The Lady’s Dangerous Love_The BainBridge_Love & Challenges_The Regency Romance Story

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The Lady’s Dangerous Love_The BainBridge_Love & Challenges_The Regency Romance Story Page 4

by Jessie Bennett

  Joshua chuckled, shaking his head. “I’m sure she does, but Elena also cooks, cleans, and puts together her own dinners. We don’t have servants.”

  Bella reacted to that statement by straightening her spine. Her love for Joshua made her immediately think he was upset with her for having servants, for having a station in society that merited such things. She dropped her eyes from his. “Yes, I suppose we shouldn’t have servants, either.”

  Joshua couldn’t help putting his arm around her shoulders even for a moment and hugging her to him. He wanted to do much more, though he wouldn’t. He would remain in his service as a gardener and would never be anything more.

  “Don’t trouble yourself, my dear. That’s not what I meant. I merely mean to say that we all have our roles we must play. You are the daughter of a Duke, and what a fine man that Duke is. You needn’t worry. You are doing well, and giving employment and shelter to people who otherwise might be unemployed and homeless. This way, we are all benefiting from the arrangement.”

  “Are you sure?” Bella asked, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes. His heart nearly came out of his chest and he replied breathlessly.

  “I’m sure, Bella. I’m very sure.”




  Seven days passed quickly and before she knew it, Bella realized Jonathan would be arriving soon. Over the course of the week, she had noticed Elena giving her peculiar looks whenever she delivered food from the kitchen. She thought that if it continued, she would be having a talk with the kitchen maid. She had spent much of her growing years afraid of her own shadow, but she was a woman now and preparing to marry the son of a Baron. She needed to be firm and strong. There was a chance, because Jonathan was the oldest son of the Baron, that she would be someday herself be a Baroness. Therefore, she had to learn to be strong and keep the servants in their place.

  She sat in the drawing room with her brothers and their friend from the village, James Ellingham, the son of the Fordham Hotel owner, Christopher Ellingham, doing needlework. They were talking about the Prince Regent and the health of Queen Charlotte, which was declining rapidly. She listened with half of her attention, noticing that Steven was speaking most adamantly, something her brother rarely did. It made her listen more closely.

  “I was there in London when she spoke to the crowd last year,” Steven said. “Do you remember?”

  “Yes, we were all there, Steven.” Nick reminded him.

  “It was a terrible shame that she was mocked and jeered in such a manner. She has been Queen for a long time. She is beloved by many. She said as much at the time.”

  “We did not mock her either,” Tyler said gently, looking at his younger brother. “We had great respect for her.”

  “Because Mama and Papa taught us to respect her and her long service. She did so love the fine arts. And I am also interested in botanical issues.”

  His brothers nodded as he continued about the Queen. Bella looked away, turning her eyes out the window, mindful that she had come dangerously close to pricking her finger with the needle she was using to embroider a flower on a piece of canvas. She looked for the coach that would bring Jonathan to her, ignoring the fact that her mind was also wandering to Joshua. It was as though the two men battled for space in her mind.

  She was sure after Jonathan arrived, she would have less trouble thinking about Joshua. She hadn’t realized that the gardener would occupy her thoughts so much, after she began to realize that, their relationship could not continue as it had been. There had never been an issue with their friendship until she became betrothed. With her impending nuptials, it didn’t seem right to pal around with a young commoner with whom she had such a close bond. The thought that she would have to give up her routine of finding him whenever she felt lonely made her almost resentful and more than a little sad.

  She saw an approaching coach, the horses drawing it kicking up dust as they came down the path to the house. She tossed her sewing to the side and jumped to her feet, drawing the attention of the men in the room.

  “Is he here, Bella?” Tyler asked as he and the rest of them stood up.

  “It has to be him,” Bella answered excitedly. “There are no other visitors to be expected.” She turned to look at them with wide eyes. “Are there? Is there anyone else that is coming today?”

