Dirty South Divas

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Dirty South Divas Page 15

by Kia

  “You know I’m tryna get that twat,” he said as he slid his hands up my thighs, but I pushed him away.

  “I wanna go home.”

  “Oh, now you wanna go home?” he asked, shaking his head.


  “Okay, cool. I’ll just take you home and tell ya mama where you been at,” he threatened.

  “Don’t do that,” I pleaded. My mom was usually drunk around this time, and if she found out I was gone with a boy, she would surely beat me.

  “Well, stop playing.”

  “I’m scared, Rasheed.”

  “Me too,” he lied.

  “I thought you really loved me,” I said, trying to make him remember how he claimed to feel about me. Mama told me niggas lied all the time if it meant they was bouta get some pussy. But I didn’t listen to a drunk. Thought I was that good girl that finally got a pass. But hell, everyone was a good girl until they got turned out by a no good ass nigga.

  “I do. But don’t you want to please a nigga? I really love bitches that please me.”


  “…nothing. You really ain't gotta choice. If you don’t let me hit, I’ma tell the whole hood you a lame bitch.”

  “Just take me home!” I cried. Fuck it, I didn’t care if he told my mom, I felt a bad vibe when I saw another car pull up. It was dark, so I didn’t see the faces. All I saw was four dark figures walking toward to the car. I thought we were about to die until I saw Rasheed let the window down and began talking to them.

  “Mane, this bitch gonna be harder than I thought,” Rasheed said as he opened the door and got out.

  They talked for a minute and that’s when Rasheed opened my door and yanked me out. Naturally, I began to kick and scream until he hit me dead in my face and shut me up.

  They then carried me into the house and took turns raping me.

  That was the worst day of my life, but no one knows. That’s why I was pleased to find out that AJ had killed Rasheed and fed him to the dogs. Less stress for me. I hated to see his face.

  “Didn’t you say you had that number to contact that Bleek dude?” Divine asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  “Yeah,” I responded as we saw Bishop walking out and on the phone. I was hoping she didn’t ask me who gave it to me. Because I was not prepared to explain how Slick got the new number from one of his partners.

  “Call it. Hurry up,” she said.

  Quickly, I dialed. Noticing how hard she watched Bishop, I began to watch him too. It fucked me up when I saw him reach into his back pocket and pull out a phone.

  “No answer,” I said as we both watched Bishop put the phone back into his pocket. “Damn,” was all I could say.

  “Want to know why he was so mad today?” Divine asked.


  “We were never supposed to make it out of Los Angeles. He told Chola to kill us.”

  “Then why would he be looking for the drugs?”

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  “First of all, he was already feeling some type of way because Chola told him that she wouldn’t kill us. So he told her to have us bring more drugs back and he would continue to use us,” I said as Malina stared at me with a dumbfounded look on her face.

  “What? But that doesn’t make sense.”

  “He was going to take the drugs from us and kill us when we got back.”

  “Who told you this?”


  “Divine, are you kidding me? So why you didn’t say anything? And why you had that nigga all at the crib knowing all of this?”

  “I needed to see his reaction.”

  “Why did Chola tell you this?” she asked.

  “Because, he tried to play her too,” I said as I waited for Bishop to leave.

  “But how?”

  “Do you think he was gonna pay them after he killed us? Hell nah. He was gonna take that dope and run.”

  I knew Bishop was one cold mothafucka, but so was I. He ain’t never met a bitch like me, and I was about to remind him who the fuck I was.

  “So what do we do now?” she asked.

  “Just follow me.” I grabbed my gun and led the way. But first, I made sure no one was around. “Come on,” I said to Malina as we ran across the street. This house hadn’t changed a bit. I didn’t understand how no one thought to check here.

  See, when Chola told me this shit, I thought back on the day that Bishop shot Quita, trying to kill Nyssa. Leaving Slick’s house, I saw him sitting at the stop sign. And on top of that, Nyssa told me how he had been stalking her. So it was all making sense. Bishop was Bleek.

