Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1)

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Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1) Page 15

by Craig Gerttula

  “If during one of these events, something remarkable happened and the only way for the appropriate parties to make a satisfactory decision was to see said record, do you think the Programs would allow its release?” stated Sasha. Lia'Sil exploded to her feet.

  “For a situation like the review of a recommendation to award the Star of Terra? I believe the Programs would, but there may be sensitive pieces withheld,” Sasha shifted in her seat, delighted her deduction made sense, but cringing at the now awake catillian. She stood with a sigh before he could start crying, then moved before the projected viewport that showed the distant stars streaming past the starship, turning to the expectant ladies.

  “We have two parties, both making claims against the other, and we must deduce who to trust. I believe it is time we talk with this Program and decide on the appropriate course of action,” a chorus of agreement greeted her as she uploaded the Program to the portable was time to find the facts.

  Chapter 8

  A colossal wall of grey dust stormed over the barren plain, lightening crackling and swirling through its crown, like the cloud itself was the ultimate king of this world. Daniel could only stare in awe as it approached over the distant horizon, rolling straight for the colony’s tightly packed housing district. Screams of terror rose from the inhabitants, bouncing off his ears as they streamed past him towards safety.

  “Where am I?” He asked a young boy who tripped at his feet, tumbling across the dirt covered ground.

  “H-H-He’s coming!” the boy stuttered, eyes wide with horror as he scurried back into the crowd.

  An unworldly wind threw him from his feet as the wall of dust breached the colonies edge, splitting open to reveal towering terrors born of nightmare. They crashed through the crowds, scooping up those who tried to escaped, to bite off their heads before discarding the limp bodies for the beasts of opportunity that followed. Terrified, Daniel joined those who fled, weaving through the narrow alleys, searching desperately for a safe haven.

  A terror rose before him. The crowd vanishing, leaving Daniel alone to face his fate.

  “Trent?” Daniel whispered, finding the towering terror was none other than the hobo Earthling, smiling down upon him with eyes of pure menace. Daniel cringed, petrified in place as Trent’s blood soaked hands swooped towards him from above.

  He shot up as he awoke, panting heavily, skin covered in a thick layer of sweat.

  “Just a dream,” he murmured, finding himself safe within his quarters on TSB Earth Base. With a relieved sigh, he fell back upon his pillow, taking a deep, calming breath, finding the air peculiar; smelling of freshly picked cherry blossoms. He found the aroma pleasant, soothing, allowing it to flow into his mind to muffle the nightmare’s memory and the horrible feelings it had called forth.

  He rolled up on his side, perching on an elbow to stare longingly at the beauty responsible for the fragrance, sleeping peacefully at his side. A devious grin appeared on his lips as he stared at her figure’s outline, her nudity only hidden by the thin sheet’s fabric, allowing the pleasant memories of the previous evening to once again arouse his desire.

  His fingers moved like they had a life of their own, crawling across the bed’s surface to gently caress Cody’s silky brown hair that flowed like a waterfall upon her pillow. She purred when she felt his caress, but didn't respond, resisting him with feigned sleep. So he let his fingers continue on their journey, venturing beneath the protective sheet to explore her perfectly toned curves, towards a destination he knew would drive her wild. Her purr gradually became a moan as his fingers crept ever lower, in search of the place hidden just below her hips. She stirred moments before his explorers could reach their objective, rolling towards him with a sleepy smile, snuggling into his embrace.

  “I'd love to...but I have morning duty,” she yawned, playfully pushed him away, only further igniting his desire.

  “Duty or no, you shall not escape me!” Daniel climbed atop his prey, pulling the sheet taut to block her escape. She squirmed, giggling with delight, when the base alarm sounded.

  Daniel stiffened, only able to stare at Cody in shock. Her passionate gaze of moments before, vanished, replaced by disbelief, then understanding. She untangled herself from his grasp, his own resistance fading, and started searching for her scattered clothes as the alarm continued to blare. Daniel, on the other hand, could only pull himself into a half-sitting position, his brain still muddled, not able to comprehend exactly what was going on. Cody glanced in his direction while pulling on her rumpled blue skirt, her underwear bundled in her hands.