  “It might be Mama and Papa.” Cameron said. “They left early this morning to go to Bainbridge to visit the Ellingham's. There is a new resident at Fordham Hotel and they wanted to meet her before the party tonight.”

  “Oh!” Bella exclaimed, looking through the glass again, straining her eyes to see if it was her parents’ carriage or a coach carrying her fiancé.

  Cameron stepped close to her and peered over her shoulder into the distance. “That is not Mama and Papa.” He concluded. “It can only be Lord Humbridge.”

  The group filed out of the room quickly with Bella leading the way. She passed by the butler, Andrew. “I will get the door, Andrew,” she said breathlessly. He grinned wide at her and bowed at the waist.

  “Yes, Miss Bella.”

  The group went through the tall double doors and stood on the large porch, waiting patiently for the coach to arrive. Bella closed her arms over her chest and squeezed herself tightly. Her excitement sent chills through her body.

  Movement to her right made her glance to the side. Her heart almost stopped at the sight of Joshua, standing near the edge of the porch, his eyes directed down the road toward the approaching coach. He had a long shovel grasped in his hands and he was casually leaning on it for support. His face reflected that he was not pleased. His normal smile and cheerful countenance was clouded with unhappiness. Bella suppressed a sigh and forced herself to look forward down the road.

  The sound of the horses’ hooves grew louder, until they had finally pulled the coach up to the house. The group descended the stairs to meet Jonathan as he stepped down.

  He held out his arms and Bella went into them, feeling the warmth of his body envelop her when he held her to him. “My Bella, my beautiful Bella. How I have missed you. Let me look at you. Let me take in the beauty I have missed so much.” He pushed her away gently so that he could hold her at arm’s length and gaze at her face.

  “Have you missed me, my love? Have you truly?” Bella knew she was blushing.

  Jonathan laughed and pulled her close to him again. “You know that I have, my darling. Of course I have!”

  After a moment or two of hugging, he released her and bowed to her brothers and James Ellingham.

  “Lord Nicholas, Lord Tyler, Lord Cameron, Lord Steven. It is good to see all of you. You are all looking well.”

  “May I introduce you to our friend from the Fordham Hotel in Bainbridge, James Ellingham.” Nicholas said, holding out his hand in the direction of the young man who frequently accompanied the brothers on their escapades. “He is forever getting one of us in trouble somehow.”

  James gasped with a smile on his face and bowed slightly toward the Baron’s son. “Lord Humbridge. It is good to make your acquaintance. Please take what my friend has to say with a grain of salt. I am but a humble future hotel owner with no title, but I certainly never intend to get any of these fine gentlemen in any trouble.”

  Jonathan laughed good-heartedly. “I would expect that if any of these boys get in trouble, they have done it to themselves.”

  “I might resent that remark,” Tyler said. “If I did not know how correct you are.”

  They all laughed.

  “Shall we go inside? There is tea, coffee, lemonade, biscuits, tarts, why we can have Cook make a cake for you if you are hungry for one.”

  Jonathan rubbed his stomach and licked his lips. “I am quite famished after the long ride. I thank you for any provisions you might offer. It does not have to be cake. But cake would be lovely, too.”

  “Then cake it shall be.”

  The men turned to go back up the st
airs. Jonathan walked ahead of her, joining the brothers, who quickly resumed their conversation about Queen Charlotte and her failing health. Jonathan, having just come from London, told them that there was much gossip as to whether or not the Prince Regent would continue to care for his mother’s personal property, or if it would be auctioned off to the highest bidder.

  “The contention between the two of them is much better than it was at the end of the century.” Jonathan said as he went up the steps. “I believe he will keep some of her property but I am certain he will sell much of the artwork and other artifacts she obtained over the years. He has no interest in the arts. Not like she did.”

  “I agree.” Tyler said.

  As the men continued to talk, Bella followed behind them, her eyes straying to see if Joshua was still standing by the side of the porch, now to her left. He had moved from where he’d been standing and was now further off to the side, digging a hole near a line of bushes.

