Wicked Needs (Wicked Bay, #5)

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Wicked Needs (Wicked Bay, #5) Page 21

by Cotton, L A

  “Never get a boyfriend for starters.”

  She stiffened at that, and I mouthed, “How are you?” while Kyle wasn’t looking.

  “I’ll be okay,” she mouthed back, keeping one eye on her brother.

  Ever since I set the record straight about me and Trey last year, mine and Kiera’s relationship had gone from strength to strength. At first, Kyle was jealous, but I think he soon realized Kiera needed a girlfriend to talk to. Only he didn’t know that most of our conversations featured a certain tall, dark, blue-eyed bad boy. Kiera was always tight-lipped about whether anything had happened between them, until a party over the summer, when she confessed they’d kissed. She’d wanted more, but Trey had rejected her. They ended up having a huge fight and then before he left for sophomore year at college, he let it slip he’d been seeing a girl. Although she hid it well, I knew Kiera was heartbroken. But what I couldn’t figure out was if Trey really was a cold-hearted bastard, or whether he was just trying to protect her. The way I’d once tried to protect Devon.

  “We’d better get moving if we want to get there on time.” Devon’s voice pulled me from my silent conversation with Kiera, and I smiled back at him.

  “Let’s go.”

  LO AND RICK WERE ALREADY waiting for us when we arrived at Riff’s, a popular student bar downtown. My brother pulled me in for a hug and I pressed my hands against his chest to stop him from suffocating me. “It’s only been three weeks,” I said unable to fight the smile tugging at my mouth.

  “I know, I’m just glad to see you.” He released me and then did the awkward guy-hug thing with Devon. Things were fine with them, friendly even, but the events of the past still lingered in the healing cracks between us.

  “Hey, Macey,” Lo came over. We didn’t hug, we never did. But we talked more now, and sometimes, we even hung out. Part of me would even miss her now she’d moved to SU to be with Maverick.

  “Devon,” she said to the guy who had moved back to my side. “Are you nervous?”

  “Nah, I live for this.” He glanced back at the gathering crowd. Riffs was kind of a big deal locally. Talent scouts often hung out waiting to find the next big thing. It was Devon’s first gig here, and I knew despite his laid-back attitude, he was nervous. He’d kept me up all night with soft touches and intense kisses, unable to sleep. I was more than happy to oblige though, I couldn’t get enough of him.

  “But I should probably head backstage and let them know I’m here.” Devon captured my lips in a quick kiss, but I looped my arm around his neck, pulling him closer. Kyle and Maverick started groaning, and I flipped them the bird behind Devon’s back causing Lo and Kiera to snicker.

  “Not that I’m not enjoying this because I am,” Devon breathed. “But I’d like to make it onto the stage in one piece.” He pressed his head to mine but glanced at my brothers who were staring at us through narrowed and very unamused eyes. “Sorry,” he added for their benefit. “She makes it so hard to resist.”

  “You need to leave,” Maverick barked. “Now.” Lo elbowed him in the ribs and he added, “Before you lose your slot.”

  We all wished Devon good luck and went to find a table. Luckily for us, Devon knew one of the bartenders and they’d reserved a table at the front for us. Kiera tried to take the seat beside me, but Rick slid into it before she could. “Hi,” he said.

  “Hi.” My brows pinched.

  “So, how’s things?”

  “Things? Like classes?”

  “Yeah, and stuff.”


  I caught Lo’s eye across the table, and she shook her head, stifling her laughter.

  “Is there something you want to ask me, Maverick?”

  “What?” He reared back. “No, I just...”

  “Maverick.” I gave him a pointed look.

  “Fine.” He let out a heavy sigh. “It’s killing me knowing you’re living with him. I knew you were going to college together, and I’d just about come to terms with the fact you’d be living away from home, sneaking around in each other’s dorm rooms, when Mom dropped the bombshell about the apartment. The off-campus apartment.”

  “Devon didn’t get a full scholarship, you know that. And it’s not like Mom doesn’t owe me this. Besides, it’s no different to you and Lo living in the pool house over the summer.” I arched a brow starting to feel pissed with the way his judgy macjudgy eyes were looking at me.