  “Shit, this door is hard to open,” I said.

  “That’s why we should go thru the window in the back that always used to be broke,” Malina said. That’s one of the reasons Bishop stopped having his people sell drugs out the house because they kept getting jacked. That back window was always rigid.

  “It’s open?” I asked as she ran around to check the window. When she didn’t answer, I got scared until she opened the front door laughing.

  When I got inside, I ran right to the back room, and just like I thought. It was PJ in the bed tied up.

  “What the fu…” Malina couldn’t even get her sentence out.

  “He been playing all of us.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  I hated being home alone. If PJ was here, I wouldn’t have minded, but he’s not. I’d been shook every since I had talked to Percy.

  Bleek never sent nobody to the house.

  I kept replaying those words over and over. That left one person, and this was even worse than I thought. If Bishop had my son, this was bad. He didn’t want money. He wanted revenge. I’m sure by now he had done a home DNA test, so he knew my child didn’t belong to him.

  Just as I was about to get lost in my thoughts, I got a knock at the door. It was a pizza man delivering pizza. “That will be twenty dollars,” he said as he took the hot pizza out of the box.

  “Let me go and get some change,” I said as I left the door open and ran to my room . But not before calling Neiman. I hated when she did this shit.

  “Ma’am,” the guy yelled from the front door, but I ignored him.

  “Hello?” Neiman answered.

  “I’ll pay for it this time, but you better pay me back,” I said. She always left and ordered pizza while gone because she knew I would pay for it.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  “The pizza. Didn’t you order pizza?” I asked.

  “Girl, I’m at Glory’s house sleep.” She hung the phone up in my face and my world came crashing down.

  “Ma’am,” the guy yelled again.

  I rushed to the door, but as soon as I got close to him, his blood splattered all over me from him being shot in the head. His body dropped immediately.

  “Hey, honey. I’m home,” Bishop said as he stepped over the man’s lifeless body and closed the door.

  Chapter Forty


  “Pick him up!” Divine yelled as she hopped on the phone to call Nyssa, but got no answer. It was blood all over the sheets when we turned the lights on. The scene was so gruesome that we kept the sheets over his head. I couldn’t handle this. Not right now. Not PJ.

  “We have to take him to the hospital,” I said as tears streamed down my face. Divine frantically kept trying to call Nyssa, but got no answer.

  “Let’s go,” she said as we ran to the truck. I sat in the back seat with PJ in my lap as Divine sped to the nearest hospital.

  “Fuck it, call Neiman and see if she’s there! But don’t tell her nothing! You hear me?” Divine yelled as we hit MLK Dr and ran all red lights. Thank God no police were out because they woulda gotten us for sure. Divine was driving like a mad woman on crack. I pulled out my phone and called Neiman.

  “What? I’ma tell y’all like I told Nyssa, I didn’t have no pizza sent to the house,” Neiman said.
br />   “What the fucka are you talking about? I’m not calling you about no damn pizza,” I hissed.

  “Pizza?” Divine asked

  “What is it? I’m sleep. Damn!” Neiman yelled. It took Jesus himself not to make me go off on her. PJ was in my lap, possibly dead, and that’s all I could think about.

  “Neiman, where are you?” I asked calmly.

  “With Glory. Why?”

  “So Nyssa is at home alone?” I asked.

  “She’s grown.”

  “Give me the phone,” Divine said, reaching back and snatching it.

  “Wow,” is all I could say.

  “Bitch, the whole reason we copped y’all that apartment together was so that you could keep an eye on her… I know she’s grown, but you’re her sister… Someone just blew her car up and kidnapped her son not long ago, and you don’t even care.” Divine hung the phone up in Neiman’s face.

  Neiman kept calling back but we didn’t answer.

  “I can’t believe this shit,” I said.

