You Belong With Me

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You Belong With Me Page 26

by M. R. Joseph

  "Hi, everyone. Thank you again for coming this evening. You are a wonderful crowd and appreciate you being here." The audience cheered.

  "I'm going to start off by playing a song from one of your hometown boys. Daniel Bedingfield. This one is called If Your Not The One.

  The piano started out soft and for some reason it took Carter a while to get the words to begin. He closed his eyes like he always did at the piano. His voice rang out with many emotions and his voice was filled with longing and angst. The passion resonated from within as he sang the words. They were in the truest form as to what he was feeling. The ebb and flow of the lyrics brought his feelings right to the surface. A tear fell from his eye as the powerful words moved through his soul. As he was wrapping it up, he opened his eyes and looked at the crowd. He saw an image that spun his head and filled his heart with an everlasting hope. She was there. Sitting at a table with Nikki and Noel. Their eyes met and he saw her raise her feet to place them criss crossed on top of it. That seemed like an odd thing to do at such a posh club. A shimmer caught his eye. He squinted to see what the shiny items were on her feet. The converse. The ones he had given her before they parted. Then he noticed writing on the bottom of each of them.

  "Yes," on one sole and "I will" on the other.

  Carter's heart quickened at the realization of her declaration. She placed her hands behind her head in a relaxed position and Nikki and Noel spun their lap tops around quickly. He finished the last words of the song and the crowd went wild. He got up from the piano and walked to the edge of the stage. On the lap tops were Lyla and Jake, Jane, Domenic, Eva, and Haley on video chat waving to him. If they couldn't be there in the flesh when Casey accepted his proposal from so long ago, technology would help out with that. Carter's eyes were playing tricks on him as he hopped down to get a better look. His family was there. Well, sort of. The lights went down as he made his way to solid ground. Her sea blue eyes shocked his heart but stilled his legs. He was transfixed by the woman who owned his heart. The next act made their way on to the stage. Casey got up from her chair and made her way over to him. They stood there staring at each other for what felt like a lifetime as the world around them seemed to disappear. Casey spoke and the crowd was silent.

  "Carter, You are the one thing that I never knew I wanted. That I needed. When you came into my life, you turned it around and helped make it into something I could have never imagined. You brought me peace and hope but most of all you brought me love. I never knew what true, honest, undeniable love was until you showed me. I was a fool not to have seen it and I'm sorry I didn't get my head out of the clouds sooner." She grabbed his hands and his breath faltered as a wave tingled through his body

  "No one said love was easy. It's full of decisions and heartache, and sometimes it doesn't always pan out the way we want it to. It's messy, and complicated, and It's full of worry. Love doesn't come with a guarantee but I think I now believe in taking the chance. If we avoid taking the chance, we may miss out on something so amazing and then where would we be?" She tugged at his hands and placed them onto where her heart was. Carter, I love you with all that I am and all that I will ever be. Say that you belong to me, with me, forever and always."

  Carter looked at her sweet face and raised his hand to slowly brush her cheek. He touched it like it was the first time he had ever touched her. Like he hadn't did the same gesture a thousand times before but for some reason it was the first time. Like it was the beginning. Tears fell from her eyes and he gently pushed them away with the tip of his thumb. He bent down and his lips brushed against hers. It was a kiss that spoke of forgiveness, longing, and of true love. The kind that can start out as a friendship then when you least expect it, love sweeps in and it opens your eyes to a whole new world of possibilities. When he pulled away he cupped her face again and said,

  "As you wish."

  She grabbed him around the neck and he lifted her so he could embrace her with the strength of a thousand men. He would never let her go again. When he let her feet touch the ground again they still held on to one another. Casey looked over her shoulder and made a gesture to the band that was on the stage behind them. They began to play The Lumineers song he sang to her not so long along. Carter swept his lips against hers. When he heard the song being played, he pulled his lips away.

  "Now this is a good one."

  She smiled up at him. "Yes, it is. Sorry, it's not N'Sync or the Back Street Boys."

  He smiled onto her lips."No baby, it's not but I think I like it. This song is us. Just like the words say, you belong to me."

  "And you will always belong with me."

  "You got that right, sweetface."


  6 months later

  The sky was a clear blue and it matched the water on the Gulf of Mexico. Carter stood there, ankle deep in the salt waters of the sand dollar beach. Beside him, a Justice of the Peace and his brother, on the other side of him stood Lyla and Haley. Domenic clasped Carter's shoulder to try and ease the tension his brother was feeling. Carter was anxious as he waited for the first glimpse of his bride to be. He was marrying his best friend today, his soul mate, his everything. He could say that with all the truth the world possessed. On the beach, there were white wooden folding chairs lined up on both sides of the makeshift isle on a small section of Redington Beach. One side were Carter's mom Jane and a few of the relatives, who actually gave a shit about them, and a bunch of friends. On the other side were a few of Casey's family, including her miserable mother, who wasn't really "sure" she could make the hour long trip. Her brother Chris flew in from Australia. Her co-workers were there and Nikki and Noel had flown in. Carter could feel his heart beat out of his shirt and beads of sweat formed on his forehead. He wiped it away and looked up towards the isle and saw the love of his life standing there at the top of the beach. Her blonde waves blew in the breeze, as well as the bottom of her strapless white, eyelet dress. She held a bouquet of Magnolias and she was barefooted. Her head was down when she first came into his sight. He silently pleaded to her to look up. He wanted to see her eyes. He didn't have to wait long. She looked up and gave him the brightest, most gorgeous smile he had ever seen. She made her approach and when they met his cheeks hurt from smiling so broadly.

