Abraxis Complex 4: Forging Aegis

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Abraxis Complex 4: Forging Aegis Page 3

by Ben Winston

  "Well, actually my Ffixer had an idea he asked me to mention if I had the opportunity. Master Greeley, currently, you mine by basically grinding up floating asteroids and then hauling them back here, correct?" Joyce asked.

  "Yes, that is essentially correct," the man replied, nodding his agreement.

  "Well, while he admits he isn’t a miner, nor does he know a lot about the profession, he wondered about doing things a bit differently. He suggested we remove the heavy drills from the mining boats and equip them with scaled down cesium lasers and upgrade their engines. Instead of grinding them up, they would cut the big rocks into smaller chunks the mining boats could move.

  “Build a few big mobile units that have the grinders built in them. The boats bring in the rock chunks, drop them into this grinder, and the big unit then processes it straight into different ores. These can be sent out to whatever facility needs it. But then again, we'd need to build some ore freighters too," she finished.

  "Did he make a graphic of his idea?" Greg asked.

  "Yeah, that's the only way I could understand what he was blathering about," Joyce replied.

  "Please ask Abraxis to show all of us," Greg asked. When she did, the lights came on for the rest of the group and they understood what Fixer Arliss had intended.

  Large mobile stations would roam the asteroid belts while 'parasite' mining boats would go out and capture asteroids and parts of asteroids high in mineral content. The boats would bring the rocks back and 'feed' them to the station. The station would pulverize the rocks and smelt them down into the raw materials the foundries could use. Freighters would then carry the massive loads of processed ores out to the foundries to be made into whatever parts needed to be made. Current transit delays would be almost completely eliminated.

  "Master Greeley, what do you think of the idea?" Greg asked.

  He laughed. "It makes me feel like an idiot, that's what! This would clearly be more efficient, but that is one big processing unit, can we build something that big yet?"

  Carl shook his head. "No, that would have to wait for the big facility to get built. I dare say it would be almost as complex as one of the warships. It's certainly as big!"

  "Fighter Joyce, may I have your permission to present this to my people as well as the Greynus engineers? If there is a problem with it, those bugs'll know what it would be! For the time being, Can I request five of the main units as soon as we are capable of producing them?" Amos replied.

  "I don't know if we'll be able to do five right off the bat, Amos, but I'll see what we can do; we still need to design the damn things after all," Carl replied.

  "We might want to speak to the Greynus engineers about designing and building an additional ship building facility specifically for things like this miner, big freighters and liners and the like," Greg suggested. "That way, we won't have to mix the technologies. If we have two facilities dedicated to nothing but the warships, and move the civilian stuff to another unit, that should keep our production on schedule."

  Carl nodded and made notes on his pad. He looked up to Joyce and smiled. "Please tell Fixer Arliss his idea is greatly appreciated, and we will be calling on him to assist in the design of the units."

  "I will certainly do that, Governor," Joyce replied, smiling proudly for her friend.

  "Now, as to the immediate issues, Greg, your opinion?" Carl asked.

  "I'm sorry Master Greeley, but I agree with Joyce's recommendations; specifically for the big passenger liners. We can use them for a pickup run or two to the planet as a shake-down. We will also need to recruit more pilots and crews for them once they assume their primary missions," Greg said.

  Teriska nodded agreement. "We'll get to work on that right away, Commander. Might I suggest we speak to a few of the people in training to be freighter crews? Perhaps some of them would not mind taking a liner instead."

  "Good idea, can you handle that as well Teri?" Carl asked.

  "Sure, I just wanted to make sure it was okay first, we are going to need freighter crews too," Teriska said.

  Greg snorted, "As fast as we're growing, I'd think we'd have folks crawling out of the bulkheads!"

  Teriska nodded. "We actually have more applicants than we have the capacity to bring up here. It's like the whole planet wants to come up here."

