Facing West: A Forever Wilde Novel

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Facing West: A Forever Wilde Novel Page 12

by Lucy Lennox

  My eyes must have shown my shock because the edges of his lips turned up in amusement.

  “Never seen a guiche piercing before, huh?” he asked.

  “Definitely not,” I mumbled as I studied them some more. I reached my finger out to fiddle with the little silver-balled hoops. “What feels good?” The question was meant to ask how he liked stimulation to the piercings, if at all, but his answer was teasing.

  “Having your face between my legs,” he admitted with a shit-eating grin.

  I smacked his ass cheek and leaned in to run my tongue up from the piercings to his balls to his shaft and took him into my mouth again. There was not enough patience left in the room for me to learn the ins and outs of genital piercings right then, but I was damned sure planning on doing it at some point.

  His hips tried to thrust up into my throat, and I let him, keeping my head still and cupping his ass to encourage him to fuck my mouth.

  After softening his grip on my hair, Nico’s hands came around to my face and held my cheeks reverently while he thrust into my throat. I looked up at him the entire time until I could see the moment of no return.

  “West,” he gasped as his eyes widened.

  I closed my eyes in a nod of sorts—the only way I could think of to let him know it was okay, that I wanted him to come in my mouth. My fingers tightened into the flesh of his bare ass.

  “Mpfh. Fuck, fuck. I can’t…” Hot fluid filled my throat as he released into me with a cry. I held on to him and swallowed his release until all that was left were the sounds of our harsh breathing in the quiet room.

  I wiped the back of my hand across my face and moved up on the bed to lie beside him, running a hand through his hair to brush it off his face and appreciate the flush across his skin.

  Those blue-green eyes looked up at me in sated wonder, and I leaned in to press a kiss on his cheek.

  “You’re beautiful, Nico,” I said softly.

  He looked down and away, anywhere but at me. I wondered how it was possible for someone like him to experience insecurity. Was that what it was? Or could it have been regret? God, I hoped not.

  He finally met my eyes and must have seen something in them because he turned into me and buried his face in my neck, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me against him.

  Good god. Whatever foolish part of me had thought I could dial this encounter back to “just sex” had been batshit fucking crazy.

  I wanted to ask him if he was okay, but that wasn’t what this night was. We were practically strangers, slaking a lust. We weren’t going to talk about our damned feelings. We were going to fuck. He’d even demanded less conversation. So why couldn’t my thoughts get on board with the plan?

  I reached down to shift my cock into a more comfortable position, but before my hand got there, Nico’s hand gripped my wrist.

  “Nuh-uh,” he grumbled. “Mine.”

  I felt my lips turn up in a grin and leaned back to look at him. His face was flushed pink, but I wasn’t sure if it was left over from his orgasm or new blushing from his possessive statement.

  “Yours, huh? Well, what are you going to do about it?” I teased.

  “I’m waiting for Mr. Controlling Bastard to follow through with all that cocky talk about taking me.” His voice was the same sultry one that had spoken straight to my dick since almost the first moment we’d met.

  I didn’t take the time for a snarky or even flirty response to his challenge. I simply grabbed him and flipped him over onto his front, shoved his knees under him and opened up the most perfect rounded ass cheeks I’d ever had the good fortune to lay my hands on.

  And then I put my mouth on him again, turning his smart-ass mouth into a babbling fountain of garbled nonsense.

  Chapter 17




  That was exactly what I’d been waiting for. Someone to take fucking charge of me and shove my face into the mattress. My ass was in the air, in West’s mouth even, before I realized I was no longer nestled in the curve of his neck.

  “Yes,” I hissed into the soft bedding under my face. This was more like it. Fucking. I could do the fucking. Yes, let’s get back to just the fucking.

  His tongue seemed like it was everywhere on my ass, wet and strong and biting. A finger lightly brushed the guiche piercings, and I almost shot off right then. Just the idea of him playing with me there made my head spin. I felt him lean away for a moment and heard the table rattling beside the bed before he was back. This time his fingers were slick and cool and toyed with my hole until, once again, I was begging like a fool.

