A Little Bit of Trouble

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A Little Bit of Trouble Page 8

by A. E. Murphy

  “No, I managed to salvage her certificate, the one that says she’s qualified in hair and beauty,” she responds with a raised brow of her own. “I wonder why she’s got this place.”

  I don’t answer, I continue with my work. The sooner we get this done the better. What time is it? Shit.

  “Don’t worry,” James says clearly seeing my panic after checking the time. “Summer has Evelyn and is picking up Amelia and dropping them off at Sylvia’s.”

  “I forgot about your mom’s dry cleaning,” I mumble. James just waves me off and kisses Maya before she heads back upstairs.

  An hour later and the store is starting to look good again, we’ve taken the board down from the window and fortunately a large dumpster has arrived. Everything has been thrown in there, and by everything, I mean everything. Even the counter. The place looks naked. She has nothing left apart from a few clothes in her tiny closet upstairs.

  Marie has popped out to get us all some food, at present we are sipping on beer and laughing and joking. It’s great to see us all working together, I really am blessed.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t,” I hear Maya say as footsteps descend the stairs. Then Loryn appears in the doorway, her mouth drops open in shock. She looks at me and a small smile teases her lips. “Tada!” Maya announces as she appears behind Loryn, I watch as she face palms and skulks over to a laughing James. Why on earth did she say that?

  “How you doing?” I ask and climb up from my seat on the ground. I place my beer on the window ledge and make my way over to Loryn. “Are you ok?”

  She nods and looks around, “I’m fine.” Let’s not get started on the meaning of that word again. “Why are you doing this?”

  Good question, “Because I can.” Shit answer.

  “I should help, let me go put something…”

  “Like hell, you’re going to sit down with Maya and watch us work.” I demand and push her towards the entrance. Maya and James’s car is outside the door, mainly so we can listen to music. “Sit.” I help her into the passenger seat. Maya hands me an open beer. I hand it to Loryn who takes it with a quiet thanks. “Don’t move from this spot.”

  “Apparently they are doing big boy work,” Maya jokes and climbs into the driver’s side. “Shoo.” She waves her hand at me, I roll my eyes and vanish back into the store.

  Marie returns with bags full of food, she heads off to sit with the women in the car. It’s not long before I hear Loryn’s very own version of a cackle join the others. What is up with women when they’re together? Can’t they laugh like normal people?

  At least she’s laughing. This is a very valid point.

  “Thanks for helping out man,” I say to Kyle and shake his hand.

  “No problem at all, we did well,” that we did. I watch him climb into his car and drive away. It’s dark now and unfortunately the window wasn’t ready in time. We set the board back up and have closed the shutters. Maya is currently giving Loryn a hug with promises to keep in touch. James gives her a polite hug before vanishing with Maya in their car. Marie leaves next, she looks knackered but she has worked harder than most of us today. That girl really gets stuck in. I give her a tight squeeze before seeing her to her own car. Leaving just Loryn and I standing in the doorway of her store.

  “I don’t know how I can ever repay you,” she sighs and looks at her completely empty store. “Once the insurance comes through…”

  I hold my hand up to stop her, “Let’s think about that another time.” I hold out my hand. “Let’s go.”

  She falters a little and blinks as if trying to figure out if she heard right. “Go where?”

  “To mine,” I respond and take her hand without permission. “There’s no alarm and I haven’t fixed a lock for the upstairs yet. I’m not letting you stay here.”

  “I’m not staying at yours,” she practically screeches and tries to tug her hand away. “Are you crazy?”

  “Umm… yeah. Let’s go.” She turns to walk back into her store. Why does she have to be so damn difficult? With a sigh I wrap my arms around her waist and drag her to my car. “Will you stop being so stubborn. I promise, I won’t even touch you. At all.” Then I lower my head and wag my eyebrows. “Unless you want me too.” She huffs and crosses her arms across her chest. “Look, my place is safe and secure. Nobody can get in and out to cause any damage. I promise… Please.”

