Before the porter could rush over, Ivan handed the key to Delilah, who seemed, by her controlled passivity, to have been through this kind of situation before.
Without a word, she picked up two bulging leather suitcases and hauled them up the winding staircase, leaving a bag and a wooden cello case behind.
The man in the black cape bowed to Zebulon. "I see that you found a way to survive." He paused, extending his hand. "Count Ivan Baranofsky I would be honored if you would join me for a libation."
Zebulon's eyes focused on the woman's slender ankles and long muscular legs as they disappeared slowly up the stairs.
"I'll handle the bags," he offered.
"No need," the Count replied. "Delilah is very capable."
After a brief hesitation, Zebulon picked up the bag and cello case and went up the stairs two at a time.
He tried every door on the floor until he found her suite. She was standing at the window looking out at the harbor.
"Are you following me?" she asked, not turning around. "Or are you under the impression that I am following you?"
Her bare shoulders and the high sloping curve of her neck reminded him of a stalking crane.
"I follow what I hunt for," he answered.
"Then you consider me an animal?"
"I'm helping out."
"That's not all you're doing." She held him inside her gaze, then walked over to the bed where she untied the flaps of a hand-stitched leather suitcase.
"Would it amuse you to know that I'm an expert at capturing wild animals?" She removed a rattle from the suitcase and shook it back and forth, her eyes rolling as she circled around him, uttering a throbbing chant that seemed to be coming from the middle of her chest.
"I don't like being circled," he warned. "When I'm trapped I feel -"
"I know," she said. "You're dangerous."
She laughed and shook the rattle in his face, then threw it on the bed.
"If you don't return to the lobby, Ivan will come up and shoot you. He's famous for that."
"I can handle Ivan," he said.
"Are you sure?" Her question seemed to be directed as much to herself as to him.
When he couldn't come up with an answer, he shrugged and left the room.
ount Baranofsky was waiting for him in the lobby. Taking Zebulon by the arm, he led him into the hotel's cantina and ordered a round of whiskey at the bar. When the drinks arrived, the Count raised his glass, toasting Mexico, the United States, the brand new State of California, and finally Russia - but not the Czar, who, he proudly pointed out, had placed a price on his head. Then he asked if Zebulon was residing in Vera Cruz.
"Passing through," Zebulon replied.
"And so are we," the Count said. "Thank god our ship has arrived. We expected it six weeks ago."
Zebulon reached for a plate of fried squid and cheese enchiladas. "The woman you're with -"
"She's my attendant," Ivan said. "Or consort, depending on circumstance and your cultural point of view We were traveling overland to California, but once in Denver and faced with the prospect of a harsh winter, we decided to take a stagecoach to Mexico and sail around South America to California. We were looking forward to a pause in Vera Cruz but, I admit, not one this long."
"How's your pause been treatin' you?" Zebulon asked.
"Abominably: This is our third hotel. Each one more frustrating than the last. Sullen service. Worse food. Mosquitoes. Flies. Bed bugs. But despite the inconveniences, the city is not without its sultry charms; although, as we have learned only too well, it's a city given to unexpected vapors and violence."
The Count sighed, grateful for the opportunity of talking to a stranger that he would never see again. In pedantic detail, he described their voyage from Venice to New York, including the side streets and mercenary shops of Algiers, the restaurants of Malaga and Lisbon, and finally, the physical hardships of traveling overland to Denver - a journey that saw them nearly drowned crossing the Mississippi, attacked by Comanches, and almost killed in New Mexico in a barroom brawl.
The Count hesitated, not sure how much he should reveal. "An occasion, I might add, that you seemed willing to provoke."
"I don't recall what went down," Zebulon said. "I was trapped inside a nest of snakes."
"When you sat down at the table, obviously you were asking for trouble. Of course, I was well lubricated. And then we rode out on the stagecoach, so we never did find out what happened."
"You call her Delilah?" Zebulon asked.