  “I need to get back to my room. We should be on the first looks good on our records,” the giggly girl of moments before was replaced by a professional fleet officer. Daniel, still in a daze, nodded, dragging himself out of bed and towards the closet set flush in the wall of his quarters.

  “Last night was fun. We should do it again sometime,” Daniel glanced towards the door just in time to catch Cody’s wink, before she fled into the mass of frantic TSB officers that now filled the outside corridor. He clearly heard the words, but they didn't register, the feeling of bewilderment mixing with the passion of moments before, still clinging reluctantly to his mind.

  Come on, Daniel, he scolded himself as he finished clasping on his blue and white combat uniform, just remember your training. He started towards the door, almost forgetting his laser arc holster in his haste, and rushed into the busy corridor.

  TSB fleet officers were running in both directions, either returning to their quarters to prepare, or heading towards the transport tube station and the waiting shuttle bay. Daniel cursed under his breath as he forced his way into the dense flow, ignoring the shout from an officer he bumped aside, and hurried towards the transport tube station.

  A buzz of excitement warned Daniel of his impending arrival, but did little to prepare him for the mass of officers who were shouting while trying to push their way into the transport tube queue. He joined the undulating mass moving steadily forward, and entered a packed tube, pushing himself up against an attractive young female officer, before accessing the tube’s BAP, querying a request for orders.

  The flash report that flowed into his mind was too vague for him to decipher if this was actually a drill, or, as most would suspect, a real emergency. The only information provided stated for all TSB fleet personnel to immediately report to their assigned starships. Daniel, however, had a glaring suspicion that this “drill” had something to do with Sir Simwa and his allies.

  After a five minute trip, the tube came to a silent stop and he exited with the rest of the nervous TSB officers. The shuttle bay transport tube station was much larger than the one within the officer’s barracks, with 50 oversized tube transports circling the wall, allowing personnel from the 40 different wings of the TSB Earth Base to arrive simultaneously. He pushed his way through the crowd, towards the line of doors leading into the massive shuttle bay. The sight, like always, took his breath away.

  Cut directly out of solid rock, the shuttle bay stood a kilometer wide and five kilometers long. Its walls were smoothed, with grey and red natural swirls dancing over its entire surface, appearing more majestic then any painting.

  TSB personnel flowed like a wave across the bay’s floor, towards the 30 unpowered TSB special shuttles that were lined, nose-to-tail, on an acceleration grav-rail on the far side of the shuttle bay. Each shuttle could transport 1000 to the TSB Fleet Base if required, but only 750 comfortably. They shared a similar design to all other NHA spacecraft, being a long cuboid shape, or three-dimensional rectangle, with the top of the nose angled slightly back. They did, however, have two major differences. The shuttles were unpowered, meaning, unlike all other NHA starships, they had no NSD core, so were limited to momentum based travel. They also utilized a type of stealth material for their hulls that would camouflage the shuttle as it launched, making them all but impossible to detect with either traditional or optical sensors.

bsp; He pushed his way through the pressing mob and into the flow heading towards the lead shuttle when a loud tone echoed throughout the bay. A moment later, the lead shuttle shot down the tunnel, leaving a blast of wind in its wake. The shuttle would accelerate down the entire length of the 5000 kilometer long launch tunnel until it reached sufficient velocity to be launched into space, on course for the TSB Fleet Base.

  He rushed up the ramp and into the second shuttle, pausing only to check in with the shuttle’s deck officer before continuing towards the packed rows of open seating, stumbling over a crewman in surprise when he caught sight of Lieutenant Cody seated by a window in the back. Absently, he apologized as he pushed through the rest of the crew who were fighting over the middle seats, which myth explained, would cause fewer launch side effects, and dove into the seat next to Cody. She looked up, nodding her greeting, then turned back towards the projected viewport adjacent their seats.

