Just the Way You Are

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Just the Way You Are Page 4

by Angelique Voisen

  Abel didn't know the Beta or any of his pack members really well. He knew his wolf needed the pack to anchor itself, to feel a sense of community, but most of the time, his human half saw it as a kind of club which he grudgingly attended. No one really saw him, and he was content to remain in the background until now.

  “I won’t let anger get in the way,” Abel replied.

  Leon curtly nodded and opened the door. Inside, Butch sat in front of his messy desk. Daniel was there, too, sneering at the sight of him and Tommy.

  “Didn’t think you have the guts to come, Abel,” Daniel said.

  “If I remember correctly, you and your pal didn’t stand a chance against Abel yesterday,” Tommy quipped, looking like he had plenty to say, but Abel gripped his arm and shook his head in warning.

  “Still so feisty, Omega? You’ll soon know your place once Abel is no longer there to protect you,” Daniel replied maliciously.

  Tommy stood a little closer to him and clutched at his arm like a lifeline. Anger triggered at the thought of scum like Daniel threatening his mate, Abel hissed through his teeth and leashed back his pissed-off wolf. He looked to Butch instead. The big scarred Alpha didn’t interrupt their interaction once, but like Leon, watched them carefully.

  As with Leon, Abel didn’t interact with Butch often, but he knew pack history. Butch had inherited the pack from the previous Alpha, his father, when he turned twenty-one. Any other pack would have caved under the inexperience of a young Alpha, but Butch managed to keep the pack together for fifteen years now. Butch was a decent leader in Abel’s opinion, and if given a choice, he didn’t want any bad blood between them.

  Would Abel cut off his own ties to the pack for Tommy?

  It seemed like an extreme idea, but he realized he would. There was something between Tommy and him worth exploring, and he wanted to walk down that path to see where it led.

  “Anything to say to that, Abel?” Butch finally asked, icy blue eyes meeting his.

  Leon didn’t bother closing the office door, but it didn’t matter. Most of the pack members present would overhear and gossip later on. Abel didn’t care. He needed to prove his point.

  “Everyone’s too scared to admit the truth out loud, Butch, but you’ve been letting your cousins run wild all this time. Daniel and Trent made one mistake. They made a move on my Omega.”

  Tommy gasped beside him, eyes wide. The Omega certainly knew how to play his role, except Abel thought Tommy wasn’t playing the role of fake lover either. Those huge blue eyes looked genuinely surprised and pleased at once. Abel stared a little longer at Tommy’s quivering lip, recalling how Tommy tasted in his mouth, how well Tommy’s slender body fitted against his.

  A snarl erupted from Daniel.

  “You arrogant bastard,” Daniel growled out the words and came at him, but Abel shoved Tommy aside, to safety.

  He fisted Daniel’s shirt and shoved the other werewolf against the wall and let out a chest deep snarl that echoed in the room. He showed teeth, letting Daniel see his wolf through his eyes, which he knew were yellow by now. Daniel’s cocky mask slipped, showing fear underneath.

  “Get off me, fatty,” Daniel whispered, gasped when he closed a hand around his throat.

  A wave of power that came from Butch staggered Abel slightly.

  “Enough,” Butch yelled, but Abel didn’t let go despite feeling the pack bonds pressing down on his wolf.

  “Tommy is mine. Touch him again and I’ll rip out your throat.” It took all of his control to release Daniel.

  “And what would you do to ensure the protection of an outsider, an Omega not bonded to the pack, Abel?” Butch asked.

  Keeping a close eye on Daniel, his gaze slid to Butch. Everyone knew Butch’s one true weakness were Trent and Daniel, whom he raised like his own brothers. Otherwise, Butch would have been the perfect Alpha. There was intelligence behind Butch’s icy blue eyes, and for the first time, Abel saw something other than hostility.

  The son-of-a-bitch genuinely wanted to hear his response.

  “If Tommy and I aren’t welcome in the pack,” he ventured with a heavy heart, “we’ll leave.”

  “Abel, no!” Tommy looked at him, horrified. “I can’t let you do that.”

  “But Tommy’s brother Steve deserves a chance to prove himself for the pack interviews,” he continued. “I take responsibility for my actions, but it’s not fair dragging other people into my mess.”