  Bella looked up at the men as they went inside. She wanted to talk to Joshua, just to see how his day was going and see his warm smile. She hesitated, going up several steps before stopping and turning back.

  Andrew was heading toward her now, his eyes curious.

  “Are you all right, Miss Bella? Can I assist you in some way?”

  She looked at him, pulling in a deep breath. “Will you please take Lord Humbridge’s things to the room that has been prepared for him, Andrew? You know which one it is, do you not?”

  “I do, Miss.”

  “Good. Also, tell Lord Humbridge and my brothers that I will be in shortly. I wish to speak to Joshua first.”

  “Yes, Miss.”

  Bella took the steps back down quickly and hurried across the green grass to where Joshua was digging the hole. There were plants lying on the ground near him ready to be planted and several buckets of dirt sitting nearby. As she got closer, she moved slower, afraid that she would be a bother to him. He hadn’t seen her, as his back was to her as he dug.

  When she came within calling distance, she lifted her hand to her mouth, cupping it so that when she said his name it would carry a bit further without everyone on the Estate knowing she was calling to him. She stopped abruptly when a figure emerged from the bushes just on the other side of where Joshua was digging.

  It was Elena. Bella’s breath caught in her throat and she immediately became angry. Her small hands clenched into fists and she held them at her sides firmly. Surely the kitchen maid had work to do. What was she doing out here? She did not want to see Elena or hear them talking to each other. She didn’t want to overhear something that was not intended for her. Joshua was some years older than her and their conversation might not be appropriate for Bella. However, she didn’t want to stop going toward him, either. She was the mistress of the house and could go wherever she wanted and talk to whomever she wished. She did not have to bow to the desires of the servants. She could send Elena away if she wanted to.

  She ground her teeth together and tried her best to stop looking like a bullfighter as she approached… or the bull. She forced herself to relax her hands and her jaw and put a smile on her face. When Elena saw her coming, the look on her face gave Bella the impression she was just as unhappy the two of them were there at the same time as Bella was.

  Joshua stood up and held out one hand to greet Elena. The woman took his hand, casting a restrained sneering look at Bella, as if to say, “I get to hold his hand and you don’t.”

  Jealousy flushed through Bella, making her cheeks burn hot. She could do nothing to suppress the automatic reaction and was immediately ashamed because of it.

  Just then, Joshua turned around and looked in the direction Elena was gazing. When he saw Bella coming, he withdrew his hand, much to Elena’s shock and dismay. Bella smiled at him, suddenly feeling better and continued forward toward him.




  “Good afternoon, Joshua,” Bella said, keeping herself from giving Elena a look that might betray her feelings.

  “Good afternoon, Miss Bella,” Joshua replied, looking stunned and caught in the middle of something he didn’t want to be in the middle of. His eyes moved quickly from Bella to Elena and back. Bella wondered if he expected the women to start fighting. It was obvious, she was sure, from both their faces that neither of them cared for the other.

  Elena curtsied ever so slightly when Bella stopped in front of them. “Miss Bella,” she said, obviously forcing herself to show the respect she knew Bella required as her employer. “It is a beautiful day for a walk, is it not?”

  Bella nodded. “Yes, it is, Elena. Only I am not going on a walk. I simply wanted to speak to Joshua for a moment.”

  Elena didn’t look like she wanted to leave. She looked at Joshua as if she expected him to dismiss Bella and pay his attention to her instead. When he saw her looking at him, his eyes opened wide and he said nothing.

  A long pause created awkwardness that made Bella very uncomfortable. She knew Elena would talk to the other servants and rumors would be started. She thought better of the situation and took a step backward. “Joshua, if you will find me later when you are not so busy, I would very much appreciate it.”

