliding his hand along my jaw. He kneels down in front of me, “my parents’ were very happy,” he continues, getting closer to my face. So close in fact, his lips are mere inches away from mine. So I do the only thing I can think of—I spit right in his face. So fast I have no time to brace for it, my jaw catches his backhand. I can taste the copper in my mouth as the blood starts pouring from my lip. “Do something like that again and a busted lip will be the least of your worries,” he says as he stands to his full height, towering over me.

  “What happened to you?” I ask, spitting blood out on the floor. Where are we? I can barely see a thing, it’s so dark in here. All I know is I’m strapped to some kind of metal chair and the floor is concrete. There is a single light hanging above my head, illuminating a five feet circumference around us, but other than that it’s almost pitch black.

  “I’m getting to that. So about my parents’. They were happy and Mom never knew any different, but it all became too much for Dad. He didn’t want to lose his place in the partnership which is where I come in.” He sounds nothing like the man I spent so many years with. The guy in front of me reeks of pure evil. “Memberships extend to all first born. So long as Dad had my foot in the door, he held his place. One or both of us must be present at the membership meetings every month.” I’m still confused. “Not so fast,” he says, interrupting me before I can even speak, but that’s okay…I’ve nearly worked my hand out of one of these knots. “It wouldn’t be wise to speak unless I ask you to. That’s the only warning you’ll get. So you must be wondering where you come in with all of this?” Well duh, I think. “That was a question, Lacey,” he spits.

  I appease him by responding, “Yes, Aaron.” He gets a twisted smile on his face and finally answers what I have been wondering about for weeks. “You were a front, now don’t get me wrong. I have feelings for you. I always have. You were never supposed to see me with Allison. I had just gotten news that my dad had a heart attack, and she had shown up looking for you. I guess I don’t really need to feed you the one thing leads to another line do I?”

  What a piece of shit this guy is. How is it even possible I spent so much time with him and never realized how disturbed he was? “I don’t care to hear any of your excuses.” And there’s that backhand again. This time, it’s hard enough to snap my entire head to the side.

  “Now that was just plain rude. I warned you, Lacey. I’m trying to play nice here, but you keep forcing my hand.” The instinct to rub my face is very strong right now, and I’m wishing again that I wasn’t restrained.

  “Where were we. Oh yea, see, if you’d just stayed at work like a good little girl, none of this would’ve ever happened. We would’ve got married, I would have taken over all of my father’s inheritance, and you would have never known. We could’ve lived blissfully, just like my parents’, but you had to go and fuck that up.”

  He’s back in my face. My heart’s hammering in my throat and the desire to throw up again is coming in full force. This person in front of me, I don’t know him. I think that scares me more than anything. For years, he’s been able to fool me. I thought the world of this
man. There’s no telling what he’s capable of especially since I’ve apparently ruined something for him.

  “Wanna know the funny thing?”

  I’m lost in thought because I’ve almost freed my hand when his fist crashes into the side of my head. Oh my God, the pain is so intense. My world tilts and stars flash across my eyes. I’m on the verge of passing out and vomit all over again. Luckily my head tilted from the hit and I manage to get most of it on the floor instead of myself again.

  “Am I boring you, princess? I asked you a question.” I have no idea what he’s rambling on about; all I can focus on is staying upright and awake.

  “What?!” I manage to moan out.

  “Would-you-like-to-know-something-funny?” he asks, pausing between each word.

  “Not really!”

  Again, my head becomes his personal punching bag causing me to throw up again. I just want it to stop. I don’t give a shit about any of this, or him for that matter, and I don’t know why he’s even bothering with me. He could easily go out and find a damn replacement. It’s not like he had trouble when we were actually dating, so why not now?

  “Wrong answer, Lacey. If my dad wasn’t visiting his penthouse when he had his heart attack, I probably would have never known you were here. I was fully prepared to give you a few days to calm down while I came out to visit him.” Yeah right, like I would just get over the betrayal of the two people I cared most for screwing me over? I think not. “Imagine my surprise when I look out the lobby windows and see you pull up. It’s like the fates aligned. I thought you had somehow learned about my dad and was here for comfort and support. I was just about to head outside to meet you when I heard the valet radio in your arrival that someone else was expecting you. So I hung back and proceeded to follow you.” He knew I was here from day one and instead of approaching me, he does all of this? “Boy did you make it easy. You were being so careless, which was also how I was able to slip sleeping meds into your drink. You weren’t supposed to actually pass out until you made it to the bathroom. Apparently, I underestimated your alcohol intake as well as the medication.” He laughs to himself and shrugs his shoulder. Dick. I’ve finally managed to get one hand free. “Lucky for you, my dad died that night and I had to see to him and my mom. But it wasn’t long before I was back on your tail. I was there that night at the pub, and I knew the moment you felt me. It was quite entertaining to watch you get all worked up. But I let you have your fun, knowing I’d eventually have you back.”


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