Memories with The Breakfast Club: Anticipation

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Memories with The Breakfast Club: Anticipation Page 2

by Talia Carmichael

  “I took her to the groomers yesterday and will pick her up today.” Dixon walked toward him. “Mario told me you’ve been here practicing each day while I was out. Tyler I don’t want you to do so much.”

  “Shut up.” He said it mildly. “He slung the towel over his neck and came to meet him.

  He met him in the middle of the studio and then smiled at Dixon. Dixon was immediately suspicious. He knew that look. When Tyler did that, he was up to something.


  “Zach told me to let you know that he’s coming by later to make some upgrades to your security and intercom system.”

  Zach Cohen was a friend of Tyler’s, who he had introduced him too. Zach had donated the system and time to set it up at the center. The man was super smart and sort of shy.

  “And this time he’ll let me pay him.” Dixon said firmly.

  “He thought you would say that. This is all part of his donation. He will upgrade from time to time.” Tyler bit his lip. “And so you have time to prepare and not throw a hissy fit in front of the patrons, volunteers, and staff he’s bringing new computer systems to upgrade your dinosaur systems you use in the offices. All of them. Before you protest or say anything, Zach said he knew that you wouldn’t spend any of the funds raised for that. That you’d put it into other projects for the center. So this is his early donation to the event. You can’t turn down a donation.”

  Dixon rubbed his fingers along the bridge of his nose. He wasn’t going to ask how Zach could afford it. He kind of figured out the man had money, even though he didn’t flaunt it or come out and say it. It was like how he and his brother were too. Also he’d become friendly with Zach and he’d opened up about some plans he had for some software or other. Dixon had some knowledge of how those things worked through his brother Doyle, who also worked at the center. It was his brother who had the out-dated systems still working. Hell his brother hated the systems they had and had offered to pay to have them revamped out of his own money. Doyle had made millions on some tech he had developed and worked full-time at center but refused a salary because between the tech, his investments and new things he was working on, he had more money than he needed. Because of Doyle and his investing when he needed and his previous salary as a doctor, Dixon didn’t need to work to get a salary. He lived off that and the investments he had. Somehow he knew Doyle had a hand in this. He’d seen him and Zach with their heads together and whenever he came near they would change the subject. He hadn’t known why, now he did. He wouldn’t accept it from Doyle since the man did so much already by working at the center full time without pay.


  Tyler looked stunned.

  Dixon chuckled. “What, you thought I would fight about it? Yeah I would have but since you put it the way you did I’m going to accept. I’ll thank Zach when I see him. And will have some words with my brother for maneuvering me into upgrading my systems. Now I’ll need to find some more work for him to do than maintain the old systems.”

  He wasn’t serious since Doyle did more for the center than that. He was third of the center.

  Tyler eyes twinkled and Dixon knew something else was up.

  “What else did you all do?”

  “Me, I didn’t do anything.” Tyler rocked back on his heels. “I’m just the messenger.”

  “And don’t think I don’t know why Doyle let you be that.”

  “He figured you wouldn’t give me a noggie.” Tyler smiled widely.

  “Yeah.” Dixon blew out a breath. “Hit me with what else you are supposed to tell me.”

  “Well there is what I’m supposed to tell you with what Zach and Doyle has planned but also some other stuff.”

  Dixon scowled. “I’m not going to like it am I?”

  “Probably not.” Tyler patted his shoulder. “So Doyle will have work to do; since that computer program you wanted to get started, well Zach is donating for that as well, as the computer center you wanted. You need to figure out what rooms you want it in.”

  Dixon blinked stunned. That was huge and what the event was for to raise money to get at least a few systems for the computer center and some for the computer program, so they could give people who were interested an opportunity to learn to build them and or use them to do coding and so on. It was Doyle’s baby project and no Dixon wouldn’t let him fund it and instead was having an event to raise it. Yes it was stubbornness why he wouldn’t let Doyle do more for the center but the man already donated funds—in amounts that Dixon said he could, he didn’t want Doyle to go crazy and give a whole lot—and time. That Zach was doing the same, he didn’t know what to say or do. Zach was a friend too and it didn’t seem right.

