Mountain of Evil_Trident Security Omega Team_Prequel

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Mountain of Evil_Trident Security Omega Team_Prequel Page 3

by Samantha A. Cole

  She thought back to last night’s memory which was still quite vivid in her mind.

  The sound of the back door opening and closing had me alert in an instant, but I eased back down on the bed as I heard Eddie performing his coming-home-after-work ritual. His keys clinked when they were dropped into a bowl on the kitchen counter. His boots thumped softly on the floor as he toed them off, leaving them by the back door. She knew he’d start unbuttoning his Sheriff’s Department uniform shirt as he strode down the hallway to their bedroom. When the door swung open, my gaze met his. From his calm, relaxed expression, I could tell he’d had a nice, quiet shift for a change.

  “I’m surprised you’re still awake, Tempe,” he said as he removed his shirt and threw it into a laundry hamper next to the closet. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

  I stretched my arms and legs like a seductive kitten. “Mmm, my body is always awake when you’re near, my love.”

  Putting his sidearm in the drawer of his night stand, he gave me a salacious grin. “Is that right? I think you need to show me.”

  I bit my bottom lip as I slowly pulled my tank top up my torso and over my head, tossing it on the floor. I then lifted my hips and got rid of my cotton sleep shorts—I wouldn’t be wearing them for the rest of the night. When Eddie was in bed with me, I always slept naked, but on nights when he was working, I would don a pair of shorts and a tank, which is what I usually slept in on my tours of duty.

  Stripping off the rest of his clothes, Eddie climbed into bed and crawled over to my side. He was already hard. Even after being together for ten years, six of them while married, we were still hot for each other. It only took a glance, a wink, a suggestive comment, or a lick of one’s lips, and we were both ready to fuck like rabbits.

  Laying on his side next to me, Eddie ran his hand up my thigh to the junction between my legs, causing thousands of goosebumps to pebble on my skin. His fingers found me already wet and waiting for him. He lightly caressed my folds before flicking my clit; my hips bouncing off the bed.

  “Stop teasing me,” I moaned. “I want fast and furious tonight.”

  His mouth closed around one of my nipples, and he sucked and licked it, driving me mad as he always did. Some of my friends complained that sex bored them or it took a lot to get them in the mood. Not me. Eddie knew how to make me beg, and my body sing. While we had both been virgins the first time we’d made love in our teens, and had only been with each other since, we were open-minded and loved to explore the internet, learning new ways to please each other.

  Eddie’s fingers dropped lower again, and curled into my sex, parting my folds and entering me. Despite my begging and undulating hips, he set about fucking me with two fingers at a torturously slow pace. One of my hands went to his short, black hair and held him to my breast, while the other scratched up his back the way I knew he liked. His hand left my pussy for a moment, and he spread my legs further apart, settling one of his own legs between them to keep them that way. Letting go of my nipple, he kissed his way over to the other one and attacked my pussy again.

  I gasped for breath as the need to cum coursed through me. “Faster! Eddie, please, faster!”

  “Mm-mm. Not yet, baby. I want to feast on you first.” Stopping everything, and going up on his knees, he grabbed a pillow and placed it under my hips when I lifted them for him. Moving between my legs, he put his hands on the backs of my thighs and pushed them toward my chest, exposing me for his viewing pleasure. When I was OCONUS, it was hard to keep myself shaven, but it was one of the first things I took care of upon returning to the US. We both loved how sensitive I was while bare.

  Lowering his head, he took a long, luxurious lick up my pussy, then his hazel eyes lifted to meet my dreamy gaze. “Mmm, there’s my dessert. Mine and only mine. I’ve been looking forward to it all day. Sweet and spicy.” He tasted me again and again, then added a finger to rub my clit in time to his ministrations.

  I moaned and writhed under his talented tongue and fingers. He switched things up and put his mouth on my clit and sucked while he began to finger fuck me again. With every thrust, I climbed higher and higher. “Please! I want you with me!”

  With a wicked grin, he crawled up my body and took my mouth with his. My taste on his tongue and lips was one of the most erotic things about sex with my husband. Eddie lined his cock up with my slit and began to ease into me.