  “You’ve done enough already. I don’t want to get in the way… and what will your wife think?”

  I roll my eyes and groan, “I’m not married Loryn. I was… let’s just not talk about that. Get in.”

  “You’re not married?”


  “So why didn’t you say so the other night?”

  I close the door after her and run around to the driver’s side before slipping in. “It’s complicated. Are you hungry?” I can see she wants to ask more. Fact is, I’m not ready to bring that kind of grief forward, not after her ordeal and also because… well… because I’m just not ready. There’s no other explanation right now. We aren’t serious, we aren’t even friends according to her. She clearly doesn’t trust me, right now she needs to relax.

  “What about your kids?” She asks. I don’t respond, I turn the music up a little. Conversation over.

  We drive to mine in silence, she’s in a sort of shock when she sees the building I live in, and even more so when she sees my apartment.

  “This is beautiful,” she whispers breathlessly.

  “You can take my room, I’ll sleep in my daughter’s room.” I say and lead her through to my bedroom. “Is this okay?”

  “You’ve seen my apartment,” she laughs once and spreads her arms out to the sides. “And you’re asking me if this is okay.” Good point.

  “I just want you to be comfy. I’m going to have a shower, make yourself at home.”

  I open the door to the bathroom and stop when she calls my name. “Thank you Lucas. I don’t know why you’re doing this but I really appreciate it.”

  I wink at her over my shoulder, “I know.” Time to make myself clean.

  I stand under the hot spray for as long as physically possible, my back is aching like a bitch. Shit. Must have pulled something. With a hiss of pain, I step out and wrap a towel around my hips before preparing to shave. There’s a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” I call. The door opens, I stroke the blade down my right cheek, leaving a clear path where the shaving foam once was. “Everything ok?” I look at Loryn in the mirror, she’s staring at me, her eyes scanning every inch of my damp skin. The way her eyes roam over me hungrily makes me instantly throb. Now I can’t turn around because of the pole that seems to have taken up residence where my dick is. Shit. “Loryn?”

  She shakes her head a little to clear her head and meets my eyes in the foggy mirror, “Your phone was ringing constantly. I thought it might be important.”

  “Just leave it here,” I nod to the counter, she walks over hesitantly and places it next to the toothbrush holder. “Thanks.”

  She stands in the doorway for another moment before disappearing into my bedroom. I finish shaving and turn on the taps. The huge tub begins to fill with hot water, I add some bubbles and grab some towels out of the cupboard. I place a new toothbrush on the sink and a hairbrush, it’s Amelia’s brush but I doubt she’ll mind. Then I pad into my bedroom and stand in the doorway. Loryn is sat on the bed with a photo frame in her hands. I watch as she touches the picture. It’s one of myself, Crystal and the girls. Amelia was only seven months old in that picture.

  “I’ve run you a bath,” I announce whilst flipping my phone in my hands, she hastily places the photo back on my nightstand and turns to face me. “There are fresh towels on the counter with a clean toothbrush and a hairbrush. Take all the time you need.”

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “Do you have to argue with me on everything?”

  “You’re right, I’m sorry. Thank you.”

  I head in
to my closet and pull on some boxer briefs and a plain gray tee. After grabbing a set for her, I follow her into the bathroom and place them on the counter. I need to get out of the way, and fast. She’s going to be naked momentarily and I don’t think I can handle the thought of that. With a small smile, I run into the living room and instantly turn a music channel on before checking my phone.

  Sylvia: Amelia’s a little sick, I’m keeping her off school tomorrow.

  I instantly call her, she answers on the first ring, “Don’t panic, she’s fine, she’s asleep. Just has a bit of an upset tummy.”

  “I was worried there. Do you want me to come and collect her?”

  “Not at all, she doesn’t have a temperature or anything to be concerned about. I’ll call you if anything changes,” she says softly. “Evelyn’s crying. I have to go.”

  “Thanks Sylvia.”