  “I ca…”

  “It’s done.” Tyler said firmly. “Stop being a hardheaded ass and accept it. People who care about you help if they can. Some who can financially do and also with time. Doyle and Zach will be working on the computer stuff together.”

  “I…” Dixon blew out a breath again. “Need to learn to accept things. I god. Zach doing this is huge.” His mind was already racing with what else he could do with the funds they raised for the event instead. “And I bet that Doyle already knows where he wants the stuff placed.”

  “Glad to hear you say that.” Tyler smiled wider.

  “Oh god, that smile makes me afraid.”

  “No need to be.” Tyler went over to his bag and grabbed it and came toward him. He pulled something out of his bag and held it out.

  Dixon accepted the envelope. He opened it and pulled out what was inside. Dixon flipped through the items and lifted his head shocked.

  “Donations from Julian, Marcus and Zach.” Tyler shrugged. “Again I am the messenger.”

  Dixon looked at the checks and added them up before looking at him in shock. “This equals the goal we set for the event.” Dixon shook his head. “Julian is already donating his time to the event by providing the fashions for it and the people as well as other things. Marcus is doing the Master of Ceremonies with me and Zach is providing the tech stuff. And he just donated a whole bunch of computers and the computer program we are setting up.” He cleared his throat. “I can’t let you all do this.”

  “We’re your friends.” Tyler smiled. “When I opened my place and came to bug you, you were kind.” Tyler frowned. “No. You were you and welcomed me. Gave me tips on how to navigate the neighborhood and the other business owners. You sent people in this community to my studio. They trust you in this community and you being you and telling them about me, made my transition here so much easier. You became my friend and although you knew what I used to do and who I was involved with you never tried to get anything from me. Then when you met Marcus; although he tried to intimidate you, which I admit was my fault, since I talked about you so much Marcus was…well let’s just say he was a little jealous and felt he had to mark his territory. You took it with your usual affable way and then made him your friend too. To this day Marcus doesn’t know how you did it.”

  “I’ve been told I’m charming.”

  Tyler laughed. “There is that. But it’s more. You’re this guy who is doing well for this community and you don’t do it for praise and don’t shove peoples face in it. The center is for anyone who needs it; especially the LGBT in the area who needs a safe place. Anyone who walks through those doors knows that they are welcome no matter their gang affiliations, race, religious or non-religious choices, political affiliations and sexual preference. That when a person comes through the doors they put any bias aside or they will be ejected and if they want back in they have to get your approval. Y—”

  “Mine, Mario and Doyle.” Dixon thought of it. “And well at least two more of us. It can be hard to get all of us to agree so they would probably be not welcome for good.”

  “Yes. And then Julian had to meet you too and Zach of course. And then they did and well you’re friends with all of us.” Tyler shrugged. “Even if we weren’t friends and heard of what you do at this place;
we would have donated funds, time and so much more.” Tyler scowled. “Now I’m going to stop there because this is getting way to mushy.”

  “Yeah.” Dixon looked at the checks then he put them back in envelop and put them in his pocket. “I’m going to have to thank everyone. But I’m starting with you. Thanks for giving your time and well just being you.”

  “Anytime.” Tyler studied him. “You are taking this so well that I’m going to hit you with one more thing. Marcus has some contacts and well he’s going to discuss with you about getting that safe haven for LGBT started. The place where they can come live to get on their feet; or if it’s a teenager, if they are thrown out by their parents. He’s done some legwork on it and has investors who want to donate to it and thus it will be an extension on this center. The older hotel next to this place; that is for sale, would be a good spot.” He put up his hand to stop him from replying. “I added the last part since I sort of got caught up in his planning. When we had dinner a few months ago and you mentioned it, he’s been figuring it out since then. Nothing is set I just want you to listen with an open mind.”