  Several loud knocks startled Babs, and she came back to the present. Her hand was down her shorts, and she yanked it out as Lindsey’s voice came through the closed bathroom door. “Babs, you almost done? I need to use the toilet.”

  “Uh … um … yeah. Just give me a minute and it’s all yours.”

  “No problem.”

  Turning the water back on, she washed and dried her hands. After making sure her residual limb was dry, she used her crutches to stand and stared into the mirror. The desire that had probably been in her gaze moments before had been replaced by regret and anger. Hopefully one of these days, sooner rather than later, Eddie Quinn would be barely a memory. Maybe then she’d be able to find someone who looked at her like she was a whole woman.


  Hoisting his pack over his shoulder at 0800 hours, Kip Morrison took a final glance around the motel room he’d shared with Romeo, making sure neither of them were leaving anything behind. While Ian, Angie, Babs, and Costello had stayed in a B&B up the road, the rest of them had bunked in this small motel, due to lack of enough available rooms in both places. Kip was surprised they had five rooms between the two businesses to begin with. They were in the middle of bum-fuck Colorado, and there wasn’t much in the way of lodging or entertainment in the area.

  Both men were dressed in camouflage tactical clothing and had various weapons strapped to their bodies, as if this were a real mission. The team had been training for months, while being used for various missions and cases whenever possible, paired up with members of the TS Alpha team.

  As Romeo opened the door leading to the parking lot, Kip’s cell phone rang. Pulling it out of his pocket, he checked the screen. His teammate glanced over his shoulder, and Kip waved him on. “Tell Ian I’ll be out in a minute.”

  “No prob, Skipper.” The door clicked shut.

  Sitting back on the bed he’d slept in, Kip answered the call. “Hey, sis. Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, I just wanted to ask you something before you go silent.” Between his military tours, SWAT detail, and now his job with Trident, his sister was used to him being unavailable for hours or days at a time. “Are you sure you’re going to be home by Saturday?”

  “Unless something happens on the mountain, we’ll be home Friday afternoon, maybe early evening. Why?”

  “Shane’s got a makeup swim meet on Saturday at ten o’clock, and Rach has softball tryouts at the same time.”

  Their half brother and sister had become Kip and Kara’s world these past eighteen months. Kara’s phone call, letting him know of their father and stepmother’s fatal accident, had come on the same day he’d learned Trident Security in Tampa was looking for candidates for their new team. Finding out about the job had been a fluke. A friend of one of Kip’s SWAT teammates had been talking about it after work—the guy had applied for a position, hoping to get into the more lucrative paying private sector. Two days after the funeral in St. Petersburg, Kip had met with Ian and Devon Sawyer and thrown his hat into the ring.

  While he loved his job with LAPD, thanks to a drunk driver, who’d also been killed, he was now a father, figuratively speaking, at the age of thirty two. Instead of uprooting Rachelle, Shane, and Kara, and moving them to California, it had been much easier on all of them for him to return to his hometown. As soon as the Sawyer brothers had told him he was hired, he’d given his supervisors and team notice of his resignation, packed up his belongings, and headed east.

  The opportunity had not only given him a new career, it had also been the last straw in his already rocky marriage. He’d met Monica when he’d
been a rookie on the police force. She’d been gorgeous, sexy, and fun—everyone said they were the perfect couple—and after a whirlwind romance, they’d gotten married eight months later. It’d been on their honeymoon in Hawaii when Kip realized he’d made a big mistake. They’d been in lust, not truly in love, and had gotten caught up in the whole idea of being happily married following a huge wedding. He’d spent four years trying to make it work, but then she’d cheated on him, and in spite, he’d cheated on her—something he wasn’t proud of. The last few months, leading up to Kara’s tear-filled phone call, he and Monica had been more like roommates who did nothing but bitch at each other. The divorce had been final ten months ago, and Kip doubted he’d ever talk to the woman again. Last he’d heard, she was already on her way to marrying husband number two. Kip wished the poor guy luck.

