Cowboy Control [Carnal Cowboys 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Cowboy Control [Carnal Cowboys 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Jane Jamison

  “Yes, sub? Go on.” Clint’s jaw worked, the muscle flexing and relaxing as he struggled with his lust.

  “What if I don’t want to obey you?” She bit her lower lip and caught Hale watching with increased interest.

  “If you don’t want to do something—and I mean seriously don’t want to do it—then say so.”

  “I’m not sure you haven’t already taken it too far,” added Hale.

  “Oh, I want to, sirs.” She shifted from one foot to the other, making her butt cheeks move.

  They both let out moans of appreciation.

  “Then what?” asked Clint.

  She pivoted around, doing it as gracefully and as sexy as she could. Cupping each breast, she pinched, hardening her nipples more.

  They didn’t moan again, but they were as close to drooling as men could get without having to wipe their mouths. Her hand slid over her stomach to find its way between her legs.

  Hale’s mouth parted, and his eyes narrowed. “Babe, you’d better answer the question quick like. If you don’t, you might not get a chance.”

  “I’m wondering what you would do if I did this.” She didn’t wait for an answer. Instead, she darted past them, catching them by surprise. Running as fast as she could, she scampered to the pickup.

  “Hey, come back here,” hollered Hale.

  Clint didn’t say anything, but the sounds of their boots thundering down the steps said he was right beside his brother. Her breath hitched in her throat, catching the rising laughter. By the time she made it to the pickup, flung the door open and jumped inside, they were only a few yards away. She slammed the door, hit the lock, and then looked for the key. As was his habit, Clint had left it in the ignition.

  Clint banged on the driver’s door while Hale hurried to the other side. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  She grinned as the pickup’s engine turned over. “I always wanted to drive in the nude. Especially in a pickup.”

  Hale yanked on the other door. “Sub, open this door.”

  “No, sir. Not going to do it.” She revved the motor. “If you want me to stop, you’re going to have to make me.”

  “Damn it, Raven.”

  With Clint’s words ringing in her ears, she put the gas pedal to the floor. The truck lurched forward then stalled.


  Clint swung his body up and over the side. Hale grabbed hold of the tailgate and jumped, landing in a sitting position.

  Her pulse pounded in her ears as she urged the engine on again. With a second try, she punched her foot against the gas. The truck leapt into action, sending a hail of gravel and dirt into the air. The men cursed, and she laughed. “Catch me if you can, cowboys!”

  She pointed the truck toward the main road. Her heart raced as it picked up speed. Her hands gripped the steering wheel, and she concentrated on holding on, even as it hit potholes dead center.

  A bang against the back window startled her. She did a quick look over her shoulder to see Clint and Hale standing upright in the bed of the truck. Clint banged his fist against the window then slid the two sections of it apart. He reached in and took hold of her shoulder.

  “Stop the damn truck now.”

  “No.” She added, “Sir.”

  “Listen to us, sub.” Hale clung to the roof while leaning over the side. He had his arm inside the open window and was trying to get the lock pulled up.

  Her heart pounded. “Hale, be careful. You’ll fall out of the truck and break your neck.”

  “Not if you stop before I do.” He’d already slung his leg over the side.

  Clint tugged on her arm. “Stop the truck, Raven. I’m not kidding, damn it.”

  She’d made it off the ranch and did a hard right turn onto the road leading toward town. A yelp from Hale had her breath catching. When she glanced back, he wasn’t there.

  “Holy shit! Hale! Oh my God. Hale!” She slammed on the brakes, throwing Clint hard against the window. Before the dust had settled, she’d run behind the truck and was gazing down the road in the direction she’d come.

  “Are you looking for me, babe?”

  She was the one who yelped as strong arms grabbed her and lifted her off her feet. Before she could put up a struggle, they had her in the bed of the pickup, leaning forward with her hands flat on the top of the truck.

  “What the fuck did you think you were doing?” Hale growled against her cheek.

  Relief swamped her. “Thank God. I thought I’d sent you flying.”