  Casey could not take her eyes off the man who stood before her. He looked breathtaking in his white linen shirt and cargo shorts. They both opted for casual. The day wasn't about dresses or flowers or a cake, it was about about the two of them. After all this time, it was finally about Carter and Casey. She handed her flowers to Lyla and she and Carter joined hands. The preacher spoke and Carter and Casey said their vows to one another. All the while, never taking their eyes off one another. Blue looking into blue was the way it was always meant to be.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Carter London. You may now kiss your bride." The preacher turned to Carter.

  "You don't have to tell me twice, Padre."

  And with that Carter grabbed Casey and dipped her back and bent down to meet her lips. He gave his bride the most passionate, audacious, loving kiss she had ever received. The guests cheered and for what seemed like forever, he finally let Casey up for air. They laughed and made their way up the isle holding hands and smiling to their friends and family.

  The small reception was being held at Beach Bums. It was decorated beautifully. White linen table clothes and vases filled with palms and Magnolias were on the center of each table. People ate and the newly married couple mingled with their guests. Carter had a special dance with Jane. Casey danced with her brother Chris and also with Domenic since they were so close. They cut their cake and fed each other without smashing into each others faces. They laughed and kissed and a million pictures were taken. The band playing was one of Carter's newest discoveries. He found that he had a niche for discovering new talent, and booked them for weekends at Beach Bums.

  "Car, we should get our dance out of the way now." Cas
ey said as she turned to her husband.

  "OK, baby but I have one more surprise for you." He kissed her forehead and ran towards the stage. He spoke into the microphone.

  "Hey everybody. I have something I want to give to my beautiful wife." He laughed and shook his head.

  "My wife. Can you all believe I just said wife?" He crinkled up his nose and Casey blew him a kiss. He leaned over picked up his guitar. He went back to speaking into the microphone and Casey made her way up towards the stage.

  "Baby, I'm going to sing a song to you since singing was how we met in the first place. Never in a million years would I have thought that you'd be mine. I'm so glad you came to your senses and said yes to me. I really thought you were bat shit crazy for dumping me, honey." Everyone laughed and Casey put her hands on her hips, bit her lip, and shook her head.

  "I'm kidding. It all worked out, didn't it?" Casey nodded her head and smiled up at him.

  "Casey, this is an oldie and you know how we love the old stuff. This one's for you, my sweetface."

  Carter strummed his fingers across the guitar strings as the band joined him. They played The Dupree's You belong to me. It was an oldie but a goody and the words hit Casey like a ton of bricks. It was their story. She flashed back in her mind to the first time she saw a twenty year old boy singing in front of her and how he somehow pulled her in. Even then, he had her heart whether it was in friendship or in love, it didn't matter. It was his. Now he was her husband and he was singing to her, all these years later. Half way through the song during a small instrumental break, Carter hopped down off the stage and took his wife in his arms. The lead singer of the band took over the vocals as Carter and Casey danced around the floor as husband and wife. Bound together by a love and devotion to one another. Carter kissed the tip of her nose. Their bodies clung to one another and they fit like a glove. When the song ended they just looked at one another for what seemed like forever. Carter raised his hands and cupped Casey's face. He gave her a soft, delicate kiss that sent electricity through both of them. The connection of their lips never seemed to falter. The feeling that they had when their lips touched never got old. It was always like the first time.

  After the reception, a car came for the couple and made its way to their honeymoon suite at a hotel called the Don CeSar at St. Pete's beach. Carter carried his bride over the threshold and she laughed. The room faced the beautiful Gulf and it was tastefully decorated in a subtle beach theme. The wind blew back the sheers on the sliding glass door and the salt air filled the room. They toasted with champagne.

  "To my beautiful bride, my best friend, and the sweetest face I have ever seen in my life. I meant it when I said I will cherish you for the rest of my life. I have for the past ten years and I will continue to do so." She smiled at him and grabbed his glass from him and set it down along with hers.

  "I know you will, baby. And so will I." She reached behind her and unzipped her dress. It fell to the floor in a puddle at her feet. Carter was in awe of his bride standing there in front of him in only a white lace strapless bra and tiny matching panties.

  "Holy shit, I'm one lucky son of a bitch."

  She laughed as she made her way to his shirt buttons.

  "You are a lucky man, my darling. Now why is this shirt still on? We need to consummate this marriage, Mr. London. Let's get to it."

  Her hands felt like fire on his bare skin as she peeled the shirt from off his shoulders. He shivered and closed his eyes. She made it to his belt buckle and then unzipped his linen shorts. She reached her hand in to feel his hot length. He let out a sigh.