  “Hey, Kip—you still there?”

  He shook his head, vanquishing the memories that had led him to this point in his life. “Yeah, I’m here. Sorry. Zoned out for a moment. I’ll take Shane to the meet. I’ll ask Boss-man to have Colleen put it on the calendar.” His new employers and Trident’s very efficient officer manager had been great, letting him work around the kids’ schedules when the case load allowed it. Even though it was a Saturday, that didn’t mean Kip would be off. Details were always popping up and needing to be filled.

  “Okay. Um … there’s one other thing.” Kara sounded worried and Kip’s shoulders tensed. “No, never mind, I’ve got to finish getting ready for work. We’ll talk when you get home.”

  Glancing at his watch, he knew he had to get his ass outside before someone from the team came pounding on the door, but he still asked, “Sis, what is it? Tell me.”

  A loud sigh came over the line. “I think Rachelle’s being bullied at school.”

  “Rach? I thought she had a lot of girlfriends at school.”

  “I’m not sure it’s girls who are bullying her. I think it’s some of the pubescent, horny-as-shit boys. I overheard her on the phone last night talking to her friend Trisha, but when I asked her about it, she blew me off and yelled at me for eavesdropping. Tell me I wasn’t like that when I was her age.”

  Kip snorted. “If I did, I’d be lying.” A knock on the door told him his time was up. “Listen, I gotta run. I’ll see if Rach will talk to me about it when I get home.” His little sister and brother had bonded with him since they were toddlers, despite the miles between them. He’d made a point to call and Skype them as much as possible, and that diligence had been a blessing when it had fallen to him to be a positive, male role model.

  “All right. Be safe. Don’t get eaten by a bear—I need help raising these two.”

  Chuckling, he said goodbye, then stood and headed for the door. The entire team, plus the boss and his wife, were gathered around the two vans they’d rented. Babs would be driving one to the small, private airport where the helicopter was waiting for them, while Ian drove the other. After dumping the team in the fucking middle of nowhere, the two would come back to Ouray and wait for the team to haul ass out of the wilderness.

  As he strode toward the group, his thoughts flickered to Rachelle. At thirteen, she was a pretty girl with long, blonde hair and classic facial features. Watching her grow up, he’d known there’d come a day he’d be beating the boys off her with a stick. It looked like that day had come. While his sister had said Rach was getting bullied, Kip wondered if the reason behind it was the boys thought she was hot and didn’t know how to deal with their raging hormones yet. Then again, he could be wrong—it’d been a long time since he’d gone through puberty.

  “What’s the matter?” Ian arched an eyebrow at Kip, and the others turned to stare at him. Obviously, his concern about his little sister had been written across his face.

  He waved a hand to reassure everyone it wasn’t anything big. They’d all met Kara, Shane, and Rachelle over the past few months so he didn’t mind sharing his worries with his team and boss. “Nothing I can take care of from here. Kara thinks Rach is being bullied by some boys at school. Not sure if it’s because they like her or if they’re really being assholes. I’m going to have to start showing her how to defend herself in case any of the little shits get too touchy-feely.”

  Ian opened up his mouth to say something, but Angie was quicker. “She can come to the self-defense class Lindsey and Charlotte are teaching the subs.”

  Having been busy on a few details lately, which had kept him away from the Trident offices more often than not, Kip had no idea what the boss’s wife was talking about. Ian saw his confusion. “As I was about to say, before my Angel beat me to it, if you want, Costello and Charlotte are giving lessons to some of The Covenant’s subs. Jenn and Alyssa have been helping out, and a few subs signed up with friends not in the lifestyle, so it’s a vanilla group. Rach is welcome to come as long as it’s all right with Costello and Charlotte.”

  Jenn Mullins was Ian’s twenty-one-year-old goddaughter, while Alyssa Wagner was a teen who was the charge of Alpha Team member Ben “Boomer” Michaelson’s parents after she’d become an orphan about eighteen months ago. The Michalesons, along with Alyssa, had moved from Sarasota to Tampa last month to be closer to Boomer and his new wife, Kat. Charlotte—aka Mistress China—was a Domme at the BDSM club, as well as a probation officer, who knew how to kick some serious criminal ass, from what he’d heard. Kip had met her several times at get-togethers at the Trident compound. She was gorgeous, petite, and exotic looking, and probably had the ex-cons shaking in their shoes if need be.