  Joshua took a step toward her. She could tell he did not want her to leave. It gave her a warm feeling inside but she knew she had to retreat. It would do no good for the servants to be talking about her behind her back, spreading gossip and rumors. Chances were good Elena was going to do it anyway, but she didn’t want to further the situation by exposing her feelings in front of the kitchen maid.

  “Miss Bella, if you need something from me, I am willing to help.”

  She shook her head. “No, it is not important. If you will seek me out later, it will be most appreciated.”

  He looked forlorn. “All right, Miss Bella. I will.”

  Bella stood for just another moment, looking at him, before turning away.

  “Have a good day with your fiancé, Miss Bella!” Elena called after her. Bella caught the condescending tone. She turned back with a smile.

  “Thank you, Elena! I am very excited to be marrying the son of a Baron in London! I may have a chance to visit the Prince Regent, as Jonathan is quite close to the royal family. Can you imagine how amazing it will be to meet him? Oh, I’m sure you cannot imagine the thrill of it. Can you?” She couldn’t help herself. She wanted to continue on about how Elena would never have any of the privileges that she herself was open to. However, from the look on Joshua’s face, he was disappointed she had said what she had. She lost her smile, turned, and stomped back to the house, unable to control her temper.

  As soon as she began up the steps of the porch, her shame overcame her. Tears sprang to her eyes and she wobbled on her feet. She made it to the top and stopped for just a moment, straightening her spine, and bringing herself under control.

  She had no right to treat the kitchen maid in such a way. How could she be jealous that Elena was spending time with Joshua when she herself was marrying a fine gentleman like Jonathan? Jonathan loved her. She loved him.

  Bella ran to the front door. As soon as she was in the house, she lifted her skirt and ran up the stairs to her room. She needed a moment to recover from her humiliating experience before she saw Jonathan and her brothers. They would know something was amiss by the look on her face if she did not.

  Once she was in her room, she splashed water on her face and dried it off with a towel. The urge to cry had passed. She was angry again, but she didn’t know whether she was angry at Elena or herself. Something about the kitchen maid made her jealousy come to a peak.

  She contemplated whether to have Elena dismissed. All she had to do was tell her mother or father that the girl was rude and disrespectful. All she had to say was that she didn’t like her and she would be gone. Could she do that to the woman though? This was her livelihood. She knew nothing else. She could find another job, but did Bella really want to
put someone else through that hardship, simply because she was jealous?

  I’m getting married, she thought, looking in a mirror. I must get myself together. This is unacceptable behavior for a future Baroness.

  She couldn’t resist going to the window and looking through it to see if Joshua and Elena had stayed where they were. She could just see them over the bushes near the front of the house. He was digging the hole with all his might while Elena spoke to him. He didn’t look happy. Elena’s gestures were somewhat frantic.

  Bella wondered what they were saying.

  Joshua pushed the shovel into the dirt and stomped on it, even though the dirt was soft enough and didn’t need the extra push. As he pulled the dirt from the ground, he half listened to Elena, who was going on about something in the kitchen that had gone wrong, some kind of mishap with one of the dishes. He didn’t care to hear the story but was politely quiet as she spoke; nodding when he felt it was appropriate and giving small sounds of acknowledgment.

  “Joshua, are you listening to me?” Elena asked in a huffy voice. He looked up at her, his eyes narrow.

  “I am hearing what you are saying, Elena. But I am also working. I cannot stop working because you have decided to take a break from your duties.”

  Elena’s lips turned down in a pout and he felt sorry for what he’d said. He resisted the urge to comfort her. He didn’t want to give the girl an impression that they were more than just friends. “You never used to act this way before. What has happened to change you?”

  Joshua knew what had changed him. The fact that he was going to have to watch Bella marry someone else. That was the long and short of the story. It was going to break his heart and he knew it. Nevertheless, it was going to happen and he had to accept it. That didn’t mean he had to accept life with a woman he didn’t want to be with, though. And that’s what was happening now. Circumstances had forced him to resign himself to the attention of Elena, who was clearly in love with him, when he wanted nothing more than friendship with her.


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