  “Consider your words carefully, Abel. I’ll give you a day to make your decision,” Butch finally said.

  “What the fuck, Butch? You should just let me kill the fucker and his bitch,” Daniel screamed, eyes full of fury.

  Butch growled, silencing Daniel instantly. The Alpha moved faster than Abel could see and stood in front of Daniel a second later, snarling at his cousin. Daniel wisely lowered his head and offered his neck in submission.

  “Get out of my sight and tell me your answer tomorrow.” Butch managed to spit out the words.

  Abel grabbed Tommy’s arm and left the room. Abel’s wolf lingered on the surface of his skin, eager to be free. Maybe he could persuade Tommy to go for a run. Leon still remained outside the office, but didn’t speak to him.

  Tommy remained awfully silent behind him. They passed by more curious pack members. Reaching the foot of the stairs he was relieved to see the front door. Abel couldn’t stand to be there a second longer. He had important life-changing decisions to make and some alone time with Tommy to talk things out.

  He exited the door, relieved to feel sunlight on his face, only to sense his wolf, rising to the surface, warning him of an impending threat. With narrowed eyes, Abel spun only to see an enormous lethal two-hundred-pound werewolf charging straight for Tommy, fangs bared for the kill. Abel didn’t hesitate. He pulled Tommy behind him and let his own wolf explode out of his skin.

  Chapter Six

  Tommy let his guard down once they exited the suffocating environment of Abel’s pack house. His head was a messy whirlwind. Abel was going to leave his pack. For him. Tommy didn’t know how he felt about that. If he let his heart rule over reason, his wolf was overjoyed to hear their mate would go to such lengths to keep him. Except his human half couldn’t let Abel sever all his ties to his pack for him.

  For one, while he knew deep down they were mates, they weren’t officially mated yet. Things between Abel and him were so new, so fragile. What if Abel ended up resenting him for that decision?

  Tommy couldn’t wrap his head around the notion yet, when he saw the angry gray werewolf from the corner of his eyes. Fear gripped him, but Abel grabbed him by the shoulder, planted himself in front of Tommy like a shield, then shifted.

  Abel’s shift caught his breath. More powerful werewolves needed mere seconds to complete the transformation. Tommy needed a minute maybe, but for Abel it was nearly instantaneous. Clothing ripped. Black fur covered Abel’s chest and shoulders. Bones crunched and organs rearranged themselves. As a wolf, Abel was even bigger than their attacker—Trent, he assumed, seeing as Daniel was still upstairs with Butch.

  Abel completed the change just as Trent closed the distance between them. The two dominant wolves became a tangle of claws and fur. Lured out by the sound of the fight, more werewolves came out of the pack house.

  “That’s Trent, but who’s the other wolf?”

  “Is that Abel?”


  “I didn’t know there was someone in the pack strong enough to challenge Trent.”

  The whispers reached his ears, but all Tommy could do was stand there, petrified for his man.

  “I always knew Abel had it in him,” said a quiet deadly voice beside him.

  He jumped, nervous to discover Butch right beside him. When did the Alpha appear? He looked around for Daniel. It wouldn’t be beyond Daniel and Trent to both come at his mate.

  Butch seemed to understand, because he said, “Daniel’s locked in his room.”

  Tommy clenched his fists by his si
de. “You’re Alpha. Are you going to stand aside and let them brawl it out?”

  A warning snarl from Butch made him go still. Oh God. There went the last of his chances of ever being considered for the pack. Steve was going to be so disappointed, but why would Tommy want to be part of pack which had members like Trent and Daniel?

  “Careful, little wolf. Remember who you’re talking to,” Butch said.

  “Warning noted.”

  To his surprise, Butch held amusement in his eyes.

  “I see why Abel fell for your charms.” The Alpha looked suddenly wary, tired. “Abel has a point. I know I’ve spoiled Trent and Daniel for years, but they’re the last members of my bloodline.”

  Tommy thought about that for a second. “So you want someone to reel in your cousins instead?”

