Memories with The Breakfast Club: Anticipation

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Memories with The Breakfast Club: Anticipation Page 4

by Talia Carmichael

  Sam nodded and came toward him. He went out and Sam fell into step besides him. They walked for a little toward his office then Dixon looked toward him.

  “How do you and Zach make it work? You look so happy and perfect for each other.”

  “It takes work. And we have our moments of not happy.” Sam shrugged. “We work at it and work through those rough patches. I heard about your date with Reggie. He’s a good man.”

  “I notice everyone calls him Reggie but he doesn’t like when I do it.”

  “Maybe there is a reason for that.” Sam smiled.

  “Maybe.” Dixon said.

  He went with Sam to his office thinking of their next date.

  The next day, Dixon passed Reginald’s bookstore on the way to the center. It was dark today so he figured he wasn’t in this early. He continued onto the center. He noticed the awakening neighborhood and was again happy to be doing what he loved in a place he loved. As he got close to the center he realized again he had been so distracted he’d again passed the coffee shop. He didn’t go back and decided to go later. As he was almost to the center doors, he saw someone standing by the doorway. He knew that some came by when they needed help and knew he was here early when the place wasn’t actually open yet. As he went he wondered who is was.

  “Good Morning.” He said as he came close so that he wouldn’t scare them.

  The person turned and pleasure filled Dixon as he saw him. “Reginald.”

  “Thought you could use some tea and breakfast or if you stopped to get your own a snack for later.” Reginald held up the tray of tea and bag from the coffee shop.

  He went to him and leaned down and kissed him softly before he spoke. “I’m so glad to see you. Glad we didn’t have to wait until tonight.”

  “That’s why I came.” Reginald lowered his head then looked at him again. “Didn’t want to wait until tonight. Wanted to see you now.”

  At that Dixon knew that he wanted this permanently. It didn’t matter they had one date. For the years they had been on the outskirts of each other’s lives and now they were not he wasn’t about to let that pass.

  Now I just need to figure out how to make him want the same. Dixon would use all his charm to get him around to his way of thinking. When he had his mind set on something he wouldn’t give up. This time wouldn’t be any different.

  * * * * *

  Dixon crossed his arms over his chest and watched as they readied for the event in a few days. The weeks had flown by and he didn’t even know where the time had gone. Between his work; here at the center, finalizing the event and dating Reginald his time had been filled. He enjoyed all of the things he was doing. The center was running well with new programs being added as he got more volunteers. The event was planned. With Julian who was a planning demon and well the man was a force to be reckoned with when he got going. Hell he was tired just looking at him now as he readied for the show. The models were a mixture of Julian’s different fashion lines—children, burn victims and men’s. Tyler had practiced his dance with some of his students and those from the center. It was all coming together.

  Now if things were doing the same with his personal life. Yes he and Reginald was dating and it was going well but he wanted to take that next step. Not sex although they hadn’t done that yet. But to let him know he wanted more.

  You’re hesitating because you don’t want him to run. And that was what made him not say anything. Also if he would admit it he’d gotten used to the man. Having him around made him…just more content. A familiar sensation filled him and he knew it so well. Reginald placed his hand at the small of his back. Dixon pressed into his touch. He leaned against him and Dixon turned his head and kissed him briefly. It was so familiar yet exhilarating each time. Reginald pulled back and stared at him with those violet eyes.

  “Hey…you’re early for our date.”

  “I got a call from J…”

  “Reggie!” Julian yelled then came over. He stopped before them. “One of the models is sick. I need you to sub.” Julian tapped his foot and waited.

  Reginald tensed then backed up and blinked. Dixon could see him thinking of a way to run. Reginald looked at him then he relaxed.


  Dixon lifted an eyebrow. “You don’t need to do this for me, or for the center.”

  “I’m doing it for me.” Reginald smiled. “And what did I tell you about accepting help from others.”

  “To do it and stop letting my hang ups mess that up.”

  “Good. Now I’m going to go let Julian do his thing. And then we’ll go to our dinner as you planned at your house.” Reginald squeezed his hand.

  “Sounds good.”

  “Yes.” Reginald kissed him again briefly then spoke to Julian. “Where do you want me?”

  Julian got that look in his eye. Dixon himself felt like he wanted to run. The man was a perfectionist and intense when he was like this. Julian grabbed Reginald’s hand and led him away.

  “I almost feel sorry for Reggie.” Nick Fletcher said as he came over and joined him. “But I’m in the show too so I’m glad someone is dealing with him too.”