  “You should have been on the first shuttle,” Cody said, all business, the playfulness of the previous evening, a distant memory.

  “I tried. I'm surprised you beat me here,” he responded while wiping his brow clean of imaginary sweat.

  “My quarters are on the way to the tubes and I always have my combat uniform case of just such an emergency. I was in and out in less than a minute,” Cody explained.

  “Impressive,” Daniel said with genuine awe. It had taken him almost five minutes to get ready after she left. He was about to ask what she thought of their orders, when the launch siren sounded, prompting an oxygen helmet to appear from the rear of the seat before him. He grabbed it, securing it over his head as the seats became like jelly, completely enveloping the passengers with anti-grav gel in preparation for the high-speed launch.

  Within minutes, the shuttled reached the acceleration velocity of 5 kps2 that was required for its unpowered flight to the TSB Fleet Base. The special seating significantly reduced the effects of the rapid acceleration down to about six gravities, but Daniel still found it very uncomfortable.

  Minutes ticked by as the shuttle continued its rapid acceleration and the sudden painful decrease in gravity, signaled they were away. It took the unpowered shuttle less than a second to reach orbit and break free of the Earth's gravity well. It would take almost another seven hours for them to reach their destination, the TSB Fleet base, hidden within the Earth star systems inner asteroid belt.

  The seats retracted and Daniel turned to Lieutenant Cody. Her eyes were closed and a slight mist condensed along the inside of her oxygen helmet. He suppressed a laugh, knowing it was impossible for him to sleep in this situation, though he understood how Cody could, given her lack of sleep the previous evening. He leaned back, thinking on the vague orders, unable to suppress the nagging sensation that something terrible was about to occur, and the cause would be none other, then the hobo Earthling, Trent.


  A projection of a fluidic bronze sphere appeared just above the portable irradiated particle display unit, or portable PDU, that had been placed upon the table before them. Sasha could only stare in awe, it being only the second time in her life she had ever witnessed the physical representation of one of the many Programs responsible for overseeing the NHA ruling nobility.

  “Priority one request: Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia, please confirm identity,” the sphere's surface pulsated and rippled as the Program's monotone voice broke through the heavy silence.

  “I am Gra-,” Sasha started to respond, but held her tongue when the Program’s choice of words fully registered.

  “Should we be concerned that the Program is referring to me as grand duchess even though the official transfer ceremony has yet to take place?” Sasha turned to Lia’Sil, trying her best not to sound like the ignorant traditionalist nobles she so despised. Lia'Sil gazed intently at the rippling bronze sphere, deep in thought.

  “I don't think so, Your Grace. Programs are impossible to hack since they,” Lia’Sil gestured towards the floating sphere, “were supposedly developed using sealed science...or so I've been told. The only individual in the entire NHA who may be able to alter their behavior is the emperor,” Lia'Sil explained, though her quizzical look illustrated her uncertainty better than her words ever could.

  “What about the title? Should the Program still consider her a princess, not a grand duchess?” Tiana chimed in, repeating Sasha's question in a way to remind Lia'Sil of the unanswered issue without sounding rude.

  “Uncle Debova once told me Programs base their decisions on actual authority, not perceived,” a dainty voice, almost a whisper, appeared within the momentary silence. Sasha, Tiana, and Lia’Sil turned towards its owner, Regalia, who, seeing all eyes turn to her, held her tongue.

  “Go on, Regalia,” Sash urged, curious about what she spoke. Regalia, though obviously still reluctant, sat up straight, gathering her courage, and with a deep breath, continued.

  “It happened when father died and our earldom was taken over by an administrator since mother’s not elevated and I am yet of age to inherit. He was a very mean man and tried to evict my mother and I out of...from our home,” Regalia took a long pause, trying to steady her breath. “W-We did not want to leave, so we stayed, and when he tried to have us removed forcefully by the local constables, they refused,” her pace and confidence began to grow. “We did not know why at first, but when my uncle returned and took control, he explained that even though the administrator was perceived, and even accepted by other nobles, as having control over the earldom; the Program knew otherwise, that my uncle was the actual authority, even though he had not yet officially made his claim. So the...the official request for our removal was denied,” Regalia glanced to Sasha as she finished, blushing a deep crimson, but able to hold her gaze steady. Sasha again cursed her catillian; wishing the bonding ritual would just come to an end. “Is that similar to your situation, Lady Sasha?” finished Regalia, a look of honest curiosity taking the place of uncertainty. Sasha couldn't help but beam her delight at her bright young lady-in-waiting.