  Butch looked displeased but didn’t snap at him, growling under his breath instead. Tommy was well aware that only Butch’s presence kept him safe. He was still an outsider on pack land, and Abel was fighting for his life. His gaze slid back to his mate, chest filling with pride as Abel tossed Trent away like a doll.

  Both werewolves had their muzzles and fur bloodied, but it looked like Trent was slowing down whereas Abel looked like he could go for several rounds.

  Trent came at Abel again, but Abel seemed to expect that and dodged, using that window of opportunity of Treat’s missed lunge to go for Trent’s throat. Abel pounded Trent to the hard forest ground, teeth bared, ready to strike. Claws dug into Trent’s fur. No matter how hard Trent thrashed, he couldn’t get free. Trent whimpered, tongue panting, but eventually showed his throat to Abel, a sign of submission. It was clear who the winner here was.

  “That’s enough.” Butch’s voice silenced the other pack members who started to cheer and yip for his mate. “Abel, you’ve proven your point.”

  For a dangerous second, Tommy thought Abel had lost control of his wolf. Abel stared at Butch and to everyone’s surprise, hopped off Trent. Tommy ran up to Abel, not caring he was causing a scene. Reaching his dominant wolf, he fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around Abel.

  “God, you scared me,” he whispered.

  “Abel, you’ve proven today you’re capable. Starting now, you’re one of my new enforcers.” Butch’s announcement seemed to take all of them by surprise. Tommy twisted, staring at Butch, wondering if the cunning Alpha planned all of this.

  Butch met his gaze. “Of course if Tommy is your mate, he is a welcome addition to the pack.”

  For a second, Tommy couldn’t breathe. What the fuck just happened?


  “Are you okay?” Abel’s query brought Tommy back to reality.

  He blinked, realizing they were in Abel’s car and driving along the single dirt road away from the pack house. The River West pack house was located on the outskirts of town, close enough to the main town proper and the woods, an ideal location. Tommy could see why Butch had the house built there.

  “Shouldn’t I be asking you that question?” Tommy fired back. He rubbed the goosebumps on his skin. His wolf was uncertain of the abrupt changes, but at the very least, the one thing his wolf was certain of was Abel.

  “I don’t know,” Abel answered with a heavy sigh. “I figured it wouldn’t be too bad.”

  “You figured?”

  “If you can’t change the past, the only way is forward, right?” Abel gave him a hesitant smile. “You’re not thinking of leaving, right?”

  “What? Of course not. Why would you think I’d do that, after all you’ve done for me?” Tommy demanded. He was a little insulted Abel would think less of him.

  “People around me tend to leave,” Abel replied.

  Hearing the old hurt in Abel’s voice, Tommy leaned over and gave Abel a kiss on the cheek. “I won’t.”

  Abel said nothing for a few moments. Tommy texted his brother an update, before turning his full attention to the dominant wolf at the wheel. His mate.

  “Your wolf feels close to the surface,” Abel said. “So is mine. Want to go for a run?”

  “What if we bump into your pack mates? Won’t they have questions?” Tommy asked. He usually didn’t mind meeting new people, but right now he preferred time alone with Abel.

  “We won’t. I know these woods well, which places the others avoid.”

  “You’ve been a solitary wolf all your life, haven’t you?”

  “Not anymore.” Abel’s answer made his heart soar.

  Abel didn’t drive directly back to town but switched to a smaller road. Trees still bordered either side of them, but he noticed the pines and ashes here seemed much older. Eventually, Abel stopped the car and they got out.

  The afternoon sun felt nice on his face, but Tommy wanted to shed clothes and run in the skin of his wolf as soon as possible. Abel seemed to think the same thing, because Abel gave him a tentative glance.

  Tommy knew Abel felt a little self-conscious of his body, but in truth, Abel had nothing to worry about. “Thank you,” he said. “For coming to my aid yesterday, for everything today.”

  Abel looked uncomfortable. “It was nothing.”

  “It was much more than nothing,” he insisted, walking up to Abel.

  Abel cupped his jaw by instinct and took his lips, rendering him mindless for several glorious seconds. Abel thrust heat down his throat, ran a possessive hand down the length of his body, and gave his thickening dick a squeeze through his jeans.

  Tommy moaned when Abel pulled back to look him in the eye, before continuing the kiss. When Abel speared his mouth open, he sucked down on Abel’s tongue, wanting so much more.