  Now, he vaguely remembered hearing about the class the two women were teaching since submissive females were being targeted, tortured, and killed. He knew several cops he’d worked with were in the lifestyle, and if he were being honest, what little of it he’d learned over the years intrigued him. But Monica had turned her nose up at the idea of trying it the few times he’d mentioned it, and since he’d moved back to Florida, work and the kids had taken up most of his time. One of these days, he’d check out the club.

  The Omega teammates had all been cleared to enter The Covenant while it was open, and each operative had signed a non-disclosure contract, whether they intended to play or not. The contract had been mandatory at their time of hire—the Sawyer brothers needed to ensure the club members’ privacy, and since it was on Trident property, there were plenty of times Kip and the others saw club members coming and going. He knew Foster was a long-time practicing Dom, and McCabe was an apprenticing Dom at the club, having gotten into the lifestyle after signing on with TS Omega.

  Dressed in camouflage tactical gear like the rest of the team, Lindsey nodded at Kip. “It’s fine with me, and I doubt Charlotte will have a problem with it either. Rach can even bring a friend or two if she wants, so she doesn’t feel like the only kid. We meet in the compound’s gym on Mondays and Wednesdays.”

  “Sounds good,” Kip responded. “I’ll talk to her about it when we get home. Thanks.”

  Ian clapped his hands together. “All right. Is that it? Any other family problems we need to deal with before I throw your asses out of the helo?” Behind her husband’s back, Angie rolled her eyes. “Yes? No? Good. Load the fuck up!”


  After saying goodbye to Angie, who wasn’t feeling well enough to take a chopper ride, McCabe climbed into the back seat of one of the vans and snorted at his co-leader who took the front passenger seat next to Babs. “Foster, man, we really have to get you some different shades.”

  The two men had been the first of Omega Team hired by Trident eighteen months ago. They worked so well together that the Sawyer brothers decided to use it to their advantage, making them co-leaders. The two men had fallen into an easy friendship from the start, and respected each other’s opinions and experience.

  Right now, the man was looking over his shoulder, his eyebrows bunched up behind his Oakleys before he took the sunglasses off and inspected them. Like the rest of the men on the team, he hadn’t shaved in about two weeks, wanti
ng the extra protection against the cold they’d be feeling at nightfall in the mountains. They would be encountering snow at the higher elevations before moving into areas that would be half white and the other green thanks to the milder winter. “What’s wrong with them?”

  “First of all, shouldn’t you be wearing Foster Grants, for the name alone? And secondly, no matter how scruffy your face is, those things still scream ‘Secret Service.’”

  On the seat beside him, Knight and Mancini laughed. Even Babs chuckled and said, “Looks like you finally got your call sign, Foster. Your team will have to vote on it, but I love the tag ‘Shades.’” Not having a military background, Cain hadn’t had a call sign, and his teammates had been waiting for one to make itself known.

  Romeo slapped the former agent’s shoulder. “That’s it! About fucking time, too.”

  Shoving the glasses back on his face, Foster gave them the finger. “Fuck you all. And no, there’s no relation between me and Foster Grants. If there were, I’d be fucking rich.”

  The usual team comradery and ball-busting continued for the rest of the drive. Pulling into the small airport, Babs followed Ian’s van to the second hangar on the left. On a nearby helipad sat a dark Sikorsky UH-60 Blackhawk Medium-Lift Transport. It looked so out of place among the mostly white, blue, and red Cessna airplanes and two civilian Bell helicopters. A tall, dark-skinned man wearing a flight jumpsuit exited the hangar and strode toward Ian as he climbed out of the van. While Babs went to join them to be introduced to the other pilot, the Omega team poured from the two vehicles, gathering up their deployment bags and equipment.


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