  “Don’t you worry yourself, you take care of that poor girl.” And that I can promise I will certainly do.


  Bad Timing

  I’m off the sofa before I can even wake up properly, I must have fallen asleep here. Who’s screaming? Loryn!

  I stumble through my dark apartment before darting into my bedroom. It’s dark but I can see the screaming, writhing female in my bed via the soft glow from the moon coming through the window. I climb over her, my legs either side of her hips and grab her hands to stop her from thrashing.

  “Loryn, Loryn!” I say and shake her a little. She blinks her tearful eyes open and looks straight through me for a moment before finally focusing. “It’s just a dream.”

  She takes a deep shuddering breath and relaxes. “I’m sorry.”

  “Hey,” I say softly and wipe away her tears. “Come on.” I climb under the covers and pull her to me. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  There are a few moments of silence. I wait for her to answer.

  “I locked up and went to bed as normal,” I’ll take that as a reluctant yes. “The next thing I know I’m being dragged out of bed. There are three men in my apartment ripping stuff apart, smashing things with crowbars and baseball bats.” I roll her onto her back and lean up on my elbow so I can look down at her. Her eyes are closed, I softly brush her bangs from her face.

  “Go on.”

  “One of the men, he grabbed me by my neck. Said his name was Daniel. He wanted Dana, I haven’t seen her since the last time she came. I swear.” She shudders. “He threw me back onto my bed and that’s when I heard the window shatter, they must have opened the shutters. They told me it was a warning to her. Not like she gives a crap about me or my store. I told him this. He just said it was too bad for me. I thought he was going to kill me.”

  “Who called the cops?”

  She shrugs, “I have no idea. They said it was an anonymous call. They managed to get here and arrest two of the men. Then they just left without even asking me if I was okay. As soon as they heard Daniel’s name they acted like it was a normal robbery or something.” Corrupt cops. Go figure.

  Tears stream from her eyes, she wipes them away angrily, “Sorry. I feel like such an idiot.”

  “Stop it.” She stares into my eyes and nods a fraction. “Don’t apologize.” She nods again in response and smiles a little.

  “Is it weird that I trust you? Even though I don’t even know you.” I shrug. “Well, I’m sorry for being ignorant on our date.”

  I grin wickedly, “You could always make up for it.”

  She giggles a little and buries her face into the blanket, “Goodnight Lucas.”

  “Yeah,” I say softly and wrap my arms around her. Damn that feels good. “Goodnight.”

  I wake early, earlier than her. Calls need to be made, I want to know why the hell the cops left her without getting her proper care. I also want to know why they left her store in that fucking state. Maya answers sleepily after a few rings, I explain the situation. She already knows it. Apparently Loryn and Marie spoke in the car. She’s also going to call a few of her contacts today to get it resolved. I thank her profusely and hang up.

  After grabbing items from the refrigerator, I spread them out on the breakfast bar and get to work. So I’m not the best cook in the world, I can make a greasy breakfast without too much drama.

  The familiar hum of the pipes heating lets me know Loryn is up and most likely washing her face. I smile a little, it has been a long time since I had a woman alone in my apartment… a single woman I mean. Maya doesn’t count.

  “Morning,” she walks into the kitchen. Fuck me, she looks good in my clothes. “Do you have a phone I can use? I need to call my insurance company. Mine is back at the store.”

  I slide her the cordless and start filling up plates. She smiles gratefully when I place her breakfast in front of her.

  “It’s been a while since I had something so greasy,” she grins like a child on Christmas morning. Thank god for the little things. “This looks amazing.”

  “It’s nothing compared to Maya’s pancakes, they’re a constant demand when she’s around,” I take a bite of bacon. For once I actually cooked it to the desired crispiness. Score! “So, how is it you slept through these men breaking into your shop?” Maybe I shouldn’t ask but this is one thought that I’m curious about.

  She shrugs, “On top of being a heavy sleeper, when the door to the apartment is closed as well as the door to the downstairs staff room, it’s completely sound proof. It’s the way stores are built with apartments above them.”