  "Oh sweet Jesus, Mrs. London. I'll never get tired of your touch."

  She smiled against his lips. "Good. Mr. London, cause I'm not going anywhere."

  Their tongues began to mingle in a fiery dance inside each others' mouth. Their need for each other was explosive and the chemistry they had with one another was almost animalistic as well as loving. They were addicted to each other, their bodies, hearts, and souls belong to one another. Carter unhooked her bra and began to thumb her nipples. They rose before him and he moaned at the feeling. Her soft skin against his was exhilarating. Their hunger for one another grew fast. He cupped her ass and lifted her so her legs were around his waist. She rubbed herself along his front and felt his erection which ignited the fire between her legs. It always did. The thought that she did that to him sent her mad with desire. Carter pulled his kiss away and looked at her.

  "I can't believe we made it here, baby. Me and you. I'm waiting to wake up. I know it's real. You're real. It just all seems like a dream."

  She stroked his face with her fingers. " Feel me Carter. I'm here baby forever. I'm yours always."

  "Hey, how funny would it be if we made a baby tonight?" He said to her with his blue eyes gleaming.

  "Don't be so sure, Car. I just went off the pill a week ago. Sometimes it takes a while. Let's not get our hopes up. We will leave it up to chance."

  He rubbed her nose with his. "Baby, chances are all we take."

  Four years later...

  "Daddy, daddy, look I found one! Look, look!"

  "Wow Tommy, your first sand dollar. Do you know how lucky you are little man. You found it all by yourself."

  "I didn't find one, daddy. Find me one, pweeze daddy."

  "OK, Hope. I'll help you baby."

  Carter began sifting through the clear waters of the Gulf of Mexico to help his bleach blonde three year old little girl find a sand dollar.

  "Did you guys find one?" Casey asked from behind them.

  Carter looked up at his beautiful wife holding the hand of their dark haired, little boy.

  "We are still searching, mommy, but did you see Tommy's?"

  She smiled down at her son and squeezed his hand.

  "I sure did. I'm so proud of you, Tommy. You know, daddy showed me how to look for them a very long time ago."

  Tommy handed Casey his sand dollar and went into the water to help his twin sister look for one. Carter stood up and let the kids dig through the wet sand. He came up to Casey and placed his hands on Casey's hips. He looked at her and brushed his lips to hers.

  "I remember that like it was yesterday. It was one of the best days of my life."

  She laughed at him. "Oh, I bet."

  "No, it was. I got to see you find something you had never seen before. The look on your face was memorable."

  She wrapped her hands around his waist and snuggled into his chest.

  "You got me to see a lot of things I've never seen before, baby. Remember the one I found on our wedding day? That thing was huge."

  He kissed her on top of her head.

  "Remember the other huge thing you found that night?" She felt him smile against her head. She smacked his chest.

  "Carter! You are a bad boy."

  "Yes, I am and would you like me to show you how bad I am tonight, Mrs. London?"

  She raised her head up from is chest. "Yes, please." She winked at him and kissed his lips.

  "Mommy, daddy, look I found one!" Hope yelled from the water. She held up the sand dollar for them to see.

  Hope gave it to Casey to see and Carter swept his little girl in his arms.

  "I'm so proud of you Hope! You did it."

  "Tommy helped me, daddy."

  Carter smiled down at his little boy and picked him up with his other arm. He kissed Hope's cheek and then Tommy's. Casey wrapped her arms around the three of them as they looked out into the warm, crystal blue waters. They stood on the same beach Carter had taken her all those years ago. The beach where she discovered there was more to Carter. The same beach where they decided to come home from London and say their vows. The same one where Casey took Carter when she told him she was pregnant with the twins and the same one where they decided to live at. They bought a beautiful house on the water with a dock, and a small boat he would take Casey and the kids out on. Casey worked part time at one of the local hospitals and Carter managed all the bands that came to
play at Beach Bums. He found he had a knack for finding new talent. The manager of Beach Bums gave him the job after he brought in several bands that boosted the bars entertainment value. Patrons seemed to agree with the level of talent Carter discovered, and every weekend was a packed house. He knew what to look for. He had the experience and the talent. He knew the kind of music people wanted to hear. He consulted Jake on a lot of the auditions. Jake now taught Music Composition at BayShore and was a well respected. After a year on the road with his solo career, Carter decided that any time away from Casey was too hard, especially being newly pregnant. He didn't want to miss a single moment. His position at Beach Bums was the perfect gig. Sometimes he would appease the crowds and hop on stage with the bands and perform their requests. Some covers, and some of Luminosity's hits. He always dedicated his songs to Casey. She was his muse and would always be. There was so much that Carter and Casey went through in their lives but they took the chance. They already had the friendship thing down pat, so they decided to take the chance on love. It was always there inside them, it just took a while for them to get there. So there they stood. A family that grew from friendship, that blossomed into love, that created life. It wasn't always easy but they had each other to hold on to. They belonged to one another. Forever and always were Carter and Casey.


  Carter and Casey's Soundtrack


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