Mountain of Evil_Trident Security Omega Team_Prequel

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Mountain of Evil_Trident Security Omega Team_Prequel Page 1

by Samantha A. Cole

  Mountain of Evil





  Copyright (c) 2017 Samantha A. Cole

  All Rights Reserved.

  Mountain of Evil is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design by Judi Perkins of Concierge Literary Designs & Photography, LLC.

  Edited by Eve Arroyo -

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  The story within these pages is completely fictional but the concepts of BDSM are real. If you do choose to participate in the BDSM lifestyle, please research it carefully and take all precautions to protect yourself. Fiction is based on real life but real life is not based on fiction. Remember-Safe, Sane and Consensual!

  Any information regarding persons or places has been used with creative literary license so there may be discrepancies between fiction and reality. The military missions and personal qualities of the members of the individual armed forces within have been created to enhance the story and, again, may be exaggerated and not coincide with reality.

  The author has full respect for the members of the United States Military and the varied members of law enforcement and thanks them for their continuing service to making this country as safe and free as possible.

  ***Liberties were taken in regards to the town of Ouray, Colorado, the surrounding mountains, points of interest, and topography for the sake of the story. Any discrepancies are intentional.


  To my brother, Jim. Love ya!



  Who’s Who

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  About the Author


  I’d like to thank the following people who have been a part of my two year literary journey:

  My friends and family for all their support.

  My beta readers:

  Allena, Brandie, Charla, Debbie, Felisha, Jen, Jessica, Joanne, Julie, Katie, Kelle, and Milynn.

  Love every one of you!

  My editor, Eve—you’re the best!

  Judi Perkins of Concierge Literary Designs for an amazing cover that was just what I had hoped for.

  My Sexy Six-Pack Sirens Facebook group for their shout outs, whip cracking, and everyday fun.

  Y’all are the bomb!

  And as always, last, but far from least, my readers. Without you, I would have never have come this far.



  ***While not every character is in every book, these are the ones with the most mentions throughout the series. This guide will help keep readers straight about who’s who.

  Trident Security (TS) is a private investigative and military agency, co-owned by Ian and Devon Sawyer. With governmental and civilian contracts, the company got its start when the brothers and a few of their teammates from SEAL Team Four retired to the private-sector. The original six-man team is referred to as the Sexy Six-Pack, as they were dubbed by Kristen Sawyer, née Anders, or the Alpha Team. Trident has since expanded and former members of the military and law enforcement have been added to the staff. The company is located on a guarded compound, which was a former import/export company cover for a drug trafficking operation in Tampa, Florida. Three warehouses on the property were converted into large apartments, the TS offices, gym, and bunkrooms. There is also an obstacle course, a Main Street shooting gallery, a helicopter pad, and more features necessary for training and missions.

  In addition to the security business, there is a fourth warehouse that now houses an elite BDSM club, co-owned by Devon, Ian, and their cousin, Mitch Sawyer, who is the manager. A lot of time and money has gone into making The Covenant the most sought after membership in the Tampa/St. Petersburg area and beyond. Members are thoroughly vetted before being granted access to the elegant club.

  There are currently over fifty Doms who have been appointed Dungeon Masters (DMs), and they rotate two or three shifts each throughout the month. At least four DMs are on duty at all times at various posts in the pit, playrooms, and the new garden, with one additional one roaming around. Their job is to ensure the safety of all the submissives in the club. They step in if a sub uses their safeword and the Dom in the scene doesn’t hear or heed it, and make sure the equipment used in scenes isn’t harming the subs.

  The Covenant’s security team takes care of everything else that isn’t scene-related, and provides safety for all members and are essentially the bouncers. With the recent addition of the garden, and more private, themed rooms, the owners have expanded their self-imposed limit of 350 members. The fire marshal had approved them for 500 when the warehouse-turned-kink club first opened, but the cousins had intentionally kept that number down to maintain an elite status. Now with more room, they are increasing the membership to 500, still under the new maximum occupancy of 720.

  Between Trident Security and The Covenant there’s plenty of romance, suspense, and steamy encounters. Come meet the Sexy Six-Pack, their friends, family, and teammates.


  · Ian “Boss-man” Sawyer: Devon and Nick’s brother; retired Navy SEAL; co-owner of Trident Security and The Covenant; husband/Dom of Angelina.

  · Devon “Devil Dog” Sawyer: Ian and Nick’s brother; retired Navy SEAL; co-owner of Trident Security and The Covenant; husband/Dom of Kristen; father of John Devon “JD.”

  · Ben “Boomer” Michaelson: retired Navy SEAL; explosives and ordinance specialist; husband/Dom of Katerina; son of Rick and Eileen.

  · Jake “Reverend” Donovan: retired Navy SEAL; temporarily assigned to run the West Coast team; sniper; fiancé/Dom of Nick Sawyer; brother of Mike Donovan; Whip Master at The Covenant.

  · Brody “Egghead” Evans: retired Navy SEAL; computer specialist; fiancé/Dom of Fancy.

  · Marco “Polo” DeAngelis: retired Navy SEAL; communications specialist and back up helicopter pilot; husband/Dom of Harper; father to Mara.