  Makes sense, “Well, you need to get an alarm installed. I’ve asked James to look into it. He knows a few people in that area. He’ll have you sorted.”

  She swallows her mouthful, sips on her OJ and shakes her head, no. “I can sort this myself. Thank you for all you’ve done… wait. Why exactly are you helping me? Is this to do with Dana?”

  I shrug, “Nope.”

  “So, why?”

  Yes Lucas… why? “Can’t you just accept it for what it is? A handsome hero coming to the damsels rescue? Why do you need details?”

  “Wow, handsome hero huh?” she laughs a little. “There’s really no mistaking you for a modest person.”

  I watch her face for a moment, I’m unsure why but something in her tone seems to hit an alarm in my head. I tug on a lock of her hair, “Are you ok?”

  “No, not really.” She shakes her head and her face falls. “I’m scared Lucas.”

  “What of?”

  “Mad men breaking into my store and threatening me. Dana’s stupid choices. The fact I no longer have a store, how am I going to pay the bills?” she starts pacing. What can I say to make her feel better? Nothing… absolutely nothing. “I mean… how will I live? What if I end up homeless or have to grovel to my dad who already thinks I’m a failure. My gramps will be turning in his grave, this is his store. He loved this damn store. My mom… gah. And the men, if I fix my shop up, they might come back. They already smashed up my car.”

  “Wait… what?” I interrupt her rant. “What do you mean they smashed up your fucking car?” I always assumed she just didn’t have a vehicle.

  “It was over a month ago, it was smashed up with a crowbar or something, and then a brick was thrown through the upstairs window to my apartment. With a note attached. It said, tell Dana to call Daniel. I called the cops but they did nothing. Just like this time.”

  “I’ll help you babe, you’ve got me now,” I say softly. This isn’t what she wants to hear apparently.

  “I don’t need your damn help Lucas! I can make it on my own. I’ve always made it on my own!” she snarls angrily and prods me in the chest. “You can’t just barge in and start taking over!”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t mean anything to you! You don’t even know me. The only reason you took me out for dinner is because you feel sorry for me. You’ll be gone as swiftly as you came.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “And because your bitch of an ex-wife used to bully me with Dana, you
feel guilty.”

  “Don’t talk about her like that!” I get it, she’s angry. Stay calm Lucas.

  “Please! Why would a guy like you, want to spend time with a girl like me?”

  I look at her incredulously, “Are you serious right now?” Has she never looked at herself, or taken note of her amazing personality?

  “And even if you were, you aren’t my type…”

  “Here we go.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” her hands go to her hips as she scowls at me.

  I roll my eyes, “This is the part where you start insulting me, expecting it to actually hurt my feelings. Because you’re in a shitty mood and feeling vulnerable and somehow I’ve got under those layers of yours and you don’t like it because you’ve been hurt before and you’re worried I’m going to hurt you too. Blah, blah, blah. I’ve heard it all before.” It’s every woman’s fucking story.

  “You… you pig!”

  “You’ve said that before princess,” I take a step closer to her, my own irritation showing. “And don’t call Crystal a bitch. She’s not here to defend herself.”

  “Oh, you’ll defend her… how chivalrous. What about when I needed defending?”

  “You didn’t exactly defend yourself!”

  “How could I? I was one person.”

  I narrow my eyes, “And what am I? Three people? God… you’re so… fucking annoying.”

  “If I’m so annoying then stop helping me!”

  “Or you could just stop being an annoying bitch, that could work too,” I say casually and lean back against the counter whilst rubbing my jaw. Why is she attacking me right now?

  “That’s it, I’m done,” she throws her hands up into the air and storms from the kitchen. “I’m done… done, and done. I’m leaving.”

  Ah shit. I follow her. “You aren’t leaving.”

  “I’m not staying here,” she screeches angrily and grabs her bag. I rip it from her hands and throw it to the ground a few feet away. “You’re acting like a creep. So I’m your hostage now?”


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