  “It’s completely different. We’re older,” he stuttered.

  “By a year,” I scoffed. “Besides, they let you stay out there last summer. Devon and I have been back together for eight months; longer if you count from when we...” Maverick’s eyes turned black, so I quickly backtracked. “Not important. But we love each other and neither of us wanted to put ourselves through the pressure of dorm rooms. Not when things are so good.”

  We’d talked about it. Devon was worried I wouldn’t get the ‘whole college experience’, but I didn’t want sorority houses and late-night slumber parties. I never had. I didn’t fit in with big groups of girls; just thinking about it brought up too many bad memories from my childhood. And it wasn’t about me running from things still. I was happy. Secure in my relationship with Devon. I had all I wanted and needed.

  “Maverick,” Lo’s soft voice made his shoulders slump. “We came to support Devon. This can wait.”

  “Fine, fine.” He leaned back in his chair, raking a hand through his hair. “I’ll shut up. For now.”

  “Dude, you’re a changed fucking man,” Kyle piped up. “No way in hell, I’d let Kiera shack up with her boyfriend in freshman year.” He turned to his sister. “So, don’t get any bright ideas, missy.”

  “Firstly,” she snapped. “I don’t have a boyfriend. Secondly, I haven’t even begun to think about college. And thirdly, and I don’t know how many times I have to say this, but you’re not my fucking dad.”

  “Watch your—”

  “He’s up,” I said, my eyes tracking Devon as he stepped up to the lone stool center stage. Kyle and Kiera shared a few last words before giving their full attention to the guy on stage.

  My guy.

  My heart was so full, I thought it might explode.

  I’d heard Devon play a lot over the last year. But this was different. This was him chasing his dream. And as his fingers strummed the first note, I fell in love with him all over again.


  The lights blazed down on me, heat radiating through my t-shirt. But I soaked it up. The noise of the crowd, the anticipation rippling in the air. Riffs was a big deal for upcoming musicians. It could literally make or break your career. Tonight wasn’t about that though; it was about the girl sitting upfront, staring up at the stage like I was a king.

  Her king.

  As my fingers worked the frets, finding their sweet spot, I stared at her. My heart. My home.

  The last eight months had been intense. If I’d had it my way, we would have picked right back up from where we left things, but Macey didn’t want that. She wanted to start over. To discover each other all over again. To go on dates and talk and learn each other’s stories. And somewhere along the way, I found myself falling in love with her all over again.

  The biggest surprise wasn’t how easy things were between us after everything that happened. It was the way her family had accepted me without hesitation. Part of me wondered if Lo and Maverick had a hand in that, but I never asked, and Maverick never said anything. Maybe it should have felt weird, being a part of the Stone-Prince family, but it didn’t. Dad had even become a regular at dinner. He and his latest girlfriend, Ginny, were always having drinks with Gentry and Rebecca. The four of them had done the whole proud parent thing before prom, and again at graduation. Although I’m not sure if they would have sent us off with such huge smiles had they known what I planned to do to Macey after prom.

  My stomach clenched just remembering how gorgeous she’d looked that night. The way the material fell over her curves like a waterfall. I’d had
fun peeling the dress off her body, slow and sensual.

  Shaking my head clear of the distracting thoughts, I focused on the rhythm of the song, preparing myself for the opening lyrics. My eyes slid to Macey’s, finding her again in the darkened room. She smiled, then mouthed, “I love you”, but I didn’t reply because I could do one better that that.

  Met a girl with walls so high,

  and I wanted to climb them

  To see what was inside

  Met a girl with a chip on her shoulder,

  and I wanted to hold her

  To fight her demons away.

  And she hides under her armor, keeping her heart safe, but I won’t be deterred, no I won’t walk away.