  To his frustration, Abel pulled back, brown eyes swirling with the gold of his wolf. It took his breath away, seeing the naked feral want in Abel’s gaze.

  Abel said one word. “Run.”

  Tommy stripped down, tossed his shirt, pants, and boxers without ceremony, pulse racing at the prospect of the game of chase. Abel’s wolf wanted to play, but so did he. He padded barefoot away from the road gravel to touch soft soil. The smell of the earth, pine, and the forest lured his wolf into the open.

  Tommy was quite aware of the silent predator watching him, assessing him. Excitement coiled inside of him, and so did the pinprick of fear—all illusion of the hunt of course, because he knew this powerful male would never hurt him.

  Tossing Abel a grin over his shoulder, he shifted. Once he hit all four paws, he gave Abel a cheerful bark of challenge, before disappearing into the nearest line of trees. He ran, surefooted on paws built more than human feet were for uneven terrain. Tommy might not be familiar with these woods as much as Abel, but he knew his mate would give him a little head start. Seconds later, he heard the answering snarl from his mate.

  Wanting to make this hunt a little harder for Abel, he ran faster until the muscles in his legs burned. Wind whipped at his muzzle. Exhilaration filled him. Tommy couldn’t recall the last time he’d felt this free. Feeling the teasing nip of teeth on his rump a second later, he swished his tail at Abel and sprang forward.

  Trees blurred as he sprinted faster. Tommy went deeper into the woods. Here, the forest was little more untamed, primal, just like the emotions clashing through him. Lust rode him, but he knew his mate would be nearing the end of his patience soon. He entered a clearing, shocked by the sudden change of scenery.

  He reached the edge of a lake, the waters clear and tempting under the afternoon sun. The astonishing space was empty save for the whispering wind and the sound of smaller forest creatures scuttling and climbing. Tommy’s nose didn’t detect any humans or other paranormals nearby.

  Abel had led him here, he realized, let him think he was the one leading the chase, but the sweet man had the intentions of leading him to this secret spot all along. Coarse black fur brushed against his. Abel pounced on him, tackling him to the ground, claws sheathed. Abel nipped at his jaw, licking his ears. Signs of affection.

  Play ended when fur receded and Tommy changed back to human, too, so sweat-slicked skin caress
ed his. His breaths came up short as he stared at the gorgeous male in front of him.

  The next word Abel uttered sent shivers of anticipation down his spine. “Mine.”

  Chapter Seven

  Abel panted, stared down at the tempting offering beneath him. He could feel the press of Tommy’s hardening dick against him and his own, swelling with need. Tommy reached out, touching his unshaven cheek, about to drag his lower, but Abel growled, used one hand to keep Tommy’s wrists above his head.

  “I’m in control here,” he said.

  Abel didn’t know where this new confidence came from, except he was starting to like his new, confident self. Tommy, too, felt the same way, because the Omega licked his lips in anticipation. The smell of their arousal was thick in the air, ambrosia he drank down eagerly.

  “Okay,” Tommy whispered. “I like this new side of you.”

  Abel kissed Tommy again, taking all of the Omega in. This time he didn’t rush. He took his time, tasting Tommy, licking, sucking, nipping. When he pulled back, Tommy parted his lips slightly, expression dazed.

  “So good,” the Omega murmured.

  A smile found its way to his lips. “We’ve just begun. Keep your hands above your head.”

  Tommy nodded, an eager expression on his face. Abel had every intention of making his sweet Omega mewl for him, beg him for more. He layered kisses down the side of Tommy’s neck, fixating on a particular spot between shoulder and neck. Setting a bit of teeth there, Tommy shuddered, moaning.

  “Please,” Tommy whispered.

  He raised his head. “What exactly are you begging me for, Omega?”

  “Make me yours. For real.”

  His wolf rose to the surface, eager to take what this Omega offered so freely. If Abel placed his mate mark on Tommy, it would seal their bond. Tommy wearing his marks would tell the world Tommy was rightfully his alone. Abel snarled, his human and wolf half warring inside of him.

  “You don’t know what you’re asking,” he replied, voice harsh.


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