  “You and Marcus are also charming. You will have me convinced to go along and I won’t even know it.” Dixon shook his head. “I’ll listen with an open mind. But that’s a plan that’s years away. Although with these donations from the three of them, I’ve met my goal and with Zach’s computer donation, we already met what I had planned for using the funds. I have other things on my list of things for the center that come first. Can’t use that money for that. Even if I wished I could.” Dixon looked at Tyler and smiled. “And you know how they sent you as the messenger since Doyle figured I wouldn’t give you a noggie.”

  “Yeah.” Tyler said suspiciously and took a step back.

  “They were wrong.”

  Tyler’s eyes widened and he backed up. Dixon rushed him and grabbed him. Tyler laughed and pushed at him. He put his knuckles on top of his head and rubbed it.

  “No noggie.” Tyler laughed.

  “Too late.” He did again.

  Tyler shrieked then pushed out of his hold. “Next time I’m going to let Doyle tell you so he gets the noggie.”

  Dixon winked. “Smart man.”

  “Yep. Now tell me what had you looking so out of sorts.”

  Dixon thought of it and since it did bother him about Reginald, he filled him in on what happened. Then on the conversation with Mario about romance.

  “I told him he was missing stuff in there.”

  “Yes. He is missing so much more that happens. Marcus and I went through more than something so easily said in a few sentences.” Tyler said.


  “But Reggie.” Tyler smirked. “He let me call him that since we are friends. Isn’t usually so abrupt. Then again the man hates anything that messes with his orderly life. And I’m thinking you did that.” Tyler nodded his head. “Ah yes you so did that. And Mario might have something with the whole token thing.”

  “Huh…what do you mean?” Dixon went still as he sensed what he was saying. “He’s behind me. How long has he been there?”

  “From the noggie.” He spoke behind him.

  Dixon turned to face him. Reginald was standing a little away from them. Mario was behind him with a smile on his face. Tyler passed him and touched his shoulder as he went by.

  “Nice to see you Reggie.” Tyler shook his hand.

  Reginald didn’t look away from him and shook Tyler’s hand. “Tyler.”

  “So I’m going somewhere.” Tyler left his laughter trailing behind him.

  “Yes let’s go find something to do.” Mario said.

  The sound of their footsteps faded as they left. Reginald took a few steps toward him then stopped.

  “Tyler is right I don’t like being taken off guard. I like order and you’re not at all what I thought would happen in my day.” Reginald held up the tray he held in one hand and the bag in other. “But I face stuff so a peace offering for earlier. A sort of I’m sorry for being an anti-social asshole.”

  Dixon hadn’t noticed he was holding anything. His observational skills around this man was not good at all.

  “Thanks.” He reached for it.

  Reginald held it away. “Ummm…it’s tea and breakfast for us both. I figured we could have it together.

  That surprised him. “Sure. We can go to one of the lounges.”

  Reginald nodded and smiled shyly. “I’d like that.”

  Dixon came to stand by his side and gestured. Reginald pivoted and walked toward the door. Dixon fell into step beside him.

  Shit I didn’t think I would see him again. At least not one on one. What am I going to do now?

  Don’t stumble and fall Reggie. You don’t want to make an already bad impression you made with this man worst. Reginald focused on walking as he went with the man who although he’d not spoken to directly for years he knew him. He’d seen him pass his bookstore each morning on the way to the center. Then throughout the day if he went to lunch or on some errand. At the end of the day Dixon would also pass. Yes he’d noticed him each time and that bugged him. He wasn’t one to be attracted to anyone. Yet this man had his attention without them ever exchanging a word until today. And he was rude to him. But in his defense he had caught him off guard and he didn’t react well when that happened.