  Dixon laughed at that. Julian’s partner had to be a saint or has a whole lot of patience to deal with him. He couldn’t even imagine how it was to live with him.

  “You’re lucky you are Master of Ceremony with Marcus.”

  “What can I say I was born under a lucky star.” Marcus said as he joined them.

  They all chuckled and watched as Julian did his thing.

  Later as he and Reginald walked away from the center and toward his home he thought of everything over the last few weeks. Reginald slid his hand into his. Dixon squeezed it.

  “You’re thinking really hard.” Reginald said.

  “Just about things.” Dixon glanced at him. “I’ve been wondering why you let everyone else call you Reggie but when I did weeks ago you didn’t like it.”

  “Because they are friends and family but you,” Reginald stopped him. “You, I knew was something special to me.” He smiled. “Even as I balked at seeing you. Somewhere deep within I recognized what you would be to me.”

  “What am I to you?” Dixon heart clenched as he waited to hear.

  “I care for you Dixon.” Reginald smiled.

  He already knew that but wanted more. Disappointment filled him as he watched him. Reginald smiled wider and that twinkle he had noticed weeks ago was very visible.

  “More than I thought I ever would.” Reginald took his other hand. “I know it is so soon and people will say it is improbable, but I love you Dixon. I love you so much.”

  Dixon inhaled and then breathed out. “I didn’t expect you to say that. And I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks.” He smiled. “I love you to Reginald.”

  He laughed. “You can call me Reggie if you want.”

  “No I’ll stick with Reginald. After all you are special to me.”

  Reginald smiled and he tugged on his hand. “Now let’ go to your house. I’m thinking first we celebrate somewhere horizontal then we eat.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Dixon hurried him along and Reginald laughed. They rushed toward his place and when they arrived they went inside. As the door closed behind Dixon pressed Reginald aback against the door and kissed him. He poured all he had into it and Reginald slumped against him. Dixon lifted him and Reginald wrapped his legs around him. He carried him toward his bedroom. He didn’t need the lights he knew his way. Inside the room he went to the bed and set him down next to it. Reginald reached for his clothing and Dixon did the same to him. They removed each other’s clothing and when they were nude Dixon looked at him. Reginald was sexy and he couldn’t wait to explore every inch of him. That would be for another time since he wanted him too badly this time to go slow. He backed him to the bed and laid him down before covering him with his body. Dixon reached to the bedside table and turned on the lamp then reached into the drawer and took out the lube and condoms.<
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  “Let me.” He said to Reginald.

  He nodded and Dixon readied him. He touched him and groaned at the clench of him around his fingers. Reginald moaned pushing himself onto his fingers. He needed him now. He finished getting his prepared for him. Then when Reginald was he smoothed on the condom. Dixon went over him again and lined up. He pushed in gently and Reginald moved with him. Once he was fully inside he stilled. Reginald was so tight and felt so good around him. He kissed him then started to stroke.

  “Dixon.” Reginald moaned as he met him motion for motion.

  He moved quicker enjoying the sensation of him around him. Reginald smoothed his hands up and down his back. Dixon leaned over him and kissed him. He continued to move. Being with him finally after all these weeks was so good.

  “Reginald.” He groaned.

  Reginald held him tight. Then he dug his nails into his back. Dixon hissed and moved faster. He moaned at each slide on him within. He moved under him and his sac went tight. Dixon shifted and as he moved over his prostate the sensation made him tingle from head to toe. Each pass made his cock harden even more. Dixon stared into his eyes and that connection made his heart race.

  “Dixon.” He held him and arched as he came.

  Dixon stroked once more then he too shook as he joined him in release. Dixon collapsed onto him. Reginald rubbed his hands over his sweat soaked flesh. He breathed harshly and as he calmed he smiled then he laughed.

  “That was…”

  “Yeah.” Dixon sounded smug.

  Reginald chuckled. Dixon pulled out then disposed of the condom before he got off the bed. Reginald looked as he went to the adjacent bathroom. The light came on and he heard water running. In moments Dixon turned off the light then came back to the bed. He held up the washcloth then went to side behind him. Dixon cleaned him gently and Reginald bit his lip so overwhelmed by all that was him. It was one of the many reasons he loved him. Dixon slid in behind him and pulled him close.

  “Love you.”

  “Me too.” Reginald said snuggling into him.