"A biblical name; her actual name is too difficult to pronounce, some sort of East African jibber jabber. I met her in Paris, where she had the misfortune to be handmaiden to a French officer. She's part French, the rest Abyssinian, with a dollop of Babylonian and Egyptian and god knows what else. I would be lost without her. Fortunately I was able to free her owner from certain financial difficulties."
"You mean you bought her."
The Count laughed, delighted to be face to face with an authentic man of the West who was not afraid to say what was on his mind. "It wasn't commerce that dictated my involvement. More an impulsive demand of the heart."
Delilah glided towards them, waiting patiently until Zebulon pulled back her chair, a courtesy that he had never performed before, much less observed.
Without looking at the menu, the Count ordered a variety of hors d'oeuvres, followed by plates of burritos and chicken mole.
The Count's probing questions about the rituals and hardships of life in the mountains made Zebulon realize that he was being given an opportunity to sing for his supper, if not a way out of town, and he enthusiastically launched into a description of his adventures in California - all of which he invented, not having been there. Absorbed, they listened with fascinated attention as he created and embellished his own history. In florid, often longwinded detail, he described Indian raids and encounters with grizzlies; rabid wolverines and drunken mountain rendezvous, where the lies of lunatic trappers became truth, and the truth became lies; spring celebrations of their winter hauls that often lasted for a month or more, until everyone was talked out or dead or broke.
"Well now," he continued as they started in on plates of sugared apples wrapped in corn fritters. "Let me tell you, this coon's tasted his share of Californie and the Far West. Yessir. Been shot on the Oregonian Trail, scalped and left for dead in the high Sierras, froze my belly in more than one tailrace ditch, trapped the Gila and the Green, near drowned on the Columbia, raised more hair'n any coon you'll ever meet, was a barkeep in Hangtown, keel boatman on the Sacramenty, road agent, pit boss, company buster, buffalo skinner, teamster, logger, rail spiker; I done it all and then some. Been all the way to Alasky and the putrified forest, heard the opry in San Fran, scouted for renegade red niggers all the way to old Mex and on south to free Nicaragua with General Walker, parlayed my share of Chinee, Irish, and German bohunks, to name a few"
They stared at him, stunned by this compulsive torrent of strange, exotic words, hardly any of which they understood.
"But surely," the Count asked, "given the range of your extraordinary adventures, you must have searched for gold?"
"Gold, you say?" Zebulon wiped his face with the back of his hand and downed two quick shots, then one more. "Gold? This coon has picked more oro and Sonoma Lightning than you can shake a stick at. Made and lost more than one fortune. Even placed gold nuggets on the dead eyes of a Mex girl gutshot in Sonora fer givin' a poke to the wrong customer at the wrong time. Gold was my music, my fiddle and my piana, all seranadin' the clink of pick-axes and the grind of shovels, washin' pans, and rockers - all shakin' for pay dirt. This coon gambled away more gold in three days than most pilgrims make in a lifetime. Yessir. I been on the Feather and South Fork and down to the Agua Fria, went bust on the Mariposa, struck pay dirt on Sullivan's Creek, bought me a saloon and lost it the next week in Placerville, struck a fat vein north of Virginia City and was robbed down to my boots by my partner; took me a year before I nailed his s
calp to the church door in Sutterville. Spent every haul faster'n I made it. Call it what you want: greasin' the trail for salvation, or any damn thing. Now you take Tucker's Bend or Hangtown or any one of them half-assed shanty towns of blue-belly pilgrims not knowin' a pick or a shovel from a wagon wheel - all of 'em are bottomed out and gone back to where they come from. Good riddance, I say."
He looked at Delilah. "If you dream of gold, chances are you'll wake up and all that's left will be the dream. And then not even that."
She nodded, as if she knew all about dreams.
Gaslights were turned on as the dining room began to fill up with customers, all of them stunned and excited from the day's events. On the street there was a sudden volley of shots that sounded like a firing squad. A dog barked and a lonely drunk sang a love song about a two-timing lover. Then silence.
Delilah pointed to the nugget hanging around Zebulon's neck, the same one he had ripped off a clerk's neck in Broken Elbow
"Is that from California?"