  “Hurry,” I gasped. “Want to feel you.”

  He leaned over my back as his fingers seduced my entrance. I felt the roughness of his whiskered cheek against my jaw as he snuck in a kiss to my chin. “You want my cock, Nico?”

  Only desperation kept me from rolling my eyes. Of course I wanted his fucking cock, was he crazy?

  “Fuck, fuck,” is what came out of me instead as his skilled finger grazed just the right spot and sent a shudder through me. “Do that again,” I said on a long groan.

  His fingers stretched me with gentle strength, and I got lost for a moment in the thought of those doctor hands. Long, capable fingers and intimate knowledge of the human body. Clearly the man knew what was where.

  I felt him shift on the bed beside me, and I turned back to watch him roll on a condom. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, and his thick blond hair was sticking up all over the place. West Wilde was hot as fuck. The kind of hot that meant he could just wink at any human being and have them begging for his cock. And there I was getting ready to take it.

  He looked up and met my eyes, quirking his brow in question. I quickly turned my face back around and buried it in the thick comforter. Strong, warm hands smoothed up and down my back before squeezing my ass and pulling me open again. Only this time instead of his mouth or fingers, it was that fat cock pressing in, and I clenched with last-minute nerves. Griff had been right. I didn’t usually bottom. It was too intimate, too vulnerable.

  His body came back down over my back and his soothing voice was back in my ear. “Shh, it’s okay. Let me in, baby. Please.”

  The feel of his solid warmth around me and his gentle hands rubbing appreciatively along my skin were my undoing. I shoved back into him suddenly, forcing it before either of us had a chance to overthink it or be sweet about it any further. We both grunted and groaned in response and began rocking together naturally after the initial shock.

  West’s strong arm came around my chest and held me tightly to him as he thrust in and out. My own arm reached up to the headboard to keep me from bumping up into it—the other arm reached back over my shoulder to the back of West’s head to keep him close.

  We came together over and over as the pulses inside my channel made me babble like a fool. Everything about him from the weight of him, to the smell of him, to the sounds of his pleasure in my ear were driving me to the edge of an impossible climax.

  Only his hips moved as he flexed in and out of me in firm, steady strokes that lit me up inside. My cock had hardened again as if I hadn’t already come from the blow job before, and I removed my hand from West’s hair so I could jack myself off.

  As soon as my hand came around my shaft, West’s was there too, gripping over my hand and stroking with me.

  “Jesus, Nico. Your body. I want… fuck.”

  I felt him tense up and move his hand from my cock to caress my balls as he came. It was just a light brush of his fingers, but it was enough. My cock shot onto the bedding as I felt his pulse inside me. My brain seized up and my breathing spiked. My skin prickled with the intensity of the climax, and I saw similar goose bumps appear all over West’s skin.

  When it was done, he collapsed onto the bed next to me and roughly pulled me into his side, leaning in and pressing a kiss to my forehead before settling into the mattress. I let myself sink against him just for a minute and
swore I’d get up and leave as soon as I caught my breath.

  Apparently, I didn’t catch my breath for five damned hours.

  When I awoke, I panicked. All I could think about was having left Pippa at home with Doc and Mr. Wilde. I was tangled in long limbs and bed sheets, and I scrambled to figure out how to get out of the damned bed.

  “Nico, wait,” West mumbled beside me, tightening his arms around me.

  “Gotta go—Pippa,” I said, moving again.

  “I got her,” he said. “She’s here.”

  I turned to look at him in confusion. “What? What do you mean, she’s here?”

  He sat up, rubbing his face with his hands. His hair was so wild I wanted to run my hands through it just to be a part of the crazy.

  “I went and got her so Doc and Grandpa could go home.”

  My heart jumped up into my throat. “I don’t… what? You went and got her from my house?”

  West nodded, bringing his hands down on his lap before squinting up at me. Clearly he’d been deep asleep and I’d woken him.

  The edge of his mouth turned up in a sweet, shy smile. “I didn’t want to wake you.”