  Jarad nodded. "Yes, and the more applicants we have, the more important the screening process becomes. We have to be very careful about who we allow up here. The governments on Earth will stop at nothing to get their hands on any of our technology."

  "Your paranoia is exactly why you got stuck with Security, Jarad. So far, you are doing a great job," Carl said, grinning.

  "Miss Oni, since we stumbled across Joyce and her team, what steps are being undertaken to look for more Rangers?" Greg asked.

  "Abraxis' terminal is now mounted at the reception area and everyone is required to touch it as they pass the scanner into the lounge. Also I am told that the medical section is doing a search of the planetary medical databases." She shrugged. "Without getting more intrusive I don't know how we could widen that search."

  "It'll have to do. If we told everyone what we were looking for, the governments would seal up every record they could find and offer to do the searching for us. If we do find any more people, none can be told until after they are recruited and safely up here," Greg said. "If the governments find them first, they will be in serious trouble."

  "Commander, we cannot be certain that the United States government is not already doing their own search. I did remove your records from the hospital you were treated at as well as the Ecogen systems. However, we cannot assume that they do not have a copy of your team's medical records. They may not know exactly what to look for, but they do have the knowledge to find out. It is certain that they have both Fighter Jarad and Pilot Sharon on file," Abraxis replied.

  "What good would that knowledge do them, really?" Joyce asked. "They don't have hypersled technology. Hell, only the Rangers even have access to it, even up here. What do they think they would gain by trying to locate anyone like us?"

  "They believe they will eventually get the tech, Joyce," Jarad replied quietly. "They would do whatever it took to make damn sure they had the right people ready and fully under their control for when they do."

  "How can they even…" Teriska said. "Would they really dissect living people to do this?"

  "They wouldn't even think twice about it," Jarad replied. "They have no morals or conscience; they will do whatever they need to do in order to ensure their own power and supremacy. In a lot of ways, they are more evil than even the Drellians."

  "With respect Fighter Jarad, it is the same mentality of the ancient Drellian race. In a lot of ways, the Earth as it is right now, very much resembles pre-imperial Drell," Abraxis said. "I believe Commander Greg was far more accurate than he knew when he foretold what would happen if the Earth authorities had full access to this technology. However, because of the creativity of humans, they are far more dangerous than the Drellian Empire was. Isolated nodes such as myself as well as all existing Ranger teams would be hunted down with overwhelming force and destroyed. I doubt even Abraxis Prime could counter the new empire that would be formed."

  "Well, on that happy note, I'll call an end to this meeting. We all have work we need to get back to," Carl replied.

  "Ranger Alert! Drellian incursion detected in Harclen space. All Rangers please report to ready room," Abraxis said. "Commander, Ranger Fighter Delion is on the comm for you."

  Command Center

  Grimaldi Ridge Base

  Ocean of Storms

  Selene, Earth's Moon

  Greg and Jarad ran to the control center before taking the call from Delion. Joyce ran to make sure the teams were responding and there were no problems.

  "I heard you got some playmates out there, Delion," Greg said by way of greeting.

  "Yes, but we do not understand what they are up to. They are not acting like we are accustomed, so I ca
lled you," Delion replied. "I would hear any advice I can find."

  Jarad was looking at the data Abraxis had. The Drellian did not seem to be heading for the planet, having appeared outside of the system, in deep space. Currently, they were just sitting there.

  "This is a reconnaissance mission," Jarad replied. "See how they are sitting outside the system, just inside sensor range?" When Greg nodded, Jarad continued. "They're scanning the system to see what the Harclens are up too. I'd bet my hypersled that they'll stop at every Ranger protected system and get a full scan. I wouldn't be surprised if they did leave a few scanning drones behind too."

  "They must not be allowed to continue their mission. We cannot let the Prime know of our preparations," Delion said.

  "Considering what happened to the last teams they sent here, this team is either considered expendable, or they are one of the best Prime has. Be very careful out there, Fighter Delion," Jarad said. "I'm betting this is an elite unit and not an expendable one."