  Neiman was so selfish. We didn’t buy them that place because we wanted to be cool. We did that to ensure the safety of Nyssa. I bet Neiman was somewhere laid up with Glory. Or at the hospital with Nel. She had to be the dumbest bitch I’d ever met. I had a gut feeling that Bishop was his way to Nyssa.

  “We’re here,” Divine said as we pulled to the front of the hospital and hopped out with PJ. We didn’t even park, the doors were left open and all.

  “We need a doctor!” I yelled the minute we went inside the ER.

  “Ma’am, calm down,” the nurse said to us, but we couldn’t.

  “Get me a stretcher down here now!” A doctor yelled as she ran to us and grabbed PJ from our arms. We followed close behind as they ran to the back and put PJ on a stretcher.

  “Can you hear me?” The doctor asked as she removed the sheets and we all got the shock of our lives.

  “Is this supposed to be fucking funny?” The doctor asked, looking at Divine and I.

  Divine didn’t even answer, she just ran out the front door.

  I looked down at the life size doll and shook my head. It wasn’t PJ.

  Fuck you was written all over the face of the doll.

  Without saying a word to the doctors, I ran to the truck. Divine didn’t even let me close the door good before she drove off.

  “He fucked us again,” I said as I rushed to clamp my safety belt on. The way she was driving, I could fly out the window in a second.

  “He’s two steps ahead,” I said as I sat back and let it all sink in. He somehow knew that I was fucking with Slick. And whoever this homie was that gave Slick the number to reach Bleek, was in on this with Bishop.

  Ain’t this bouta bitch?

  When we finally got to Nyssa, we hopped out and ran up the stairs. Since Divine was the only one strapped, I ran closely behind her. Wasn’t no need in sneaking now… he already knew we were on to him because of the words he put on the doll.

  I just wanted to know out of all people, why Nyssa? Why take PJ? But I would ask that later. I couldn’t believe Bishop would do this, but then again, I could believe it. This the same nigga that sent us on a dummy mission, but we continued to trust him. Once again, we had dropped the ball.

  When we got to the door, it was unlocked, so we went right in. At first, we saw nothing. Then, we heard light screaming coming from the front room. Divine pulled her strap close to her and walked to the door. I will never forget what we saw.

  Nyssa was naked and bent over the bed with whore written all over her. She was bloody, and all of her hair was gone.

  “Ugly bitch. No one will want you now,” Bishop said as he whipped her with a whip that slave owners used back in the day.

  “His gun is on the counter,” I whispered to Divine when I saw that he didn’t have it on him. Nyssa looked so helpless and alone. I could only imagine how she felt being in there alone with this psycho-ass nigga.

  “I’m going in,” Divine said as she burst thru the door.

  “Just in time for the show,” Bishop said without turning our way.

  “Why are you doing this?” I asked.

  “Tell them,” he said to Nyssa. She didn’t answer, so he whipped her again. “Tell them!”

  “I’m a worthless slut!” she cried. Red marks were all over her body and her eyes were swollen. That’s when I looked over and saw a dead pizza man on the other side f the bed.

  “Fuck this,” Divine said as she cocked her gun.

  “If you kill me, you’ll never find PJ. So go right ahead,” he said.

  “So you were Bleek, huh?” Divine asked.

  “Man, I don’t even know that nigga. I just know he fronted some pounds to Percy, so I took that shit.”

  “So, this nigga been impersonating the real Bleek?” I asked.

  “And bitch, I’m disappointed in you. Telling people one of Bleek’s men raped you. You done fucked that many niggas to not know that it was me inside of you? Or talking shit to you?” he asked a crying Nyssa.

  “Fuck that nigga, Divine. Blast his ass!” I yelled as I ran over and grabbed his gun.

  “No!” Nyssa yelled. “Please, stop. He will kill my son.”

  “Tell them. Tell them everything,” he yelled, whipping her more.

  “I did!”

  “No, tell them everything!”

  “I can’t. I just can’t.”