  Dixon made the turn into a room and Reginald followed. He noted the comfortable looking area with stuffy chairs, low tables and other things. It was a room that made you want to relax and stay a while. Dixon sat and watched him. Reginald put down the tray with the teas and the bag. He straightened then wiped his hand down the side of his slacks.

  “Before we eat I wanted to apologize again. My behavior when you asked me to donate time and books to your center was inexcusable. And when you shared your plan for the literacy program I dismissed it. And I’m thinking you haven’t really shared it with many people.” He paused.

  “No I have not.” Dixon replied.

  “It sounded really good and interesting. And I will help with it. With my time as well as donating some books. I made some calls—“

  “At this time of morning.” Dixon frowned. “Wouldn’t you wake people up?”

  “The people I called had to be up to go teach. They teach at different grade levels. And they would also be happy to take part. And they will send me a list of material and books you will need. I will give some of it but the rest you will need to come up with funds for.”

  “If you had told me this a little while ago I would have said I’d need to wait to see what funds we raised at the event.” Dixon smiled. “But now I don’t have to. We can move ahead with this. Thanks for making calls and being willing to help out.”

  “No thank you for accepting my apology.” Reginald sat beside him.

  “I haven’t done that yet.” Dixon said.

  Reginald looked at him. “Devil’s Advocate again.”

  “Perhaps.” Dixon’s smile widened.

  “So how can I get you to accept my apology?”

  “Tell me why you were so hot then cold to me.”

  Reginald gulped thinking of what was the truth. He decided to go with a softer version of it. He opened his mouth then stopped then spoke.

  “You rattle me. I’m attracted to you before I even spoke with you. I’ve seen you every morning when you pass my store to come to the center, and sometimes throughout the day then at night when you leave. I noticed you and I usually don’t notice men. Not in that way.” Reginald smiled wryly. “Usually a man has to get in my face for me to even see him much less realize he is interested. That isn’t the case with you. I am aware of you. And I have no clue what to do about it. When you came by this morning it threw me off and I reacted the way I do when something messes with my orderly world. Shut it out.”

  He’d went the unfiltered truth He looked at Dixon and the stunned look on his face made him want to laugh. Instead he picked up the tea and held it out.

  Please don’t co
mment on this. Reginald had already gone outside his comfort zone by admitting that much. If Dixon did he didn’t know what he would do.

  Chapter Two

  Dixon accepted the cup. Reginald breathed out glad he didn’t say anything. He pulled the bag to him and took out the breakfast sandwich. He paused thinking of what he’d said.

  “Ok. So I know a few of the things you like to eat in the morning. I also noticed you at the coffee place and heard you order. Just letting you know so you don’t think I am a stalker or anything.” Reginald winced as he realized he brought up what he just said.

  Dixon accepted the sandwich and laughed. “That’s good makes it so there is no guessing. And I’ll admit besides knowing your tea preference I also know what you enjoy eating as well.” Dixon glanced at the bag he still held. “It’s Monday so I’m thinking its Cinnamon Raisin Bagel with Strawberry Cream Cheese.” Dixon smirked. “If you had brought food from the diner I would say Western Omelet special which would include rye toast with home fries. Or one of the restaurants pancakes with eggs and bacon. I could go on and list each eating place around here but then you would think I’m the stalker.”

  Reginald blinked. “You’ve been watching me.”

  “And you me.” Dixon took a sip of his tea. “So are you stalking me?”

  “Of course not.” Reginald said then laughed as he realized why he asked. “And you’re not me. We are just observant.”

  “Usually.” Dixon lowered his tea. “I saw you and what you ordered and noticed little things about you. You’re the way you are with people, although you’re shy and don’t want to interact. You try.” He paused. “Yet I never actually noticed you. Never realized…”

  Reginald waited for him to finish but when he didn’t. “What?”

  “That you were so damn cute.” Dixon frowned.

  “That’s what a man likes to hear. He’s cute. Then said person who says it frowns. So great for the ego.” Reginald said dryly.


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