  Greg nodded. "I agree. Prime needs to know what we are up to. He would not entrust such an important mission to an expendable or inexperienced team." He said as he typed on a terminal to bring up that area of the sector. "Abraxis, based on their current location, if they left Harclen space, their next logical target would be the Greynus system, right?"

  "That is correct, Commander. However, we must weigh this against the possibility that they have already scanned the Onarus system," Abraxis replied.

  "Unless they arrived here from a different sector," Greg said. "We know the Gravis sector is Drellian based on their activity so far. We have no information on the other three sectors surrounding us, but have assumed that they were still free. If these guys arrived here from the Hylocine Sector, they would have hit Harclen first."

  "Are you saying that Hylocine is also Drellian?" Delion asked.

  Greg bit his lip thoughtfully. "If not, then it is so under-defended that this team could move through they're space unmolested or undetected. It could be that like our own sector, they simply don't have the ability to watch everything." Greg shook his head. "No, unless there is a transit lane terminating just over the border, it would have to be Drellian and this team would have to be from there. It's just too long of a ride any other way."

  "I have limited data on the Hylocine Sector, but there was a transit lane there. The opposing terminus was in the Quarilux Sector; six hundred forty-six light years away. It was listed as a class three lane," Abraxis replied.

  "Hold it, I haven't gotten that far in training yet guys, what's a transit lane?" Jarad asked.

  "Think of it as a worm-hole or tunnel in space. They can move ships incredible distances in the blink of an eye," Greg replied.

  "If this one is a class three as Abraxis has said, then it has the capacity to move an entire fleet from end to end in less time than it takes to explain it," Delion added. "This is not a good discovery."

  "No, it isn't. That means that Abraxis Prime could have his forces here a lot sooner than we want," Greg said. "Abraxis, could we add Fighter Thrasixt to this call please?"

  "Certainly commander, one moment please," Abraxis replied.

  Thrasixt, again wearing her helmet, appeared on the screen. "Greeting Rangers, how may we assist?"

  Greg smiled at her. "Thrasixt, a Drellian team has arrived at the Harclen system. However, they are not attacking or even entering the system. We believe they are doing reconnaissance. Even though they are not attacking, we cannot allow them to move around freely and observe the preparations we are making. We believe that as soon as they depart the Harclen system, they will be moving to your system. I'd like to stop them before that."

  "This is the reason you suggested we fly patrols. Wise. How may we assist in this?" Thrasixt asked.

  "I would like you to take your team out to the edge of your system in the area we believe they are most likely to arrive in as a precaution against their moving before we reach them. I will launch with my team and jump for the Harclen system. I would like for Delion to launch her team and head towards them at sublight in order to buy us the time we will need to get there.

  "Just as we are about to arrive near the Drellians, Abraxis will let Delion know and she can jump the rest of the way out. If we can catch them between our two teams we should be able to deal with them." He sighed. "There is a good chance our enemy is an elite team. I don't want to lose anyone while we destroy them."

  Thrasixt nodded her head in agreement. "I share your concern. We will depart for the system boundary as you suggest. But I do have the concern that they will jump to the planet instead of the boundary as you suggest."

  Greg nodded. "Yes, that is a possibility. Perhaps you should prepare a return jump in that event. If we do miss them, and they jump for your system, both Delion and I will follow if she agrees."

  "Of course," Delion replied. "They must be stopped. Working together can only benefit us all."

  "This is well meant and well received, Fighter Greg. We will do as you ask. May the hives protect you both," Thrasixt replied.

  "And you as well, Fighter Thrasixt. Good luck," Greg replied. After Delion said her own good bye, Thrasixt disconnected.

  "We will launch in a half hour, Fighter Greg. We will make sure they see us," Delion replied.

  Greg nodded and smiled at his friend. "Just make sure they don't hit you. We will be with you as quickly as we can, Delion."