  It was the nicest thing any hookup had done for me, and it absolutely freaked me out. I jumped out of bed and began scrambling for my clothes—shoving them on any old which way just so I could get the hell out of there.

  “Nico? What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Gotta go.”

  “Wait, no. Please, don’t go. I’m sorry if I overstepped.”

  I tried to ignore him, tried to find my shoes, but they weren’t anywhere in his room. I remembered toeing them off at his command the night before and felt a shiver vibrate through me.

  I looked around the room for anything I could be overlooking. I didn’t want to have to come back. Fuck if my stomach didn’t twist at the thought of never coming back there, but I was determined. Nothing good would come of my getting too used to Dr. Sweetheart’s good bedside manner.

  Just before I made it to the doorway, I felt his arms come around my middle from behind. My eyes squeezed closed, and I took a breath.

  “Nico,” he said softly. “Stop. Please talk to me. You know the baby is better off staying asleep right now. It’s three in the morning. This isn’t about Pippa. What’s it about?”

  I felt myself begin to tremble, and I really didn’t want to lose my composure in front of the kind of guy who probably didn’t even know what it was like to lose his composure.

  “It was awfully presumptuous of you to go over there and get Pippa, don’t you think?” I asked defensively.

  “Yes, I see that now. And I’ll be honest. It was a purely selfish move on my part because I didn’t want to wake you up. I knew you needed sleep, but it was more than that. I wanted you to still be curled up in my bed waiting for me when I got back. I wanted… want you to be curled up in my arms when I wake up tomorrow. I’m not ready for you to leave, Nico.”

  I tried slowing my breathing down to keep from panicking and running. I was getting too old to run away from uncomfortable situations. I needed to face them head on. Like West was doing. He was talking to me like a normal human being. Like an adult.

  I turned around in his arms and put my hands on his bare chest before looking up at his face. Dim light was coming in from the hallway through the cracked doorway. “But I am leaving. I don’t live here. This was just sex, West. I don’t do… whatever the hell other thing means you go and get someone’s baby from their house.”

  “It was. It was just sex,” he agreed.

  Despite my brave words, my heart fell and shook its fool head in defeat.

  “Then what… then what…” I couldn’t even finish the question because I realized he wasn’t having the same mixed-up feelings I was having. The kind that said it was supposed to be just sex, but it felt like maybe it wanted to be more than that. I looked down at my fingers threaded through the light hair on his chest.

  “I’m not ready for you to go yet, Nico. Just stay the night. We don’t have to figure any of that other shit out right now, okay? Just get back in bed with me and suck me off. It’ll make you feel better. I’m sure of it.”

  My gaze snapped back to his face, and I noticed his twinkling eyes.

  “Jackass,” I muttered, pushing him off me and making my way back to the bed to crawl under the covers.

  “Ahh, there’s the Nico I know and lo—” He stopped suddenly before the word was out. I didn’t turn back to face him but smirked nonetheless. “Lust.”

  The smile stayed on my face while he snuggled up against my back and pulled me tightly to his chest. Maybe I wasn’t the only one having mixed feelings after all. But at least he agreed it was just sex. Regardless of the mixed-up feelings, it was just sex.

  “Lust, huh?” I asked, threading our fingers together in front of my heart.

  “Bet your tight ass,” he grumbled against the back of my neck, arching his soft cock against said ass.

  “You sure Pippa’s okay?” I asked after a few minutes.

  “She’s in a Pack ’n Play in the other room. I gave her a bottle as soon as I got her over here, and she went right back to sleep.”

  “What the hell’s a Pack ’n Play?” I asked.

  I felt the rumble of his laugh through my entire body. “Go to sleep, Nico.”

  “What did your grandfathers say?” I couldn’t help but ask in a teasing voice. “Did you tell them you had a naked man waiting in your bed and you needed to fetch his baby to guarantee you’d get a round two in the morning?”

  “Something like that. Now shut the hell up and go to sleep.”