  Clint took a hunk of her hair and yanked. Pain seared into her scalp. “You could’ve gotten us all killed.”

  He held her head back, stretching her neck. “I didn’t think you’d jump into the back.” She gasped as he tugged harder.

  “We told you to stop.” Hale leaned closer, his face so close to hers that the warmth of his body radiated against hers.

  “I just wanted to play.”

  Clint reached around her and fondled her breast. “Do you still want to play?”

  She moaned as wetness flooded between her legs. Having them dominate her was exhilarating. She would’ve never thought that giving up control would feel so good, so liberating. Instead of feeling diminished, she felt powerful. More powerful than she’d ever felt after winning any business deal.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You deserve to be punished. You know that, right?”

  She nodded, suddenly feeling very exposed. Yet, again, it only added to the tingling sensation overwhelming her body. She was a rich and powerful woman, but she was totally under their command. And loving the hell out of it.

  “Straighten up,” ordered Hale.

  She pushed away from the truck.

  “Turn around.”

  Like on the porch, they stood side by side, blatant hunger written on their faces. Yet, unlike before, there was an edge to their demeanor.

  “Don’t ever pull a stunt like that again.”

  She nodded. In a way, it was like being chastised by her father. Yet very different. When her father had done it, he’d meant to hurt her, to shame her. But she didn’t get that impression from the Yager men. Instead, it felt as though they were trying to help her.

  To be a better sub? Or more?

  “We’re in complete control now. Once we begin, you do exactly what we say.” Hale let out a long breath. “If you don’t, you could get hurt.”

  Or you. You could’ve fallen.

  If he’d ended up falling off the truck and getting injured, she never would’ve forgiven herself. The thought alone brought stinging tears to her eyes.


  “Will you take a look at that?”

  Raven stiffened. The roar of a pickup didn’t cover the shouts of the men inside it.

  “Hey, Hale, want some company?”

  Hale and Clint moved closer before she could think. They placed her between them, blocking her body from view. A blue pickup with three men inside slowed down to a crawl. She cringed and tried to make herself seem smaller.

  “Hey, isn’t that the lady trying to buy the ranches?”

  Damn. One of them recognizes me.

  “Hey, Clint. Are you doing some negotiation of your own?”

  Catcalls and laughter followed.

  If only I could sink through the pickup and into the ground.

  “Wally Herkas, get the hell out of here.” Clint didn’t shout, but his meaning was clear.

  “Aw, come on, Clint. How about sharing with your neighbors?”

  “You’re talking about our woman, man. Shut the fuck up.” Hale edged toward the other side, closing the gap between them.

  Our woman.

  Funny how one special word could change things. She no longer cared that she was naked. She was with her men, the men who would keep her safe no matter what.

  She couldn’t see past Clint and Hale any longer, but that was okay. If she couldn’t see the other men, then they couldn’t see her, either.

  “Why didn’t yo
u say so?” called the man she assumed was Wally. “Let’s get going and leave these folks alone.”

  The pickup started up, picking up speed. Clint and Hale still blocked her until, at last, she couldn’t hear the vehicle any longer.

  “Thank you. I’d hate to think—”

  Clint’s mouth crushed hers, quieting her faster than any verbal reprimand could ever do. The kiss, rough and demanding, ended far too soon, but it still left her breathless. “You’re going to do what we tell you do. Answer.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Clint dropped to his knees in front of her then skimmed his palms along her legs. She grabbed hold of his hands, not to force them away, but to keep them where they were.

  “What if someone else comes along?”

  “Then they’ll get a good look at your sweet ass. We aren’t stopping for anything now.” Clint eased his finger between her pussy folds and leaned forward, putting his mouth a couple of inches away.

  If the world had ridden past them in a limitless line, she wouldn’t have had the will to stop him. He flicked his tongue out to sweep over the folds. Without thinking about it, she moved, opening wide for him.

  Hale nibbled on her shoulder. “Besides, I bet you’d enjoy someone watching.”