"I picked if off the ground," he replied. "Go ahead. Take it. There are plenty more where that came from."
When he handed her the nugget, she hesitated, then gave it back.
"I prefer to gather my own," she said.
"Delilah, for god's sake," the Count said. "The man gave it to you from his heart. It's bad form not to accept such a spontaneous gift."
"Bad luck, too," Zebulon added.
Modestly, she bent her head, allowing him to slip the nugget around her neck.
"Then you're headed for California?" the Count asked.
"One way or the other," he said. "As soon as I gopher up enough chink for a passage. It ain't that easy for a gringo to find wages down here."
"Then you're not a guest at the hotel?" the Count asked.
Suddenly Zebulon wanted to get shut of this Count and his strange consort, or whoever she was. He was singing for his supper and waiting for a bone to be thrown his way, but hustling dumb foreigners wasn't a trick he favored, even though he had managed it more times than he cared to admit.
"Where on earth have you been?" asked a strident English voice behind him. "I've been searching everywhere for you."
A tall emaciated man wearing a bright red serape, yellow sombrero, and brand new polished turquoise belt buckle stumbled towards them, accompanied by a local whore who was having trouble walking on one shoe.
"Don't you know there's a bloody revolution on?" the man asked. "Apparently some local politician was blown up in a park. Never mind! The ship is sailing on the tide, compadres! Mu_y pronto!
Zebulon knew the whore; she was an experienced and obliging professional that he had spent a few nights with before he had tied in with Miranda.
"Who's the dumb gringo, Lupita?" he asked in Spanish.
She shook her head, forcing a smile as she took off her shoe. "Muy loco hombre. Many bad habits. You don't want to know As a favor to me, for all that I have given to you from my heart to yours, I am asking that you kill him. Or at least get him to pay what he owes me."
"What exactly is she saying?" the Englishman asked.
"That she can't live without you and that if you try to leave her she'll shoot you and then herself"
Lupita pulled on the Englishman's sleeve, stroked his cheek, and held out her hand until he reached into his pocket and handed her seven silver dollars. The transaction completed, she turned her tongue slowly inside Zebulon's ear, then hobbled back to the street.
As Zebulon started for the door, the Count took him by the arm. "I have a proposal that will relieve your financial dilemma."
Zebulon looked at Delilah, who was staring back at him, her eyes narrowing, as if she had been seized by a premonition.
"If you guide us to the gold fields," the Count went on, "I'm prepared to pay your passage to San Francisco. First we will travel to Sutter's Fort to meet Captain John Sutter, whose courage I have long admired. I have had discussions with his wife in Switzerland about possible business ventures - ranches, commerce, that sort of thing. Then, after our visit with Sutter, we will press on to the gold fields. I assume you've heard of Sutter?"
"Heard of Sutter?" Zebulon said. "Everyone's heard of Captain John Sutter. When they found gold on his land, it bumped off the whole damn stampede."
Delilah turned to Ivan. "Are you sure about this offer, Ivan? You know what happens when you act impulsively."
Absolutely, I'm sure," the Count said, his voice rising. "We need an experienced man to help with supplies and transportation, someone who will protect us from dangers as they arise. A man like...."
"Zebulon Shook," Zebulon heard himself say, "A su ordone.Z. At your service. I'll take steady wages and a thirty-seventy split on whatever gold comes your way."
The Count hesitated, looking at Delilah as she considered the offer, then shook her head.
"Twenty-eighty," the Count said.
"Done," Zebulon replied.
The Count shook his hand. "The ship is The Rhinelander. German. Well appointed. You can't miss her: she's a threemasted merchant with a bare-breasted woman mounted on the bow and a row of three-headed snakes around her neck. A goddess favored by mariners. Or so they say. Our Captain informed me that she represents the beautiful woman in Greek myth that calms the cruel sea."
"Here, here," the Englishman said. "Although with a beautiful woman, one can't be too careful. Wouldn't you say? In any case, we welcome you aboard, Mister Shook."