  He yawned then closed his eyes. He listened to Dixon breath. He didn’t know when he went to sleep.

  * * * * *

  Days later Reginald stood back stage and watched as Dixon and Marcus hosted the event. Dixon was his usual charming self while Marcus was his sexy best. The two men complimented each other with Dixon’s flirtatiousness playfulness and Marcus with his smoldering intensity. The audience was going wild and the donations were coming in. Dixon had already surpassed the goal he had. And he expected to do even more with the silent auction. As Reginald watched he imagined later at the party that wrapped things up people would be clamoring for Dixon’s attention. Reginald shifted and the pleasant ache of their joining earlier filled him. In the last few days they couldn’t seem to get enough of each other. Dixon came toward him. When he reached his side he slid his arm over his shoulder.

  “You’ll be going on soon.” He said.

  The music that Julian had set his show to played and Reginald tried not to be nervous. He was failing miserably.

  “Ever since I met you I am doing things that are outside my comfort zone.” He chuckled. “And I’m enjoying it. Although the idea of going to there in front of so many people to model terrifies me. “Reginald sighed. “But I’ll do it.”

  “And I have some enticement. I know you are doing this for you and for that I am grateful.” He kissed him briefly. “So I have some plans later for us.”

  “Do tell.”

  “Nope it’s a surprise.” Dixon smiled.

  It was that devilish one he loved so much. He didn’t really care what his plans were just that he was with him.

  “I’ll look forward to see what you have planned.” Reginald winked. “Hell I’ve been enjoying the anticipation from you from our first official meeting.”

  “Exactly.” Dixon kissed him again. “Embrace the anticipation.”

  Reginald kissed him back. He already had and would for a long time to come.

  Also by Talia Carmichael

  Nebulous Rising


  By: Talia Carmichael

  Things change in a blink of an eye and you will need to rise through the inferno…

  Instinct lead Darius Gallagher to the captain of their ship as he was about to cause the death of most of his crew and they dealt with it. Now they have no captain and the crew is looking to him for leadership. He was content to be part of the revelry, pillaging and plundering and didn’t want to be captain of any space pirate. A captain had to be good at planning and handle issues that arose from having a crew of aliens, other beings and humans. But…revelations make him consider and now they had to rescue the rest of the crew from another space pirate. If that wasn’t bad enough he was fascinated by the one man on the crew that—although he was respected—was also feared. He should avoid him yet…Darius wasn’t one to walk away from anything.

  Heller revealed some of his secrets to contain the situation with their previous captain. Now the crew was further at risk as they headed to retrieve their crew mates. Darius might deny he was going to be their captain. They needed a leader to restore their fate of each other. The crew mate by your side meant the difference between success or death. Heller knew Darius finally saw him as intriguing. Heller wasn’t about to let the opportunity past. They would face getting the rest of their crew back as well as what may come between him and Darius. No matter what happened it would change them all—the crew, Darius and Heller.

  When adventure calls it’ll take them through an …Inferno.

  Additional Books by Talia Carmichael

  For an up to date list of all books please visit

  Felice Steven's Kindle Worlds – Memories with The Breakfast Club Series


  Alex Westmore’s Kindle Worlds – Plundered Chronicles Series

  Nebulous Rising ~ Inferno

  Something in Common









  Reckless Behaviour

  A Tender Roughness

  Opposing Rhythms

  One Good Man

  Slow Burn

  Best Laid Intentions


  Ralston’s Way

  Long Hard Ride

  Opposites Attract

  Unbound Reaction

  The Right Choice

  After the Fall

  Bonds of Justice

  Wicked Intentions

  Wicked Alliance

  Wicked Pursuit

  Wicked Defense


  The Law of Desire

  No Commitment Necessary


  Jade & Conrad

  One Special Moment

  About the Author

  Talia Carmichael is a romantic who believes that family, no matter if it is by blood or those you choose as family, is integral to who you are. She is an author who writes sexy stories in a variety of genres. She believes in creating stories that encompass all that falling in love or lust entails, from the highs of that first blush of attraction to the lows of not knowing if you can make your coming together as a couple work, and then finally to the acceptance of the reality of making a life together. It’s all about the journey. Among her books you’ll find contemporary, futuristic, fantasy, and paranormal settings with M/M themes that will have a happily-ever-after. Her books are passionate, intense, and real… to fill the craving.

  Check out more about Talia at:




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  Table of Contents




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Also by Talia Carmichael

  About the Author




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