  She started to deny it but couldn’t. As soon as he’d mentioned it, she’d imagined a crowd watching Clint and Hale take her. Still, she doubted she could ever go through with it. But who knew? The men had already opened up a new world of pleasure to her.

  Hale cupped her breast and swiped his tongue over her flesh, around the taut nipple then up to nibble on her shoulder again. She moaned and clutched his hair.

  “We’re going to have you, babe. Let go and enjoy.”

  Her heart raced, her mind growing fuzzy as Clint dragged his fingers along her slit, down to the wetness below, then out to put his fingers to his nose.

  “You smell damn good, sub.” He glanced up, his eyes dark with need, and gave her a small but oh-so wicked smile.

  “Do you know what a good sub’s supposed to do?” asked Hale.

  “Yes.” At least, she thought she did.

  “Tell me.”

  “A good sub will please her men. She’ll follow their orders and do as they say. And she’ll do it without question.”

  “That’s part of it, all right.” He kissed her shoulder and flattened his hand on her butt cheek. “The point is for you to please us. In return, we’ll do our dead-level best to make you happy. As your Doms, we’ll protect you, but we’re also here to teach you. And to make you as happy as you’ll make us.”

  Clint nipped her on the mons, drawing her attention away from his brother. “Let’s make sure you know the basics first. If you want us to stop, say the word—”

  “Red. Red is for stop, yellow for maybe, and green is for go.” She was somehow absurdly proud of herself for knowing the terms.

  A sharp thwack hit her butt cheek. Stunned, she frowned at Hale. Had she gotten it wrong?

  “That’s right, but don’t interrupt us.” He twisted a finger around a few strands of her hair. “Don’t forget, okay?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Spank me again.

  Did she dare ask him to spank her again?

  “Hale, grab the rope.”

  She hadn’t noticed the things in the bed of the truck before. A few strips of rope, along with a blanket and a few other items she couldn’t identify, rested in one corner.

  Hale picked up one of the ropes. “Time to have a little fun, babe.”

  “Won’t that hurt, sir?”

  He took her wrists in one of his large hands. “If I tied it tight, it would, but I won’t.”

  Excitement mixed with the slightest bit of fear. If it were any other men tying her up, she’d be frightened. Of course, she wouldn’t have let any other men get her in the position she was. Naked and vulnerable out in the open.

  “Time to get a little taste of you.” Clint flattened his tongue against her pussy lips and raked it over them.

  Surprised, she jerked, even though getting away was the last thing she wanted. “Hell yeah.”

  “Easy, sugar. More’s to come.”

  Hale brought her arms in front of her, wrapping the rope around her wrists loosely. “Keep your hands up until I tell you to lower them.”

  She wasn’t supposed to speak, but she couldn’t resist. The need was too much to ignore. “Kiss me. Please, sir.”

  Hale pressed his mouth against hers, hard and filled with passion. She answered back, putting everything she was into it. Previous kisses from other men paled, sliding out of her memory forever. His tongue tangoed with hers, his hand closing around the back of her neck. When he broke the kiss, she felt bereft, lonelier than all the lonely days of her life.

  She’d come to depend on them, to want them, to need them. How could she have not realized it before?

  “Please, sir. Don’t stop.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Hale chuckled, the sound filling her ears as it warmed her heart.

  Clint flicked his tongue over her seam, teasing her until her body hummed in anticipation. Just as she thought he’d slip it between her folds to her throbbing clit, he’d pull away and track his tongue over her smooth mons.

  “You’re going to learn what it’s like to be our sub. Do you understand, babe?”

  She nodded, biting back the urge to beg.

  “When we tell you to stay put, you stay put. You sure as hell never take one of our pickups without permission.”

  She nodded again.

  “Good girl.” Hale grabbed one of the objects in the corner that had been partially hidden under the blanket.

  A chill swept over her. But it wasn’t from the breeze wafting over her skin.

  A paddle?