From an adjoining room, Zebulon heard the click, click of billiard balls. Stepping around Delilah, he walked across the lobby and through the restaurant to a lounge hosting a billiard table.
He maneuvered the cue ball around the table just to prove that he still could. Then he put down the cue stick and, without a look at his new patrons, made his way out to the harbor.
HE RHINELANDER SAILED SOUTH OVER TURBULENT SEAS, her hatches loaded with supplies for the California gold fields. Zebulon, confined to his cabin with seasickness, was only dimly aware when the wind suddenly shifted to the west at gale force, tearing the rudder loose with a raw screech and threatening to punch a hole in the transom. After the ship's carpenter cut the steering lines the ship drifted for two days, finally ending up off the west coast of Florida.
When Zebulon finally appeared on the deck, the sea was a flat blue sheet without a ripple and the carpenter was fixing the rudder. Most of the passengers were grouped by the starboard rail, staring at a spit of land lined with tall undulating dunes shimmering beneath heat waves, their valleys dotted with mangrove and scrubby pine.
A voice spoke behind him: "A rotten ailment, mal de mer. Makes one loathe the sea. Much better for the world to be flat. Easier to sail off the edge and be done with it, wouldn't you say?"
The Englishman from the hotel in Vera Cruz extended a limp hand. "Archibald Cox. I don't believe we've been formally introduced."
Zebulon barely nodded, his attention fixed on Delilah, who was standing with the Count near the stern railing. She was wearing a white muslin dress that reached to her bare feet and a black scarf tied loosely over her hair.
"An odd duck, the Russian," Cox went on. "Used to be a military attache at the London embassy. A bit much the way he carries on with that Egyptian whore, or whoever she's pretending to be these days."
He pointed to the poop deck where a portly figure in a cocked hat and black high-necked uniform was looking down on the crew as they prepared to lower a lifeboat. "Perverse old bastard, our captain. Always insisting on exercise and philosophy: Now he's ordering us ashore for a walk about."
They joined the Count and Delilah in the lifeboat, along with the first mate, three sailors, and the rest of the passengers: two middle-aged German merchants specializing in picks and shovels, a Polish clothing merchant, a Finnish soldier wanted in three European countries for forgery and arms dealing, and finally, a New York journalist hired to write a series of articles about the gold rush. All of them were curious about Zebulon, who, they had learned from the Count, was not
only a legendary mountain man, but a veteran army scout, Indian fighter, and explorer.
The Count was the first to wade ashore. Kneeling on the ground in the imperial manner of a conquistador with Delilah holding an umbrella over his head, he intoned a solemn prayer.
He was interrupted by Zebulon, who had noticed three Indians standing on top of a dune, along with a towering Negro in cut-off sailor pants and a straw hat.
"We got company," Zebulon said. "Look up slow and easy and keep your irons lowered."
The Indians continued to stare down at them, their sallow faces pockmarked from typhus and parasites. All three, as well as the Negro, carried feathered lances and wore calico cotton shirts and beaded belts over their leggings and breechcloths.
When Zebulon raised a hand in greeting, they slowly walked down the dune. Using sign language, he asked where they came from. After one pointed to the north, he questioned them in Kiowa, then tried a few words in Arapahoe and Sioux, none of which they understood.
Finally Delilah stepped forward and addressed the Negro in an African tongue. When there was no response, she tried another dialect, then two more until the Negro suddenly laughed and clapped his hands, telling her along with dignified pauses that even though the Seminoles helped him escape from Portuguese slavers when their ship ran aground, they had treated him as if he belonged to an inferior race, refusing to recognize him as a man of wisdom, especially when it came to war and agriculture. When he first saw her from the top of the dune, he was immediately aware that she represented an ancient and royal lineage and despite the fact that she was surrounded by obviously incompetent white men, he was sure that her journey, whatever its secret intentions, was not without courage and honor. He ended his speech by saying that he would be pleased to join her on the ship.
"He's an African chief," Delilah explained to the others. "Because the Seminoles are an ignorant people who don't treat him with the respect that he deserves, he wants to return to the ship with us."
The Drop Edge of Yonder Page 5