  “I believe so, Regalia. There are very many similarities. Thank you so very much for sharing your experience,” Sasha responded honestly. Regalia smiled, then quickly looked away. At first, Sasha thought it was because of her embarrassment, but the single tear that streamed down her cheek told otherwise.

  She rushed to Regalia's side, but Tiana moved faster, embracing the young girl, allowing her to bury her face in her bosom. Sasha considered joining, providing Regalia her warmth, who had been through more than Sasha had realized in her 10 years of life. But she stopped herself short, having almost forgotten that she couldn't due to her bonding catillian.

  “I'm sorry...Sasha...I...I promised mother I wouldn't cry anymore, but when I thought of Daddy I just couldn’t help it,” Regalia sobbed, tears that had built-up for who knows how long streaming forth as she apologized.

  “Oh, sweet Regalia. It is fine, you have nothing to apologize for,” Sasha responded, the sorrowful sound of Regalia’s tears making her own heart cry out. She started stroking the young girl’s silky blond hair, in the same manner she had done with Tiana so many times before, when she’d cry endlessly after being scolded by Gil’Da or Lady Liana.

  “It’s alright,” Tiana cooed, rocking the young girl gently, waiting patiently for the crying to subside. Gil'Da, who had assumed the role of guardian for the young noble, as she had been for both Sasha and Tiana, stepped forward, moving silently to Sasha's side, leaning close to her ear.

  “Your Grace, it is quite late and I promised Lady Regalia's mother that I would have her in bed early until she has become better acquainted with her new environment,” Gil’Da whispered. Sasha nodded, two other servants appearing at Gil’Da’s sides to carefully separate Regalia from Tiana, leading the young girl from the sitting room.

  “She seems to have had a difficult time, Your Grace. I think it would be wise to keep a close eye on her until she is fully acclimated,” Lia'Sil broke the silence.

  “I agree, Sasha. Let me assist Gil’Da while you deal with that,” Tiana pointed at the floating bronze sphere, “and that,” her pointing finger swung, aiming at a spot on Sasha's lower calf where the furry purple catillian was in the process of creating yet another feeding node.

  “I would appreciate that Tiana, thank you,” she said honestly to her friend before turning her gaze back to Lia'Sil, ignoring the playful grin that told Tiana had been hoping to garner a different response.

  “Do you agree with Regalia's words? It does seem logical, based on what I've read of Program behavior,” Sasha commented, thinking how brave the young girl had to be to interrupt the adult conversation and deliver her bit of information. She may be a great asset in the years to come, Sasha realized, concealing a devious grin.

  “It explains it very well, Your Grace. The Program knows that you are currently the ultimate authority in the Alutia Duchy, even though it may not be official, and probably didn't think twice about using the title.” Sasha nodded, turning back to the sphere.

  “That allays much of my doubt, thank you Lia’Sil. Program, I am Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia.” The sphere beeped an immediate response.

  “Identity confirmed,” the Program started after the beeps silenced, “Please note: part of information contained within this request is protected by mandate New Universal Empirical Human Alliance Emperor Proclamation VVV777-01. Due to reasons deemed necessary, this Program will allow this record to be viewed with the expectation that further dissemination will not occur. Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia, do you take responsibility for allowing Alutia Guard Lieutenant Lia'Sil and Lady Tiana to view this request? Please note: you will be held accountable in the eyes of the emperor if the stated parties share facts about this event.” Sasha stared daggers at the two ladies in the room alongside her, who stiffly nodded their agreement, and she suddenly felt the craziness of this entire state of affairs.


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