  I want to learn all her secrets, what makes her tick, and if she gives me a chance, I can promise her this,

  I’ll love her forever, I’ll stand by her side. I won’t hide in the shadows, I won’t tell no lies

  She can be my princess in an ivory tower

  I’ll hold her heart in my hands, but she’ll hold all the power

  We’ll grow old together, through good times and bad

  This love will be the best that she ever has had

  Met a girl standing in the rain,

  and I wanted to shelter her

  To keep her safe from the storm

  Met a girl with hurt in her heart,

  And I wanted to soothe her

  To take the pain away

  And she hides under her armor, keeping her heart safe, but I won’t be deterred, no I won’t walk away

  I want to learn all her secrets, what makes tick, and if she gives me a chance, I can promise her this,

  I’ll love her forever, I’ll stand by her side. I won’t hide in the shadows, I won’t tell no lies.

  She can be my princess in an ivory tower

  I’ll hold her heart in my hands, but she’ll hold the power

  We’ll grow old together, through good times and bad

  This love will be the best that she ever has had

  She’ll be my princess, and I’ll be her king

  Yeah, I’ll be her king

  The End.

  Thank you for reading Wicked Needs. Please consider leaving a quick review.

  Wicked Hearts, Kiera and Trey’s book, will be coming Spring 2019.

  If you would like to keep up-to-date with release news please sign up for Wicked Hearts News Alerts direct to your inbox or join the Wicked Bay Facebook Group


  Everything We Do Is Wrong – Tuvaband

  Waves – Dean Lewis

  Eastside – Benny Blanco ft. Halsey and Khalid

  Rise – Jonas Blue ft. Jack and Jack

  Happy Now – Zedd, Elli Duhe

  Only You – Cheat Codes, Little Mix

  Thru These Tears – LANY

  Lie -NF

  To Belong – Daughter

  Magnetised – Tom Odell

  Ocean – Martin Garrix, Khalid

  Enemies – Lauv

  Way Down We Go – Kaleo

  Bad at Love – Halsey

  Summertime Sadness – Lana Del Ray

  God Is A Woman – Arianna Grande

  Numb – The Veer Union

  Don’t Leave Me Alone – David Guetta, Anne-Marie

  Lost Without You – Freya Ridings

  Author’s Note

  WHEN I STARTED OUT writing Wicked Beginnings, I never imagined writing Macey’s story – but as the first three books progressed, she became a character I (and readers) wanted to understand. Why did she harbour so much hatred and anger? Who made her that way? And could anyone crack through her icy exterior?

  I loved writing every bit of this story. And I can’t wait to bring you Kiera and Trey’s story next. This group of characters have become so dear to my heart, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to say goodbye (but as the saying goes: all good things must to come to an end eventually, right?)

  I say it time and time again, but publishing really does take a village. And I’m lucky to have mine. A huge thank you to my behind-the-scenes team: Andie – my amazing editor and friend; Jenny and Anna – my beta readers; the Indie Girls – who are without a doubt my tribe; Nikki J and Lucy for all continued support; Emily at Social Butterfly for helping get the series into the hands of new bloggers and readers; and finally my readers / ARC / spoiler group, and all of the bloggers who continue to support me. The love for this series continues to blow me away.

  The journey for this group of characters isn’t quite over yet – I hope you’ll stick around ‘til the end.

  Thanks for reading!

  L A xo

  Excerpt from Loyalty and Lies

  Available free on all platforms

  The locker next to me slammed shut, and I jumped. "Everything okay?" a deep voice asked.

  I looked up and my breath caught. The green eyes staring back at me were the most beautiful things I had ever laid eyes on, sending a pang of guilt through me. I was so entranced that I didn't notice the rest of his face at first, which, as I pulled my eyes back, I realized was equally as gorgeous.

  My cheeks burned with embarrassment as I managed to choke out, "Hmm, yeah. My toggle's caught."

  I tried to shuffle closer to the locker in an attempt to hide, wishing the ground would just swallow me up. It was bad enough that he was talking to me, but I was attached to the locker looking all flustered. Just perfect.

  "Let me have a look." He dropped his bag to the floor and reached for the black elastic tethered to my jacket on one end and the plastic toggle on the other. His fingers worked the toggle and with a small tug, I sprang free. "There." He looked down at me and smiled, sending my heart into overdrive. His eyes...wow, they really were something else.