  · Nick “Junior” Sawyer: Ian and Devon’s brother; current Navy SEAL; fiancé/submissive of Jake Donovan.

  · Kristen “Ninja-girl” Sawyer: author of romance/suspense novels; wife/submissive of Devon; mother of “JD.”

  · Angelina “Angie/Angel” Sawyer: graphic artist; wife/submissive of Ian.

  · Katerina “Kat” Michaelson: dog trainer for law enforcement and private agencies; wife/submissive of Boomer.

  · Millicent “Harper” DeAngelis: lawyer; wife/submissive of Marco; mother of Mara.

  · Francine “Fancy” Maguire: baker; fiancée/submissive of Brody.

  · Beau: Orphaned Lab/Pit mix, rescued by Ian. Now a trained K9 who has more than earned a spot on the Alpha Team.

  · Mitch Sawyer: Cousin of Ian, Devon, and Nick; co-owner/manager of The Covenant; Dom to Tyler (switch) and Tori (submissive).

  · T. Carter: US spy and assassin; works for covert agency Deimos; Dom of Jordyn.

  · Jordyn Alvarez: US spy and assassin; member of covert agency Deimos; submissive of Carter.

  · Parker Christiansen: owner of New Horizons Construction; husband/Dom of Shelby; adoptive father of Franco and Victor; owner of Spanky, a Bullmastiff with a heart of gold.

  · Shelby Christiansen: stay-at-home mom; two-time cancer survivor; wife of Parker; adoptive mother of Franco and Victor.

  · Curt Bannerman: retired Navy SEAL; owner of Halo Customs, a motorcycle repair and detail shop; husband of Dana; stepfather of Ryan, Taylor, Justin, and Amanda. Lives in Iowa.

  · Dana Prichard-Bannerman: teacher; widow of retired SEAL Eric Prichard; wife of Curt Bannerman; mother of Ryan, Taylor, Justin, and Amanda. Lives in Iowa.

  · Jenn “Baby-girl” Mullins: college student; goddaughter of Ian; “niece” of Devon, Brody, Jake, Boomer, and Marco; father was a Navy SEAL; parents murdered.

  · Mike Donovan: owner of the Irish pub, Donovan’s; brother of Jake.

  · Travis “Tiny” Daultry: former professional football player; head of security at The Covenant; occasional bodyguard for TS.

  · Doug Henderson: retired Marine; head of the personal protection division of TS.

  · Rick and Eileen Michaelson: Boomer’s parents; guardians of Alyssa Wagner. Rick is a retired Navy SEAL.

  · Charles “Chuck” and Marie Sawyer: Ian, Devon, and Nick’s parents. Charles is a self-made real estate billionaire. Marie is a plastic surgeon involved with Project Smile.

  · Dr. Roxanne and Kayla London: pediatrician and social worker, respectively. Domme and submissive, respectively. Mistress Roxy is a Whip Master at The Covenant.

  · Charlotte “Mistress China” Roth: Parole officer; Domme and Whip Master at The Covenant.

  · Grayson and Remington Mann: twins; owners of Black Diamond Records; Doms/fiancés of Abigail Turner; members of The Covenant.

  · Abigail Turner: personal assistant at Black Diamond Records; submissive/fiancée of Gray and Remi.

  · Tori Freyja: Trainer of PTSD assistance dogs for veterans; submissive of Mitch and Tyler.

  · Tyler Ellis: Stockbroker; BDSM switch; Dom of Tori, submissive of Mitch.

  · Chase Dixon: retired Army Ranger; owner of Blackhawk Security; associate of TS.

  · Reggie Helm: lawyer for TS and The Covenant; Dom/fiancé of Colleen McKinley.

  · Alyssa Wagner: teenager saved by Jake from an abusive father; lives with Rick and Eileen Michaelson.

  · Carl Talbot: college professor; Dom and Whip Master at The Covenant.


  · Cain Foster: retired Secret Service agent.

  · Tristan “Duracell” McCabe: retired Army Special Forces

  · Logan “Cowboy” Reese: retired Marine Special Forces; former prisoner of war.

  · Valentino “Romeo” Mancini: retired Army Special Forces; former FBI Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) member.

  · Darius “Batman” Knight: retired Navy SEAL.

  · Kip “Skipper” Morrison: retired Army; former LAPD SWAT sniper.

  · Lindsey “Costello” Abbott: retired Marine; sniper.


  · Colleen McKinley: office manager of TS; fiancé/submissive of Reggie Helm.

  · Tempest “Babs” Van Buren: retired Air Force helicopter pilot; TS mechanic.

  · Russell Adams: retired Navy; assistant TS mechanic.

  · Nathan Cook: Omega Team’s computer and data specialist; formerly with the National Security Agency (NSA).

  · Conrad “CC” Chapman: retired Air Force captain; pilots the Trident Security jet.


  · Larry Keon: Assistant Director of the FBI.

  · Frank Stonewall: Special Agent in Charge of the Tampa FBI.

  · Calvin Watts: Leader of the FBI HRT in Tampa.

  · Cole Parrish: Major Case Specialist, Behavioral Analysis Unit.