  “Well, I will. PJ was supposed to be my son, but she cheated on me with my mans, Fila. See, I was cool on that. I really was. Until I did an at home test and found out that PJ wasn’t my son.”

  “I already knew that, fuck face,” Divine hissed with her index finger inching toward the trigger. She was two seconds away from killing him, and if she didn’t, I would. This nigga was foul as fuck.

  “Yeah, well did you know that Malina was fucking Slick behind your back?” he asked.

  Divine looked at me and laughed. “Yeah… I knew,” she said, giving me the shock of my life.

  “Malina, did you know that your mom knew that you were going to be raped that night?” he asked.

  Everyone got quiet.

  “What?” I asked, lowering my gun. Not my mom. No. He had to be fucking with me. But how did he know that I was raped?

  “Yeah, she owed my people some money, so they sent Rasheed to kill her. When Rasheed came for her, she begged for her life. Then offered yours. She told them that they could have you. You were supposed to die that night. But you’re still here. Wanna know why?” he asked.


  “Because of me, bitch! I told them niggas not to kill you. Me! And you gonna raise a gun to me?”

  “I’m…I’m sorry.”

  “No, fuck that! Don’t apologize to him, Malina! Fuck that!” Divine yelled.

  I began to back against the wall. When my back finally touched it, I slid down into the fetal position. I couldn’t believe what he’s just told me. My mom offered my life to save her own. She knew I was being hurt that night and didn’t try to save me. She knew them niggas would violate me. She knew.

  I got my innocence violently taken away from me.

  And she knew. Even planned it.

  “Shut the fuck up, Divine. I got some news for you too.”

  “No! Please!” Nyssa yelled.

  “Since you know everything, Divine. Tell me why I did the home DNA test and I had a blood match with PJ but not a father and son match?”

  “I don’t fucking know,” Divine said.

  “No!” Nyssa yelled.

  “Because he’s my nephew and not my son. He’s AJ’s son. I think I woulda took it better if it was Fila’s or that punk ass Percy’s son. But AJ? My brother?”

  “What?” Divine asked, looking over at me and then to Nyssa who was bloodied almost to death.

  “Boom,” he said with a roar that filled the entire apartment.

  “Bishop, what the fuck are you doing?” Glory asked as he crept into the room.

  “So what is this? A reunion?”
Bishop asked as he pulled another piece from his pants.

  Glory lifted his gun to shoot.

  “Noooo!” Nyssa, Divine, and I yelled before shots were fired.

  Chapter Forty-One


  “What’s wrong?” Glory asked as I laid back down.

  “My cousins. They mad ’cause I ain’t been there watching Nyssa. Hell, she’s grown.

  “What did Nyssa want when she called?” he asked, rubbing my belly.

  “Talking about did I order pizza because the pizza man there.”

  “And what did you say?”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “What did you say?” he asked again.

  “I hung up in that hoe face. She play too much. Know damn well I didn’t order no pizza.”

  “Put some clothes on,” he said as he threw me my jeans and put his shirt back on.

  “What? Why?” I asked.

  “If you didn’t order pizza, then that means somebody just gave her a reason to open the door, Neiman. Damn. Don’t be so stupid. Hurry up,” he said, grabbing his keys.

  “They coulda had the wrong door,” I said as we rushed to his jeep. But not before he grabbed his piece.

  “Don’t be so naïve.” He started the ignition and sped right off.

  “So who do you think ordered it?” I asked.

  “Whoever blew her car up, Neiman.”

  “But why send a pizza man.”

  “Because would you answer the door for a random man, and your son was just kidnapped?”


  “But would you answer it for a pizza man?”

  “Yes,” I responded.

  “Harmless… right?” he asked.


  “See why everyone is mad?” he asked calmly, but drove like a maniac to get to our place.

  “Yes, but they didn’t have to be so rude,” I said, referring to Malina and Divine.

  “They must know something that you don’t. How did they sound?” He asked.


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