  "Thanks. Hopefully, the rest of my day will go better." My eyes fluttered down as I acknowledged the moment. I hadn't interacted with—let alone talked to—a guy in sixteen months. To anyone watching us, it would have looked totally normal, but for me, it was huge. Dr. Simmonds would be so proud.

  "Well, my work here is done. I have to get to class. See ya." He brushed past me, and I watched him walk away.

  In their usual fashion, my eyes noticed the little things. The way that his shirt clung to his well-defined arms and broad shoulders. His short brown hair, sticking up in different directions. How his jeans hung low off his slim hips. The small, indecipherable tattoo hidden under the shaved hair at the base of his neck. It looked like wings or some kind of leaf, but I couldn’t be sure. Okay, so my eyes noticed everything, but it wasn't until he disappeared out of sight that my world crashed down around me.

  What in the hell are you doing? my mind scolded. Shaking the thoughts from my head, I hurried to class and hopefully, my salvation.

  I was late. The door opened with a loud creak, and the whole room turned to see who was making all the noise. Sinking into a free seat at the back of the room, I hoped nobody would notice my beet red cheeks.

  "As I was saying before we were interrupted, do not expect this class to be easy. Each and every one of you will earn your grade." The tall slim man down on the stage stalked from one end to the other, his stern gaze eyeing the audience.

  "Name your price, sir," an unidentified voice called out and a low rumble of snickers broke out around me.

  "Who said that? Identify yourself."

  Silence fell over the room, and the man pinched the bridge of his nose and heaved a sigh. "I will not be bought, young man. Anyone who thinks as much should transfer out of this class."

  At first, I thought it was a joke, but there was a note of sadness in his voice and look of defeat etched into his expression that suggested it wasn't a joke at all. What is it with this place?

  The man walked to a small desk at the side of the stage and pressed a button, causing an interactive board to flicker to life. "We start with the classics. Irving, Poe, Twain, Hemingway. You should have all seen a copy of the reading list, purchased, and read said books, but for those of you who did none of the ab
ove, catch up. You've got a month before we start comparing works by Poe and Hemingway."

  For the next hour, the professor introduced us to the course with a series of slides and a monosyllabic explanation. After a while, his voice became a robotic beat and I was no longer hearing definitive words, only a jumble of sounds and grunts.

  My eyes wandered from my position at the back of the room. It was a first-year course, so I figured most, if not all, of the students were freshmen. Some yawned, doodling on their notebooks, while others were holding their own whispered conversations. I even spotted one guy, sitting two rows in front of me, asleep. As I chuckled under my breath, my pen started to roll and before I could catch it, it dropped off the end of the table, clattering to the floor.

  A couple of heads turned in my direction, but I ignored their stares and leaned down to pick up the pen. My fingers fumbled around until I grasped it and straightened in my seat. Someone on the end of the row in front of me was turned in my direction, watching me. Except it wasn't just anyone—it was toggle guy. His greens sparkled, widening slightly in recognition as a slow smile spread over his face. We stayed that way for a few seconds, staring at each other, before the redhead sitting next to him placed her hand on his arm and commanded his attention. She glanced behind her, locking eyes with mine. They spoke volumes as they narrowed at me, and I received her message loud and clear: Back off, he's mine.

  The professor’s voice cut through our stare off. "...I want a two-thousand word paper on your favorite classic author, due next week. Class dismissed."

  The room erupted into chaos as students packed up and hurried out of the room. I hung back, preferring to avoid the crush. Besides, I was in no great hurry to get to the cafeteria and endure Elena trying to talk me into yet another party.

  I couldn't help but watch toggle guy and the redhead. She seemed to hang off his every word as they headed up the stairs toward the exit. Toward me. She stood close to him, mirroring his stride, but he seemed less interested in her. When they reached me, she let out a snort of disapproval, but the guy smiled right at me, and my stomach fluttered. It was only subtle, and if I had been moving, I probably wouldn't have noticed, but it happened...I had felt it. The feeling was strange—alien, something I had only ever experienced with one other person, and not in a very long time. The torrent of emotion left me a little winded. The sadness, the memories, the regret...the excitement. It wasn't right, though, to be feeling a rush of excitement after everything. I didn't deserve it.


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