  She loved it when they used their hands, but would she like it better with the paddle? The shiny surface was smooth and black.

  “Think you’ll like it, sugar?”

  She didn’t have time to answer before Clint crammed his face against her crotch. His tongue drove between her pussy lips then whipped over her clit. A shot of adrenaline swept through her, spreading outward as moisture slid out of her. The climax had surprised her, leaving her knees weak and her body shaky.

  “Answer, sugar.”

  “Yes, sir. I’m sure I’ll like it.”

  “Not as much as I like this.” Clint took hold of her legs and tugged her forward again. His mouth found her again, his tongue driving hard and fast between the folds to find her pussy.

  She lost her breath then sucked in hard-won air as the first stroke of his tongue found its mark. With her bound hands, she took hold of his hair and held on. She arched her back, spreading her legs in welcome.

  Again and again he shoved his tongue deep into her, only to bring it back out to torture her aching nub. His thumbs rubbed against the flesh at the sides of her clit, massaging her desire, sending it pummeling through her.

  Oh, shit yeah. Please, Clint. Suck me dry.

  Her gaze switched to Clint as he patted the black paddle against his hand. Even the sound of it against his palm was sexy.

  Please, spank me.

  She whimpered, putting her plea into the sound. She was shaking, at once turned on yet needing more.

  They’d hardly done anything to her, and yet she was already wet and aching.

  And then Clint stopped, once more robbing her of her pleasure. He stood and wiped her juices from his face.

  Hale slapped the paddle against his palm again. She flinched and let out a tiny giggle. “I was a very bad girl, right, sir?” Yet if misbehaving got them to treat her this way, she planned to be as bad as she could.

  Hale enjoyed her joke, chuckling before turning her around. Her butt was to Clint, who took hold and gave each butt cheek a good squeeze. Hale handed the paddle to Clint.

  “Here you go, brother. Enjoy.”

  She shuddered. She wanted to get spanked again but couldn’t help feel a little apprehensive. “A
re you going to spank me harder, sir? Will it hurt?” Hurting was part of the pleasure, but was there a point where pleasure turned to real pain?

  “Remember the colors, babe.” Hale took her by the chin and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “Do you want us to spank you?”

  “Yes, sir.” She couldn’t have told them how much she wanted it. There weren’t words descriptive enough to do the job.

  The sting of the paddle ripped through her. At first, it was the only thing she felt. Then the sting spiraled outward, causing smaller quakes of lust. Her clit tightened, aching while her body tensed, preparing for another one. Another whack hit her left butt cheek. She jerked, instinctively reaching out for Hale.

  “Sugar, was that too hard? Are you red?”

  No doubt her butt was pink, if not red, but that wasn’t what Clint meant. The pain hadn’t brought tears to her eyes, but the concern in his voice did.

  Hale lifted her face, seeking out her gaze. “Color?”


  “Take it easy, man,” warned Hale.

  Clint skimmed his hand gently over her butt. “I will. Don’t be afraid to say your color.”

  Another spank whipped into her. The sizzle from the previous one still burned her skin, but now the pain was accompanied by a forceful tightening of her pussy. The heat inside her mushroomed into sensations that both racked and fed her body.

  “Please, spank me again, sir.”

  Clint gave her what she wanted, picking up speed with the following strikes. She moaned and leaned forward, pushing her ass toward him, urging him to continue.

  Hale bent low and brought her nipple into his mouth. His hands tortured her tits, treating them to their own form of punishment.

  Clint took her hair and jerked her head back. “Do you like it rough, sub?”

  She was a powerful woman, a strong woman who was both feared and admired. If anyone had told her she’d love getting spanked, she would’ve laughed and told them to go to hell. Now she was willing to beg to keep the delightful punishment going.

  “Yes. Hell yes, sir.”

  Hale’s eyes gleamed with passion. “You’re a natural, Raven.”

  “No. I’m not. I’ve never wanted any of this.”

  “Then you’re a natural with us. That’s got to mean we’re meant to be together.”


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