  Click. Click. Click.

  Resting her arms, Mallory Hart inspected the pictures of a bald eagle she’d just shot on her digital camera. Hiking in the San Juan Mountain range of the Rockies was one of the best places for her to shoot nature scenes, which she’d then upload to stock photo sites for sale. She currently had over a thousand of them on various websites, and the extra income helped pay for her college classes, text books, and supplies.

  After taking a few more shots of the majestic bird soaring overhead, she glanced at her watch: 2:30 p.m. She had about another hour before she had to start back down the marked trail. It was approximately two miles to where she’d parked her six-year-old, gray Toyota Corolla. Her friends thought she was crazy to go hiking alone on Wednesdays when she didn’t have any classes scheduled, but she liked the solitude. It wasn’t often she came across another hiker this far into the wilderness during the middle of the week, and she always made sure she didn’t stray far from the main trail. Just in case she did run into trouble, in her backpack was the satellite phone her father, who was retired from the Marines, insisted she have since it was difficult to get a cell signal sometimes. There were also two bottles of water, a few granola bars, a compass, and spare batteries for her camera. Clipped to her jeans was a container of bear repellent.

  A scurrying occurred behind her, and Mallory spun around to try and spot the small animal that had caused it. Her gaze flickered around the brush and trees, but there was no creature in sight. High above her, birds sang and squirrels chittered. The unusually warm weather in the mountains for late March had brought some of the wildlife out of hibernation early.

  Squatting down, she tried to see if a red fox, wolverine, or porcupine might be looking for food. The sound had been too big to be a chipmunk or squirrel, and too small for anything larger. She searched high and low. Nothing.

  A breeze lifted her blonde hair off her shoulders, and an odd chill went down her spine, causing her to pull her lightweight jacket tighter around her body. She was in the middle of the wilderness, high on a dirt trail, surrounded by aspen, cottonwood, and evergreen trees, some shrubbery, and rocks, yet she felt as if she were being watched. There was a gentle, downward slope to the east, leading to the small lake, and a more precarious, upward one to the west.. Scanning the area around her, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She hoped like hell it wasn’t a cougar or wolf. A bear would make a lot more noise than those two carnivores—especially if it didn’t realize Mallory was there.

  Deciding to start back toward the parking area, she kept her eyes out for wildlife she could shoot with her camera and any that might be a threat. After glancing back over her shoulder a few times, she began to relax a little and her mind went to what her boyfriend had planned for their date tonight. She’d been seeing Kevin McCarthy for a few weeks now, and things were starting to get serious. He wanted to take things further, however Mallory was nervous about it. She wasn’t a virgin, so that wasn’t the problem, but she hadn’t been lucky with men in that department. The boy she’d lost her virginity to at sixteen had been sweet while they’d dated, but he’d left her for a girl he met in college while Mallory was still a senior in high school. The only other guy she’d been with had been after high school graduation, and he’d dumped her shortly after she’d put out. She’d learned too late he’d only been looking for another notch in his bedpost.

  Those were the only two men she’d ever slept with. Number three might have been a guy in her freshman year of college, but she found out the bastard in her English Literature class had a bet with his friends he would be in her bed in less than a week of dating. Mallory had sworn off the opposite sex for a while after that, concentrating on her schoolwork and photography instead. After a year of not dating, she’d finally broken down after Kevin had pursued her for several weeks. But with her pas
t history of dating jerks, she was now gun-shy about sleeping with him.

  She’d only gone about a quarter of a mile on the winding trail, when she stopped short. There was bear scat in the middle of the path, and from the stench, it was recent. It had to be, because she’d have noticed it when she came that way fifteen or twenty minutes ago.

  “Shit,” Mallory mumbled to herself. The unintended pun was lost on her as her gaze darted around again. “The last thing I need is a fresh-out-of-hibernation momma bear with her cubs.”

  Another rustling sounded to her left, and she shifted in that direction. Again, she couldn’t help but feel like someone was studying her. She hadn’t seen any hikers in over forty-five minutes, and the last ones had been two middle-aged women who’d been out birdwatching, and they’d been a lot closer to the parking area.

  Letting her camera hang from the strap around her neck, Mallory unclipped the bear spray from her belt loop and carefully continued down the path. Rounding another curve, she gasped and froze when a large figure stepped out from behind a tree. Her heart pounded in her ears as she stared at the burly man dressed in military-style clothing. His unruly dark hair needed a trim and so did his beard and mustache. A jagged, two-inch scar ran from his upper lip across his right cheek. He was over six feet tall and almost as wide. A large knife was sheathed and strapped to his leg. While she didn’t see any other weapons, that blade was enough to scare the crap out of her. Mallory gripped her bear spray tighter as the man grinned at her.

  “Hey there, pretty girl. I didn’t mean to scare you.” His leer belied his rumbling words.

  Mallory tried not to show she was afraid. Swallowing hard, she hoped her voice sounded strong and unaffected by the fear coursing through her. She pasted a fake smile on her face. “It’s okay. You just startled me is all.”

  “Uh-huh.” The man stepped forward, and Mallory moved backward. “I scared you. I can see it on your pretty face. What’s your name?”


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