  Chapter 18


  I awoke to the sound of a baby crying, which meant I was on call in the emergency room. After jumping up and banging my hip into the corner of my bedside table, I realized I wasn’t, in fact, in the ER.

  “What the hell?” I asked, looking around for where the sound was coming from. I saw Nico’s colorful hair sticking out from under the edge of the duvet and remembered what had happened the night before. I felt a huge grin stretch my face as I realized I’d gotten my wish—sleeping with the gorgeous man tucked up against me all night.

  “It’s your turn,” I heard him say from under the bedding. “I was up with her, uh, a little while ago. Or something,” he mumbled.

  I laughed. “Like hell you were, slacker. Get your ass up.”

  He pulled back the covers and sat up, hair going everywhere like a very angry Troll doll. His face was fucking adorable, and the little hoops in his pouting lips made my damned mouth water as usual.

  “Jesus,” I muttered, eliciting a glare.

  “Sorry if I’m not Mr. Put-Together first thing in the morning, Your Highness,” he snapped, misunderstanding my curse.

  “Dude, are you kidding? You’re fucking sexy as hell. I was trying to stop myself from going at you again before you’ve had a chance to fully wake up.”

  His mouth opened, but no sound came out. Finally I heard him say, “Oh.”

  Shaking my head, I glanced around for something to put on so I could stop the insane crying still going on. “Got a damned pissed-off Rainbow Brite in my bed,” I muttered, giving up on the clothes on the floor and opening my dresser.

  I felt a pinch on my bare ass and yelped. “Ouch! What the hell?”

  Warm breath landed on the skin of my back as Nico’s lips brushed my shoulder blade. “Just making sure you were real. Thought maybe last night’s sexcapade was a dream.”

  “Thinking you’re dreaming means you need to be pinched, not me,” I retorted, trying to hide my smile. His voice was so sexy it was making my cock fill again. “Go get your baby so I can concentrate on what I’m doing and fix us some breakfast.”

  An arm appeared in front of me to grab a pair of plaid flannel pajama bottoms from the open drawer I was rifling through.

  “Don’t mind if I do. Thanks, Doc,” he said.

  “Don’t call me that.”

es sir, William Weston Wilde.” My full name on his tongue sounded like he was savoring warm liquid chocolate.

  More cock-filling.

  I wondered how long it would be before Pippa would agree to go down for a morning nap.

  Once we got some comfortable clothes on and made our way into the kitchen, Nico fixed Pippa’s bottle while I started the coffee maker and pulled out some eggs. We moved around the small space intent on our own tasks until we found ourselves sitting across from one another at my kitchen table with a hot breakfast, coffee, and a baby sucking greedily from a bottle.

  Suddenly we both realized what a ridiculously domestic picture we’d created. Our eyes locked onto each other as if one of us had stepped on a landmine and neither of us knew how to proceed.

  A loud fart noise ripped through the silence. I knew it had come from the baby, but the baby was resting squarely on Nico’s lap.

  “Feeling okay?” I asked Nico with a straight face.

  His cheeks bloomed pink before he shot me a dirty look.

  The awkward moment was gone in an instant as both of us cracked up until tears were leaking out of my eyes.

  The rest of the breakfast passed in comfortable conversation. He began to open up more about what he was going through with trying to handle Adriana’s bakery.

  “She was terrible at bookkeeping, West. I mean, I don’t get it. You don’t have to be good at math, necessarily. Just have basic organization skills,” he said, setting the bottle down and moving Pippa onto his shoulder to rub her back.

  Nico was bare-chested, and my stomach tightened at the sight of him holding her against his colorful skin. Little muscles moved as he burped her, and I could make out more of the designs in the light of the morning sun coming through my kitchen windows.

  “She barely graduated from high school, Nico, so I’m not surprised she struggled at running a business. Why don’t I help? We could go to your place and work on it together. I don’t have anything planned today,” I suggested.

  Nico’s hesitation was clear, but he must have really been concerned about it. “Yeah, okay. I mean, if you don’t mind. You knew her better, so maybe you can figure it out. I hope to god I’m overlooking something because the bakery is seriously in the red.”


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