  "Please do, this change in behavior makes me uneasy in this situation," she admitted. "I take comfort knowing you will be there to help."

  "That's what this alliance is all about, Delion. See you soon," Greg said and nodded to her. After he ended the call, he turned to Jarad. "Have Joyce's team patrol the outer system. It'll extend our detection range. If something happens, we'll get back here as quickly as we can."

  Jarad nodded. "I know. Just make sure nothing happens. Good luck, and God speed."

  Terran Ranger Team Alpha

  Harclen Hyperspace vector

  "We're on course, Greg. ETA one point five hours," Bella said after they merged and made the jump.

  "Thanks Sweetheart. Jolly, one of the things we need to look for when we get there is a sensor bot or something along those lines that the Drellians might leave behind. Can you set up your computers to look for that after we arrive?" Greg asked.

  "Okay, you think they’re going to leave a probe of some kind behind?" Jolly asked.

  Greg shrugged. "If it were me, I'd leave one on the off-chance the enemy wouldn't find it."

  "Have you guys considered this could be a ruse to get the Rangers away from their planets?" Bella asked. "I mean, it's a long way for us to jump to get out there. Even if we turned around once we arrived, it would still be four days for the folks at home."

  Greg was thoughtful for a moment. "The center of the sector, closer to where Earth is, there are a lot better sensors and detection systems. Nothing was detected there. It is possible that this could be a ruse to get the Rangers away from their planets, but if that were the case, it would be a poor try. Neither the Harclen nor the Greynus will be that far from their planets. I did order Joyce's team to patrol the outer system while we're gone to improve sensor range and resolution."

  Jolene smiled. "That shouldn't be an issue for much longer; Mandi is putting the finishing touches on the new sensor system. Once we get them built and deployed, we should be able to see the entire sector."

  "Really? The last I heard about it, you were having trouble with it," Greg replied.

  "We were, but she finally solved the issue with a little help from an Onarian physicist. You see, the sensors will have to be left in hyperspace," Jolene said. "It was such a simple answer, I felt like an idiot for not considering that!"

  Greg smiled at her. "Sometimes the obvious answer isn't so obvious. That's the whole reason for getting a new set of eyes on something."

  Jolene smirked at him. "That's what Doctor Hebrast said, almost exactly!"

  "He's a smart man," Greg replied,

  "Okay, so how are we going to do this Greg? If these guys are the elites you think they are, they won't fall for any tricks," Bella asked.

  Greg lost his smile. "No, they probably won't. The Harclen system has a Kuiper belt and Abraxis placed them just outside of it, between the belt and the system's Oort cloud. There's a lot of stuff floating around in that area, so more than likely we're going to be playing hide and seek. The Drellians were detected by a mining operation near the seventh planet…"

  "Wait, if that's the case then they might think they are hidden and not know that they've been detected," Jolene replied. "We could use that."

  "How do you mean?" Greg asked. "In about five minutes real time, Delion and her team will be heading straight for them."

  She typed on her keyboard and a hologram of the Harclen system took form between them. "Here, let's look at this," she said. "The Drellian team is here, and the mining outpost is here… The Drellians would have to know the mining outpost is there, but I would bet they don't think it has the sensors to detect them. If Delion and her team go this way," she drew a line that took Delion out on the other side of the seventh planet, “She could hook around and coast into them.”

  "We drop out here, where the rest of the normal shipping comes in we should be able to creep up on them as well. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me at all if this isn't exactly how the Drellians got there to begin with."

  Greg thought about it a moment. "It would put them right between us and we could attack from both sides at once."

  "If we do this, I'd put that mining base on alert as well. Playing around out there is going to knock some of those rocks around; some of them might even head in system," Bella said. "The miners could probably catch them before they got too far in."

  "Did you get all that Abraxis?" Greg asked.

  "Yes I did, Commander. Do you wish for me to pass it along to Fighter Delion?" the old AI asked.


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